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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, March 3, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, March 3, 2018 ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER PRESIDENT OF CHATEAU GROUP TO SHARE PLANS FOR NEW MARRIOTT LE MERIDIEN CONFERENCE CENTER IN ARCADIA Eric Chen, President of the Chateau Group and RobbCity, inspired by the history of the site and the story ofMacmillan, Development Director will be the guestthe brand, we worked hard to capture that unique mixspeakers at next Monday’s March 5th luncheon meetingof influences, and take advantage of the natural beautyof the Arcadia Community Coordinating Council atsurrounding the property to create a truly luxurious11:30am at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Arcadia.and immersive guest experience. From the roof top bar For reservations contact Sue Cook, President, ACCC. overlooking the racetrack, to the lush gardens providing626-253-1323 or $17 includes beautiful vistas, casual seating areas and amazing eventlunch environments, this hotel could only have been imaginedMeeting Location & Information: here.” says AO Principal in Charge, Bruce Greenfield. 11:30am – 1:00pmThe design combines the Art Deco style of the Church of the Good Shepherd. Jordan Meeting HallHistoric Race Track with the mad men modernism of 400 W. Duarte Rd, Arcadia the Le Méridien brand to create a contemporary building$17 includes lunch firmly rooted in its location. Iconic art glass elements will Le Méridien is a four star full service hotel, located glow at night, giving the hotel a sophisticated tie to thedirectly across from the Historic Santa Anita Race Track,equestrian heritage of the park as well as the symbol ofin the City of Arcadia, on Huntington Blvd. The projectthe City of Arcadia. Beautiful gardens surround the hotelincludes 227 keys, a specialty restaurant, 5,000 sf of aand provide vistas throughout of lush grounds with theballroom, a meeting space, an outdoor event space, and abeautiful mountain backdrop beyond. roof top pool and lounge.Construction is anticipated to start in 2018 and it will “Working closely with the Chateau Group and the be completed by the 4th quarter of 2019. ARCADIA WOMAN’S CLUB INVITES LOCAL RESIDENTS TO MARCH MEETING Arcadia, California. The Arcadia Woman’s Club invites other local charities. Another notable activity is the club’swomen of all ages to attend its regular monthly meeting onannual recognition luncheon for Arcadia’s first responders, Wednesday, March 7 at 11 a.m. in its historic Clubhouse,Arcadia Police and Fire Departments, which is coming up324 South First Avenue, Arcadia. The meeting includesin March. a social hour, business meeting, luncheon and a guestThe club also has fun while raising funds to supportspeaker on a topic of community interest. The luncheonits work as experienced at its recent Bridge and Buncocost is $15. afternoon where more than 50 participants enjoyed The Arcadia Woman’s Club is a philanthropiclively game play, prizes and a delicious lunch. Anotherorganization with members from throughout the San festive favorite is the annual fashion show and luncheon Gabriel Valley. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday ofcoming up on April 14. This year’s theme is Springtimeeach month, September to June. The club is a 501©3 non-in Paris. profit organization participating in community serviceWomen interested in getting to know more about theactivities focused on issues such as domestic violence, Arcadia Woman’s Club and its activities are encouraged toorphaned children, Veterans, aid to pregnant womencall Linda Mokler, membership chair, at 626-287-0261 orand new mothers, Books for Braille, camperships and email: Historian Abe Hoffman, author of recently released California’s DeadliestEarthquakes, will talk about the personalaccounts and aftermath of California’s most destructive tremors on Saturday, April 7, 4:00 p.m. at the Duarte HistoricalMuseum, 777 Encanto Parkway, Duarte. More than 3,000 persons died in the1906 San Francisco quake, and LongBeach’s 1933 temblor caused a loss of nearly $50 Million Dollars. Thousands were injured in the more recent Northridgeearthquake. And then there are quakes notso famous such as the Whittier Narrows shake up in 1987, the Loma Prieta “WorldSeries” quake in 1989, and the many quakeevents in Early California. Learn why California has more earthquakes than any other state in the Nation, and what you can do to prepare for the onethat is coming. Professor Hoffman warns: “And be assured, there is one coming.” He will sign and sell his book followingthe talk. Admission is free. Space is limited. THE CITY’S NEW GOMONROVIA MOBILITY PROGRAM LAUNCHING MARCH 17, 2018… And it Will Feature $0.50 Lyft Rides and a Dockless Bikeshare Program! On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, the City Councilnext few weeks, staff will be conducting outreach toapproved a completely revamped Monrovia Transitcurrent Monrovia Transit riders to inform them of model! The new, multi-modal transportationthese exciting improvements. program, called GoMonrovia, leverages the strengthsAdditionally, the community is about to get a lotof two thriving private companies – the car-sharingmore