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Mountain Views News, Pasadena Edition [Sierra Madre] Saturday, November 17, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
OPINION B5 Mountain Views News Saturday, November 17, 2018 HAIL HAMILTON Left of Left Mountain Views News PUBLISHER/ EDITOR Susan Henderson PASADENA CITY EDITOR Dean Lee EAST VALLEY EDITOR Joan Schmidt BUSINESS EDITOR LaQuetta Shamblee PRODUCTION Richard Garcia SALES Patricia Colonello 626-355-2737 626-818-2698 WEBMASTER John Aveny DISTRIBUTION Lancelot CONTRIBUTORS Kevin McGuire Chris Leclerc Bob Eklund Howard Hays Paul Carpenter Kim Clymer-Kelley Christopher Nyerges Peter Dills Rich Johnson Lori Ann Harris Rev. James Snyder Dr. Tina Paul Katie Hopkins Deanne Davis Despina Arouzman Jeff Brown Marc Garlett Keely Toten Dan Golden Rebecca Wright Hail Hamilton FEAR, PARANOIA, OR JUST MORE POLITICAL DRAMA? [Correction: In my OpEd last Saturday—11/ I0/18—I stated that Trump’s newly appointed Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker is a “convicted criminal” for defrauding investors of $25 million in a securities scam. NOT TRUE! Whitaker’s legal troubles began in 2014 after he was named to the advisory board of World Patent Marketing, a patent securities firm, while still serving as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, when in 2017 he was reassigned to the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., to work as an aid for Attorney General Jeff Sessions.] A story recently reported, in the Daily Beast [11/07/18] by Michael Daly, “In May of this year, a federal judge issued a permanent injunction barring World Patent Marketing from conducting business. The judge also imposed a $25,987,192 fine, [for defrauding investors millions of dollars] which little is expected to be paid as the company’s CEO Scott Cooper pleads inability to pay… The FTC complaint notes that six members of the World Patent Marketing advisory board never gave advise, but it’s not clear whether Whitaker was one of them….”] I stand by my other remarks last weekend why it is my opinion Matt Whitaker is a terrible choice as Acting AG. The big story this week is, of course, the first arrival of Central American refugee- immigrants at the U.S.—Mexico border, just south of San Diego. NPR’s Tuesday evening [11/13/18] blog report, complete with a large banner headline, said: “LGBT Splinter Group From Migrant Caravan Is The 1st To Arrive In Tijuana.” The report continues: “About 80 migrants, the majority of whom identify as LGBT, splintered off from the larger group in Mexico City after weeks of what they say was discriminatory treatment by local residents and other travelers…” Estimates of immigrants coming to U.S. seeking asylum now range from 7,500 to 11,000. Has President Trump’s fear-mongering about criminal immigrants “invading” our southern border really improved the lot of republicans in Congress, state houses, or governorships? Has his non-stop motor mouthing about alien murders and rapists, complete with MS-13, roaming the America’s hinterland, really justified deploying the U.S. Army to the border to defend us? Or maybe, just maybe the real purpose of the President’s incessant jabbering is to create a fearful climate conducive to his kind of political drama, to cynically manipulate the results of the midterm elections? It makes me think of a twisted version of an old Warner Brothers war movie, where “the Gipper,” Ronald Reagan, and his movie star buddies instead of winning the war, loses it! Germany gets the bomb before we do, just in time to wipe out our allies great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union—ending with the world divided along the lines George Orwell described it in his dystopian novel “1984”—complete with Big brother watching—24/7! Fear is a fundamental force in human nature. It lies deep in our collective conscience, stemming from thousands of years of internecine warfare. It goes hand-in-hand with wanting something that ISN’T yours with somebody else wanting something that IS yours. What President Trump is doing is as old as politics itself—pitting each of us against each other—making us delude ourselves into believing we are God’s chosen righteous Christian soldiers fighting a holy war against everyone we consider Philistine heretics. This is the same “nativism” that welcomed my Irish, Scottish immigrant ancestors, and every other racial-religious-ethnic immigrant group since the United States was founded. The immigrant caravans President Trump spoke about with such vitriol before the midterms are coming and justifiably so, because U.S. exceptionalism under the Monroe Doctrine has made their countries what they are today—corrupt oligarchies. Psychically, however, the caravans the President quit harping about abruptly after the elections, when they had served their purpose, are where they have always been, in the dark recesses of his bigoted, intolerant mind, where his devilish nihilism has created them to terrorize the rest of us, as they have by every other demigod throughout human history. Concluding one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes, “The Monsters are due on Maple Street,” creator Rod Serling says these prophetic words: “The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes—to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicions can destroy, and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout of its own for the children… the children yet unborn… And the pity of it is… that these things cannot be confined to… The Twilight Zone!” TECHNICALLY SPEAKING The Lighter Side by KEVIN MCGUIRE While in the passenger’s seat on the way to dinner with my lovely wife, I fumbled around with my smart phone. For some reason the damn thing yielded as much energy as an empty box of Wheaties. What was it? I had no apps opened. It was fully charged when I left the house not even 10 minutes ago. As the beautiful sights of the city’s hustle and bustle passed me by, I pondered some more. This time the conspiracy theories ruled my train of thought. It’s just their way to get me to buy a new phone. It probably has some unseen mechanism inside which self-destructs on a set date. Somewhere they are all laughing at me…I know it. Next thing you know you’ve arrived at your destination with your dead phone in your hand and you wonder…how did it come to this? I spent most of my adult life without a gadget dying in my hand and now, here I am relying on it for my fix of news, weather, music, games, memes and emojis. Those last two words didn’t even exist a few years ago. Now they are so common, that Oxford had to let them in. Look, some technological advances are great! People are given the chance to walk again with amazingly futuristic, artificial legs; we are exploring the deepest reaches of space and plan to live on Mars someday, and you can figure out that you wasted hundreds of dollars on authentic Irish memorabilia only to find out through the latest DNA test that you’re Hungarian, Italian and Swedish. Anybody need pajamas with four-leaf clovers on them? Bottom line, everything doesn’t need to be technologically advanced. Here’s an example. Once in our restaurant, I made my way to the men’s room. After the automatic urinal splashes questionable water on me (TMI?), I stick my hands under the sink faucets and nothing happens. Why? Because the sink works the way sinks worked for the first 40 years of my life…manually. We’ve just become so used to things just happening on command. Like the towel dispenser that is “motion activated” to promptly give you two inches of a towel after waving your hand under it anywhere from two to 143 times. You know…for convenience. Back at the table, you can pay your bill at the video kiosk. Apps on the phone figure out your tip and split your bill 10 ways if you want, just by simply taking a picture of your receipt. Pretty soon, you won’t even need your server. But then who will be there to roll their eyes when I ask for my dressing on the side, no sour cream, and my third refill of Mr. Pibb? All the supermarkets have self-checkout lanes now. You know, those lanes where you’re not checking out by yourself because there’s always that one cashier hovering over you, ready to pounce when those certain, self-checkout problems arise. Excuse me, it’s asking me how many bags, when I have no bags. Excuse me, where do I insert my personal check? Excuse me, I scanned my alfalfa and it rang it as Alka Seltzer. And you can pay any way you desire; cash, checking, savings, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, pretty soon you’ll just think your way into debt. Here’s something. Appliances are talking to us. That’s just what we need for the advancement of our species. Sure it starts off all innocent with your refrigerator given you step-by-step instructions for veggie lasagna and next thing you know you’re arguing politics with your toaster; the same toaster that started mysteriously burning your blueberry Pop-Tarts right after the 2016 election. Hmm. On a personal note, my appliances are not that advanced yet, though my refrigerator beeps at me when I leave the door open. You know, so I don’t leave the door open all night only to wake up to find my dogs licking up melted rocky road off the floor. You know how many times that happened to me in my lifetime? NEVER! Everything beeps now; the phone, oven, fridge, washer, dryer, front door, back door, car door, fitness gadgets, tablets, robots, etc. They are all beeping and keeping us in line. Makes me wonder who’s in charge? Speaking of robots, have you ever see that commercial for the “good robot” where the drone is carrying off that baby? Are you kidding me? The scariest part is that it is probably more real than we think. Soon drones will be delivering our packages, cars will all drive themselves and we’ll be controlling computers with our minds. Imagine what a wonderful world it will be. What could go wrong? In the meantime, I’m making funeral arrangements for my phone. Go ahead, laugh now. Soon, it will be a thing…you’ll see. Mountain Views News has been adjudicated as a newspaper of General Circulation for the County of Los Angeles in Court Case number GS004724: for the City of Sierra Madre; in Court Case GS005940 and for the City of Monrovia in Court Case No. GS006989 and is published every Saturday at 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., No. 327, Sierra Madre, California, 91024. All contents are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. All rights reserved. All submissions to this newspaper become the property of the Mountain Views News and may be published in part or whole. Opinions and views expressed by the writers printed in this paper do not necessarily express the views and opinions of the publisher or staff of the Mountain Views News. Mountain Views News is wholly owned by Grace Lorraine Publications, and reserves the right to refuse publication of advertisements and other materials submitted for publication. Letters to the editor and correspondence should be sent to: Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Bl. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Phone: 626-355-2737 Fax: 626-609-3285 email: mtnviewsnews@aol.com JOHN L. MICEK SPENDING MY CHILDHOOD WITH STAN LEE On Sunday afternoons in the late 1970s and early 1980s, long after 11 a.m. mass had finished, my cousin and I would head down the street to a little convenience store, hard against the Berlin Turnpike, that sold milk, bread, snacks, sundries, and, most important of all - comic books. We’d let ourselves in, the bell hanging on top of the door jingling, the traffic still echoing in our ears in the brisk snap of a New England fall, and head for the spinning rack where four-color heroes on newsprint pulled us in with gravitational force. Our prizes collected, we’d pay, and head back for an afternoon of heavy reading, passing the books between us until the sun hung low in the sky and our parents were beckoning from the front door, the cars warming in the driveway. I’d read the Marvel titles and pretend I liked them. In truth, it was mostly to humor my cousin. I was a DC kid through and through. Then one Saturday afternoon, I discovered a copy of a paperback collection called “Origins of Marvel Comics.” It was pretty much what it sounded like: An omnibus reprint of the origin stories of “The Fantastic Four,” “The Hulk,” “Spider-Man,” “Thor,” and the mysterious “Dr. Strange.” I finally understood the human-level dramas of the dysfunctional “Fantastic Four.” The dangers of the nuclear age, and the Cold War, then still very real, were driven home in the tragedy of “The Hulk.” Thor’s pseudo-Chaucerian dialogue was preposterous, but I loved it anyway. The ostracization “The X-Men” endured was a metaphor for every repressed minority, a reminder of how easy it is to hate and fear someone or something you don’t understand. A New York kid with outsized ambitions, Lee (born Stanley Liber) figured his work in comics would be a way station on the way to literary greatness. It didn’t happen, but something even more profound did. Lee became an assistant at Timely Comics in 1939, which would later evolve into Marvel Comics. After a decade or so of post-World War II artistic stagnation, Lee helped spark what’s become known as “The Silver Age” of comics in the early 1960s. Lee rose to become Marvel’s editor-in-chief. While he was a visionary, Lee was hardly perfect - as a unsparing 2016 profile in New York Magazine made painfully clear. He had a nasty habit of hogging credit for his heroes. His gift for unrelenting self- promotion meant that the real talent behind the books - the great Jack “King” Kirby, Steve Ditko (who died in June at age 90) and the surrealistically stylish Jim Steranko - were unjustly overshadowed and robbed of the credit they so richly deserved. “Stan Lee and I never collaborated on anything,” Kirby told an interviewer in 1989, according to that 2016 New York Magazine profile. “It wasn’t possible for a man like Stan Lee to come up with new things - or old things, for that matter. Stan Lee wasn’t a guy that read or that told stories.” But Lee, as the face of Marvel, helped keep the company afloat through fallow times. And his high-stepping style drew in generations of fans. He penned a florid monthly column in those 1970s comics, signing off with a jaunty “Excelsior!” at the end of each piece. And even though he didn’t own the rights to his creations, Lee parted from Marvel in the early 1990s with a severance package so immense that the child of The Great Depression never had to worry about money ever again. At the end of his life, Lee battled failing health and allegations that he was the subject of elder abuse, which played out in a Los Angeles courtroom over the course of this summer. Even so, that didn’t keep him from hitting the convention circuit. Lee’s 2018 schedule included Silicon Valley Comic Con. At that convention, his health had deteriorated to the point where he was struggling to sign his name. He announced his exit from the convention circuit in August. Maybe it’s true that Lee didn’t exactly tell stories. It’s more accurate to say that he provided the architecture for greater writing talents to tell those stories, and for gifted artists to make them leap off the page. But it’s also true that Lee did something of equal, or, perhaps greater importance: His pride in those creations and his unrelenting promotion of them, now means that garishly costumed heroes, whose adventures are disposable by their very nature, have survived, and have been passed down to new generations of readers. Yes, I know, those heroes are now multi-billion dollar properties that effectively print money for their Hollywood overlords. But that won’t keep me from getting more than a tad nostalgic about it. After all, myths and legends fade from memory if there’s no one around to repeat them. And Lee, who helped give breath to our latter-day myths and legends, did that almost better than anyone. So, one last time, “Excelsior!” An award-winning political journalist, Micek is the Opinion Editor and Political Columnist for PennLive/The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. Readers may follow him on Twitter @ ByJohnLMicek and email him at jmicek@pennlive.com. CHRISTINE FLOWERS JEFF SESSIONS DESERVED BETTER An immigration attorney coming to the defense of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, who lost his job as U.S, attorney general on Wednesday, is akin to a Christian coming to the defense of the lions of ancient Rome: It’s surprising and just plain weird. But that is what this immigration attorney is going to do, and I understand that it won’t elicit enthusiasm from the extremes on the left or the right, particularly after the midterms. At the outset, I have to note that I abhor the immigration policies put into place under Sessions, who embraced with obvious enthusiasm his role as Deporter-in-Chief. After he took office, the following groups of people were on his hit list: refugees, mothers with children, victims of domestic abuse, victims of gang violence, and anyone who uses the word caravan. He reinterpreted longstanding administrative policy to narrow the options for asylum seekers, tried to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), severely limited the ability of immigration judges to exercise discretion, and implied that people like me are coaching our clients to lie about the persecution they suffered. He did all of this under the guise of making America safer, which seems ironic, since the only large- scale terror attacks while Sessions was in office were conducted by U.S. citizens already in the country, including Wednesday night’s shooting in Thousand Oaks, Calif., that left 12 dead; the 2017 assault on GOP congressmen in which Sen. Steve Scalise was shot; and last month’s assassination of 11 worshippers at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. The perpetrators of those crimes? Not a Middle Easterner, Latino gang-banger, or anchor baby in the bunch. So I am not a huge fan of Sessions’ approach to keeping America safe on the backs of people who are themselves desperate to find safety. His version of immigration reform is cruel and draconian. Nevertheless, I’m disgusted by President Trump’s treatment of a man who was loyal to him, but who no longer served his purposes. I believe that Trump demanded Sessions’ resignation because he knows that come January, he will be heading into choppy waters as the opposition party takes control of the House. With images of subpoenas dancing in his head, it seems that he wanted to put a firewall between himself and some crusading Democrats. Plus, he has always seemingly resented Sessions for recusing himself from the Russian investigation. But with that recusal, Sessions showed loyalty and integrity, two qualities that I admire and treasure. He deserves our respect for showing allegiance to the country over his boss. I’m outraged about Trump’s firing of his most loyal minion. If the president actually looked at his Justice Department, he would see that Sessions had single-handedly advanced the Trump agenda on drugs, criminal justice, and, as I noted ruefully above, immigration. Trump gets up on his high horse at those ridiculous rallies and screams about caravans and the invasion at the southern border, but Sessions was the one who actually did something about it. Take the word of an immigration lawyer: He made my life and my clients’ lives hell. I’m also nauseated by the mean-spirited, petty way that Trump dispatched Sessions. According to reports, he sent John Kelly to do his dirty work and didn’t even have the guts to meet personally with the very first senator to endorse him at the start of his then-quixotic campaign. The immigration lawyer in me is glad to see Sessions go. But the part of me that respects courage, independence, and integrity is disgusted with the shameful treatment he received. Christine Flowers is an attorney and a columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, Mountain Views News Mission Statement The traditions of community news- papers and the concerns of our readers are this newspaper’s top priorities. We support a prosperous community of well- informed citizens. We hold in high regard the values of the exceptional quality of life in our community, including the magnificence of our natural resources. Integrity will be our guide. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com | ||||||||||||||||||||