Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, June 9, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, June 9, 2018 

Local Area

Sail to 

Bill Davis KPCC (SCPR )
President To Step Down

The Board of Trustees of 
Southern California Public 
Radio announced Tuesday that 
Bill Davis, President and CEO, 
will step down and begin the 
leadership transition process 
for the organization. 

 According to officials Davis will 
continue through December 
2019 or until his successor is 
appointed,. He will also work 
closely with the SCPR Board 
to identify a new President and 
CEO for the organization. 

 The SCPR Board also 
announced that Davis will 
assume the newly-created role 
of President Emeritus of SCPR 
following the transition period. 

 “The pride I have in Southern 
California Public Radio’s 
success during my tenure 
as CEO will always pale in 
comparison with the many 
accomplishments of our team 
and the lasting value of my 
friendships with colleagues on 
the Board of Trustees and the 
staff,” Davis said. “Through 
the years, SCPR has benefited 
from an exceptionally engaged 
Board, which has supported 
me and our management team 
every step of the way.” 

 Ana Valdez, Chair of the 
SCPR Board of Trustees, said, 
“Southern California Public 
Radio is in the best shape 
in its history thanks to Bill’s 
initiatives and community-
first ethos. With a strong and 
diverse management team in 
place, a growing audience and 
expanding membership base, 
and the best financial results 
in its history, SCPR is poised 
not only for more growth and 
success, but also to continue its 
vitally important public service 

 “SCPR will continue to benefit 
from Bill’s vision and expertise, 
as we search for the best 
possible new leader to build on 
our accomplishments,” Valdez 
added. “The Board also looks 
forward to working with Bill on 
the completion of our strategic 
planning process during the 
transition period. Working 
together, we will further the 
diverse, inclusive and ethical 
culture that has thrived at 
SCPR for nearly two decades 
of rapid change in the industry 
and in the communities we 
serve. We are committed 
to ensuring a seamless and 
successful transition for SCPR 
and its audiences, members, 
employees, and partners.”

 A nationally known 
and respected broadcast 
professional, Davis led the 
production of a wide range 
of local news and public 
affairs programming and the 
development of compelling 
content across a range of 
broadcast, digital and live event 

 Davis joined SCPR in 2001 
as its Founding President and 
over his nearly 20-year tenure 
led its transformation from a 
struggling, underperforming 
public radio station into a 
powerful community voice 
serving a growing and diverse 
audience across Southern 
California. Davis significantly 
expanded SCPR’s audience, 
membership and financial 
performance and recruited and 
developed a top-notch staff 
at all levels—establishing an 
ethical and inclusive culture 
that attracts outstanding 
journalists and creative talent. 

 These initiatives and 
investments resulted in 
impressive audience growth 
and an equally impressive 
expansion in membership and 
funding. SCPR’s audience has 
grown from 200,000 in 2000 
to 800,000 in 2018, and it has 
added a digital audience that 
now totals 800,000. Current 
memberships at SCPR are also 
at an all-time high of 73,196 
members. SCPR’s revenues are 
projected to reach $32.5 million 
in 2019, also a record. 

 Voters on Tuesday were 
overwhelmingly favored 
both Measure CC and 
Measure DD aimed at 
allowing a limited number 
of commercial cannabis 
businesses to operate 
in Pasadena and taxing 
marijuana businesses. 
Pasadena Mayor Terry 
Tornek said he was not 
surprised. He said they 
will begin to formalize a 
new ordinance to allow 
a limited number of 
dispensaries to open in the 
next eight to 12 months. 

 Measure CC repealed 
the City of Pasadena’s 
current ban on commercial 
cannabis businesses. effect 
unless voters approve a 
Cannabis Business Tax 
which they did with 
Measure DD getting 5,449 
yes votes to 1,611 voters 
opposed. Measure CC saw 
4,274 yes votes to 2,950 
saying no. 

 “Annual rates not to 
exceed $10.00 per canopy 
square foot for cultivation 
(adjustable for inflation), 
6% of gross receipts for 
retail cannabis businesses, 
and 4% for all other 
cannabis businesses, to 
fund unrestricted general 
revenue purposes such 
as police, fire, roads 
and recreation; which is 
expected to generate an 
estimated $1.4 to $2.1 
million annually and will 
be levied until repealed by 
the voters or City Council,” 
according to the text of the 

 Local representatives 
also all won easily. State 
Assembly, 41st District 
Chris Holden got 13,501 
over challenger Alan 
S. Reynolds with 5,263 
votes. United States 
Representative, 27th 
District Judy Chu got 
30,033 votes. Her closest 
challenger, Bryan Witt 
got 6,274 votes. United 
States Representative, 28th 
District Adam Schiff also 
won with 33,777 votes.

At 132, The Force is Strong in Pasadena

By Dean Lee

 Pop culture icons, from Darth 
Vader to Frankenstein’s Monster, 
helped Pasadena officials 
Saturday celebrate the city’s 132 
birthday. The festivities, held at 
Pasadena Museum of History, 
were all part of “Wish Upon a 
Star!” The theme takes a cue 
from the Museum’s popular 
exhibition, “Dreaming the 
Universe: The Intersection of 
Science, Fiction, & Pasadena.”

 “Pasadena is a place that has 
one foot in the past and one foot 
in the future,” Pasadena Mayor 
Terry Tornek said. “That makes 
us do a kind of balancing act 
sometimes, but the truth is this 
exhibit, really pays homage to 
the fact that we have this cultural 
history of science in Pasadena, 
both real and imaginative.”

 The exhibit explores the history 
of science fiction in Southern 
California from the 1930s to 
the 1980s, and how it interacted 
with the advances of science, 
the changes in technology, and 
shifts in American society. It 
runs through September 2. 

 For more information 


At a Wednesday meeting 
of the Board of Supervisors, 
Supervisor Kathryn 
Barger questioned L.A. 
County Registrar Dean C. 
Logan after learning that 
118,522 voters’ names were 
accidentally left off rosters 
due to a printing error 
during yesterday’s primary 

 Logan said he would 
look into the problem to 
determine the reason for 
the printing error, but 
Barger, who reported that a 
number of voters had called 
her office and used social 
media to report issues 
and concerns, questioned 
Logan as to why effective 
quality assurance processes 
were not in place around 
the printed rosters. 

 “It is imperative that we 
understand what happened 
and how to prevent it in 
the future,” Barger said. 
“Our elections represent 
the cornerstone of our 
democratic process, and 
it is unfortunate that 
this incident may erode 
public confidence in 
our system. A thorough 
and comprehensive 
investigation is only the 
first step we must take to 
begin rebuilding the public 

 Although voters whose 
names are missing 
were encouraged to file 
provisional ballots which 
would be verified later, the 
Registrar estimates about 
2.3 percent of the county’s 
5.1 million registered 
voters and 35 percent of 
the county’s 4,357 precincts 
were affected by the error. 

 In a press statement 
Tuesday Logan said, 
“Our office is committed 
to ensuring every voter 
has a positive voting 
experience on Election 
Day. We apologize for the 
inconvenience and concern 
this has caused. Voters 
should be assured their vote 
will be counted.”

He also said that their office 
was working to determine 
the root cause of the 
problem, which arose when 
some data was not included 
in the printed lists.

Logan also said poll 
workers, Tuesday at all 
locations were instructed 
to make sure that every 
voter whose name does not 
appear on the roster was 
issued a provisional ballot, 
and to inform the voters 
that their ballot will be 

 Tornek and the monster use a knife, a lightsaber being too 
dangerous, to cut the celebration cake. The Frankenstein novel 
is also celebrating a milestone this year, being 200 years since it 
was published Photos D.Lee/MVNews

STEAM Makerspace at the 
Pasadena Central Library

 The Pasadena Public Library 
announced the opening of 
a brand new makerspace at 
the Central Library starting 
June 11 called the Innovation 
Lab. In it we have equipment 
for the public to use such as 
3D printers, CNC cutters, 
and sewing stations. In 
order to use the Innovation 
Lab during open hours, 
you must have attended a 
1-hour orientation and have 
a signed User Agreement on 
file. See the User Guidelines 
outlined below for more 
information about using the 
iLab. Orientations will be 
held on Mondays at 5 p.m. 
and Saturdays at 12 p.m. 
and registration is required 
to attend an orientation as 
spaces are limited. 

 Innovation Lab is part of 
the 2018 citywide STEAM 
initiative where individuals 
will be encouraged to delve 
into Science, Technology, 
Engineering, Art and 
Mathematics programs, 
classes and a host of related 

 Orientations for June are 
now open for sign-ups. Go to:
steam/ to find an orientation 
online; then use the RSVP 
function to reserve your spot.

Explore JPL Event Sold Out

 NASA’s Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory in Pasadena, 
California, is holding its 
ticketed “Explore JPL” event 
today and Sunday, from 8:30 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Free tickets were 
distributed via a public online 
system starting April 7. Tickets 
are no longer available. No 
one will be admitted without 
a ticket and proper ID. For 
more details, visit:

 At “Explore JPL,” visitors will 
have the opportunity to see, 
among other things, a life-sized 
model of InSight -- which is 
currently en route to Mars -- 
and other Mars rover models, 
plus JPL’s machine shop, where 
precise parts are made for 
spacecraft. About 13,000 guests 
are expected each day.

 This event coincides with the 
60th anniversary of NASA. The 
agency was created in 1958.

 Follow @NASAJPL on Twitter 
and Instagram, and join the 
conversation by using the 
hashtag #ExploreJPL.

Pet of the 

NASA Finds Organic Material, 
Mysterious Methane on Mars

Free Monthly Events at 
Pasadena Senior Center

 Scientists announced 
Thursday that NASA’s Curiosity 
rover has found new evidence 
preserved in rocks on Mars 
that suggests the planet could 
have supported ancient life, 
as well as new evidence in 
the Martian atmosphere that 
relates to the search for current 
life on the Red Planet. While 
not necessarily evidence of 
life itself, these findings are a 
good sign for future missions 
exploring the planet’s surface 
and subsurface.

 The new findings -- “tough” 
organic molecules in 3-billion-
year-old sedimentary rocks 
near the surface, as well as 
seasonal variations in the levels 
of methane in the atmosphere 
-- appear in the June 8 edition 
of the journal Science.

 Organic molecules contain 
carbon and hydrogen, and 
also may include oxygen, 
nitrogen and other elements. 
While commonly associated 
with life, organic molecules 
also can be created by non-
biological processes and are not 
necessarily indicators of life.

 “With these new findings, 
Mars is telling us to stay the 
course and keep searching 
for evidence of life,” said 
Thomas Zurbuchen, associate 
administrator for the Science 
Mission Directorate at NASA 
Headquarters, in Washington. 
“I’m confident that our ongoing 
and planned missions will 
unlock even more breathtaking 
discoveries on the Red Planet.”

 “Curiosity has not determined 
the source of the organic 
molecules,” said Jen Eigenbrode 
of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight 
Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, 
who is lead author of one of 
the two new Science papers. 
“Whether it holds a record of 
ancient life, was food for life, 
or has existed in the absence of 
life, organic matter in Martian 
materials holds chemical clues 
to planetary conditions and 

 Data from Curiosity reveal that 
billions of years ago, a water lake 
inside Gale Crater held all the 
ingredients necessary for life, 
including chemical building 
blocks and energy sources. 

 “The Martian surface is exposed 
to radiation from space. Both 
radiation and harsh chemicals 
break down organic matter,” 
said Eigenbrode. “Finding 
ancient organic molecules in 
the top five centimeters of rock 
that was deposited when Mars 
may have been habitable, bodes 
well for us to learn the story 
of organic molecules on Mars 
with future missions that will 
drill deeper.”

 Water-rock chemistry might 
have generated the methane, 
but scientists cannot rule out 
the possibility of biological 
origins. This new result shows 
that low levels of methane 
within Gale Crater repeatedly 
peak in warm, summer months 
and drop in the winter every 

 “This is the first time we’ve 
seen something repeatable in 
the methane story, so it offers us 
a handle in understanding it,” 
said Chris Webster of NASA’s 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

 “Are there signs of life on 
Mars?” said Michael Meyer, 
lead scientist for NASA’s Mars 
Exploration Program. “We 
don’t know, but these results tell 
us we are on the right track.”

 For more visit:

 There is something for 
everyone in May at the Pasadena 
Senior Center, 85 E. Holly St. 

 You do not have to be a 
member to attend. Some events 
require advance reservations as 

 Friday Movie Matinees – 
Fridays, 15 and 22, at 1 p.m. 
Everyone enjoys the experience 
of watching movies and the 
pleasures they bring. June 
15: “The Post” (2017, PG) 
starring Meryl Streep and Tom 
Hanks. Katherine Graham, 
the first female publisher of 
The Washington Post, and the 
newspaper’s editor, Ben Bradlee, 
race to catch up with The New 
York Times to expose a massive 
cover-up of government secrets 
that spanned three decades 
and four U.S. presidents. The 
film is based on true events. 
June 22: “The Awful Truth” 
(1937, NR) starring Irene 
Dunne and Cary Grant. 
Unfounded suspicions lead a 
married couple to begin divorce 
proceedings, whereupon they 
start undermining each other’s 
attempts to find new romances. 

 Safety Awareness – Thursday, 
June 14, at 10 a.m. At a time 
when so many crimes are 
being directed at older adults, 
safety awareness is vital to help 
you minimize your chances 
of becoming a victim. Learn 
how to protect yourself and 
stay safe at home, on the street 
and in your car. Presented by 
Sgt. Glenn Thompson of the 
Pasadena Police Department. 

 Dementia Friends – Tuesday, 
June 19, from 1 to 3 p.m. 
Learn five key messages about 
dementia and develop action 
steps to help your community, 
from telling friends, family 
members and coworkers 
about Dementia Friends to 
visiting someone you know 
who is living with dementia. 
Each participant will receive 
a Dementia Friend pin and 
become a member of this global 
movement developed in the 
United Kingdom. Presented by 
Alzheimer’s Association.

 Mail Fraud – Thursday, 
June 28, at 10 a.m. Older 
adults should be vigilant about 
a number of scams intended to 
deplete their life savings. Learn 
how to protect yourself from 
mail fraud. Presented by the 
U.S. Postal Service.

June 29, at 3:30 p.m. Guest 
artists from MUSE/IQUE will 
explore the music of Leonard 
Bernstein and his enormous 
impact on the American 
sound. A limited number of 
complimentary tickets will be 
available to the LIMITLESS/
LENNY concert Saturday, June 
30, led by MUSE/IQUE musical 
director Rachael Worby. 
Register at the Welcome Desk 
or by calling (626) 795-4331.

 For more information visit 
or call 626-795-4331.

Founded in 1960, the Pasadena 
Senior Center is an independent, 
nonprofit organization that 
offers recreational, educational, 
wellness and social services to 
people ages 50 and older in a 
welcoming environment. 

 Velvet (A455879) is a 
4-month-old girl who just 
graduated from our foster 
program! She came in with 
some littermates in May and 
was one of the shyer kittens. 
She really blossomed in her 
foster home, coming out of 
her shell, playing with her 
siblings. She is still a bit timid 
but once she gets to know 
you, she becomes curious 
and playful. If you would 
like to foster a kitten like 
Velvet, email volunteer@ 

 The adoption fee for cats 
is $75. All cats are spayed 
or neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before being 

 New adopters will receive a 
complimentary health-and-
wellness exam from VCA 
Animal Hospitals, as well 
as a goody bag filled with 
information about how to 
care for your pet.

 View photos of adoptable 
pets at pasadenahumane.
org. Adoption hours are 11 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 a.m. 
to 5 p.m. Tuesday through 
Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot be 
held for potential adopters 
by phone calls or email.

Make Healthy 
Summer Snacks

Thursday, June 21, at 10 
a.m. Learn about healthy 
snacks, at the Pasadena Senior 
Center, you can make at 
home as alternatives to store-
bought snacks that are high 
in fat, sodium and bad carbs. 
Presented by Regal Medical 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: