Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, February 10, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 10, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, february 10, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Chu Introduces San Marino Free Downtown Specific Plan 
Reuniting Families ActCompost GiveawayDevelopment Code Training

 Rep. Judy Chu introduced 

A free compost giveaway 

H.R. 4944, Tuesday, the 
self-serve event will be 
Reuniting Families Act, 

held on Saturday, May 5th 
to fix the current backlog 

from 9 a.m. until noon at 
in the family immigration 

Lacy Park in the west end 
system. Currently, it can 

parking lot. Bring your own 
take decades for a U.S. 

sturdy containers. There 
citizen to be reunited with 

 Planning Commission, the public spaces (road, 
even one family member. 

is a 30-gallon limit during 

Cultural Heritage open space, etc). 
The Reuniting Families Act, 

the first hour and no limit 

from 10 a.m. until noon, or Commission, and the Design The City’s General Plan/
cosponsored by 45 Members while supplies last. Plastic Review Board are having a Specific Plan consultant, 

from Norway, President 

of Congress, would make 
bags are not allowed. Bring joint meeting onFebruary Kaizer Rangwalla, will 

Trump is trying to 

a number of changes to undermine this system of your ID card or Athens 13.hold a training sessin for 
expediate and increase bill. For more information, The Downtown Specific the Planning Commission, 

legal immigration and make 

family reunification. Rep. 
contact Ed Chen at (626) Plan will be taking an Cultural Heritage 

America white again. He 

Chu released the following 
innovative approach to Commission, and the 

derisively describes family 

statement:immigration as ‘chain San Marino Peafowl/Peacocks zoning regulations for the Design Review Board at a 
“Our current family-based 

area, usually referred to as joint meeting on Tuesday, 

migration.’ Notably, at his Peacocks/peafowl have 

immigration laws were 

a “Form-Based Code.” A February 13 7:00 p.m. in the 

State of the Union, Trump been observed in several 

born from the civil rights 

Form-Based Code differs Library Community Room. 

claimed that one immigrant neighborhoods in San 

era, when America had the 

from conventional zoning The public is encouraged 

could bring in an unlimited Marino which has quickly 

moral strength and political 

because it puts more to attend to learn how a 

number of distant relatives. become a preferred location 

will to sweep away the laws 

emphasis on the relationship Form-Based Code works. 

This is not true. The truth for them to live. Peafowl 

that enforced prejudice. 

between the buildings and Refreshments will be served. 

is there are no visas for were introduced in the City 

Under the stewardship of 

grandparents, aunts, uncles, of Arcadia back in the late 

Sen. Ted Kennedy, a new, 

Exhibition to Focus on 19th

or cousins. And, for some 1800’s and have become part 

bipartisan law was passed in 

families, it can take decades of their community. Since 

1965 in order to replace the 

before they are reunited with then, peafowl have been Peafowl will avoid repellents, Century Astronomical Prints

xenophobic Immigration 

even one family member. seen in many neighboring such as certain Bird-X 

Act of 1924, which heavily 

That’s why there are nearly 4 communities as well as products. 

favored Nordic Europeans 

million people waiting in our more distant communities Trim overhanging large 

while restricting or banning 

current family immigration including Palos Verdes. trees. 

others. Since then, family 

visa backlog. And that’s why The City of San Marino Be cautious when 

immigration has meant 

my bill is needed. By making contracts with the Pasadena composting as peafowl are 

more diversity for our 

fixes that will accelerate Humane Society for animal attracted to compost. Keep 

country. Those that have 

family reunification, we will control services but they will compost bins covered. 

reunited with their families 

be helping the economy. not assist with the removal Peafowl like to eat wild 

are happier, more financially 

Family immigration means or relocation of peafowl birdseed, bread and pet 

stable, less likely to rely on 

welcoming immigrants who since they are considered food. Keep pet food indoors 

government assistance, open 

can rely on their parents to wildlife. However, if you see or remove immediately after 

more businesses, and own 

help raise their kids while an injured peafowl, please your pet has eaten. 

homes in greater numbers 

they hold down a job, or call the Pasadena Humane Peafowl like to eat seeds and 

than native-born citizens. 

can find financing for their Society at (626) 792-7151. plants. See below for plants 

It’s clear, family immigration 

business through their Here are some precautions you can use in your garden 

works for our country and 

family when a bank says no. and best management to deter peafowl.

should be strengthened, not 

That’s true merit to me.”practices for dealing with DO NOT FEED THE


 The text of the legislation Peacocks/Peafowl:BIRDS! 

 “But with his comments 

can be found at Peafowl are afraid of dogs.For more information visit 

about preferring immigrants 

gov. Peafowl dislike water. A rare set of exquisite portfolios were published, but 
lithographs, depicting the only a handful of complete sets 
pastel drawings of planets, still exist. Initially the portfolios 


comets, eclipses and other were sold to astronomy libraries 
celestial wonders by artist/ and observatories as reference Regarding astronomer Étienne Léopold tools that astronomers could 
Trouvelot (1827-1895), use to compare with their Pocket Parks takes center stage in late own observations. However, 
April when The Huntington as early 20th century advances 
Library, Art Collections, and in photographic technology 
Botanical mounts the new allowed for more accurate and 
exhibition "Radiant Beauty: detailed depictions of the stars, 

E.L. Trouvelot's Astronomical planets, and phenomena, these 
Drawings" in the Library's West prints were discarded or sold to 
Hall. The exhibition is on view collectors. The Huntington’s set 
April 28 - July 30.was acquired by Jay T. Last as 
The set of 15 chromolithographs part of his collection of graphic 
was the crowning achievement arts and social history, then 
of Trouvelot’s career, said donated to The Huntington.
curator Krystle Satrum, Trouvelot’s legacy is not without 
assistant curator of the Jay controversy, said Satrum. 
The City of South Pasadena 

T. Last Collection at The Born in Aisne, France, he fled Community Services Huntington. “He was both an to the United States in 1855 
Department and Parks and extraordinarily talented artist with his wife and two children 
Recreation Commission and a scientist, producing following Napoleon’s coup 
would like to hear from more than 7,000 astronomical three years earlier, settling in 
residents in the area of two illustrations and some 50 Medford, Massachusetts. While 
future City pocket parks.scientific articles during his supporting his family as an 
working life.” 
artist, he spent much of his free 

 In fall of 2017 the City officially 

In vivid color and meticulous time studying insects, working 

acquired the properties 

detail, the works depict a range to see if better silk-producing 

located at 2006 Berkshire 

of astronomical phenomena. caterpillars could thrive in the 

Avenue and 1107 Grevelia 

“The high quality of both the United States. During a trip Street. Both properties were artwork and the scientific back to France in the late 1860s, 
then rezoned as open space.observation demonstrates his he collected live specimens 

 The Community Services uncanny capacity to combine of the gypsy moth, bringing 
Department is holding a art and science in such a them home to Medford. 
community meeting at both way as to make substantial “Unfortunately, after hatching, 
sites today:contributions to both fields,” some of them escaped his 

Satrum said. 
backyard, infesting the nearby 

- 1107 Grevelia Street @ 10:00 
Trouvelot’s artistic talent and woods, then quickly spread 
eye landed him a position at the throughout New England and 
- 2006 Berkshire Avenue @ 
Harvard College Observatory, Canada, destroying millions 

11:30 a.m.
where he produced highly of hardwood trees,” she said. The purpose of these meetings detailed drawings of his Though large-scale efforts to 
is to obtain feedback and input observations, many of which eradicate it were underway by 
from residents in the adjacent were published in the Annals of 1890, they proved unsuccessful; 
area, regarding plausible the Astronomical Observatory the gypsy moth continues 
concept designs for the of Harvard College. In 1875, to be a scourge of U.S. and 
newly commissioned pocket he was invited to the U.S. Naval Canadian forests today, causing 
Observatory to use their 26-millions of dollars’ worth 

parks. Additionally, this gives 

inch refracting telescope, at the of damage annually. “This 

residents the opportunity to 

time, the world’s largest. He episode also seems to have 

meet the park designer, David 

then went public, exhibiting soured Trouvelot’s passion 

Volz, from David Volz Design 

several astronomical pastels for entomology, for by 1870, Landscape Architects, the 1876 Centennial he had turned to astronomy,” 
There will also be a community Exposition in Philadelphia. Satrum said.
meeting on Monday, March With the success of that The West Hall is adjacent to the 
12, at the South Pasadena exhibit, Trouvelot sought to astronomy section of “Beautiful 
Senior Center (1102 Oxley publish a portfolio of his best Science: Ideas that Changed 
Street), at 6:30 p.m.drawings. He teamed up with the World” The Huntington’s 

New York publishers Charles permanent exhibition on the 

 For more information, 

Scribner’s Sons, selecting 15 history of science, featuring 

contact Community Services 

drawings to be made into rare books and manuscripts by 

Director, Sheila Pautsch at 

chromolithographs, which the likes of Ptolemy, Galileo, 


were finally published in 1882.Newton, and Einstein, among 


 It is estimated that some 300 others. 

703-9726 or chen@ or Ron 
Serven, Environmental 
Services Manager at (626) 
300-0789 or rserven@ 

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