Food / The World | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, May 26, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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8 FOOD & DRINK Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 26, 2018 TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills UNCLE SAM STEPS IN FOR YOUR TIPS My dearly departed pappy Elmer Dills would tell me, don‘t argue sex, politics and or religion, I must add tipping to the list. I have used this topic many times on my radio show, Dining with Dills on AM 830 KLAA Radio to get the phones buzzing. There is a new law on the books, actually an old law that is now being enforced. Since January 1, the IRS will classify automatic gratuities as service charges that are taxable as regular wages and subject to payroll tax withholding. That might sound like a bunch of tax law mumbo jumbo, but what it means is that restaurants have to treat those tips like regular wages. Typically, the IRS left it up to the waiter or tipped employees to declare that money. But with this new change the waiter won’t see those “tips” until payday—instead of the end of the shift. And restaurants will have to withhold federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes on that money, too. What it means for the diner is that those automatic 18% gratuity charges on tables of 6 or more may well be a thing of the past. The addition has been added onto large parties to ensure that servers are paid for catering to a large group. That doesn’t mean you should use this an excuse to start stiffing people. The new rule actually went into effect in June of 2012, however the IRS postponed enforcement until recently to give restaurateurs enough time to adjust and properly comply. While it might seem great to have some freedom as a customer, the service industry isn’t so excited about the idea. Tips… To insure proper service. Here is my rundown and no it hasn’t changed in twenty years of reviewing restaurants. Anyone in any country that provides a service should be rewarded. 10% buffet plus $2 directly to busboy that brought you water and had to clean up after the kids through Jell-O on the ground. $1 for each drink at the bar $2 for a to go order, as long as they got it right 12% fair service, means they brought you the food and came back with your check 15% Good service brought you your food and drinks and refilled drinks and asked how was it 18% Very Good service all of the above plus asked you if your meal was prepared to your liking 20-25% All of the above, brought items in proper order, waited for you to ask for check, asked if there is a validation needed and please ask for me next time. One more note… I subtract 5% when the server blames the kitchen for a mistake, got it !! This a fun conversation please listen in AM 830 KLAA on Sunday at 5 PM and join me and the crew at Paco’s Mexican Restaurant on June 3rd for an after the races mixer, open to all. THE WORLD AROUND US OUT TO PASTOR A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder CHRISTOPHER Nyerges COMMENTARY ABOUT DABNEY AND JIRAYR ZORTHIAN, Altadena’s most eclectic coupleChristopher Nyerges A KEY ON THE TABLE IS WORTH MANY A CHUCKLE [Nyerges is a naturalist and outdoor educator. He is the author of “Extreme Simplicity,” “Self-Sufficient Home,” “Foraging California,” and other books. He can be reached at www.SchoolofSelf-Reliance. com]. It was just one of those days. I had a few hours before my next appointment, and I was driving towards the direction of home and there was the cemetery where my parents had been buried. I hadn’t said “hello” for some months, so I pulled in and began looking for the spot. Right away things looked a little different. A road had actually been removed and it was the road that took me right to their tombstone. So I had to drive a little further away, as I was a bit disconcerted. And a movie was being made with the various lights and crew, a distraction from my inner communion with my parents.Still, after some guesswork and wandering, I found the tombstone and kneeled before them to chat a bit. As usual, I just shared some news and thoughts that were swirling in my mind. My mother seemed to respond first, as if she was more alert. Conversation ensued. My father slowly awoke, and passively joined the conversation. Was this all in my mind? Who cares? It was real enough to me, to be there with my memories of them, to feel their presence, to listen to what I think they would have said.I sprinkled some sage on their stones, and then I walked back erratically to my car, always amazed at the diversity of tombstones and messages over such a long period of time. I understood the solitude, and the sacredness, of the cemetery, this place of timelessness where the dead and the living meet. Regardless of whatever hurly-burley is happening in my life, in the cemetery I realize that the physical life has its limits, and will one day end. THE ZORTHIAN TOMBSTONE Nearly to my car, I happened upon the tombstone of two old friends, Dabney and Jirayr Zorthian. I knew Dabney much better, for she often attended my field trips and we would have long conversations after Jirayr died. I knew Jirayr most through his reputation, and from our many phone conversations. Why had I happened upon their grave this day?For those of you unfamiliar with the Zorthian family, Mr. Zorthian had long been considered the most famous eccentric artist of Altadena, and the parties held at their sprawling foothill property were legendary. Everyone has a story about the Zorthians.The “last words” engraved next to Dabney’s name were “I want to know.” What a perfect thing to express! I want to know. She didn’t state that she wanted to know a specific this or that, just that she wanted to Know! The quest for knowledge, and the drive to do more and try more, was such a signature of Dabney’s. In our conversations, she often asked many questions, always listened sincerely, truly trying to learn and to know. Our conversations seemed like true communing, unlike so many of today’s conversations where one party is not listening and is just waiting for the talker to stop so they can say what they are waiting to say.Jirayr’s tombstone said “Make my heart my mind.” Beautiful! I took that to mean that Jirayr’s quest was to think with feeling in all that he does. Even though most of my interactions were somewhat commercial and mundane, I found him to be a creative thinker, thinking outside of the box and finding creative solutions to problems. His tombstone carried a second phrase also: “Give me a pleasureful life.” Indeed! Jirayr didn’t wait for someone to give him such a life, but he pursued pleasure in his art and parties and interactions with other. I don’t believe that he experienced any shortage of pleasures. Though I doubt anyone would ever inscribe a phrase about pleasure on my tombstone, the fact is that I’m not Jirayr, and it did seem appropriate for him. As I stared at the phrase, it made me think of all the pros and cons of pursuing pleasure, the excesses of pleasure, but also the simple pleasures of life which money cannot buy.As I sprinkled some sage on their tombstone, I felt blessed to have had some interaction with one of Altadena’s most unique and eclectic couples. And I could not help but feel the shortness of life, that one should never wait in the pursuit of knowledge, that one should pursue new knowledge with every breath, and that one should also do so by allowing the heart to be the mind. In death, Dabney and Jirayr imparted their final lessons to me, and it made me again acknowledge that they indeed had a most wonderful life. When it comes to forgetting anything, I am king of the hill. My forgetting has nothing to do with age because I have been forgetting as long as I can remember. Of course, with age comes an excuse for forgetting something. Don’t let anybody know this, but sometimes I use my age to say I forgot something which in reality I had not forgotten. Sometimes forgetting something is the best expression of valor. I can’t remember all the things I have forgotten, however, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage remembers everything, even things I did not forget. Her memory is impeccable and I just have to live with it. Often she will start a conversation with, “Do you remember…?” Being married as long as I have, I always go with the affirmative nod, which I never forget to do. When I was a young husband, I remember very distinctly correcting her about what I remembered about an incident she was talking about. I have remembered never to make that mistake again. I am forgetting everything these days. It may be my keys. I get to the church office, check my pocket and realize I forgot my keys. Then I have to get on my cell phone (when I don’t forget that) and call my wife explaining that I forgot my keys. Once we went for supper with some friends, I was to pick up the tab, and when the tab came, I had forgotten to bring my wallet. I am definitely not going to do that again. Once I went on a trip and forgot where I was going. Fortunately, I had the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage with me who is an expert in telling me where to go. I can’t tell you how many lectures she has given to Yours Truly in this area of forgetting. I think she should win some kind of a prize or a doctorate in this area. Maybe I should begin calling her, Dr. Never Forget. I could not remember all of the things that I have forgotten. I could ask my wife, but that would take a day and a half for her to get them all on the table. Our relationship is defined this way; I forget everything and she remembers everything. It can be good, but also it can have a negative impact upon a person’s life, like mine. I just thought I would have to live out the rest of my life under this cloud of forgetfulness. Then the most incredible thing happened, something that has changed the rest of my life. My wife left early to go to the office and I was about a half-hour getting ready to go and when I went to the door, I noticed on the table was a key ring with a bunch of keys on it. At first, I thought it must be my wife’s and maybe I should pick it up and take it with me. I realized one very important thing though. My wife never forgets anything. If I pick up these keys and take it to her, I am in more trouble than I could really handle at this stage of life. After all, if her keys are on the dining room table there is a pretty good purpose behind the whole thing. For me to sabotage that purpose would get me in a great deal of trouble, I can assure you. I went out the door, got in my vehicle and started on my way to the office. As I was backing out of the driveway, my cell phone rang. I noticed it was my wife. I thought I was in trouble. What could I have done now or what didn’t I do that I should have done? When I answered the phone, I heard a meek voice say, “Did you see any keys on the dining room table?” I answered in the affirmative not really understanding the situation. “Could you,” she said most sweetly, “bring them over? I forgot them.” There was a dramatic pause on my side of the cell phone. It took a few moments for the situation to sink in. As I went back into the house, I was chuckling all the way in and picked up the delinquent keys. When I got to the office, I handed them to her with the biggest smile I’ve ever had on my face that I can remember. She looked at me and then said rather softly, “You’re not laughing are you?” I recognize I will forget a great deal of things in life. But this incident, I will never forget and it will always strike a chuckle cord in my heart. Every once in a while, when nothing is going on, I will look at my wife and say, “Do you remember the keys?” Glancing away from me she will say, “Don’t you think it’s time to forget that?” Never in a million years! “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14). Some things are worth forgetting as the apostle Paul points out here. The key to a happy life is knowing what to forget and what to remember. The Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||