green – lime green to be exact! LimeBike, one provider Lyft, and the dockless bike-sharingof the nation’s leading bike-share providers, will beginprovider LimeBike – in partnership with the City’soperating in Monrovia. Unlike traditional bike-share existing dial-a-ride operator, to provide fast andservices that require you to pick up and drop offaffordable transportation all throughout Monrovia.bikes at a few designated dock locations, LimeBike is Typically, suburban communities have relied completely dockless! After downloading the LimeBikeon limited dial-a-ride type programs to addressapp, riders simply locate a nearby bike on the maptransportation-related matters. Our new model is an using GPS technology, scan the code to unlock theinnovative way of responding to a complicated problembike, and ride to their destination! Once there, riders by providing first mile-last mile transportation frompark in a safe location out of the right-of-way, and lockexisting transit stops, as well as providing expandedthe bike using the built-in locking mechanism. options for folks to get around town without needingLimeBikes are available for $1.00 for a 30-minute to rely solely on driving their own car.ride, or $29.95 for 100 rides per month, or less with a Starting March 17, 2018, those who live, work,student discount for adult riders. and are visiting Monrovia can take advantage ofOver the next few weeks, staff will be working toour enhanced public-private transit program throughfinalize the remaining details of the GoMonroviaLyft to take a ride anywhere in our service area for justprogram, including adding information to a dedicated$0.50! webpage. Public Works will also be hard at work Yes… you read that right… starting on March 17,painting and installing bike rack locations in Old Town2018, you’ll be able to take a Lyft ride anywhere in theand at Station Square. Monrovia service area for just $0.50! For the price ofThe GoMonrovia program officially launches this St. a postage stamp, people can’t afford not to hop in aPatrick’s Day, on March 17, 2018! The City hopes youGoMonrovia Lyft and go!can join us on Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 9 a.m. in Note that our current dial-a-ride service will continue Library Park as we roll out our community’s new setto operate to serve riders with ADA-related andof shared wheels, and celebrate the launch with a short wheelchair needs. Since those riders without ADA Community Bike Ride at 10 a.m.! We will be sure to needs will be using Lyft, we expect that response timeskeep you informed as we further develop this programfor riders with ADA needs will also improve. In the in the coming weeks! CALIFORNIA’S DEADLIEST EARTHQUAKES AUTHOR TO TALK AT MUSEUM For the period of Sunday, February 18th, through Saturday,from Temple City was driving under the influence of anFebruary 24th, the Police Department responded to 927 callsalcoholic beverage. The suspect was arrested and transportedfor service, of which 107 required formal investigations. Theto the Arcadia City Jail for booking. following is a summary report of the major incidents handledJust before 1:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to theby the Department during this period. Arcadia Library, 20 West Duarte Road, regarding a violation of a court order. An investigation revealed the victim walkedSunday, February 18:to the library from her home because her ex-husbandJust after 9:00 a.m., officers responded to a residence inrefused to leave her home. The officer contacted the subjectthe 1800 block of Oakwood Avenue regarding an alarmat the victim’s residence and discovered he was in violation activation. An investigation revealed the suspects enteredof a restraining order. The 32-year-old male from Chino wasthe residence by kicking in the front door. The suspectsarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. then ransacked the residence, taking an unknown amountof property, and fled the scene in a light colored SUV. TheThursday, February 22: investigation is ongoing.At approximately 10:40 a.m., an officer responded to Around 10:00 a.m., an officer was dispatched to thethe Santa Anita Race Track, 285 West Huntington Drive, parking lot of an apartment complex in the 400 blockregarding a subject being detained by track security forof Fairview Avenue regarding a vehicle burglary. Anillegal drugs. The subject was found to be in possession ofinvestigation revealed an unknown suspect smashed themethamphetamine and a fraudulent social security card. front passenger side window of the vehicle causing anThe 25-year-old male from El Monte was arrested andaudible alarm to sound. The suspect was seen walking awaytransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. from the vehicle. The investigation is ongoing. Just after 12:00 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of East Lemon Avenue regarding a report ofMonday, February 19:suspicious circumstances. A resident reported seeing two Just after 5:00 p.m., an officer responded to a residence insubjects wearing black hooded sweatshirts, black gloves andthe 100 block of East Las Flores Avenue regarding a burglaryblack shoes, jump over the fence of her neighbor’s rear yard. report. An unknown suspect(s) entered the residence byAs