Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 27, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page 10



Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 27, 2019 


Dear Savvy Senior:

The U.S. Census Bureau is in the process of recruiting 
thousands of workers for temporary jobs to help 
collect valuable data for the 2020 Census, and retirees 
are ideal candidates. Can you write a column 
to get the word out? Thanks for your help! Census 


Dear Recruiter:

I’m happy to oblige, and I agree. This once-a-decade 
job opportunity is a great fit for retirees that 
have some free time on their hands who wouldn’t 
mind earning some extra income while helping 
the community.

 Attention Retirees!

The United States Census Bureau is currently in 
the process of recruiting over 500,000 temporary 
workers to help carry out the upcoming 2020 
Census na-tional head count of every person living 
in the U.S.

 The U.S Census helps determines each state’s representation 
in Congress, how funds are spent for 
schools, hospitals, roads, and provides information 
to guide many decisions made by government 
agencies, private businesses and institu-tions.

 Jobs within the census vary from working in the 
field canvassing, updating maps, doing follow up 
interviews with citizens in your community, or 
working in the office as a clerk doing administrative 
tasks or office operation supervisor, who oversees 
the field staff.

 Some jobs will begin this summer, but the majority 
of positions will begin in late April 2020 and 
last a month or two.

 These temporary part-time positions are located 
in every county throughout the United States and 
Puerto Rico. Some positions require evening and/
or weekend shifts because you must be available 
to interview members of the public when they’re 
at home. And all positions require several days of 
online and classroom training. The pay ranges between 
$13.50 and $30 per hour depending on posi-
tion and location. To find the pay rates in your 

 Job Qualifications: To be able to work for the 
2020 census you must be:

• Be at least 18 years old.

• Have a valid Social Security number.

• Be a U.S. citizen.

• Have a valid email address.

• Complete an application and answer assessment 

• Be registered with the Selective Service 
System or have a qualifying exemption, if you 
are a male born after Dec. 31, 

• Pass a Census-performed criminal background 
check and a review of criminal records, 
in cluding fingerprinting.

• Commit to completing training.

• Be available to work flexible hours, which 
can include days, evenings, and/or week-ends.

 In addition, most census jobs require employees 
to have access to a vehicle and a valid driver’s 
license, unless public transportation is readily 
available. And have access to a computer with internet 
and an email account to complete train-ing.

 How to Apply

The first step is to complete the online job application 
at The process takes 
about 30 minutes and will include some assessment 
questions about your education, work, and 
other experience.

 If you’re a veteran who would like to claim veterans’ 
preference, which provides preference over 
nonveteran applicants, you’ll need supporting 


For more information on the 2020 Census, or if 
you have questions or problems with the application 
process call 855-562-2020.


After you apply, an interviewer will reach out to 
potential hires to conduct a phone interview, but 
not all applicants will be interviewed. Job offers 
are made verbally, but candidates will also receive 
a letter by email.



Howard Rubin, Anita Hardy, Hattie Harris, Mary Harley, Bette White, Dorothy White, 
Doris Behrens, Freda Bernard, Beth Copti, Terri Cummings, Marilyn Diaz, Virginia 
Elliott, Elma Flores, Betty Jo Gregg, Barbara Lampman, Betty Mackie, Elizabeth 
Rassmusen, Maria Reyes, Marian DeMars, Anne Schryver, Chrisine Bachwansky, 
Colleen McKernan, Sandy Swanson, Hank Landsberg, Ken Anhalt, Shannon 
Vandevelde * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737. 
YEAR of birth not required 


Unless listed differently, all activities are at the Hart Park House (Senior Center) 222 W. 
Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre

Hawaiian & Polynesian Dance Class: Every Tuesday Morning from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 
Join the class with Instructor Barbara Dempsey as she leads you in the art of Hula!

Bingo Time: Every Tuesday beginning at 1:00 p.m. Cards are only $0.25 each! Everyone is welcome to play! Activity 
may be canceled if there are less than five people.

Free Blood Pressure Testing: 2nd Tuesdays Monthly from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary.

Brain Games: Every third Thursday of the month at 12:30-1:30pm Join us for Scattergories, a creative thinking game 
by naming objects within a set of categories; or Jenga, a block-building challenge that keeps you stacking and bal-ancing 
your tower. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is needed. A great way to strengthen your mind and make new 
friends... Games are facilitated by Senior Volunteers.

Free Legal Consultation: Wednesday, March 13th from 10:30 a.m. - Noon. Attorney Lem Makupson is available for 
legal consultation. Specializing in Family Law, Wills, Trusts, Estates and Injury. Please call the Hart Park

Senior Club: Meets Saturdays, Weekly at Hart Park House Brown Bag Lunch, great company and bingo at 11:30 a.m.

Chair Yoga: Mondays & Wednesdays 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. with Paul Hagen. Classes include Yoga and balance exercises. 
All ability levels are encouraged and welcomed!

Birthday Celebration: Every 2nd Thursday Monthly at the Hart Park House. Share free birthday cake and ice cream 
kindly provided by the Senior Community Commission!

