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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, January 6, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain View News Saturday, January 6, 2018 LET’S TALK KIDNEY STONES ARCADIA POLICE BLOTTER An informative health presentation on kidney stoneswill take place on Tuesday, January 23 at 1:30pm, Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia. This is a free educational lecture with guest speaker, Dr. Benjamin Yuh, who specializes inUrology and Urologic Oncology at the City of Hope. Dr. Yuh will discuss symptoms, causes, preventionsand treatment for kidney stones. The program is forindividuals age 50 and over, sponsored by ArcadiaSenior Services in partnership with MethodistHospital. If interested in attending please callArcadia Senior Service 626.574.5130. About the City of Arcadia Nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, Arcadia is an 11.38 square milecommunity with a population of just over 56,000. Located approximately 20 miles east of downtownLos Angeles, Arcadia is known for combining small- town charm with the conveniences and amenities of a mid-size city. Arcadia is a full-service charter city governed by a five-member City Council, elected at large. Recognized for exceptional education and recreation opportunities and beautiful neighborhoods, Arcadia is also definedas the “Community of Homes” and has twice beendesignated the “Best City in California in which toRaise Kids” by Business Week Magazine. For the period of Sunday, December 24th, through Saturday,male from Los Angeles had provided the officer with falseDecember 30th, the Police Department responded to 860 calls foridentifying information and was on felony parole. During aservice, of which 96 required formal investigations. The followingconsensual search of the subjects, the officer located burglaryis a summary report of the major incidents handled by thetools. The two previously mentioned suspects and a 22-year- Department during this period. old male from Los Angeles and a 23-year-old male from Bakersfield were all arrested and transported to the ArcadiaSunday, December 24:City Jail for booking. One of the suspects may be linked to a Shortly before 12:08 p.m., an officer responded to aresidential burglary that occurred in the City of Arcadia onresidence in the 2800 block of Caroline Way regarding aNovember 24th. The investigation is ongoing. burglary. The officer determined unidentified suspects enteredthe residence by smashing a rear sliding glass door but fledThursday, December 28: emptyhanded, likely because the alarm activated. The suspectsBefore 10:32 a.m., an officer responded to the 200 block offorcibly removed the siren from the wall prior to fleeing. TheWest Lemon Avenue regarding the activation of an Arcadiainvestigation is ongoing.Police Department GPS tracker. Arcadia PD detectives had 1. At approximately 9:44 p.m., an officer responded to thepreviously deployed decoy bicycles with tracking devices toArco Gas Station, 5 West Foothill Boulevard, regarding twocombat the increase in bike thefts throughout the city. Ansuspicious subjects in the parking lot. Upon contacting theinvestigation revealed a 19-year-old male from El Montemale and female subjects, the officer conducted a recordswas in possession of the stolen bicycle and GPS tracker. Thecheck and discovered the 29-year-old male from Monroviasuspect was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jailhad an outstanding felony warrant. The suspect also admittedfor booking. to being in possession of drug paraphernalia. The suspect wasAround 6:39 p.m., an officer conducted an enforcementarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. stop on a vehicle in the area of Warren Way and Holly Avenue for having a broken brake light. A records checkMonday, December 25:of all four occupants revealed a 21-year-old male from Los Just after 11:57 a.m., an officer responded to a residenceAngeles had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. Duringin the 500 block of West Camino Real Avenue regardinga consensual search of the vehicle, the officer located policean assault report. An investigation revealed an altercationscanners, stolen property, and other burglary tools. The threeoccurred between a boyfriend and girlfriend resulting in theremaining suspects, a 19-year-old male from Los Angeles, female suspect hitting the male victim several times and bitingand two 20-year-old males from Los Angeles were arrestedhim on his hand leaving a visible mark. The 39-year-old femaleand transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Thefrom Arcadia is outstanding at the time of this report.investigation is ongoing. At approximately 11:43 p.m., an officer responded to theAt about 9:15 p.m., an officer responded to AMF Bowling, 1100 block of Arcadia Avenue regarding a hit and run traffic1020 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a subject causing acollision. A witness reported seeing the driver swerve multipledisturbance. Upon contacting the 24-year-old male fromtimes before colliding into a garage door. Upon contactingAltadena, the officer noticed symptoms of alcohol intoxicationthe driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcoholand determined the suspect was unable to care for himself. emitting from the driver. Through a series of tests, the officerHe was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail fordetermined the 38-year-old male from Arcadia was drivingbooking. under the influence of an alcoholic beverage. The suspect wasarrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Friday, December 29: Just before 4:52 a.m., an officer responded to a business inTuesday, December 26:the 11600 block of Clark Street regarding a burglary report. Around 9:48 a.m., an officer responded to a constructionSurveillance footage revealed two suspects forcibly created ansite at 1440 South Baldwin Avenue regarding a commercialopening in a roll up door, possibly with their vehicle, and fledburglary report. The officer determined unknown suspectsemptyhanded. cut a lock box off a security fence, accessed the business, andThe suspects are described as two Hispanic males betweenfled with various tools. No suspects were seen and no witnesses20 and 30-years-old driving a black sedan and a minivan. Thewere located. investigation is ongoing. Shortly after 1:01 p.m., an officer responded to the ArcadiaWednesday, December 27:Police Department front counter regarding a fraud report. An Just before 1:59 a.m., an officer responded to a residenceinvestigation revealed the victim transferred nearly $5,000.00in the 00 block of West Naomi Avenue regarding a burglaryfor the security deposit and first-month’s rent for a house in thereport. The officer discovered unknown suspects smashed a400 block of North First Avenue before realizing the suspectrear window, ransacked the home, and fled with an unknown did not actually own the residence and the incident was a scam. amount of property. No suspects were seen and no witnessesThe investigation is ongoing. were located. Shortly after 1:04 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 blockSaturday, December 30: of West Camino Real Avenue regarding a mail theft report.At approximately 1:34 p.m., an officer responded to the areaA witness reported seeing a Hispanic male, approximatelyof 100 East Huntington Drive regarding a possible robbery20 to 30-years-old steal mail from a neighbor’s mailbox. Thereport. The officer determined the suspect approached theinvestigation is ongoing.victim, demanded his skateboard, money, and bicycle as he At about 7:17 p.m., an officer initiated a traffic stop on athreatened to hit the victim with a wrench. An officer located vehicle in the area of Longden Avenue and Holly Avenuethe suspect at 7-Eleven, 2 East Duarte Road, and the 45-yearduring a burglary suppression detail. A records check of theold male from Los Angeles was arrested and transported tooccupants revealed a 23-year-old male from Los Angeles hadthe Arcadia City Jail for booking. A records check revealed thean outstanding misdemeanor warrant, and a 27-year-old suspect had two outstanding misdemeanor warrants. MONROVIA POLICE BLOTTER Following are the weekend’s highlighted issues and before. They became involved in a dispute whichTo see a complete listing of crimes reported, go to the City ofresulted in pushing and shoving, and the victim sustainingMonrovia website and click on the crime mapping link. Sign bruises. The suspect was asked to leave the location and heup to follow us on Twitter for police notifications. left. The next day, the victim received a phone call from the suspect’s mother, warning her that her son was onRobbery – Suspect Arrested December 21 at 1:15 p.m.,his way and that he was very upset and was armed. Theloss prevention at a business in the 100 block of W.victim and her family fled the home and contacted police. Foothill called police regarding a male subject who tookWhen the officers arrived at the residence, they found themiscellaneous items out of the store without paying. Assuspect in the backyard of the home. He was armed withthey tried to detain him, the subject became combative.a handgun, numerous knives and extra magazines loadedOfficers arrived and contacted the subject. He was arrestedwith ammunition. The suspect was arrested and taken intofor robbery and found to have two outstanding warrants,custody. which were added to his charges. Battery / Warrant – Suspect Arrested December 24 at Stolen Vehicle Recovered December 21 at 8:06 p.m., a10:59 p.m., officers were dispatched to a business in theresident of an apartment complex in the 200 block of E.1500 block of S. Myrtle on the report of several subjectsMaple called police to report a vehicle that was parkedfighting. They arrived and detained three male adults andillegally in his parking stall. A computer check revealedone female adult. One male was visibly battered, but refusedthe vehicle had been reported stolen to the Los Angelesto prosecute. The female was found to have a warrant forSheriff’s Department. An officer was dispatched and the her arrest. She was arrested and taken into custody. vehicle was recovered. Attempted Residential Burglary December 25 at 4:10 a.m., Fraud December 22 at 1:54 p.m., a fraud incident wasan attempted residential burglary was reported in the 100reported at a business in the 700 block of W. Huntington. Anblock of E. Foothill. The victim stated that while he was unknown male suspect went into the store and attemptedgone during the day, someone climbed over his back fence, to purchase merchandise with a fraudulent check. He fledgrabbed a bird bath and threw it through his back slidingthe location after the check was refused. The investigationglass door. The door has double pane glass and only oneis continuing. pane broke, so the suspect was not able to gain entry. The investigation is continuing. Grand Theft December 22 at 3:32 p.m., a grand theft wasreported at a home in the 300 block of E. Hillcrest. TheAssault With a Deadly Weapon – Suspect Arrestedvictim reported that FedEx delivered three computers onDecember 25 at 7:07 a.m., police dispatch received a callher side porch on December 21 at 2:20 p.m. Sometime from a hospital reporting they had a victim of a stabbingafter that, someone stole the computers from the their emergency room. Officers responded to theThe investigation is continuing. hospital to interview the victim. The victim told officers that his brother was up all night drinking alcohol withNo-Bail Warrant – Suspect Arrested December 22 at his cousin’s husband, the suspect, in the family garage. 6:12 p.m., officers on patrol stopped a vehicle at FoothillAt approximately 5:00 a.m., the victim heard his brotherand Alta Vista for driving without lights during hours ofyelling outside. He went outside to see what his brother wasdarkness. The passenger was a known gang member. Ayelling about, and the intoxicated suspect punched him andcomputer check revealed a no-bail probation warrant outthey both fell to the ground. While they were strugglingof San Bernardino County. The passenger was arrested foron the ground, the suspect stabbed the victim in the chinthe warrant and taken into custody. and chest with a small pair of garden shears. The wounds were non-life-threatening. Officers went to the victim’s Shoplifting December 22 at 7:32 p.m., officers respondedresidence, where they collected evidence and arrested theto a business in the 1600 block of S. Mountain regarding asuspect without incident. theft of electric wire and power tools. The suspect put themerchandise into a shopping cart and fled the location. TheGrand Theft December 26 at 6:57 a.m., a grand theft wasinvestigation is ongoing. reported at a business in the 700 block of E. Huntington. The reporting party said he left on Friday at 10:00 a.m. andResidential Burglary December 23 at 11:01 a.m., a all the storage containers were intact and the gated area wasresidential burglary was reported in the 300 block of S.secured with a padlock. When he returned on Tuesday, heAlta Vista. The victim had been out of town and when found the area open and four storage containers had beenhe returned home, he discovered someone had broken forcibly opened. Numerous tools and other equipment wasinto his house. The suspect removed a window screentaken. The investigation is continuing. and gained entry through a side window. An iPhoneand some U.S. currency was taken. The investigation isStolen Vehicle December 26 at 6:58 a.m., a vehicle was continuing. reported stolen from the 300 block of Lincoln. The victim parked her vehicle in an assigned parking stall on theTraffic Collision December 23 at 5:26 p.m., a trafficproperty on December 23 and left on vacation. Whencollision was reported at California and Duarte. A vehicleshe returned on December 26, she found her vehicle was was stopped at a red light heading west on Duarte, whenmissing. The vehicle is a white, two-door, 2011 Honda another vehicle rearended it. The driver who caused the Accord. The investigation is continuing. collision claimed his brakes did not work properly. One ofthe drivers complained of pain. Traffic Collision December 26 at 11:38 p.m., a traffic collision was reported at Magnolia and Evergreen. ADomestic Violence – Suspect Arrested December 24 atdriver failed to stop for the stop sign at the intersection and 10:58 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 800collided with another vehicle. The driver that caused the block of Bonita regarding an armed male suspect involvedcollision did not have a valid driver’s license. He was cited in a domestic dispute. The victim and suspect are marriedand his vehicle was stored. The driver of the other vehicle and were visiting the victim’s mother in Monrovia the complained of pain, but refused treatment. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE! CALL PATRICIA 626-818-2698 MONROVIA HOME SECURITY REBATE PROGRAM LAUNCHED ON JANUARY 2! RESIDENTS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE REBATES OF UP TO $250 FOR HOME SECURITY PRODUCT OF THEIR CHOICE On December 5, 2017, the Monrovia City Council established the Home Security Rebate Program as an additional local response to the increase in crime that communities across California have been experiencing over the past few years. Unlike other programs that have been developed in neighboring jurisdictions, Monrovia’s Home Security Rebate Program is not limited to one particular home security system, product, or service provider. Instead, residents are eligible for a reimbursement of up to $250 for the purchase and / or installation of any qualifying home security system. Over the past few weeks, staff has developed anonline application process where residents will beable to apply and upload pictures of their new homesecurity product and receipt for reimbursement. Once the application is submitted, our residents willbe able to track their progress and receive emailswhen the application has been approved and whenthe rebate check is in the mail. To submit an application, visit our Home Security Rebate Program webpage and click on Apply Now. Once you’re there, follow the simple on-screen prompts to complete your application. It should take us no more than 2 – 3 weeks to process everything and get you your rebate check! If you have any additional questions, take a look at the program flyer or send us an email at On a related note, the Monrovia Home Security Rebate Program is the first City process that we have developed utilizing a new online tool made by a company called CityGrows, which is an open source start-up tech firm focused on helping interested governments improve their processes to simplify and enhance customer interactions and interfaces. The CityGrows’ platform helps simplify how transactions take place by collecting information online, showing how many steps there are in any given process, and allowing individuals to track their progress. As we push forward into 2018, the City will gradually be adding more processes to the CityGrows’ platform, and one day, we think that it could serve as a one-stop shop for all Monrovia residents, business owners, visitors, and employees who are looking to do business with the City! We will be certain to keep everyone posted about this exciting initiative as we make progress in the new year! DRAFT CITYWIDE HISTORIC CONTEXT STATEMENT SCHEDULED FOR REVIEW AT THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STUDY SESSION ON JANUARY 18, 2018 The Historic Preservation Commission will be A robust historic context is the foundation for holding a Study Session to review the Citywideidentifying, evaluating, and handling historicHistoric Context Statement on January 18, 2018,properties and will help us make important landat 5:00 p.m. at the Monrovia Community Centeruse decisions. Historic contexts differ from other (119 West Palm Avenue) in the Monroe Room.types of narrative histories, because they identifyThe historic context statement will serve as a tool important themes in history and then show for the evaluation and designation of potentialhow those themes relate to our existing historichistoric landmarks and historic districts that properties. We are looking forward to a veryare unique to Monrovia’s architectural themes. engaging discussion, and hope you can join us! RECYCLE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE THROUGH JANUARY 7, 2018! As Christmas wraps up, we wanted to share a quickbags, nails, lights, and plastic/metal stands, it would benote to let everyone in Monrovia know that Athensmuch appreciated! Also, flocked trees and trees coated Services will be recycling your Christmas treeswith fire retardant will most certainly be accepted! through January 7! To participate in the program,If you have any questions about this program, or ifsimply place your used Christmas tree curbside onyou would like more information, please feel free toyour regular trash collection day. Of course, if you contact our Public Works Division at (626) 932-5575, could please remove all ornaments, tinsel, plastic or Athens Services at (888) 336-6100. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||