officers arrived, the witness advised she saw the subjectssmashing a rear window. The suspect(s) then ransackedwalking around inside her neighbor’s house. Officers setthe residence and fled the scene in an unknown direction. up a perimeter and with the assistance of Pasadena AirThe property loss was unknown at the time due the residentSupport, the two subjects were located after running frombeing out of state. No suspects were seen and no witnessesthe residence. The 17-year-old male from Pasadena andwere located. the 17-year-old male from Monrovia were arrested and Just before 9:00 p.m., an officer was patrolling the parkingtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. lot of Westfield Santa Anita, 400 South Baldwin Avenue. The officer contacted a driver of a vehicle parked in a handicapFriday, February 23: parking stall. The officer discovered the occupants of theJust after 9:30 a.m., an officer was dispatched to a residencevehicle were fraudulently displaying a handicap placard thatin the 000 block of East Las Flores Avenue regarding adid not belong to them. The driver was issued a citation andburglary report. The officer determined unidentified released at the scene. suspect(s) entered the location, which was under construction, by cutting the lock on the gate. The suspectsTuesday, February 20:then stole water pumps and a water filter before fleeing. Just after 11:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to theNo suspects were seen and no witnesses were located. Thearea of Par 3 Golf Course, 620 East Live Oak, regarding aninvestigation is ongoing. assault with a deadly weapon and a carjacking. The victimJust before 7:30 p.m., an officer conducted a traffic stopwas seated in his vehicle when he saw the suspect, a knownon a vehicle in the area of Huntington Drive and Santa Anitaacquaintance, standing behind his vehicle. The victimAvenue for an unsafe turning movement. Upon contactingapproached the suspect and the suspect punched and kickedthe driver, the officer discovered the 27-year-old female fromhim. The victim stated he saw the suspect holding a rifle. TheEl Monte was driving with an expired driver’s license. Shesuspect then stole the victim’s vehicle and abandoned it in Elwas cited and released in the field. The vehicle was released Monte. El Monte Police Officers located the suspect and ato a valid driver. pellet rifle. The 30-year-old male from Arcadia was arrestedand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.Saturday, February 24: At approximately 9:00 p.m., an officer responded to aJust before 1:00 a.m., an officer contacted a subjectresidence in the 600 block of Beverly Drive regarding a fraudwalking in the area of Duarte Road and Golden Westreport. The victim received a 2017 W-2 tax statement fromAvenue. The officer saw the subject throw an object ona company he had never worked for. He discovered that anthe ground. An investigation revealed the subject was inunknown suspect stole his identity. The victim did not knowpossession of a meth pipe and cocaine. He also had anhow the suspect obtained his personal information. Theoutstanding warrant for his arrest. The 32-year-old maleinvestigation is ongoing. from San Gabriel was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Wednesday, February 21:At approximately 2:40 p.m., an officer contacted a subject Just after midnight, an officer conducted a traffic stop on asleeping on the sidewalk in front of Arcadia County Park, vehicle in the area of Baldwin Avenue and Huntington Drive405 South Santa Anita Avenue. Upon contacting the 33-yearfor speeding in excess of 90 miles per hour in a 35 mile perold male from San Diego, the officer noticed symptoms ofhour zone. Upon contacting the driver, the officer detectedalcohol intoxication and determined the suspect was unablea strong odor of alcohol emitting from the driver. Throughto care for himself. He was arrested and transported to thea series of tests, the officer determined the 54-year-old male Arcadia City Jail for booking. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER During the last seven-day period, the Police Department Possession of Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia – Suspecthandled 396 service events, resulting in 94 investigations. Arrested February 24 at 3:15 a.m., an officer was patrollingTo see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to http://the 500 block of N. Alta Vista when he discovered a vehicle for crime parked in a no-parking zone that was occupied by twomapping. For Police Department news and information, people. The officer contacted the two subjects. One of thevisit our website and follow us on Twitter, Instagram or subjects was found to be in possession of illegal narcoticsNextdoor. and drug paraphernalia. The subject was arrested. Warrant – Suspect Arrested February 22 at 7:20 a.m.,Grand Theft Auto February 24 at 6:32 a.m., a resident ina resident was doing his laundry at a business open forthe 100 block of E. Cherry discovered his Harley Davidsonthat purpose in the 100 block of W. Foothill. A homelessmotorcycle had been stolen sometime during the night. male approached him and was behaving suspiciously.He had parked it on the street in front of his house theWhen the homeless subject left the business, theprevious night. This investigation is continuing. resident called the police. Officers stopped thesubject near the business to see if he wanted homelessPublic Intoxication – Suspect Arrested February 24 atassistance, but he refused. A computer check revealed3:45 p.m., a male customer of a restaurant/bar in the 400he had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and block of S. Myrtle had been drinking alcoholic beveragestaken into custody. while eating lunch. After several drinks, he began arguing with other customers, so the restaurant called the police. Warrant – Suspect Arrested February 22 at 12:56 p.m., anOfficers arrived and found the male subject to be tooofficer was extra patrolling Library Park, 300 S. Myrtle,intoxicated to care for his own safety or that of others. Hewhen he recognized a male subject in the park afterwas arrested for being drunk in public. closing who he knew had a no-bail warrant for his arrest. The officer confirmed the warrant, then took the male Warrant – Suspect Arrested February 24 at 8:12 p.m., ansubject into custody. officer stopped a vehicle in the 100 block of E. Huntington for a driving violation. A computer check revealed theShoplifting – Suspect Arrested February 22 at 2:42 driver had a warrant for his arrest, so he was arrested and p.m., an employee of a store in the 500 block of W. taken into custody without incident. Huntington saw a customer force security tags off of luggage. The customer immediately left the store with Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – Suspectthe luggage, failing to pay for the merchandise. The Arrested February 24 at 10:24 pm., an officer stopped aemployee stopped the subject outside the store, then bicyclist for a Vehicle Code violation in the 2300 blockcalled the police. Officers arrived and took custody of of S. Myrtle. An investigation revealed the bicyclist wasthe subject after they were placed under private person’s under the influence of a controlled substance. The officer arrest by the employee. arrested the subject. Warrant – Suspect Arrested February 22 at 8:31 p.m., anDriving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested Februaryofficer was extra patrolling Library Park, 300 S. Myrtle,24 at 10:58 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 1700 blockwhen he recognized a subject who he knew had a warrantof S. Myrtle when he saw a vehicle in front of him makefor his arrest. A computer check confirmed the warrantan unsafe turn and almost collide into another vehicle. and the subject was taken into custody. The officer stopped the vehicle and approached the driver. The officer recognized the driver had symptoms ofGrand Theft February 23 at 13:56 a.m., a male subjectintoxication. Field sobriety tests were conducted and theentered a store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain and driver was arrested for DUI. removed four laser levelers, then ran out of the store without paying for the merchandise. This investigation isGrand Theft Auto February 25 at 12:13 a.m., the ownercontinuing. of a black Honda Civic reported their vehicle stolen from the 700 block of W. Olive. They last saw their vehicleShoplifting – Suspect Arrested February 23 at 6:30 p.m.,parked on the street in front of their house the previousa female subject entered a store in the 500 block of W.afternoon. This investigation is continuing. Huntington and removed kitchen utensils from a shelf, then left the store without paying. She was detained Warrant – Suspect Arrested February 25 at 9:08 a.m., aoutside the store by an employee, who then called theresident in the 500 block of W. Duarte called the policepolice. Officers arrived and after an investigation, arrestedto report a male subject was at her apartment complexthe subject for shoplifting. and he had a warrant for his arrest. Officers responded and located the male. A computer check confirmed theHit & Run Traffic Collision February 23 at 22:43 p.m.,warrant and the subject was arrested and taken intothe owner of a vehicle parked in the 300 block of W.custody. Walnut discovered another vehicle had collided into their vehicle, then fled the scene. Officers responded toGrand Theft Auto February 25 at 1:45 p.m., the ownerinvestigate. A possible suspect vehicle was located nearby.of a black Honda CRV reported his vehicle had beenThe investigation is continuing. stolen from the 200 block of W. Palm. He had parked the vehicle on the street the night before. This investigation isDriving Under the Influence – Suspect Arrested Februarycontinuing. 24 at 2:48 a.m., officers located a vehicle stopped in themiddle of the road in the 100 block of E. Foothill. The Domestic Battery – Suspect Arrested February 25 at 3:01driver of the vehicle appeared to be asleep and the enginep.m., a female subject reported that she had been in anof the vehicle was running. Officers contacted the driver,argument with her child’s father the day prior. He hadwho they immediately noticed to be intoxicated. Fieldgrabbed her by the neck, but did not leave any injuries. sobriety tests were conducted and the driver was arrestedOfficers investigated the allegations, and arrested the malefor DUI. subject for domestic battery. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||