Game Day: Every Thursday Monthly 12:00 Noon come into the Hart Park House and join a lively poker game with 

Free Strength Training Class: Fridays 12:45 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. with Lisa Brandley.light weights, low impact resistance 
training and body conditioning. Class equipment provided.

TAX ASSISTANCE—Every Wednesday 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Beginning February 6th – April 10th, Don Brunner 
is available for income tax consultation. Appointments needed, call 626-355-5278 x704


Real Life Tips from LIfe's Instruction Manual


As we keep walking 
in the direction 
of our 
dreams, a path 
appears. It can 
seem challenging 
to lead a vision driven life. Sometimes just 
saying what we want is frightening because we 
don't know how to get started. Last year I created 
a health goal. I didn't know where to start 
but wrote it down. Soon casual conversations 
lead to new resources, ideas, and practitioners. 
I had to take the first step. I had to be willing to 
experiment; I had to move.

We are required to go toward the unknown; we 
must take steps even when we are unsure. This 
venture into the unfamiliar has been written 
about for millen-nia. While the fear is familiar 
and well known the prescription for managing it 
remains the same: Do what you can where you 
are with what you have.

 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light 
unto my path. Psalm 119:105

 "Take the first step in faith. You don't have to 
see the whole staircase; just take the first step.” 
Martin Luther King, Jr.

 When you want to go upstairs, you don’t just 
make one giant leap; you take one step at a time. 
A staircase can symbolize the dream for your life 
or something you would want to create, and you 
have to choose one action step at a time to get 


Start with a short term goal.

To get to your dream, you need to create small, 
short-term goals that will expand your life one 
step at a time. Speak to yourself kindly with 
confidence. Let your self-fulfilling prophecy be 
positive self-talk. Start by telling yourself, “I really 
can do this.”

Check in with the vision, “Where would I love to 
be at the end of this week?” Set just one, achievable 
goal, and celebrate your progress along the 
way: dream build, one step at a time. I started 
with a baby step, and seven months later my 
health has improved significantly.

What next step can you take today?

Lori A. Harris is a lawyer, Life Mastery Consultant 
and the of the Creator of the Gratitude Train 
App, available in the App Store and Google Play

learn more here:



Divorce can be traumatic for the whole family. Even 
if the process is amicable, it involves many tough 
decisions, legal hassles, and painful emotions that can 
drag out over several months, or even years. 

That said, while you probably don’t want to add any 
more items to your to-do list during this trying time, 
it’s absolutely critical that you review and update your 
estate plan—not only after the divorce is final, but as 
soon as possible once you know the split is inevitable.
Even after you file for divorce, your marriage is legally 
in full effect until your divorce is finalized. That means 
if you die while the divorce is still ongoing and you 
haven’t updated your estate plan, your soon-to-be-ex 
spouse could end up inheriting everything. Maybe even worse, in the event you’re incapacitated before 
the divorce is final, your ex would be in complete control of your legal, financial, and healthcare decisions. 
Given the fact you’re ending the relationship, you probably wouldn’t want him or her having that 
much control over your life and assets. If that’s the case, you must act, and chances are, your divorce 
attorney is not thinking about these matters. 

While California law limits your ability to completely change your estate plan once your divorce has 
been filed, the following are a few of the most important updates you should consider making as 
soon as possible when divorce is on the horizon. 
1. Update your power of attorney documents for healthcare, financial, and legal decisions 

If you are incapacitated by illness or injury during the divorce, who would you want making life-and-
death healthcare decisions on your behalf? In the midst of divorce, chances are you’ll want someone 
other than your soon-to-be ex making these important decisions for you. If that’s the case, you must 
act immediately; don’t wait. 

Similarly, who would you want managing your finances and making legal decisions for you? 
Considering the impending split, you’ll most likely want to select another individual, particularly if 
things are anything less than friendly between the two of you. Again, you must take action if you do 
not want your spouse making these decisions for you. Don’t wait. 
2. Update your beneficiary designations
Failing to update beneficiary designations for assets that do not pass through a will or trust, such as 
life insurance policies and retirement accounts, is one of the most frequent—and tragic—planning 
mistakes made by those who get divorced. If you get remarried following your divorce, for example, 
but haven’t changed your IRA beneficiary designation to name your new spouse, the ex you divorced 
10 years ago could end up with your retirement savings upon your death.

That said, once either spouse files divorce papers with the court, neither party can legally amend their 
beneficiaries without the other’s permission until the divorce is final. Given this, if you’re anticipating 
a divorce, you may want to consider changing your beneficiaries prior to filing divorce papers. If your 
divorce is already filed, once the divorce is finalized making these changes should be your number-
one planning priority. In fact, put it on your to-do list right now! 

Next week, we’ll continue with part two in this series on the critical estate-planning updates you 
should make when divorce is inevitable. 

Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth and defining your legacy,

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents protect 
what they love most. His office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra Madre, 
CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a 
legacy of love and financial security for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or 
visit for more information.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: