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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 3, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2018 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2018 SECTION B AROUND SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SOCALGAS SMART THERMOSTAT PROGRAM OFFERS CUSTOMERS UP TO $75 IN INCENTIVES TO CONSERVE NATURAL GAS THIS WINTER CUSTOMERS WITH ECOBEE OR NEST SMART THERMOSTATS ARE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THISNEW NATURAL GAS CONSERVATION PROGRAM LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30, 2017 – Southern California receive $25 for their full participation in the SmartGas Co. (SoCalGas) is offering customers up to $75Thermostat Program this year. in incentives to participate in its Smart ThermostatSoCalGas is a leader in energy conservation, helping Program. The program is designed to help householdsto keep natural gas bills affordable for customers and that have purchased, installed and registered anprotecting the environment. Since 1990, the company’s ecobee or Nest smart thermostat conserve natural energy efficiency and rebate programs have helped gas for home heating this winter. “Smart thermostats families and businesses save approximately $672 can help customers save money and energy, and themillion on their natural gas bills and reduced emissions incentives that SoCalGas is offering as part of the Smartequal to taking almost 700,000 cars off the road. Thermostat Program makes purchasing a device anFor more information about the Smart Thermostat even more worthwhile investment,” said Dan Rendler, Program, go to About director of customer programs and assistance atSoCalGasHeadquartered in Los Angeles, SoCalGas® is SoCalGas. “Participating in the program is an easythe largest natural gas distribution utility in the way for customers to conserve natural gas duringUnited States, providing clean, safe, affordable and critical periods while still being comfortable in theirreliable natural gas service to 21.7 million customers in homes.” Residential owners of ecobee or Nest-registeredCentral and Southern California. Its service territory devices with gas heating in SoCalGas’ service territory,spans 22,000 square miles from Fresno to the Mexican except those who are currently enrolled in Southernborder, reaching more than 550 communities throughCalifornia Edison’s (SCE) Save Power Days electric5.9 million meters and 101,000 miles of pipeline. More demand response program, are eligible to participate inthan 90 percent of Southern California single-family the Smart Thermostat Program. SoCalGas and SCE arehome residents use natural gas for home heat and working on a process that will allow dual-enrollmenthot water. In addition, natural gas plays a key role in across both programs by next winter. By participatingproviding electricity to Californians—about 60 percent in the Smart Thermostat Program, customers agreeof electric power generated in the state comes from gas- to allow minor adjustments to be made to their smartfired power plants. SoCalGas has served communities thermostat temperature settings for a few hours on daysin California for 150 years and is committed to being when SoCalGas calls a Natural Gas Conservation event. a leader in the region’s clean energy future. The These events will help lower the risk of possible naturalcompany is working to accelerate the use ofrenewablegas shortages when demand is at its highest. Participantsnatural gas, a carbon-neutral or carbon-negative fuel are notified two hours before any adjustments are madecreated by capturing and conditioning greenhousevia their smart thermostat, web portal, mobile appgas emissions from farms, landfills and wastewater and/or email. SoCalGas customers who enroll in the treatment plants. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempraprogram will receive a $50 check for signing up by Mar.Energy (NYSE: SRE), a Fortune 500 energy services 1st and another $25 for staying enrolled through theholding company based in San Diego. For more duration of the program, which concludes on Apr. 1st.information visit or connect Customers who participated in the SoCalGas Advisorywith SoCalGas on Twitter (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@ Thermostat Program with ecobee devices last year will SoCalGas) and Facebook. HARASSMENT RETALIATION PREVENTION ACT PASSES STATE SENATE Sacramento, California – Today, SB 429, the Harassmentbe tolerated and both houses of the legislature are mandated toRetaliation Prevention Act, passed the State Senate withmaintain all complaint records for twelve years,” said Senatorunanimous bi-partisan support. SB 419 is jointly authored byPortantino.The Harassment Retaliation Prevention Act, Senators Anthony J. Portantino, D – La Cañada Flintridge andprotects victims from all forms of harassment in and around theConnie M. Leyva, D – Chino. It has numerous co-authors from Legislature. It also serves to protect against retaliation once casesboth parties. The Act, proposes to extend protections against allare reported. The bill enhances the anti-retaliation provisions offorms of harassment for legislative staff, legislative advocatesCalifornia’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, which protectsand others who have business within the California State legislative employees and lobbyists who report sexual or relatedCapital. Senator Portantino has a long record of fighting forharassment. It is a companion and complimentary Bill with ABaccountability, whistleblower protection, and transparency in403 of which Portantino and Leyva are co-Authors. the legislature. Senator Leyva is the Vice Chair of the Women’s“As the joint author of this legislation, SB 419 is aLegislative Caucus and a leading voice for civil and worker’snecessary and important step to address some of the ongoingrights.concerns related to sexual harassment within the Capitol “Today, I am proud to join with my colleagues in thecommunity. This legislation makes it clear that retaliationSenate as we build on the courageous efforts of women inwill not be tolerated and helps to ensure greater accountability. Sacramento who have come forward demanding action. SB Ultimately, SB 419 protects the women and men that work in419 is an important and urgent measure that creates protectionsour legislative community. Coming forward is an incrediblyfrom all forms of harassment in the capitol. As a dad and a difficult moment for any victim and SB 419 sends a clearlegislator, it’s my responsibility to do my part to ensure a safemessage that retaliation will not be tolerated.” commentedwork atmosphere. Under the bill, harassment will no longer Senator Connie M. Leyva COUNTY VOTES TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION AMENDING STATE LAW TO PROVIDE LIFESAVING MEDICAL CARE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL LOS ANGELES COUNTY –The Board of Supervisors todaystates who consider medical treatment a basic human need for voted 4-1 with Supervisor Sheila Kuehl opposing, to approvethose suffering from a mental illness.” a motion by Supervisors Kathryn Barger and Mark Ridley-The legislation would amend the state’s definition of “gravelyThomas sponsoring state legislation amending the state’sdisabled” pursuant to the recommendation by the Departmentdefinition of gravely disabled to enable the county to provideof Mental Health (DMH), to read, “a condition in which acritical medical care for the mentally ill.person, as a result of a mental health disorder, is unable to Numerous mental health professionals and advocates voicedprovide for his or her basic personal needs for food, clothing, support for the motion including Dr. Susan Patrovi, Medicalshelter, or medical treatment where the lack or failure of such Director of Homeless Healthcare LA, Brittney Weissman,treatment results in substantial physical harm or death.” This Executive Director of National Alliance on Mental Illness proposed addition (in the underlined section above) is similar to(NAMI) Los Angeles County Council and Los Angeles Citythe criteria used in 37 states nationwide. Councilmember David Ryu.On October 31, 2017 the Board of Supervisors approved Supervisor Barger pointed out that more than 830 homelessa motion by Barger that directed DMH to work with mentalpeople died on the streets of L.A. County last year and that withhealth advocacy groups, civil rights organizations, and otherproper medical attention, the deaths could have been prevented.stakeholders to develop this legislative recommendation. “Allowing the most vulnerable to languish and even die on“Acknowledging that signs of physical harm due to self- the streets without a lifeline to medical care is inhumane,” she neglect as a result of serious mental conditions are a rational andsaid. “With today’s action, we can move forward to employ anobjective means for detecting grave disability,” said Dr. Jonathaneffective approach to help deliver lifesaving treatment and careSherin, director of the Los Angeles County Department offor those desperately in need and add California to 37 other Mental Health. Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: | ||||||||||||||||||||