Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 16, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page A:4


Mountain Views-News Saturday, March 16, 2019 


City of Sierra Madre


From: The City of Sierra Madre

Subject: Summary of Urgency Ordinance No. 1410-U and 

 Ordinance 1411 – Small Wireless Facilities


Applicant: City of Sierra Madre

Project Location: Properties in the City of Sierra Madre, County of Los Angeles, State of California

The City of Sierra Madre gives notice, pursuant to State of California law, that the City Council will introduce, waive reading 
in full, and conduct a public hearing to consider recommending adoption of Urgency Ordinance 1410-U and conduct a 
first reading of non-urgency Ordinance 1411, amending Title 17, Chapter 17.93-Standards and Criteria for Wireless 
Communications Facilities of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code. The Ordinance amendments update the City’s standards for 
wireless facilities and rules for reviewing, processing, and approving wireless facility applications. Each ordinance addresses 
the recent changes to federal and state law including a new “shot clock rule” establishing 60 days to process permits to attach 
5G small cell sites to existing structures, and 90 days for attached equipment to new structures. The ordinance also address 
reasonable requirements on siting, appearance, structure, and other aspects of the facility. It further limits fees for 5G small 
cell applications to a reasonable approximation of the state and local governmental costs.

This urgency and non-urgency ordinance complies with the requirements of California Government Code Section 65964.1 
and Section 6409 of the federal Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. The Urgency Ordinance 1410-U 
will be approved as an urgency ordinance upon specified health and safety findings and a 4/5 vote pursuant to Government 
Code section 36937. 

This summary is published pursuant to Government Code Section 36933(c)(1) and a full and complete certified copy of 
the text of Ordinance No. 1410-U and Ordinance 1411 are available at the Sierra Madre City Manager’s Office located at 
City of Sierra Madre City Hall, 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA. 


City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra Madre

City Council meeting City Council Chambers

Tuesday, March 26, 2019 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.

(Hearing begins at 6:30 p.m.) Sierra Madre, CA 

All interested persons may attend this meeting and the City Council will hear them with respect thereto.

ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The adoption of this ordinance qualifies for an exemption from the California 
Environmental Quality Act review pursuant to Title 14, Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Code of Regulations as it can be 
seen with certainty that there is no possibility the adoption of this Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment.

APPEAL: If in the future anyone wishes to challenge the decision of the City Council in court, one may be limited to raising 
the issues that were raised or presented in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at, or before, the scheduled 
public hearing. For further information on this subject, please contact the Planning and Community Preservation Department 
at 626-355-7138.

“Of Wistaria blooms, I caught sight, today,

And ever since as violet of the deepest hue,

My passion, grows ever more profound!” Ise

“In memory of the spring now passing, I drew 
the long clusters

 of wistaria that move like waves.” Masaoka 

That pretty much says it all. Everywhere you 
look around town, if you look hard enough, 
you see wistaria peeking out here and there. 
It seems that it always blooms the most 
spectacularly after the Festival but we know 
that with all the rain we’ve had the Vine will be 
incredible. It’s all over town, just keep an eye 
peeled for those lovely purple blossoms, like 
those here in my picture!

Have been hanging onto the most wonderful 
article on wisteria, which ran in the Star 
News in 2015. Joshua Siskin, who writes The 
Smarter Gardener for several papers gave me 
permission to use his work and I quote:

“It has been several weeks since wisteria 
stopped blooming, but still I think of it. Its 
curtains of opulent lavender-violet flower 
clusters are hard to forget. All year long, except 
for a single brief moment in late winter and 
early spring, wisteria is a vine that shows nothing of ornamental interest. It does serve a utilitarian 
purpose in covering an arbor and thus provides shade for those strolling or dining al fresco. But 
without its flowers, wisteria would probably not be planted much, if at all.

I think that people, too, have this wisteria-like quality. We might go for months living a drab, 
humdrum sort of existence until we suddenly flower brilliantly for a brief, yet memorable moment. 
Indeed, most of the time we do our jobs well and provide assistance and sustenance for others. 
Yet, how often do we bloom, giving something that, coming from our best and truest self, delights 
and inspires the world around us? Long ago in Lithuania, there was a rabbi named Yisrael Salanter 
who said that “the greatest distance in the universe is the distance between your head and your 
heart.” When our noblest and most idealistic aspirations, those that we carry around in our minds, 
somehow reach our hearts, that is when we truly blossom.”

Nice! No wonder I keep it in my calendar for March!

This weekend’s activities look to be a lot of fun. The music should be great, too. How can you miss 
with The Gem City Jazz Cats at the Wistaria Beer Garden in Memorial Park from 5 to 8 p.m. on St. 
Patrick’s Day, which, of course, is Sunday. I’m going to get out my big button that says, “Patrick Was 
A Saint, I Ain’t!” and wear it shamelessly. There will be so much to see around town and you are 
guaranteed a great time.

I am reminded of a really splendid family of folk singers, The Galligans, we knew a few years ago, 
who made an amazing Irish Soda Bread. You might give it a try to go along with your corned beef 
and cabbage…

Put 3 cups of flour in a bowl with 1 TB. of baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. salt.

Blend in 4 TB. of soft butter, add 1 TB caraway seeds, 1 cup of currants, 1 cup dark raisins, 1 cup 
golden raisins. Mix!

