Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 4, 2017

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

sale but the rental offer was fraudulent. The investigation is the Arcadia City Jail for booking. sale but the rental offer was fraudulent. The investigation is the Arcadia City Jail for booking. 
Mountain View News Saturday, November 4, 2017 


The Arcadia Police Department has beenthe emergence of drug-impaired driving. This 
awarded a $100,000 grant from the Californiagrant funding will provide opportunities to 
Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a year-long combat these and other devastating problemsprogram of special enforcements and publicsuch as speeding and crashes at intersections.
awareness efforts to prevent traffic related deaths“Unsafe behaviors account for 94 percent ofand injuries. The Arcadia Police Departmenttraffic crashes,” said OTS Director Rhonda 
will use the funding as part of the city’s ongoingCraft. “This grant emphasizes the two mostcommitment to keep our roadways safe and effective ways to change behaviors – educationimprove the quality of life through bothand enforcement. The Arcadia Police 
enforcement and education. Captain LarryDepartment, with assistance from the Office ofGoodman said, “The Arcadia Police DepartmentTraffic Safety, will use these tools to help keepbenefits from this grant by enhancing theArcadia streets safe.” Activities that the grant 
department’s current traffic philosophy that will fund include: 
embraces educating our community regardingtraffic safety and enforcing hazardous traffic– Educational presentations ·
violations that place the city’s residents and– DUI checkpoints ·
visitors at risk. As with last year, the grant– DUI saturation patrolswill provide advanced, specialized training for– Bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcementArcadia Police Department personnel and will– Distracted driving enforcement ·
create even more opportunities for our officers– Seat belt and child safety seat enforcement ·
to be visible throughout the community. We– Speed, red light, and stop sign enforcement 
have every reason to believe the combinedefforts of the Office of Traffic Safety and theWhile alcohol remains the worst offender for 
Arcadia Police Department will have an impactDUI crashes, the Arcadia Police Departmentin reducing the number of people injured orsupports the new effort from OTS that aimskilled in traffic collisions.” After falling to a tento drive awareness that “DUI Doesn’t Just 
year low in 2010, the number of persons killedMean Booze.” Prescription medications and 
on roadways has climbed nearly 17 percentmarijuana can also be impairing by themselves,
across the state, with 3,429 fatalities in 2015. or in combination with alcohol, and can result 
Particularly alarming is the rise in pedestrianin a DUI arrest. Funding for this program isand bicycle fatalities that now comprise nearlyfrom the California Office of Traffic Safety25 percent of all traffic deaths, along with thethrough the National Highway Traffic Safetygrowing dangers of distracting technologies and Administration. 

11/2 AND 11/13 

From Arcadia’s Best individual buildings, 11 potential historic districts,
The City retained Architectural Resource Group,and 12 potential non-building resources (structures,
Inc. (ARG) in July of 2015 to prepare the City’sobjects and sites) were documented through the 
first comprehensive Citywide Historic Context survey. The historic resources survey does notStatement and conduct an intensive-level surveydesignate properties under the federal (Nationalof all the properties within the city limits that wereRegister), state (California Register), and localconstructed through 1970 (or all the properties that(City of Arcadia) designation programs. Althoughare 45 years of age or older at the time of the survey).a survey provides recommendations regarding theBased on the evaluation, a total of 188 potentialeligibility of a property, no actual designation resultshistoric including 165 potential directly from the process. 



For the period of Sunday, October 22nd, through Saturday,
October 28th, the Police Department responded to 869 callsfor service, of which 100 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. 

Sunday, October 22:

Shortly before 7:35 a.m., an officer responded to the 2100block of South Baldwin Avenue regarding a suspicious vehiclereport. Upon contacting the driver, the officer discovered the49-year-old male from Hesperia was driving with expiredregistration, had two fraudulent plates on the vehicle, andhad a fraudulent registration sticker. During a consensualsearch of the vehicle, the officer located stolen mail, burglarytools, and possible stolen electronics. A records check 
revealed the suspect also had two outstanding misdemeanorwarrants and a suspended driver’s license. He was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.

At approximately 2:09 p.m., an officer responded to abusiness complex in the 800 block of West Duarte Roadregarding a vandalism report. An investigation revealed anunknown suspect used a heating device to char and meltthe elevator button and metal panel sometime during theprevious evening. No suspects were seen and no witnesseswere located. 

Monday, October 23:

Just after 8:41 a.m., an officer responded to a doctor’s officeat 300 West Huntington Drive regarding a burglary report.
Surveillance footage revealed a male suspect entered thebusiness, stole a key, and damaged a piece of medicalequipment before fleeing.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, balding,
wearing eye glasses, a dark grey shirt, black shorts, and abackpack. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 9:51 a.m., officers responded to aresidence in the 300 block of West Palm Drive regarding aburglary report. An investigation revealed two male suspectsentered the residence through an open window, encounteredthe victim, and fled in an unknown direction. They stole alaptop and left behind a police radio scanner. An area searchwas conducted but the suspects were not located.

The suspects are described as light skinned, in their early20’s, and wearing black clothing. The investigation is ongoing. 

Tuesday, October 24:

Around 12:05 a.m., officers responded to a residencein the 1000 block of Coronado Drive regarding a burglary 
report. Officers determined unknown suspects entered theresidence by forcing open a rear window, they ransackedthe location, and fled with cash, jewelry, handbags, and adesigner watch. The investigation is ongoing.

Just before 9:13 a.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 400 block of Harvard Drive regarding a theft fromvehicle report. The officer discovered an unknown suspectentered the unlocked vehicle and stole more than $3,000 in 
electronics and sunglasses before fleeing. No suspects wereseen and no witnesses were located. 

Wednesday, October 25:

Shortly after 1:29 p.m., an officer responded to a residencein the 2000 block of South Seventh Avenue regarding a fraudreport. The victim stated she responded to the suspect’sCraigslist ad to rent a house. Upon further investigation bythe victim, she discovered the home was legitimately for


At about 7:39 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collisionnear the intersection of Baldwin Avenue and Naomi Avenue. 
A witness stated the suspect vehicle was swerving beforecolliding into the center median. An officer contacted thedriver and detected a strong odor of alcohol emitting fromhis person. Through a series of tests, the officer determinedthe suspect was driving with a blood alcohol content of.162%. The 65-year-old male from Huntington Park wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
The suspect was also found to have a suspended license dueto a previous DUI and did not have the required interlockdevice on his vehicle. These additional offenses were added 
to his list of charges. 

Thursday, October 26:

Before 12:39 a.m., an officer responded to The Eye Shop,
288 East Live Oak Avenue, regarding a burglary report.
Surveillance footage revealed two suspects smashed the frontglass door, grabbed 26 pairs of designer sunglasses, and fledin an unknown direction. 

A witness described the first suspect as 5’5” tall, wearing agrey hooded sweatshirt, and dark pants. The second suspectis described as 5’3” tall, wearing a black hooded sweatshirtand black shorts. The investigation is ongoing.

Around 4:55 p.m., an officer responded to a residence inthe 200 block of Sharon Road regarding a mail theft report.
Surveillance footage revealed a male suspect exited thepassenger side of the vehicle and removed the victim’s mailfrom her mailbox at approximately 4:00 p.m. on October25th. The suspect then returned to the black, 4-door vehicleand fled eastbound. 

The passenger is described as a Hispanic male, 20 to30-years-old, with a medium build, wearing a black baseballhat with a white logo, and a black shirt. The investigation isongoing. 

Friday, October 27:

At about 6:23 a.m., an officer responded to Rite Aid, 165East Foothill Boulevard, regarding a commercial burglaryreport. Surveillance footage revealed three suspects used acrowbar to pry open the exterior door, then they proceededto the pharmacy where they placed numerous bottles ofpharmaceuticals in a trash can. They returned to their vehicleand fled in an unknown direction. 

All three suspects were wearing hooded sweatshirts pulledover their faces and gloves. The investigation is ongoing.

Just before 6:58 a.m., an officer responded to the 1200block of West Huntington Drive regarding a transientsleeping in front of the business location. During aconsensual search of the 24-year-old male transient ofArcadia, the officer located LSD, a controlled substance. 
A records check revealed the suspect had an outstandingmisdemeanor warrant. He was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking

Shortly after 9:58 a.m., an officer initiated a traffic stopon a vehicle in the area of Santa Anita Avenue and Duarte 
Road for having a broken tail light. Upon contacting thedriver, he stated he had a suspended license. A records checkrevealed the driver, a 22-year-old male from Sylmar, also hadan outstanding misdemeanor warrant. During a consensualsearch of the vehicle, the officer located methamphetamine,
cocaine, and stolen credit cards. An 18-year-old malepassenger from Sylmar was also arrested for Possession of aNarcotic Controlled Substance and both were transported to


By Joan Schmidt

Last Friday, I attended the Retirement of a dearold friend, Jim Kirchner after serving nine yearsas the CEO/President of the Duarte Chamber ofCommerce. Under Jim’s leadership, the Chambercontinued many successful partnerships includingthose with City of Duarte and the Duarte UnifiedSchool Board. There have been Ongoing BusinessVisits in partnership with the City and San GabrielValley Economic Partnership; Quarterly BusinessSeminars, Monthly Network Breakfasts, AnnualClinic Health Fair, Monthly Ladies NetworkingLunches, Annual Principal for a Day Program,
Annual Women’s Business Expo and Annual Tasteof Duarte. 

The Retirement Planning Committee outdid 
themselves. Jim is an avid Dodger Fan, so there wasthe Sports Theme. Cozy round tables had 3 baseballsinside vase centerpieces, surrounded by peanuts andboxes of Cracker Jacks that extended outwards like 
petals of a flower. The food was beyond deliciousand so many wonderful people came. I ran aroundtaking photos and apologize to anyone I missed. TheKirchners are very loved and appreciated not only inDuarte, but surrounding areas.

Attending were Jim’s wife Kathy, son Jeremy anddaughter-in-law, brother and sister-in-law, severalDuarte Chamber Members, including SherylLefman, Diana Burchard, Tina Carey, Tina Heany,
Julie Gentile, Rana Madain, Leonard Ramirez- justto mention a few, dear friends Lois Gaston, the 
Hellers, Duffs, Daveys, Belbas, Manoj Patel, Dr.
Murcerino DUSD Superintendent, Duarte MayorPro Tem John Fasana and Council Members Liz 
Reilly and Tzeitel Paras-Caraci, with husbandand son, Monrovia’s past Mayor, Mary Ann Lutz,
Foothill Unity Center’s Betty Mc Williams, Mr.
Fanara-(Remember the fabulous Restaurant ?)…
the list goes on and on.

There was a beautiful framed Resolution from the 
CA State Legislature and a flag that had been flownover the State Capitol. Kristi Lopez representingSenator Portantino and Veronica Lopez representingAssemblywoman Blanca Rubio made the jointpresentation. 


The MAD Town Council presented Jim aCertificate of Recognition for his twelve years on theDuarte City Council, Champion of Youth, workingto help keep Pamela Park open and supportingHabitat for Humanity; and nine years as Presidentof the Chamber-brought new programs in andcontinued the old ones. 

Among Jim’s many gifts: from the Duarte 
Chamber, a Dodger shirt with the number 66 
on it; from the City of Duarte, a framed picture 
of the Dodger Message Board, “The Dodgers 
thank and congratulate Jim Kirchner for nine 
years as Chamber CEO”; from Foothill Unity 
Center a Plaque; from SO CAL GAS CO’s Bob 
Cruz, a framed letter from Tommy Lasorda 
saying “Congratulations” and “Thank You” to Jim 

The evening was so wonderful-so many peoplecoming to celebrate a great man, who with hisbeloved Kathy, has worked tirelessly for thebetterment of Duarte! Thank you Jim! 

We wanted to share with everyone that Mr.
John Foltz, a member of the City’s MonroviaRenewal Citizens’ Advisory Committee and aterrific 'Monrovian', passed away last Thursday,
October 26, 2017. Mr. Foltz had suffered a stroke 
and a heart attack a few weeks ago, and he hadbeen in the ICU since that time. In addition to 
being part of the Monrovia Renewal Citizens’Advisory Committee, the Foltz’s were also avidpreservationists and lived in the Milton PottengerHouse (363 North Myrtle Avenue – HistoricLandmark, #53). We will be sure to pass alongadditional details regarding funeral arrangementsas they become available in the future. 


David D'Alvarez & Chief Advancement & Communications Officer Jennifer D'Alvarez 

LOS ANGELES – October 25, 2017 – More than and auction. 
$158,000 was raised at the 2017 Mentor Awards Gala The evening’s highlights featured gourmet
to benefit the treatment and education programs forfood and refreshment stations from Bacari GDL, 
at-risk youth served by Optimist Youth Homes &Crossings, Food Solutions, Jacks & Joe, Lincoln,
Family Services.The Flats, The Raymond 1886, Nothing Bundt

Held October 18 at South Park Center in Cakes, Pence Vineyards and Winery, Tanner DaFoedowntown Los Angeles, the evening honored Winery and Tito’s Handmade Vodka. Live, andtwo of Optimist’s major supporters – Mentor silent auctions and entertainment rounded out an 
Award recipient Stuart Kaiser, active with theevening to remember.
Pacific Palisades Optimist Club and the OptimistFounded in 1906, OYHFS is one of the region’sFoundation, and Humanitarian Award recipient,largest education and treatment centers for juvenileThe Gary Troy Foundation, for its deep commitmentoffenders and at-risk children. It operates residentialto the nonprofit’s mission to treat and educatecare facilities for 160 boys and girls, a charterat-risk youth. Bishop Craig Worsham, a formerschool, multifaceted mental health programs forresident of Optimist Youth Homes who recentlycommunity youth and adults, aftercare services andfounded community-based ministry Agape Churcha foster care and adoption agency.
of Los Angeles, was the guest speaker. Hosted byFor more information about Optimist Youth 
HLN’s Michaela Pereira, over 250 guests celebratedHomes & Family Services, please call (323) 443-3023, 
Kaiser and the Gary Troy Foundation at the dinner or email 


We are so excited to be welcoming Captain Alan opportunity to provide comments / remarks.
Sanvictores as our new Chief of Police in two Our City Clerk, Alice Atkins, will then formally 
short weeks! Please join us as we swear him in swear Alan in as our next Police Chief. 
prior to our City Council meeting on November Following that event, Alan will be asked to 
7, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. An invitation for the event is make a few remarks, and then a reception will 
included below, and a quick overview of the event follow in the EOC. 
highlights include:To RSVP for the event, please contact Jackie 

The event will begin with an introduction by Tran at, or give her a call 
staff. at (626) 932-5512. We are looking forward to this 
The City Council will then be provided with an event, and hope you can join us! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: