Food & Drink | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, November 11, 2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views-News Saturday, NOVEMBER 11, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE Mountain Views-News Saturday, NOVEMBER 11, 2017 9FOOD AND DRINK & MORE TABLE FOR TWO by Peter AWARENESS Perhaps it’s my age. Or perhaps I’m justdeveloping awareness to the effects of alcoholconsumption. A recent study published in theUniversity of Berkeley Wellness Newslettersaid that moderate consumption for anaverage adult is one drink a day for womenand two drinks for a man (obviously age andweight play a part). You may have heard that aglass of red wine is good for your heart, whichmakes sense since it contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that mayprotect blood vessels, but beer and peanutshave benefits as well as any foods derived fromplants. I recently covered a story on my radioprogram promoting beer as a preventativecure for Alzheimer’s. Wine drinkers tend to be a bit more health conscious than beer drinkers and often consume their wine with meals. Recently I came across an article suggesting tequilacan help you lose weight. I think you see where this is all going. Rodney Strong Vineyards in Sonoma County hasbeen producing wines since the 1950’s. I recentlypurchased a bottle of the 2014 Cabernet for under$20 at my local supermarket. Yes there was indeed a Rodney Strong - he made his mark in the winebusiness, but began his career as a dancer (theremust be a segue, here but I’ll stick to the wine). Finding a cabernet under $20 is easy; findinga good one is something else. I first discovered Rodney Strong while staying at a swanky NewportBeach hotel – the wine was the gift they left in theroom as a welcome present. Not one to shy awayfrom a gift of wine and cheese, I have been a bigfan since. The wine itself is a bit lighter in colorthan some other cabs, but the nose and finish are right on target. Some of my friends think it needsto sit for a couple of years, but I say at this price point there is no reason to sit on it. Open and letit breathe for a half-hour and Rodney is ready. It goes great with a sweet cheddar cheese or a roastedchicken or even a bone in rib eye. It’s priced right, and readily available at restaurants and your localwine retailer. Dills Score Each week I will give you my Dills Score. Startingwith a base of 50 points, I have added 7 points forcolor, 8 points for aroma or “nose”, 8 points fortaste, 8 points for finish, and 8 points for my overallimpression, which includes my value rating. Total Score 91 Retails for $25.00 On Sale around $19 at area markets including Vons Follow me on twitter kingofcusine and make sureyou listen to my radio show Saturday at 4:30 PMKRLA AM 870 and again on Sunday at 12 Noonfollow me on twitter kingofcuisine Read us online at: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||