Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 17, 2018

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, November 17, 2018 

Events at the Huntington

Library Winter Holiday Concert

IRS Advisory Committee 
Recommends Democrats 
Tax Penalty Waivers

 The Los Angeles Children’s 
Orchestra returns on 
Sunday, December 2nd at 
5:00 pm to perform another 
winter holiday concert. They 
will perform in the Library 
Community Room at 1115 
El Centro Street. Doors open 
at 4:50 pm. This free concert 
is sponsored by the Friends 
of the South Pasadena Public 

 The award-winning, 
nationally acclaimed 
Los Angeles Children’s 
Orchestra is best known for 
the young age of its players 
(4-14), and the unusually 
high level of their playing. 
The conductor, Susan 
Pascale, is also founder and 
director of the Pascale Music 
Institute in South Pasadena.

 The Los Angeles Children’s 
Orchestra, now in its 17th 
year has been featured 
numerous times on local and 
national television. Their 
most recent appearance was 
on two rounds of NBC’s 
America’s Got Talent, 
Season 10, where they 
earned a standing ovation 
by the judges, and named 
a ‘Fan Favorite’ for their 
ground breaking act of 
incorporating choreography 
while performing ‘Eleanor 
Rigby’ by the Beatles.

 For more information about 
the Los Angeles Children’s 
Orchestra, call 626-403-
4611, or go to Pascalemusic.

 Upon request made no 
later than four (4) business 
days before the event, 
the City will provide a 
reasonable accommodation 
for a qualified person with 
a disability to have equal 
access to the event. Please 
contact ADA Coordinator 
and Human Resources 
Manager, Mariam Lee Ko, at 
(626) 403-7312 or fill out the 
City’s request form available 
at www.southpasadenaca.
gov and email the form to 
Human Resources at HR@

Reading a Photograph: 
Stories from the 19th-
Century West

December 5, at 7:30 p.m. 

 Martha A. Sandweiss, 
professor of history at 
Princeton University and 
The Huntington’s 2018–
19 Los Angeles Times 
Distinguished Fellow, looks 
at how a single photograph 
from treaty negotiations at 
Ft. Laramie in 1868 reveals 
tangled stories about race, 
violence, and family life that 
would otherwise be hidden 
from view. This program 
is a Distinguished Fellow 

The Lady and George 

December 12, at 7:30 p.m.

 Mary Sarah Bilder, Founders 
Professor at Boston College 
Law School, discusses 
the responses of George 
Washington and Benjamin 
Rush to Eliza Harriot 
O’Connor’s remarkable 
university lectures in 1787 
and their implications for 
female political status under 
the Constitution. O’Connor 
was the first American 
female lecturer and principal 
of a female academy. This 
program is a Nevins Lecture.

 The Huntington hosts 
approximately twenty public 
lectures each year on themes 
related to its collections. 
Unless otherwise noted, 
lectures begin at 7:30 p.m. 
in Rothenberg Hall. The 
Huntington is located 1151 
Oxford Road, San Marino. 
For more information visit: or 
call 626-405-2100.

Featuring the Los 
Angeles Children’s 

The IRS Information 
Reporting Program 
Advisory Committee 
released its annual report 
October 25 which included 
a recommendation made 
by Democrats on the Ways 
and Means Committee to 
waive the penalty for under-
withholding on taxes for 
individuals. Changes to 
deductions and exemptions 
made in the new Republican 
tax law have increased the 
risk of under-withholding. 
A June 4 press release from 
the IRS said they will waive 
certain penalties as they 
apply to multinational 
corporations, but no such 
offer was extended to small 
businesses or individual 
taxpayers. Following that 
announcement, Rep. Judy 
Chu (CA-27) led 12 other 
Democratic members of the 
Ways and Means Committee 
on a letter to then Acting 
IRS Commissioner David 
Kautter urging the IRS 
to give individuals and 
small businesses the same 
leniency, grace periods, and 
penalty waivers given to 
multinational corporations. 
Rep. Chu released the 
following statement:

 “This hastily passed tax law 
has had two main effects so 
far: worsening inequality 
and creating confusion. 
Now, taxpayers could be 
subject to a penalty from a 
law they were never given 
the chance to understand. 
Seeing the problems created 
by this law, the IRS made 
exceptions to help the largest 
corporations avoid penalties, 
but left out individuals and 
small businesses. Tax reform 
that does not help working 
families is tax reform that 
does not help our country. 
That is why I led Democratic 
members of the Ways and 
Means Committee in writing 
to the IRS to at least give 
individuals the same leniency 
extended to multinational 
corporations. I’m glad to see 
the recommendation was 
adopted in the annual report, 
and I hope the IRS follows 
suit and implements this 
much-needed waiver.”

 The letter is signed by Ways 
and Means Ranking Member 
Richard Neal (MA-01) and 
Representatives Sander M. 
Levin (MI-09), John Lewis 
(GA-05), Lloyd Doggett 
(TX-35), Mike Thompson 
(CA-05), John B. Larson 
(CT-01), Earl Blumenauer 
(OR-03), Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-
09), Danny K. Davis (IL-07), 
Linda T. Sanchez (CA-38), 
Brian Higgins (NY-26), and 
Terri A. Sewell (AL-07). And 
can be found at:

Photographer Henk Freizer 
donates 200 photos to Library

South Pasadena Lego Mania

 Just in time for the holidays, the South Pasadena Public Library 
and Friends of the South Pasadena Public Library invite children 
of all ages and their families to take a break from shopping and 
join us for this Lego free play event Dec. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 

 Offered free to the public, this program encourages children to 
use their imagination and apply science, math, and engineering 
to create and build with Lego blocks. Children 3 years and 
younger, will learn through play with the larger Lego Duplo 

This program is funded by the Friends of the South Pasadena 
Public Library.

 The South Pasadena Public Library Community Room is 
located 1115 El Centro Street.

By Steve Fjeldsted, 
Library Director

 Henk Freizer, longtime 
local freelance photographer 
for the South Pasadena 
Review, the now defunct 
South Pasadena Journal, 
the San Marino Tribune, 
and many other local 
newspapers, has recently 
donated to the Library 
about 200 photographs of 
South Pasadena events and 
individuals through the 
years. The photos will be 
added to the Library’s Local 
History Archives.

 Henk was born in Holland 
in 1944 and grew up in Eagle 
Rock learning photography 
from his father, Joe Freizer. 
After serving in the Army 
overseas as a photographer, 
Henk returned to Eagle 
Rock in 1968 and joined 
his father, Joe, as a freelance 
photographer and a partner 
in “Freizer Photography.” 
Sean Freizer, Henk’s son, is 
a Dial-A-Ride driver for the 
City of South Pasadena.

 Henk Friezer grew his 
freelance photography 
business based in Eagle 
Rock by establishing his own 
clientele, which included 
the Los Angeles Public 
Library, Miller Brewing, 
United Way, and Coca Cola. 
His photographs have won 
awards from the California 
Press Photographers 
Association, the Great 
Los Angeles Press Club, 
the Forest Lawn Photo 
Contest, and the Magic 
Mountain Photo Contest. 
Although semi-retired, 
Freizer continues to attend 
many local events and snaps 
photographs in his spare 
time. The Joe and Henk 
Freizer Negatives Collection, 
more than 100,000 images, 
was recently donated to the 
Occidental College, Special 
Collections & College 
Archives, by Henk Freizer.

 Henk Freizer’s Photo 
of Miriam C. Spaulding, 
the “Rose Lady” of South 
Pasadena, (pictured above) 
who grew exquisite roses at 
her home for over 37 years. 
She personally delivered 
bouquets of her roses for 
the public service counter 
of the Post Office in South 
Pasadena for more than 13 
years. Huell Howser, the host 
of KCET’s “California Gold” 
covered Miriam’s charming 
story on the 5th season of his 
show and Episode 523 can 
be viewed at

 Miriam had been an 
accomplished violinist with 
the Pasadena Symphony 
Orchestra, as well as a 
successful businessperson 
after she was widowed in 
1954 . Miriam passed away 
peacefully at age 102 in 2010.

Photos Include one of 
Miriam Spaulding, the 
Beloved “Rose Lady” of 
South Pasadena

Needed for 

The Arroyo Verdugo 
Communities Joint Powers 
Authority is seeking 
feedback on potential 
transportation projects to 
fund in South Pasadena 
and surrounding cities. 
The projects will be funded 
by Measure M, the voter-
approved sales tax increase. 
Your feedback will be used 
as the Authority develops 
the Measure M Five-Year 
Multiyear Subregional 
Programs (MSP) for 
transportation projects 
in the Arroyo Verdugo 
communities. Please take a 
moment to give your input: 

San Marino 
Urgency Tree 

On October 26, the 
City Council approved 
Ordinance No. O-18-
1843-U; an urgency 
ordinance of the city of San 
Marino enacted pursuant 
to government code section 
65858 establishing a 
moratorium on the issuance 
of tree removal permits; 
prohibiting the removal of or 
damage to certain categories 
of trees; and declaring the 
urgency thereof.

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