Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 3, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 3, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 3, 2018 SOUTH PASADENA -SAN MARINO 4
Athens Recycling Facility TourHousing Rights CenterGood Citizen Media Unites 
to Host Free Workshop With ‘The Good Guys’

outreach has become crucial 

 The Housing Rights Center 

 Facing funding cuts and to our clients’ survival.”

(HRC), and the City of 

hostility, Not-About-Profits Good Citizen’s clients 

South Pasadena, will be 

working for the social good include Worksite Wellness 

hosting a FREE ‘Housing 

are vulnerable to extinction. LA, the healthcare navigation 

Rights Workshop’ for South 

Stepping into the fray on the service; Institute for the 

Pasadena residents and 

side of the ‘good guys’ is a Redesign of Learning, which 

community members on 

boutique agency with a big-helps educate, train and 

Tuesday, March 13, from 

time mission. Good Citizen employ people with learning 

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the 
Media Group gives power disabilities; University 
Park Scout House located South Pasadena Public and voice to organizations of the West, a Buddhist-

sexual orientation, and 

Library -1115 El Centro 

 The City of San Marino, on the west side of the park. that champion education, based non-profit liberal 

source of income. The 

in cooperation with Athens Arrive by 9:15 am to ensure Street, South Pasadena, healthcare, civic engagement arts institution bridging 

California Unruh Civil 

CA 91030. The HRC 

Services, Inc., is offering an you you don’t miss the bus and the arts.the gap between east and 

Rights Act also provides 

will present information 

opportunity for residents departure. Please call (626) “We need to preserve our west; and 301 Organics, 

protection from housing 

and resources regarding 

to visit the recycling 403-2200 for additional humanity and support one which manages organic 

discrimination based on 

housing discrimination and 

facility that manages all det a i l s/r es er va t io n s.another regardless of our waste in a cost-effective and 

age and protects the right to 

landlord-tenant rights and 

trash collected in the City. Space is limited. If you differences.” says Good environmentally responsible 

freedom from violence and 


The trip will take place on have additional questions Citizen’s Executive Producer way.

intimidation in housing.

 Topics will include: 

Saturday, April 21st from 10 regarding the tour or other Debrah Lemattre. “Our “We have an obligation to 

HRC is California’s 

a.m. to noon. Registration related trash/recycling discrimination against clients provide society’s market our social services, 
largest nonprofit, civil-

and transportation will items you can call Ron families with children, rights agency dedicated to safety net, and their strength otherwise potential clients 
be provided through the Serven, Environmental disability rights, sexual and visibility is crucial – won’t know we exist.” says 

promoting and securing fair 

harassment, evictions, 

Recreation Department. The Services Manager at (626) now more than ever.”Worksite Wellness LA 

housing. HRC investigates 

bus will depart promptly 300-0789 or rserven@ repairs, security deposits, Experts say by April Executive Director Luis 

over 1,600 housing 

at 9:30 a.m. from the Lacy rent increases, substandard discrimination complaints 2019 many charitable Pardo. “We used a grant from 

conditions, and much more!

contributions will lose their the Ahmanson Foundation 

annually and assists over 

Annual Poker Tournament For more information, 17,000 individuals with tax deductible status. The to commission Good Citizen 
or to RSVP for this FREE threat of federal funding to rebuild our website and 

 Join South Pasadena 

their housing-related 

workshop, please call cuts could take a big bite out produce informative and 

D.U.D.E.S. and the South 
concerns. Individuals who 

Shannon at (800) 477-5977 of essential programs for the effective films. They brought 

Pasadena Middle School 

believe they are victims of 

extension #1103. TTY users homeless, the hungry and our visibility into the 21st 

Boosters in our 4th annual 

housing discrimination 

please call (213) 201-0867. the handicapped.century.” 

poker tournament on 

or who have questions 

This location is handicap “Continued community Visit 

Saturday, March 17 at 7 

about the fair housing laws 

accessible.engagement is essential goodcitizenmediagroup.

PM at the War Memorial 

or their landlord-tenant 

building 435 Fair Oaks Ave. Drink pass below. Title VIII of the Civil rights are encouraged to to maintaining the huge com/newsroom to explore 
This is a fundraiser and all Doors open at 6:30 and Rights Act of 1968, known contact HRC for additional difference made by these recent case studies and 


proceeds will go to the South tournament begins at 7PM as the “Fair Housing Act,information at 1-800-477-not-about-profits and civic creative campaigns. 

Pasadena Middle School sharp.provides protection from 5977 (voice) or 213-201-organizations.” says Creative Contact Good Citizens at 
Boosters and Middle School If you’re feeling a bit rusty discrimination in all 0867 (TTY). Additional Director Bill Burnett. (626)639-6711 or email 
Chapter of D.U.D.E.S. Food, or need some basic pointers, housing related transactions information is also available “That’s why Good Citizen’s goodcitizenmedia@gmail. 
beer and wine are included join our 6:30 beginners based on race, color, at expert full-service creative com. 

religion, sex, national 

in the suggested donation table. The Southern California 

origin, familial status and 

and the tournament will be Cash will not be accepted at Housing Rights Center is 

Crain Art Gallery:

disability. Furthermore, 

run by professional dealers, the venue.a non-profit organization 

the California Fair 

so bring your A game. Visit the D.U.D.E.S. Employment and Housing established in 1968 to Karen Hockman Brown If you don’t want to play website to register at www.actively support and 

Act provides additional 

poker, but would still like to This promote equal opportunity 

protections against housing 

join us for all the fun, simply event is for entertainment and freedom of residence 

discrimination based on 

sign up for the $25 Food and purposes only. to all persons without 

marital status, ancestry, 

regard to their race, color, 
religion, gender, sexual 
orientation, national origin, 
familial status, disability, 
marital status, ancestry, 
age, source of income, 
or other characteristics 
protected by law. The 
Center engages in activities 

– including outreach/ 
education, investigation/ 
testing and legal advocacy 
– to identify barriers to The Crowell Public represents a collection of 
fair housing in Los Angeles Library in the City of San Hochman Brown’s favorite 
and Ventura Counties and Marino will host art from subject, the intricate patterns 
to help counteract and Karen Hochman Brown, a and colors of nature. These 
eliminate discriminatory computer-based artist from manipulated photographs 
housing practices. For more Southern California. She represent the finest botanic 
information, please visit combines her passion for art gardens in the world, or and geometry into a world of including her childhood 
call 1-800-477-5977 or 213-kaleidoscopic confections. home, where her mother 
201-0867 (TTY). The artist invites people to collected unusual flowers 
focus on the unexpected and succulents.
as she molds, stretches and Artist’s Reception: Saturday San Marino reflects her photography into March 3, 2-4 pmmulti-layered manipulations Artist-In-Residence dates: 


of symmetrical delight.Sunday, March 11 • Saturday, 
Botanic Geometry March 24 • Sunday, April 1 


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 

A free compost giveaway 
self-serve event will be held on 
Saturday, May 5th from 9 a.m. 
until noon at Lacy Park in the 
west end parking lot. Bring 
your own sturdy containers. 
There is a 30-gallon limit 
during the first hour and no 
limit from 10 a.m. until noon, 
or while supplies last. Plastic 
bags are not allowed. Bring 
your ID card or Athens bill. 
For more information, contact 
Ed Chen at (626) 703-9726 or or 
Ron Serven, Environmental 
Services Manager at (626) 
300-0789 or rserven@