Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, February 17, 2018

MVNews this week:  Page B:1


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: 


No-obligation presentation features destinations, accommodations, food,
attractions and complimentary mojitos 

Pasadena, CA -The Pasadena Chamber of travelers will learn of the historical significanceCommerce, with its member Chamber Destinations, behind many of the city’s oldest buildings that dateis offering a unique opportunity to sail around back to Colonial times. Visits to the San Jose Craft 
historic Cuba during an exclusive 8-day cruiseMarket and a local artist’s home studio give artbeginning November 2, 2018 available to chamberlovers a chance to witness the creation of beautiful 
members and their family and friends. Fly fromtraditional Cuban pieces. The trip will also featureLAX to Jamaica where you catch a cruise ship fora look at antique American cars, a lesson in localCuba. See all the sights, meet the Cuban people andsalsa dancing, an interactive discussion on Cuba’sexperience Cuba while you still can, all from thehealthcare system, an informative tour of a localluxury of a cruise ship.tobacco farm and multiple chances to dine at 

Includes airfare, cruise ship, all meals and popular local restaurants.
nightly entertainment, as well as tours of historic “This is an awesome opportunity to witness 
and contemporary Cuba. All for as low as $3499 first-hand the noteworthy history and beauty of 
per person. Cuba, while it is still open to U.S. travelers,” said 

Hear a presentation on the cruise, including Pasadena Chamber CEO Paul Little. “Travelers 
fare information, Cuba destinations, food, get a great rate for a unique opportunity to 
attractions and more at the Chamber office experience the country’s culture, learn about its 
at 44 North Mentor Avenue in Pasadena on current business climate, and make new friends. 
Monday, February 26, 2018, at 5:30pm. Enjoy Space on the ship is limited, so act fast. Don’t 
complimentary mojitos and more at the no-miss out on this opportunity to explore historic 
obligation meeting. Those wanting to attend the Cuba, exchange ideas with local business 
no-obligation meeting are asked to please RSVP representatives, make new friends, and build new 
to memories. 

This cruise to Cuba includes visits to UNESCO The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce and 
World Heritage sites and National Parks & Civic Association is a professional business 
Preserves. Enjoy the uniqueness of Cuba as you organization. Since the earliest days of Pasadena, 
encounter the diverse locales and people at the the Chamber has played a major role in the 
east and west ends, and north and south coasts of development of this internationally renowned 
the largest island in the Caribbean, including an city. Since 1888, when the organization was 
overnight stay in the vibrant capital of Havana. founded as the Board of Trade, the Chamber’s 
Each night you’ll get to enjoy the delicious food primary purpose has been the enhancement of 
and incredible entertainment and comfort of both the business climate and the quality of life in 
your world-class ship.Pasadena. The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce 

Enjoy tours of Havana’s four major squares, where serves 1400 members. 


Photo: Lt Silversparre. LASD & Police Chiefs from Glendale, Burbank, San Gabriel and Covina all 
spoke of crime increase from AB 109. 

By Joan SchmidtArcadia: 218, Monrovia: 140, and Duarte: 106. I 

On October 1, 2011, Public Safety Realignment was shocked. South Pasadena had a surprising 
Bill-AB 109 became a reality, shifting two major rank of 169! 
public safety programs from the state to the How were these rankings determined? The 
counties. National Council for Home Security recently 

First it shifted supervision of “low level released their “Safest City” ranking for California. 
parolees” (Post release supervised persons, PSP’s) To identify the safest cities in California, they 
to supervision by county probation officers instead reviewed the most recent FBI Uniform Crime 
of state parole agents.Report statistics along with their own population 

Second newly convicted non-violent, non data and internal research. The Council eliminated 
serious, non-sex offenders (N3’s) now serve felony any cities that failed to submit a complete crime 
sentences in county jails instead of state to the FBI and removed any cities with a 

What was so mind-boggling about this is the population of under 10,000.
governor had the option to house the prisoners The remaining cities were ranked based on the 
out-of-state for almost half the price! For years, number of reported violent crimes (aggravated 
this has REALLY blown my mind. assault, murder, rape and robbery) and property 

The very first time I heard of AB 109 was at crimes (burglary, arson, larceny-theft, and motor 
a joint meeting between the City of Arcadia vehicle theft per 1000 people.
and then Supervisor Mike Antonovich. The I began to think about Monrovia’s State of 
Supervisor, Anna Pmvedjian from his office, the City Address a few weeks ago. During the 
and Deputy Chief Reaver Bingham, LA County excellent presentation, two points stood out. First 
Probation Officer gave an extensive report on AB it gave a chart and showed the increase in crime109, 
and Antonovich warned of its repercussions, especially robberies in various cities as a result of 
which have happened. Over the next several AB 109, props 47 and 57. These cities had formed 
years, I wrote articles as fears came into fruition a coalition, to put pressure on Sacramento and the 
and attended meetings where LASD officials and governor to do something to alleviate the increase 
Chiefs of Police from various Fifth District cities in crime. 
reiterated the spike in crimes.There also were two screens showing crimes that 

Adding fuel to the fire was Proposition 47. were considered non-violent. Council Member 
Unfortunately voters passed it. The worst part Alex Blackburn noted that “domestic violence” 
was changing many felonies into misdemeanors. was listed as “non-violent” and was very unhappy 
A person can steal up to $949, and it’s a about that and other serious crimes. 
misdemeanor, which means no jail time. I spoke Arcadia has a very high Asian population and 
to Lt. Mike Castro and asked, “Why would people many residents have large amounts of money in 
vote for this?” He said, “Joan, it is called the “Safe their homes. With robberies up to $949 being 
Neighborhoods and Schools Act.” only a misdemeanor, that explains an increase in 

Have you ever tried to read through a bill or crime there. I commend both cities of Arcadia 
proposition? It just goes on and on. I tried to find and Monrovia for assisting residents with Security 
out more about Proposition 57, but it had pages Programs.
and pages-and with my glaucoma, it’s too much. What is the solution to our dilemma of increased 

When I looked at the first page of the recent crimes? Write your state assembly member or 
Mountain Views News, the headline read “Sierra senator and ask them to initiate legislation that 
Madre Ranks among California’s Safest Cities.” could repeal legislation causing the increase in 
That caught my eye and I thought, “Yes, that makes crime. Yes, retired Supervisor Antonovich, your 
sense. It’s a really nice city”. But as I looked down fears were legitimate as crime has increased all 
the list I read how neighboring cities were ranked: over the San Gabriel Valley. 

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