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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, June 2, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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5 Mountain View News Saturday, June 2, 2018 WALKING SIERRA MADRE... The Social Side By Deanne Davis HEALTHY LIFESTYLES THE POWER OF LETTING GO Yoga is, in many ways, about becoming free of struggle. First, we gain awareness. We wake up to what’s going on in our bodies and minds and discover how things are affecting us. Only then, can we determine what we need to let go. Sometimes, this ‘need to let go’ realization almost occurs after the fact. Have you every noticed how hard you were struggling until you were not struggling anymore? Similar idea with letting go. The tighter the grip, the harder to let go and the greater the need to release. Ideally, we’d identify tension within us as it builds. There’s good news though, Yoga has many practices to assist this letting go process. Accessing a nourishing, full, deep breath and finding a sense of relaxation are probably two of the most important remedies. Have you noticed how a deep breath can change things? Finding even, smooth breaths changes our physiology and greatly affects the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems. When we breathe in a deliberate way, the energy and the mind are soothed and refined. The road to freedom and letting go can be found this way. With the breath as a catalyst, yoga allows us to find relaxation and cultivate a sense of ease. It’s when we find the rhythm of relaxation that we are able to go deeper in yoga. Deep physical relaxation is found in savasana, the final resting pose. However, mentally, the mind is being soothed throughout practice. If the practice is approached by trying “too hard” or wanting to accomplish, then the profound sense of relaxation and letting go is not going to happen. You’ve probably come upon this principle in other areas of life. Letting go allows abundance and exerting too much self-will is ultimately limiting. Relaxing into practice and agreeing to be fully present will break down resistance and create freedom on all levels. As you move along, restorative yoga is incredible and the practice of Yoga Nidra (yogi sleep) is profound and sublime. Learn what exerting great effort and feeling comfortable feels like at the same time! Contact me to learn more and be introduced to the practices that have the potential to change your life. Love and Namaste, Keely Totten, E-RYT 500, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, An Earnest Practitioner of Letting Go THE MISSING PAGE Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual Lori A. Harris A MEDITATION ON GRATITUDE Our moods are reflections of our temporary emotional states, often driven by outside circumstances. Sometimes it is difficult not to be affected by interactions with people or conditions, but we alone are responsible for our happiness, and there are things we can do to lift our moods. First, take responsibility for your attitude. If there is room for improvement, take action. The quickest jumpstart activity to lift your spirits is to dwell in gratitude. Don't wait for something to happen to be appreciative, generate gratitude. Consider your very life. The likelihood of being born at this time, place and circumstance is approximately--- 1 in 400,000, 000,000! Can you believe it? The odds of coming into this life is one in four hundred trillion. For every one of us! Now that's a reason to be grateful. Notice your breath. Without effort on your part, you are breathed. Your breath animates every part of your body, your brain, your beautiful heart all the way down to your toes. Take a deep breath, fill your lungs and notice how your whole body tingles enjoying more of the life force moving through your body. Notice your eyes. Think about how your eyes help you to navigate the world, to have pleasure, and to appreciate your life more fully. Now take a moment to stand in nature. Look at the sky and appreciate the clouds, the color of the sky, are there trees near you? Notice the lacework of the leaves. The view you are experiencing is uniquely yours. No one else is standing in precisely the same spot you are. Get up for sunrise; there is one being designed just for you outside your window. It's a brand new day. This day has never been lived before, let's cherish it. Lori A. Harris is a lawyer and coach. You can get more gratitude journal prompts from her free app Gratitude Train in the App Store and Google Play. “The Mount Wilson Trail Race is the second oldest trail race in California; first held in 1908 when runners raced to Mt. Wilson, rested half an hour, then raced back down and only a very few intrepid runners attempted it. The race was held sporadically from 1908 until the late 1940’s – early 1950’s when it was abandoned completely. Organized by a volunteer committee and sponsored by our fair city, Sierra Madre, the current race is 8.6 miles in length. The exact course has been changed by erosion, fires and earthquakes, but is lovingly maintained by some amazing guys who wield shovels, move boulders, avoid the occasional bear, and just generally keep the trail in good shape.” That was mostly from the Mt. Wilson Trail Race web page, except for that last part about the guys who keep the trail in good shape. My best friend and trail race aficionado, John, and I spent many years on Trail Race day walking downtown to grab a cup of coffee at Beantown, visit with friends, look at all the goodies on display and available for purchase on Kersting Court, be awed and astonished by whatever young person was delivering the National Anthem, watch the runners take off, enjoy the little kids’ races, and hang out till the first runners returned in some astonishingly fast time, usually around an hour. This year is different for me. John is watching the race from heaven – which brings to mind that great verse from Hebrews... “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Heb. 12:1 and I just couldn’t do all that without him. So, I walked down to St. Rita’s and joined the crowd of folks standing there ready to cheer on the runners as they raced by. Folks, it’s a pretty steep run just from the start up to Alegria and a lot of these runners were already breathing heavy and most of the faces showed grim determination. However, one lovely woman smiled at me and said, “Good morning!” as she jogged past. The last couple of guys, a ways behind the pack, were smiling. One waved and I assured him he was going to have a beautiful morning. He let me know he was already having a beautiful morning. The very last guy said, “Say, have you seen a bunch of runners go by here!!” and I assured him he was the very first one. These guys were just out there doing it for the joy of doing it. One of my favorite columns in the Pasadena Star News on Saturdays is “Gardening” by Joshua Siskin. This week Joshua let us know that, “The fruits of our labors in the garden don’t come easily.” I had to laugh as he got it exactly right and I’ll quote him here for you, in case you didn’t see it: “The Garden of Eden was the only truly low-maintenance garden in human history and Adam and Eve were kicked out of there. Ever since Eden, to be a farmer or a gardener has meant toil and sweat and even blood in the event you have a lot of roses to prune.” My roses have been producing some incredibly large, fragrant beauties and my Epiphylums are covered with huge purple or orange blooms. These utterly delight me as they are growing from cuttings my Dad gave me years ago. I shared cuttings from these with son-in- law, Chuck, and his Epiphylums are even bigger than mine! The roses are doing all they can to impress me so that I will forget about what happens in summer when spider mites attack and they all begin to look like death warmed over. I planted a pink petunia in the same pot with a nice pink geranium and that petunia is growing out of the pot, over the side and heading for the deck. All our plants are loving May Gray, aren’t they. I’m not all that wild about it but the sun is supposed to shine again starting next week. Tomorrow, Sunday, May 27th, our daughter, Crissy, and our two little Texas girls, Jessie and Emily, will arrive for a visit! They aren’t Texas girls anymore, as the family has moved to Goodyear, Arizona and now are just five or so hours away. Could I be any happier? No! Will let you know all about our adventures next week. They want to go to the beach and, our traditional trip to P.F. Chang’s is first on their itinerary. We all love the steamed dumplings there. And, speaking of steamed dumplings, have you been to Din Tai Fung in the mall? It’s upstairs close to Nordstrom and when they open at 11 a.m., there’s already a line waiting. It’s a lovely place, with friendly, helpful wait staff and fantastic dumplings! Have a wonderful week and enjoy your roses. My book page: Deanne Davis Kindle books of all sorts and hardcover “Tablespoon of Love” are on there, as is “Star of Wonder.” Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look! Blog: Follow me on Twitter, too! playwrightdd SIERRA MADRE SUPER SUMMER BEGINS JUNE 9 AT THE SIERRA MADRE PUBLIC LIBRARY Activities for all ages Be part of the fun of the Sierra Madre Super Summer starting on Saturday, June 9. Pick up your passport at the Library or at any City event and get your passport stamped by reading, attending events, shopping local, and by visiting City landmarks. Start your summer fun with these events: Make Your Own Summer Flower Pin Create fun fabric flower pins with the Library Adult Crafters group at 10:00 am in the Library. Simple stitches and squares of fabric create a seasonal pins to wear throughout the season. Reading Buddies Prevent summer slide with this reading opportunity for children. High school volunteers will read with children ages five through nine at the Library to help them maintain reading skills over the summer. Starting June 9 from 10:00 am to noon. Enjoy Classical Guitar Music with Andre Giraldo Enjoy an hour of classical guitar music from around the world at 3:00 pm at the Library with Andre Giraldo, an LA based classical guitarist. Read, Discover, Connect @ Sierra Madre Public Library, 440 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre, CA 91024, (626) 355-7186, Text (626) 662-1254, www. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||