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Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 17, 2018 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 17, 2018 8JUST FOR BEST FRIENDS Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 17, 2018 8 DOMINIC THE PIT BULL PROVES BREED PROFILING PREPOSTEROUS I can’t count how many times I’ve found myself engaged in a conversation wherein I am attempting to convince someone that pit bulls are not bad dogs, they just got a bum rap because cruel and foolish people bred and trained them to fight. The dog people today call a pit bull is in actuality, most often a Staffordshire terrier or an American bulldog terrier. Over the years, they became mixed with a variety of other random breeds because careless owners refused to spay or neuter and failed to keep them fenced in. American bulldogs and Staffordshire terriers were originally bred and trained to perform practical tasks that made life easier for farmers and homesteaders. The infamous “pit bull” moniker was assigned later on US soil, when kooks like Dallas Cowboy lineman Nate Newton, Phoenix rapper, DMX and Detroit rapper, Calico took it upon themselves to breed and use them for a purpose they were never meant for; that of fighting in the pit. I remember when the outrageous onslaught of negative news first came out about the pit bull. Headlines claimed it was a fierce breed to be feared rather than revered. I knew from the very start that any bad behavior on the part of the animal had to be connected to some form of abuse or mistreatment on the part of the human. Any reasonable person who fell for the media hype that the dogs were inherently evil was clearly misled by the talking heads. Meanwhile, breeders continued to produce more and more baby bulldogs in back yards or puppy mills, tethering them to short chains, using feet and fist on them and either selling them for cash or flaunting them on the streets to gain status among their thuglet peers. In 2007, after years of bull dog mistreatment and breed-bashing media mania, the US federal government finally found it’s way to illegalize dog fighting in the US. But unfortunately there are still thoughtless thugs who think it’s cool to breed and train them to fight for their own devious entertainment or gambling. Herein lies one reason why I often prefer the company of the canine to that of certain human beings. I have a hand full bull dog mixes on my long list ofcanine clients and I must say that in my experience, theyare among the most easy-going, warm and fuzzy furry by Chris Leclerc Happy Tails Animal Patients At Colorado Veterinary Clinic. It’s a true story about a precious pit bull that proved himself worthy of having been rescued by becoming an advocate for healing on behalf of the surgical patients at the Denkai Veterinary Clinic in Colorado, where he was taken in as a pup. Dominic, a beautiful, blue-eyed silver-coated bull dog was only 6 months old when he was first found cuddling up to a post-surgical canine patient at the clinic where he frequently accompanied his owner, Stephany Haswell on her daily shifts. Stephany was a vet tech at Denkai, and initially volunteered to foster Dominic until he found a forever home. But as it turned out, Dominic found his way into Stephany’s heart when he showed his full canine colors by practicing amazing acts of random kindness in the recovery room. After the first time Dominic played nurse with a post-surgical patient, the vet and staff decided to let him continue helping his fellow four-leggers as they recovered from surgery. Remarkably, Dominic seemed to know exactly what each patient needed to gain strength and get back on all four feet. It didn’t take long for Stephany to realize that Dominic was a special dog with unique talents and that she could never consider letting him go. Dominic’s helpful attention to the ‘pup patients’ at Denkai came as no surprise to me. And, I think any real animal lover knows that dogs are fantastic therapy agents for humans as well. Not only do they perform beyond expectation as family pets by giving unconditional love, they are also willing participants in a variety of programs designed to allow canines to be catalysts for cure. Hospitals, prisons, recovery centers and retirementhomes are among the many settings where canine therapyplays a major part in the humans’ daily health and welfareregimen, and rightly so. It is truly amazing how effectivefour-legged fur therapy can be for those in need. I am especially pleased that Dominic, a “pit bull” chose to defy what we humans may have unwittingly mistaken him to be; a vicious, dangerous dog, unworthy of trust or love. On the contrary, Dominic and many other bull dogs like him have become excellent examples of why we humans need to kindly refrain from ignorant breed bashing. Love and let live! Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam! 927 N. Michillinda Ave. For New Clients Pasadena, CA 91107 Bring this coupon to save! (626) 351-8863 Read us online at: STARTING A NEW BUSINESS ? FILE YOUR DBA HERE Doing Business As, Fictitious Business Name Filing Obtain Street Address - Business Stationary - Flyers Rubber Stamps -Business Cards - Mailing Service 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre 626-836-6675 THEMB A, pr on o u n c e d“Temba,” is a 3-yr old sweet beauty! She used to only be on our “Shy Cats” page; however, our w o n d e r f u l socializers have been working with her and now may be the time to feature her as available for adoption or fostering.She is not hiding much, and is appearing more, and seems to want some attention. Several of us have even been able to pet her! It’s like she really really wants to be brave and get some petting, but she’s just not sure how . . . If she can just find a patient adopter or foster we know she will do even better. You can see it in her eyes--this girl has tender love and care of volunteers and staff, she is discovering some of the nice and fun things in life. She enjoys her walks around the park, does well on a leash and loves sunbathing during her walks.If you are that special family who is able and willing to give this adorable girl the loving and forever home she deserves, please stop by and be ready to fall in resides at the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society located at 851 E. Grand Avenue in San Gabriel which is located off San Gabriel Blvd, north of Mission and south of Las Tunas Drive. To arrange a ‘Meet and Greet’, please stop by any time from 10:30am to 4:30pm Tuesday through Sunday.Website:www. SHE’S SO SWEET! four-legged friends I could ever hope to spendtime with. Not to mention, they are absolutelygorgeous animals. If you read about the breed you will learn that when treated kindly, bull dog terriers are known to be great with children, they are very loyal companions and they tend to be carefully protective of their masters. How much better can it get if you are looking for a family pet? One excellent example of why it is all wrong to judge a dog by it’s cover came out in an article on, entitled Dominic The Pitbull Cuddles and Comforts a lot of love to give, and just wants to be loved! See her video at watch?v=f4qym5tMB7U. Adoption fee is $100, which includes spay, microchip, exam & vaccines. Fosters provide food, litter, safety, sweet-talk, and love while we provide vet care. Call 626-355-7672 for a Meet & Greet. We have a whole page devoted to our shy cats at shy-cats-need-homes-too.html. Yogic Wisdom for Everyday Life ??????????? HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Living in Optimism Do you remember the “like attracts like” principle? It illustrates the idea that the moreenergy and thought we put into something, themore it will grow. Also, the longer we are in thatplace or state of mind, the greater the tendency is tostay there. It becomes comfortable. This applies to thought patterns and habits, or evenoptimism and negativity. Gandhi illustrates thispoint of view eloquently: “Your beliefs become yourthoughts, your thoughts become your words, yourwords become your actions, your actions becomeyour habits, your habits become your values, yourvalues become your destiny.” In other words, “like attracts like.” So, how then do we change course andstep off the flow of negativity? First, the realization of the power of choice mustcome into awareness. No one, no circumstance, no external structure has power over our lives and innerpeace. Higher values of love, compassion, tolerance, and universal connection with one another are the guiding force by which we soothe fear. To take the fuse out of fear, truthfulness (honesty), or satyamust be present. Second, after becoming aware and acknowledgingthe feeling of fear or the train of thought ofnegativity, cultivate the opposite. Optimism andlove are the antidotes to overcoming negativity. Even doing this begrudgingly will call upon thosehigher principles when we act in our higher selves. This process will lead us into the spirit of open- mindedness. This process is one of the core reasonswhy yoga benefits the world. The world has enoughpain and negativity. Yoga cultivates compassion andtolerance –for everyone- and that means everyone! Each one of us is experiencing the human conditiontogether. Any actions I take affect not only others butmyself as well by creating my own internal sufferingfrom living in a negative frame of mind. Resist anddefeat negativity with hope and a positive attitude. Knowing all of this, my yoga practice, meditation, and a practice of loving-kindness feel moreimportant than ever. Namaste, Keely Totten, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Fan of the resistance against BEST FRIEND Diamond is a lovely two-and-a love with this jewel! Her adoption half year old “Blue” American fee is $145 and includes spay Staffordshire girl who was made surgery, vaccinations, microchip to look like a warrior when she is and a free wellness exam at a actually a sweetheart and a lover. participating veterinarian. Feel free This sweet girl was surrendered by to call us at (626) 286-1159 for her former owners. Thanks to the more information. She currently | ||||||||||||||||||||