Then add . cup of sugar, one beaten egg and 2 cups of buttermilk. (As few of us have 2 cups of 
buttermilk lounging around in our fridge, try this: 1 TB of white vinegar per cup of milk. Measure 
the vinegar into the cup then add the milk to get a correct measurement. Let it sit for about 10 
minutes and…voila! buttermilk.) 

Pour into a greased iron skillet or loaf pan. Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees then 45 minutes at 350 
degrees. Test with toothpick in the center for doneness. Let it cool a bit, spread with butter and enjoy. 
As Jim Galligan says on his recipe, “Grandma Galligan made it this way in Ireland, County Armagh, 
many years ago.” Jim never said, “Faith and Begorra!” and probably nobody else Irish does either, but 
he was a fine singer and this is really good bread. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

We are going to have such great weather for the Wistaria Festival this Sunday. Plan to sit out on 
the patio at Only Place In Town Café, or Casa Del Rey, enjoy a snack, a glass of something, and a 
spectacular view of our own personal mountains. 

We don’t know about you, but Daylight Shifting Time last Sunday took the starch out of us for a 
couple of days. This is one of those concepts that has definitely outlived its usefulness. Did you 
know there are more auto accidents right after Daylight Shifting time than usual. Could it be because 
drivers are crankier than usual and a little off their game, too. Apparently, it was Benjamin Franklin’s 
original idea to save on candles. Probably needed something to fill up a blank spot in “Poor Richard’s 

My book page: Deanne Davis – check out

The Crown,

now that Easter is on its way.

 It will change your perspective on what happened on the Hill called Golgotha.

Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look!


Follow me on Twitter, too!

KATIE Tse..........This and That


 Sometimes my mom and I see 
our friend, we’ll call him Marcello, 
when we hit San Antonio Winery. 
Although Mom’s not big into 
wine, she likes sweet stuff, which 
is pretty much half the tasting 
menu, so it’s all good.

 (Some people make fun of 
people who like sweet wine, but I think that’s just wine 
snobbery. Drink what you like and don’t worry about 
what others think.)

 The last time we were there it took Marcello a while 
to notice us. I smiled at him and asked how he was 
doing. He eventually admitted that we looked familiar. 

 “You and my mom are both from Michigan,” I 
reminded him.

 “Oh yeah!” 

 What followed was about an hour of reminiscing 
about mutual Michigan memories. From Redford and 
Livonia to Sanders hot fudge and Milky the Clown 
(before clowns were creepy). Mom and Marcello are 
the same age, so they have plenty in common. I’ve been to Michigan once, about 20 years ago, so 
I can’t contribute much to the conversation. I mostly just stand there, smile, and sip my Malbec.

 At one point, I made the mistake of joking that Mom’s family were the only Protestants on an 
all-Catholic street, like a speck of orange in a sea of green. (Green is a Catholic color, orange is 
Protestant. See, I tied it in to St. Patty’s!) The Catholics got all the cool necklaces and feast days, 
while Mom’s family had to sit on folding chairs in a school hallway that the Moravians rented out 
Sundays. Marcello laughed and stepped away to help other customers.

 “Why did you tell him we were the only Protestants?” she whispered to me, slightly alarmed.

 “What? Was that a bad thing to mention?” I had no idea.

 “What if he’s Catholic?” she asked.

 If my ill-timed Catholic/Protestant comment made a dent in Marcello, he didn’t show it, and 
we had a nice conversation over Moscato and Zinfandel. (I had the Zinfandel, my mom had the 

 Yeah, life was rough for Mom growing up the only Protestant surrounded by Catholics. Not that 
they were ever discriminatory or anything, but still, she was different. Clearly it made an impact. 
Otherwise she wouldn’t be hesitant to let it slip to a friendly Michigander at San Antonio Winery.

 When Mom was in her early teens, one of her Catholic friend’s family went on vacation, and 
asked her to watch the girl’s hamsters. Hamsters are supposed to be the world’s easiest pet, right? 
What could go wrong?

 Imagine my mom’s horror when she discovered that one of them had unexpectedly gnawed the 
other’s head off sometime during the night. She showed up to give them fresh water and kibbles 
in the morning and found one of them decapitated! Talk about an embarrassing predicament.

 I don’t remember if she bought them a replacement hamster while they were gone and tried 
to pass it off as the dead one. That’s probably what I would’ve done. No one knows why the one 
attacked the other. It was completely unprovoked. They never had a problem in the world before 
they went on Mom’s watch. Probably they knew she was a Protestant. 


March 3 to March 10, 2019 
During this period, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to 
approximately 212 day and night time calls for service. 

Monday, March 4 
An injury traffic collision involving a vehicle and a pedestrian occurred at about 6:05PM, in the 00 
block of W. Sierra Madre Blvd. The pedestrian was treated by the Sierra Madre Paramedics at the 
scene and later transported to a local hospital for further treatment. 

Wednesday, March 6 
Between 2:45PM and 4:15PM, a petty theft occurred in the 300 block of W Highland Ave. An 
unknown suspect(s) entered the victim's garage (accessible to the public) and took a bicycle and a 
bicycle trailer. The suspect(s) then fled in an unknown direction by unknown means. The total loss 
was estimated to be about $850.00. 
Case to Detectives 

Friday, March 9 
A residential burglary occurred in the 300 block of N. Sunnyside Ave. between the hours of 5:30PM 
and 6:00PM. 
Case to Detectives pending further investigation. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: