Arcadia · Monrovia · Duarte | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 10, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, February 10, 2018 THE ARCADIA TRANSIT APP IS NOW AVAILABLE The Arcadia Transit App is now available! The appprovides information on routes, schedules, andbus arrival updates for our fixed routes throughoutthe City. Users can get real time information andtrack bus locations, allowing for much easier tripplanning. Bus stops on the app display locationand estimated arrival times for the next bus and second bus. There’s also a notification feature that alerts users of their approaching bus. The app isavailable to download at Apple and Google Play stores. Search words: Arcadia Transit. For additional information, including detailedfixed route maps, please visit www.ArcadiaCA. gov/Transit. LASD Retirees Kim and Burt Brink were honored by the City of Arcadia at a recent City CouncilMeeting of years of community service. (Shown in photo are Kim, Burt, and Mayor PeterAmundson.) ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER For the period of Sunday, January 28th, through Saturday, February 3rd, the Police Department responded to 905 callsfor service, of which 112 required formal investigations. Thefollowing is a summary report of the major incidents handledby the Department during this period. Sunday, January 28: At approximately 11:02 a.m., an officer conducted a checkon a construction site on the 200 block of California Street. The officer located and contacted subjects on the property. An investigation revealed, one subject was in possession ofa fraudulent California Driver’s License and a fraudulent Social Security Card. A second subject had an outstandingwarrant for his arrest. The 36-year-old male from Monroviaand the 50-year-old male from El Monte were arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. At about 8:31 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop on avehicle near the intersection of Santa Clara Street and Santa Anita Avenue for not having license plates displayed. Aninvestigation revealed the vehicle’s registration had expiredin November of 2015 and the driver was in possession ofmethamphetamine and drug paraphernalia. The vehicle wasimpounded and the 57-year-old male from Pasadena wasissued a citation and released in the field. Monday, January 29: Around 1:17 p.m., officers were dispatched to HighlandReal Estate, 411 East Huntington Drive, regarding a theftreport. The victim witnessed a subject enter the business andsteal property from his desk. When he confronted the subject, the subject pushed him and fled the scene. Officers discoveredthe identity of the subject and located him. The 27-year-oldmale from Pasadena was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. Just after 2:58 p.m., an officer responded to a residence onthe 000 block of West Naomi Avenue regarding the reportof a burglary. An investigation revealed unknown suspect(s) entered the home through an unlocked rear window. Thesuspect(s) ransacked the residence and fled the scene. Theproperty loss could not be determined at the time due tothe residents residing out of the country. The investigation isongoing. Tuesday, January 30: At approximately 9:40 a.m., an officer was dispatchedto a residence on the 100 block of West Sycamore Avenueregarding a dispute between neighbors. An investigationrevealed the victim went outside to check on his barking dogwhen he witnessed a subject yelling and shooting a BB gun. The subject pointed the BB gun at the victim. The officer wasunsuccessful in contacting the subject. Shortly after 4:16 p.m., officers responded to a residenceon the 700 block of Tiffany Terrace regarding a residentialburglary. An investigation revealed unknown suspect(s) entered the residence through an unlocked garage door. Thesuspect(s) ransacked the residence, stealing several thousanddollars in cash as well as electronics, jewelry and rifles. Thesuspect(s) then fled the scene. The investigation is ongoing. Wednesday, January 31: Around 5:48 p.m., an officer was dispatched to a residenceon the 800 block of Hungate Lane, regarding the report of atheft from a vehicle. An investigation revealed an unknownsuspect entered the victim’s vehicle and stole property including a Garmin GPS and cash. No suspects were seen andno witnesses were located. Just after 11:23 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stop ona vehicle near the intersection of Duarte Road and Sunset Boulevard for unsafe lane changing and lane straddling. Uponcontacting the driver, the officer noticed the driver displayedsymptoms of being impaired. Through a series of tests, theofficer determined the 35-year-old female from Arizonawas driving under the influence of drugs. The suspect wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Thursday, February 1: Around 2:35 a.m., officers received a notification of an activation of an Arcadia Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had previously deployed decoypackages containing bait property and tracking devices tocombat the increase in package thefts from residential areas. Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the area ofSanta Anita Avenue and Live Oak Avenue and contacted the occupants. An investigation revealed a 31-year-old male anda 31-year-old female, both from San Gabriel, had the stolenpackage, property, and tracking device in their vehicle. Bothsuspects were arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. At approximately 9:32 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence on the 900 block of Balboa Drive regarding anunknown subject knocking on several residents’ doors. The officer located the subject in front of a residence. Uponcontacting the 42-year-old male from Los Angeles, the officernoticed symptoms of alcohol intoxication and determinedthe suspect was unable to care for himself. He was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Friday, February 2: Just after 1:49 p.m., officers conducted a traffic stop on astolen vehicle in the area of Second Avenue and Duarte Road. An investigation revealed the juvenile driver had stolen thevehicle in Monrovia the day prior. The vehicle was returnedto the registered owner and the 16-year-old male fromMonrovia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking. At approximately 4:30 p.m., officers received a notificationof an activation of an Arcadia Police Department GPStracker. Officers tracked a stolen package to a vehicle in theparking lot of Chili’s, 630 West Huntington Drive, in the cityof Monrovia. An investigation revealed a 33-year-old malefrom Pasadena had the stolen package, property, and trackingdevice in his vehicle. He was arrested and transported to theArcadia City Jail for booking. Saturday, February 3: Around 3:47 p.m., an officer responded to a residence onthe 1400 block of Melanie Lane regarding a domestic dispute. An investigation revealed a physical altercation occurredbetween a husband and wife resulting in the husband strikinghis wife with his phone and shoe. The 54-year-old male fromArcadia was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailfor booking. Just after 7:00 p.m., officers were dispatched to the areaof Camino Real Avenue and Tenth Avenue regarding adomestic dispute. The female victim told officers that herex-boyfriend punched her in the face before stealing herbackpack and fleeing the scene on foot. The investigation isongoing. BABA THE STORYTELLER AT LIVE OAK LIBRARY: Truly a Unique Experience played his Kora- a harp-that is totally unique. It was made of materials from FIVE countries. Baba received the parts from the five differentcountries, and then took them to an instrument maker to make his Kora. It is such a beautiful instrument made of a giant gourd, covered withcow’s skin and has 21 strings. Baba travels theworld-his next gig is Beijing- but his Kora doesnot leave the country. There is no way he wouldput it on a plane. So many schools have utilized this talented manand his presentation. The students not only learnculture, but they become confident speakers andfocused listeners. Please visit his website BabatheStoryteller.comto see firsthand what a talented man he is. Save the date: MARCH 17, 2018-he will return to the Live Oak Library. By Joan Schmidt Once again, the Live Oak Library has provideda wonderful learning experience to introduceBlack History Month. Last year it was the robustdynamic and LOUD Michael Mc Carty that wowed children at Pamela Park. This year it wasBaba the Storyteller. Prior to the Program, Denise Dilley, LibraryDirector introduced us. I mentioned Michael McCarty, and Baba said, “He’s my big brother.” Though technically not related, these greatfriends are multi-talented with different typepresentations. Baba is more soft-spoken. Bothcaptivate the audience immediately. I rememberMichael having a questions and answer periodand giving books as prizes. Baba immediatelyinvolved the audience. He taught us words andphrases and had everyone singing along. He PROPOSED BALLOT MEASURE TO ADDRESS PUBLIC SAFETY ISSUES CALLED, REDUCING CRIME ANDKEEPING CALIFORNIA SAFE ACT Recently, the California Public Safety Partner-•Expand DNA collection to include those con- ship Issues Committee began circulating a proposedvicted of drug, theft, domestic violence and otherinitiative called the Reducing Crime and Keepingserious crimes to help solve rape, murder and otherCalifornia Safe Act. The proposed measure is be-violent crimes — and to exonerate those wronglying advanced by Sacramento District Attorney Anneaccused Marie Schubert and Assemblymember Jim Cooper,Additional information about the measure can be and if the measure does obtain the requisite num-found online at the Keep California Safe website. ber of signatures needed to qualify for the NovemberIt should be noted that here in Monrovia, we have 2018 ballot, the legislation that voters will be asked tobeen a founding member of the Taking Back Ourconsider would do the following:Community (TBOC) coalition, which today boasts •Reclassify currently “non-violent” crimes – likeover 35 municipal members who are committed torape of an unconscious person, sex trafficking of asupporting common sense changes to California’schild and 14 other serious crimes – as “violent” in or-criminal justice system. Today in California, theftder to prevent the early release of inmates convictedunder $950 has become a consequence free crime, of these crimes and furthermore, individuals convicted of certain •Reform the parole system to stop the early re-heinous crimes (such as domestic violence or rape oflease of violent felons, expand parolee oversight, andan unconscious person) are eligible for early releasestrengthen penalties for parole violationsbecause in California, such crimes are not classified •Reform theft laws to restore accountability foras violent. For additional information on the TBOC serial thieves and organized theft gangs movement, please visit us online. IHEARTBOOKS PROGRAM COMES TO DUARTE USD Bernadette Lopez has a calling. As one of the AmeriCorps Program Recipients, she has taken on the program “IHeartBooks”. The goal of this program is to ensure all students reach their proficient level in reading. A recent study by the US Department of Education found that 82% of students from low income families fail to reach the proficient level. Bernadette is working to find tutors for K-2 kids. - The volunteers will meet weekly with their student at their school, - Offer individual and small group attention - Help students improve their reading comprehensionskills - Give positive feedback and support. Training will be provided for volunteers. Bernadette shared the program at a recent Duarte Kiwanis meeting. If you are interested in joining Duarte Kiwanis or being a speaker at a future event, contact Tina Carey at CANYON PARK CABIN IS GETTING “DECKED” OUT WITH A NEW LOOK! Just a quick note to let everyone know that the a new, improved composite decking material. Canyon Park Cabin Deck Replacement Project is While construction is taking place, the cabin will getting underway this week! The City Council ap-not be accepting any facility rentals, and a fence proved a contract in January 2018 to replace the will be set up to prevent park visitors from en- aging deck that surrounds the cabin in Canyon tering the construction area. We will be sure to Park to give facility renters a beautiful view of the keep you posted on our progress, and share picsurrounding trees, foliage, and wildlife. The proj-tures once the project is complete! If you have ect is expected to take 4-5 weeks to complete the any questions or concerns, please contact Public removal of the existing deck and replace it with Works at (626) 932-5575. ASSEMBLYMEMBER HOLDEN HOSTING A PUBLIC SAFETY MEETING IN MONROVIA ON THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2018, AT THE COMMUNITY CENTER STARTING AT 5:30 P.M. Given the nature of public safety related issuesthe Monrovia Community Center on Thursday, in California, Assemblymember Chris Holden March 1, 2018, starting at 5:30 p.m. Addition- will be hosting a public safety meeting to dis-al event details are highlighted in the messagecuss issues related to Proposition 47 and 57 at below. We’d like to hear from you! What’s on YOUR Mind? Contact us at: editor@ or mountainviewsnews AND Twitter: @mtnviewsnews Pictured (from left) – Duarte Kiwanis President, Diane Hernandez, Bernadette Lopez. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||