Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 10, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, February 10, 2018 

PWP Announces Assistant Library, NEA Big Read, When Free February Events at
General Managerthe Emperor Was Divine Pasadena Senior Center

follow. Produced by Jason There is something for 
(PWP) appointed Mitchell to assisting PWP implement 

 Pasadena Water and Power water quality. “I look forward 

Matsumoto, each film tells a everyone in February at the 
Dion as its new Assistant their strategic objectives 

personal story dramatizing Pasadena Senior Center, 85 E. 
General Manager (AGM) of and advance the community 

a different period of this Holly St. You do not have to be a 
Water Delivery. Dion will fill interests in water resources,” member to attend. Some events 

history, from the issuance 

require advance reservations as 

the position left by the previous said Mitchell Dion.

of Executive Order 9066 to 


Water AGM Shan Kwan, who “Mitch Dion’s proven 

the internment’s present

 Tax Time – Wednesdays 

retired in May 2016.track record of success and 

day legacy for younger 

and Fridays to Apr. 13, from 

 Dion has extensive experience commitment to the water 

generations. A discussion of 9 to 11 a.m. Representatives 

the films led by UC Riverside from the AARP Foundation’s the great outdoors and get some 

in the utility industry and industry makes him a great 

has held senior management fit for Pasadena and we are 

Assistant Professor of Tax-Aide program will assist exercise. Alan Colville will give 

positions in both publicly and excited to have him as part of 
privately-owned utilities. As our executive team,” said PWP 

History Megan Asaka and low- to middle-income filers you a list of items to bring, 
featuring Jason Matsumoto, in preparing their federal let you know what to expect, 

a former General Manager General Manager Gurcharan 

income tax returns. There is provide detailed itineraries and 

of water utilities in Northern Bawa. 

Film Producer and Creative 
and Southern California, Dion Dion holds a Master’s Degree 

no age limit. Appointments are arrange transportation. For 

Director of Ho Etsu Taiko 

required: 626-795-4331.more information or to sign up, 

brings a distinctive perspective from the University of 

follows the screening.

Tech It Up! The Basics email

of California water issues to Southern California Viterbi 

American writer, journalist 

and Benefits of Technology Diabetes Workshop – 

PWP. A champion of water School of Engineering. He 

and author Naomi Hirahara – Mondays to Feb. 26, from Fridays, to March 16, from 

resource stewardship, he led served in the Marines and 

will then discuss her latest 3 to 4:30 pm. (the Feb. 19 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Whether 

several local and regional his extensive military career 
programs for communities includes a combination of Pasadena Public Library book, An American Son: will be canceled due to the you or someone you care about 

to implement integrated engineering and policy decision presents the National The Story of George Aratani, holiday). Learn the basics and is diabetic or pre-diabetic, 
practices using stormwater, making. He also worked Endowment for the Arts’ Founder of Mikasa and advantages of technology you this series will encourage 
reclaimed water and other within the State and Federal NEA Big Read, which Kenwood. Hirahara was can use in your everyday life. you to make lifestyle changes 
water supplies to balance legislature. Additionally, broadens our understanding a reporter and editor of Each class will have a specific while learning more about 
water needs. Additionally, his water development of our world, our The Rafu Shimpo during focus on a common application your diabetes and how it 
he assisted communities experience includes addressing communities and ourselves the post-war redress and of technology, its benefits, affects your health. Workshop 
with water development groundwater contamination disadvantages, basic setup and topics include diet, exercise, 

through the joy of sharing reparations movement for medication issues, managing 

and portfolio diversification and mitigation from military instructions along with other 

a good book. The library Japanese Americans. She is complications and the impact 

projects, including Seattle’s and research facilities. His helpful hints. Feb. 5: What are 

features programming currently a writer of both apps? Feb. 12: Twitter; Feb. 26: of diabetes on eyes, teeth and 

Tolt River Project and the San awards include recognition 

Diego County Water Authority by the U.S. Environmental designed around the book, fiction and non-fiction Amazon. Presented by Jade feet. Reservations are required: 
Carlsbad Desalination Project.Protection Agency for When the Emperor Was works, including the Edgar Myer, a Pasadena community 626-685-6732. 
Dion was hired after a emergency management Divine, by author Julie Award-winning Mas Arai Gold Award Girl Scout Long Term Care 
nationwide search, and as the and the Association of Civil Otsuka on Saturday, Feb. 17 mystery series.candidate.and Retirement Income – 
Assistant General Manager Engineers for overseeing from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Concluding the event A Toast to the Joys of Thursday, Feb. 15, at 10 a.m. 
of Water Delivery, Dion will design and construction of at Central Library’s Donald will be a presentation on Music – Tuesdays, to Feb. 27, Learn about financial tools to 
be responsible for all aspects environmentally sustainable Wright Auditorium, 285 E. the Manzanar Experience from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Tom help you navigate through your 
of Pasadena’s water system facilities.Campbell will play guitar and retirement, how to guarantee 

Walnut St., Pasadena.followed by a book sing songs in the Senior Center your retirement income for the 

services, which include To learn more about Dion, 

 The event focuses on the discussion of When the Lounge. Stop by and enjoy his rest of your life, maximize your 

resources, engineering, visit

historical aspects of the Emperor Was Divine. covers of traditional country, Social Security Benefits and 

construction, operations and Executives. 

World War II internment of NEA Big Read is a program country rock, blues, folk, gospel avoid the biggest retirement 
Japanese Americans. Megan of the National Endowment and classic rock originally risks. Presented by New York 
Asaka, (pictured below for the Arts in partnership made famous by Willie Nelson, Life. 

Pet of the 

right) Assistant Professor of with Arts Midwest.Merle Haggard, Vince Gill, Elder Abuse –Thursday, 

Feb. 22, at 10 a.m. Elder abuse 

History at UC Riverside will For more on this and other Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Neil 


Young, The Grateful Dead, The is a crime, and all seniors 

start the program off with an Big Read events, contact 

Rolling Stones and many more.should know their rights. 

overview of Executive Order Christine Reeder at (626) 

 Savvy Caregivers – Protect yourself by learning 

9066 Then and Now. Asaka 744-7076. 

Tuesdays, Feb. 6 to March 13, what to do in the event you Isn’t Ziggy (A450161) just 

has worked extensively in 

from 1 to 3 p.m. Caregivers or someone you love is being 

the cutest? This juvenile 

the field of public history, 

will learn basic knowledge abused. Presented by Adult 

rabbit was found stray 

including five years as an oral 

and skills needed to care for Protective Services, Pasadena 

in Pasadena along with 

historian and visual history 

family members who have been Office. 

two siblings. All three are 

diagnosed with Alzheimer’s The Pasadena Senior Center 
absolutely adorable. They digital archive of primary 

coordinator for Densho, a 

disease and other dementias. is an independent, nonprofit 

and-wellness exam from 

Presented by Alzheimer’s organization that offers 

run circles around one sources related to the World 

VCA Animal Hospitals, 

Greater Los Angeles. recreational, educational, 

another and then snuggle War II incarceration of 

Registration is required: wellness and social services 

as well as a goody bag 

together during naptime. Japanese Americans. people ages 50 and older 

Young rabbits should have filled with information Hidden Histories, a touring 

 Scenic Walkers Club – in a welcoming environment. 

about how to care for program of short narrative 

Wednesdays to Feb. 28, at 10 Services are also provided alfalfa hay in their diets in 

your pet.films about the internment 

a.m. Join this new group for a for frail, low-income and 
addition to timothy hay 

 View photos of adoptable of Japanese Americans will 

series of leisurely walks to enjoy homebound seniors.

and leafy greens. Be sure 

pets at pasadenahumane. 

to speak to a veterinarian 

org. Adoption hours are 

about the best diet for 

11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 

your rabbit. 

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday 

 The adoption fee for 

through Friday; and 9 

rabbits is $35. All rabbits 

a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
are spayed or neutered 

 Pets may not be available 

and microchipped before 

for adoption and cannot 

going to their new home. 

be held for potential 

New adopters will receive 

adopters by phone calls or 

a complimentary health-


Boston Court Presents ‘A 
Streetcar Named Desire’

More About A Streetcar 

 Boston Court Performing Arts Named DesireCenter presents a reimagined Director Michael Michetti 
modern take of Tennessee plans to strip away decades 
Williams’ A Streetcar Named of “Southern gothic gauze” 
Desire (February 15 - March to reveal striking themes 
25). The community panels of class, race, and gender—
and discussions have been reinvigorating the classic which 
announced for this radical re-shocked audiences in its debut 
envisioning of Streetcar which 70 years ago. By placing a 
will feature a multicultural cast traditional, 1940s era Blanche 
and modern setting, pushing on within a contemporary, 
the play’s present-day relevance. multicultural and urban 
This selection of panel environment familiar to 
discussions and post-show modern audiences but foreign 
Illuminations will allow for a to her, this new production 
deep discussion on A Streetcar highlights the pertinence of this 
Named Desire and its many play for our divided America.
prevalent themes, especially A Streetcar Named Desire 
in regards to this production, originally opened on Broadway 
which is presented within in 1947. Directed by Elia 
a contemporary and urban Kazaan, the show starred 
environment, highlighting the Jessica Tandy, Marlon Brando, 
pertinence of the play for our Kim Hunter and Karl Malden. 
divided America.The play would go on to win 

 Director Michael Michetti the Pulitzer Prize for Drama 
says, "It's extremely important and Tandy would win the Tony 
for us to engage with different Award for best actress in a play. 
communities and facilitate an In 1951, the play became a 
open discussion of the ideas film. Kazan again directed and 
raised in this production. Brando, Hunter and Malden 
We've collaborated with reprised their roles. Vivien 
our Community Events Leigh played Blanche in the 
Coordinator Jonathan Muñoz-film and won an Oscar for lead 
Proulx, our Dramaturg actress, along with Malden 
Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni, for supporting actor and 
plus many artists involved Hunter for supporting actress. 
in this production and the The property has also been 
Compton Artists Alliance to adapted as an opera, ballet, and 
create a series of dialogues on numerous times for television.
topics from white privilege Tickets and Information: 
and queer voices, to the Boston Court Performing Arts 
changing demographics of our Center is located 70 N Mentor 
cities and the sexual politics Ave. Pasadena. Tickets range 
in the play. I look forward to from $20 - $39.
participating in these events For more information, 
and having conversations with including a complete list of 
the communities represented panels and discussions visit: 
onstage and the audiences that or call 
experience the production." 626.683.6801. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: