Mountain Views News, Sierra Madre Edition [Pasadena] Saturday, October 13, 2018

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Mountain View News Saturday, October 13, 2018 

Doo Dah Parade Set 
to Pick its New Queen


Pasadena Heritage Craftsman 
Weekend In its 27th year, 
Pasadena Heritage will 
present the Annual Craftsman 
Weekend on November 
9-11, 2018. The Weekend 
will feature house tours of 
notable Craftsman properties, 
along with bus and walking 
tours of the surrounding 
neighborhoods. Other events 
scheduled include a Show 
and Sale with exhibitors of 
antique and contemporary 
furniture and decorative arts, 
a silent auction, workshops 
and presentations. In addition, 
Pasadena Heritage will be 
offering exclusive receptions at 
historic locations throughout 
the weekend. 

 For tickets and information, 
please visit:
CraftsmanWeekend or contact 
them at Pasadena Heritage, 
651 South St. John Avenue, or 
call 626.441.6333. 


 Individuals of all genders, 
shapes, ages, and persuasions, 
will be testing their fate October 
28 to become Doo Dah Queen. 
Contestants and equally-
costumed judges, include 
many former queens, and 
veteran parade entrants, tryout 
supporters and the curious 
public. The town-hall setting 
with long tables in beer-fest 
style, hot food, and Doo Dah 
House Band, New Astroturf, 
will set the mood for the lively 
caucus, along with other guest 

 Each Queen Hopeful will have 
three minutes to WOW the 
Judges. Microphone provided.

 Be ready to show and tell us 
why YOU should be Queen, 
feel free to bring a ring of loyal 

 Buy a few beers for parade 
organizers and you can become 
a judge and vote.

Tryouts are Sunday, October 

2:00 - Queen Hopefuls arrival 
& Check-in Doors Open to the 
Public, Bands

3:15 Judges Take their Seats! At 
3:30 Tryouts Begin... and a new 
Doo Dah Queen is Crowned 
entering a new era.

 On Doo Dah day, dozens of 
inventive, if zany, art cars and 
floats will accompany a legion 
of revelers past the mom-n-pop 
shops along East Pasadena’s 
shady tree-lined streets with 
a memorable cast of local 
eccentrics, disruptors, pundits, 
mutant art cars, lone wolves, 
steam punks, makers and 

 Entries are open to everyone. 
This year’s lineups includes 
the Nut Camp, Trashion Show, 
The Pony Baloney Express, 
Bildge Rat, Code Blue DeFibs, 
Black Sabbitch, Flying Baby 
Homerun Border Crossing, 
Nordic Men, Murrugun the 
Sword Swallower, Kilt Brigade, 
Radioactive Chickenheads, 
D.J. Sparlkle Pony, Toaster 
Car, The Army of Toy Soldiers, 
The Eye, The Billionaires, 
Saucers from Bakersfield, 
Danse Macabre, Free Thought 
Society, Unich Band, Aloha 
Oy Vey Marching Ukelele 
Band, Cyclops, Bearded Ladies, 
Count Smokula, Partying 
Parrotheads, Murrugun the 
Mystic, Unicorn Palace, Man as 
Giraffe, Heuristicus, The Butler, 
Recumbent Revolution, L.A. 
Derby Dolls, Let’s Paint and 
March TV, Zucchini Patrol, and 
Doo Dah’s 2018 Royals, among 
many others. Secret Santa, Doo 
Dah’s take on the North Pole 
icon, will close the conga line 
and ring in the holiday season. 
And… not a rose will be harmed 
in the making of this parade.

 The parade takes place on 
Colorado Boulevard (between 
Altadena Dr. and San Gabriel 
Blvd.) in East Pasadena (start 
location: 2627 E. Colorado 
Blvd.) Sunday, November 18th, 
Stepping off at 11:00 a.m. as 
always the parade is free-of-
charge ~ fun for all ages.

 Plenty of street parking is 
available ~ Parade route is 
also just west of the Sierra 
Madre Villa Gold Line Station 
(at Colorado Blvd. and Sierra 
Madre Villa). City busses go 
directly to the area and Uber or 
Lyft. Come early! Bring a lawn 
chair! Visit the local eateries, 
popular food trucks along the 
parade route, and buy a new 
Doo Dah t-shirt. Stick around 
for the after parties all within 
close walking distance.

 Official Doo Dah After-
Party: American Legion, 179 
N. Vinedo St. (2 blocks from 
Parade at Vinedo & Walnut) 
immediately following the 
event. Bands, dancing, cheap 
food and drinks!! $5 cover 
(supports a Legion charity). 
Also host to QUEEN TRYOUTS 
Saturday, October 21 beginning 
around 5:00pm, more info to 
come your way.

City Celebrates National Coming Out Day


 Pasadena’s Public Health and 
Library Departments hosted 
the city’s 3rd annual Coming 
Out Day Celebration Thursday 
night with speakers sharing 
their coming out stories and 

 Ongina from RuPaul’s Drag 
Race Season 1 was the evening’s 
keynote speaker. Tia Wanna (Te 
Jay McGrath) served as the host.

 “All the major cities are 
doing this,” McGrath said. 
“Long Beach, West L.A. San 
Francisco... All the way to 
New York. I think the turnout 
was really great and all of our 
partners and organizations here 
really concreted our awesome 
community we have here in 

 Local organizations including: 
Pasadena Youth Move, 
Pasadena Teen Advisory 
Board, PMHAC, San Gabriel 
Valley Pride, Aids Healthcare 
Foundation, Strength United, 
PCC, Wesley Health Centers, 
Pasadena Fire, Pasadena Police, 
Planned Parenthood, Day 
One, Huntington Hospital (Pet 
Assistant Therapy), and more 

 Pasadena Public Health 
Department, Social and Mental 
Health Division Manager, 

Angelica Palmeros said “We 
house the LGBTQ services in 
our programs. We have a Safe 
Zone project, we train partners, 
businesses, libraries to have 
an inclusive environment to 
understand the terminology 
how to engage someone who 
maybe sad, depressed struggling 
with coming out.” 

 The event celebrated coming 
out as lesbian, gay, bisexual, 
transgender, queer (LGBTQ) 
or as an ally and marked the 
30th anniversary of National 
Coming Out Day.

 For more information, contact 
Te Jay McGrath, tmcgrath@ or (626) 

Drill to Rumble 
Across PCC

Levels of 

 On Thursday, at 10:18 a.m., 
Pasadena City College will join 
colleges, K-12 schools, and 
other civic institutions around 
California to take part in the 
Great California ShakeOut.

 This emergency safety drill 
is designed to help the college 
community better prepare for 
an earthquake. The drill will 
consist of recognizing how you 
would best protect yourself in 
your immediate environment 
by following the recommended 
steps of Drop! Cover!, and 
Hold On! These steps should 
be practiced during the drill at 
PCC, CEC/Foothill Campus, 
Rosemead, and the Child 
Development Center.

 The drill will be followed by 
a complete evacuation of all 
rooms and buildings at each 
of the campuses. Once the all 
clear signal is given, everyone 
will be allowed back into the 

 More information on the 
procedure to follow in the 
event of an earthquake is 
available on a video produced 
by the ShakeOut organization. 
Interested parties may also 
contact Sgt. Bill Abernathie, 
Campus Police at (626) 585-

 The Pasadena Public Health 
Department (PPHD) is 
reporting epidemic levels of 
typhus fever this year. Typhus 
fever is a disease spread to 
humans by infected fleas. In 
2018, 20 Pasadena residents 
have been confirmed to have 
typhus fever, well above the 
expected one to five cases per 

 Flea-borne typhus, also 
known as murine or endemic 
typhus, is a disease carried by 
fleas infected with bacteria 
(Rickettsia typhi or Rickettsia 
felis). Flea-borne typhus is 
found regularly in Los Angeles 
County, especially Pasadena, 
with most cases occurring in 
the summer and fall months.

 Locally, the primary animals 
known to carry infected 
fleas include feral cats and 
opossums. People with 
significant exposure to these 
animals are at risk of acquiring 
flea-borne typhus. Pet dogs 
and cats that are allowed 
outside are more likely to come 
in contact with infected fleas 
and could spread the disease 
to humans. Although pets and 
animals do not get sick from 
typhus, the disease can cause 
high fever, chills, headache and 
rash in people. Typhus can be 
treated with antibiotics.

 “Typhus fever is a disease 
that can cause serious 
complications requiring 
lengthy hospitalization, and 
rarely, death,” said Dr. Ying-
Ying Goh, Pasadena Health 
Officer. “All residents should 
to take steps to prevent fleas in 
and around the home.”

 There are simple precautions 
to prevent the spread of typhus 
fever disease:

Maintain the yard free of debris 
and trim overgrown vegetation 
to prevent harborage of wild 
animals like feral cats and 

Do not leave pet food outdoors

Do not provide food or water 
for wild animals

Keep garbage containers 
tightly covered

Seal all openings and crawl 
spaces under the home

Routinely treat pet dogs 
and cats with flea control 

 For more information on 
preventing typhus, visit the 
San Gabriel Valley Mosquito 
and Vector Control District at:

Rep. Chu on 
of Judge 

 Congresswoman Judy 
Chu released the following 
statement after the Senate 
voted last Saturday 50 to 48 
to confirm Brett Kavanaugh 
to the Supreme Court:

 “This confirmation is a 
body blow to women. Brett 
Kavanaugh was picked 
precisely because he has a 
judicial record hostile to 
a woman’s constitutional 
right to choice. And he was 
confirmed in spite of credible 
allegations that he had 
sexually assaulted women in 
the past. In short, this was a 
vote to silence women in law 
and in society by taking away 
our rights at the court and 
discouraging other survivors 
from naming their attackers.

 “This process was 
mishandled from the 
beginning. It was designed 
to shield Judge Kavanaugh’s 
record from the public and 
to rush him onto the Court. 
Even as the allegations were 
being looked into, Senate 
Majority Leader McConnell 
declared that he was intent 
on pushing forward with 
a vote. Any investigation 
or fact finding under that 
context is a sham. And the 
reports that the White House 
intervened to limit the scope 
of the FBI’s work is further 
proof. We need to see the 
White House guidance to 
understand what restrictions 
were put on the FBI’s work. 
For instance, it’s wrong that 
Dr. Ford wasn’t questioned 
by the FBI. Nor were many 
others who came forward to 
say they had information to 
corroborate accusations or 
prove that Kavanaugh had 
lied to the Senate Judiciary 
Committee. Those myriad 
mistruths he told, along with 
the unprecedently hostile 
and partisan tone he took in 
his hearing, are disqualifying 
on their own.

 “Lastly, I believe that 
Judge Kavanaugh should 
be disqualified by his 
comments on presidential 
power. Kavanaugh has 
publicly expressed his belief 
that the President cannot 
be criminally charged while 
in office. Surely Trump was 
aware of his position when 
nominating him, which 
is a conflict of interest 
as the Supreme Court is 
almost certain to hear a 
case involving the Mueller 
probe. At the absolute least, 
Kavanaugh must recuse 
himself from all cases 
having to do with Mueller’s 

Free Monthly Events at 
Pasadena Senior Center

 There is something for 
everyone in September 
at the Pasadena Senior 
Center, 85 E. Holly St. 
You do not have to be a 
member to attend. Some 
events require advance 
reservations as noted.

 Screening Mimis 
Film Discussion Club – 
Tuesdays, Oct. 16, at 3 
p.m. Diehard film fans are 
invited to watch a movie 
the first and third Tuesday 
of every month, preceded 
by a presentation about 
the film’s hidden history 
and followed by lively 
discussion. Oct. 16: Once 
Were Warriors (1994 R) 
starring Rena Owen and 
Temuera Morrison. In 
New Zealand, a family 
descended from Maoris 
lives in a slum where the 
father’s alcoholism has 
affected his relationship 
with his wife and scarred 
their teenaged children 

 Caregiver Support Group – 
Wednesdays, Oct. 17, from 
1 to 2:30 p.m. If you are a 
caregiver for a loved one, 
you may be neglecting 
your own well-being due 
the stress of day-to-day 
tasks that ensure your 
loved one is comfortable, 
safe and provided for. This 
support group is intended 
to provide a meaningful 
time for caregivers to 
focus on their own feelings 
and needs.

 Friday Movie Matinees 
– Fridays, Oct. 19 and 26, 
at 1 p.m. Everyone enjoys 
watching movies and 
the pleasures they bring. 
Oct. 19 – Won’t You Be My 
Neighbor? (2018, PG-13). 
This documentary takes 
an intimate look at the 
life, lessons and legacy 
of America’s favorite 
neighbor, Mr. Rogers. Oct. 
26: Overboard (2018, PG-
13) starring Anna Faris 
and Eugenio Derbez. In 
this remake of the 1987 
original, a rich, spoiled 
playboy from Mexico’s 
wealthiest family mistreats 
a single mom he has hired 
to clean his yacht, then falls 
overboard, wakes up with 
amnesia on the Oregon 
coast and is unwittingly 
subjected to payback 
from the woman. 

 LA Opera Talk: Hansel 
and Gretel – Monday, Oct. 
15, at 1 p.m. An LA Opera 
community educator will 
lead guests through the 
enchanting opera Hansel 
and Gretel composed by 
Engelbert Humperdinck 
with libretto by his sister. 
Based on the beloved tale 
by the Brothers Grimm, 
the opera follows a young 
brother and sister who 
get lost in the woods 
where they discover a full-
sized gingerbread house 
festooned with candy 
and other sweets, but 
soon meet the owner of 
the house – a witch who 
proceeds to turn Gretel 
into a servant and begins 
to fatten up Hansel for the 

Chair Yoga – Wednesday, 
Oct. 17, at 1 p.m. Improve 
your balance, strength 
and confidence through 
gentle yoga exercises 
while sitting on a chair 
or standing while using a 
chair for support.

 Health Fair – Friday, 
Oct. 19, from 9 to 11 
a.m. Services include 
glucose, blood pressure 
and hearing screenings, 
counseling, health and 
community resources. Call 
(626) 685-6732 for more 

 For more information visit 
org or call 626-795-4331.

 Founded in 1960, the 
Pasadena Senior Center 
is an independent, donor-
supported nonprofit 
organization that offers 
recreational, educational, 
wellness and social 
services to people ages 50 
and older.

Pet of the 

Can you believe this 
beautiful boy was 
found on the streets 
of Altadena? A good 
Samaritan brought him to 
us at the end of August. 
He has been here getting 
big and strong and now 
is available for adoption. 
He is a little shy at first but 
loves to play. Show him a 
cat toy and he will show 
off his spunky side. He is 
currently looking for a new 
best friend. Could it be 

 The adoption fee for cats is 
$75. All cats are spayed or 
neutered, microchipped, 
and vaccinated before 
being adopted. 

 New adopters will receive 
a complimentary health-
and-wellness exam from 
VCA Animal Hospitals, as 
well as a goody bag filled 
with information about 
how to care for your pet.

 View photos of 
adoptable pets at 
Adoption hours are 11 
a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday; 9 
a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday 
through Friday; and 9 a.m. 
to 4 p.m. Saturday.

 Pets may not be available 
for adoption and cannot 
be held for potential 
adopters by phone calls 
or email.


Monday, October 1st

12:00 PM – A petty theft 
occurred in the 200 block 
of Highlawn Place. Stolen: 
green wood patio bench and 

4:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
2200 block of Garfias Drive.

Tuesday, October 2nd

3:20 PM – Samuel Licon, 46 
years old of Altadena was 
arrested in the 2200 block of 
E. Crary Street for possession 
of a controlled substance.

Thursday, October 4th

12:15 AM – A domestic 
assault occurred in the 3300 
block of Alicia Avenue. 
Suspect has been identified.

Friday, October 5th

12:15 AM – David Martin, 
28 years old of Pasadena was 
arrested in the 2200 block 
of E. Crary Street for being 
under the influence of a 
controlled substance.

11:37 AM – An assault with 
a deadly weapon occurred in 
the 700 block of W. Mountain 
View Street. Suspect was 
taken into custody.

9:00 PM – Amanda Oviatt, 
30 years old of Arcadia was 
arrested in the 2200 block of 
E. Crary Street for possession 
of a controlled substance.

Saturday, October 6th

5:00 PM – A residential 
burglary occurred in the 
60 block of Figueroa Drive. 
Suspect(s) entered the 
residence by shattering the 
window. Stolen: unknown.

South Pasadena 
Police Warn of 
Car Break-ins

 Before you turn in for the 
night, remember to lock 
your car, take your keys and 
hide your belongings. These 
simple steps can help deter 
thieves looking for an easy 
target to steal from. Officers 
are stepping up patrols, but we 
also need your assistance to 
help prevent these crimes. 

 For South Pasadena Police 
Non-Emergency Calls 626-

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: