Mountain View News Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
One pleasure the Gracious Mistress of
the Parsonage and myself enjoy is going
out for a quiet din-ner together. It
does not happen often, at least not often
enough. When it does, it is always a de-
lightful time and we try to take advantage
of it.
The delight on my wife’s side is that she
does not have to cook the meal and then
clean up after-wards. I have offered to
help clean up, but only once and I am
now forbidden to get anywhere near the
dishwasher. And, for good reason.
Once in the early days of our marriage,
I decided to surprise her by cooking
supper for her. She spent the afternoon
shopping with some friends and so I
thought it was the proper time for me to
do this.
Up until that time, I did not know how
difficult cooking was. I’ve seen my
grandmother do it and my mother and
now my wife, so I thought it was a rather
easy thing to do.
I must confess I have never studied these
ladies while they were preparing the
meal. I enjoyed the meal when it was
done and that satisfied me.
I spent all afternoon that day preparing a
very romantic dinner for us to enjoy together.
The kids were at camp or somewhere
so we had the house to ourselves.
I worked very hard doing what I thought
was cooking a nice meal.
As soon as my wife walked in the door,
she stopped and said, “What is that awful
smell? What are you burning?”
I must confess that the kitchen was
filled with smoke and I am not sure the
source. What I was cooking that night
escapes me at this point, but I thought
I put enough time, thought, and it to do
it properly.
The whole meal that night was a complete
and perfect disaster. I know there is
nothing perfect, but this came as close to
perfect as I have ever seen.
I must confess there was a nice balance
to that meal. Some was undercooked
and some over-cooked. If you balance
them together, maybe something comes
out right, I am not sure. Nothing, however,
met the standard that my wife upholds
in the culinary department. All the
appliances in the kitchen were shocked
by a disaster they had never seen before.
And, never since, because I am banned
from cooking in the kitchen.
The only thing I can do in the morning
his turn the coffee pot on, that is the limit
to my kitchen ac-tivities.
As we were sitting at our table at the restaurant,
I was smiling. My wife looked at
me and said, “Okay, what are you smiling
I have never brought it up since that
time and I was very hesitant about doing
it now. Upon her in-sistence, I told her
I was thinking about the time I cooked
her dinner.
She stared at me for a few moments and
then burst out in hilarious laughter.
“I don’t think,” she said between laughter,
“you cooked anything that night except
your goose.”
That is the only expertise I have, I suppose,
cooking my own goose.
We chuckled about that as we looked at
the menu to see what we were going to
order. Everything on the menu sounded
delicious. Of course, we had worked all
day and so were quite hungry and I suppose
anything would look delicious at
that point.
The waitress brought us our drinks, I
had coffee and she had lemon tea, and
we went back to studying the menu.
It was then that I noticed something. It
had never crossed my mind until this
point. I’m rather ob-servant in life, particularly
noticing the little things. But
this night I was shocked.
Staring at the menu my mouth dropped
open, my eyes expanded to their limit.
At that moment, my wife looked at me
and said, “What’s wrong?”
I finally was able to say something and
conveyed to her nothing was wrong and
I was okay. She knew better. My mouth
was still open and my eyes were still
Then I heard some laughter across the
table. I looked up and she was laughing
one of her laughs that I knew had to do
with me.
“Have you decided what you going to
order yet?”
I muttered, stuttered and said nothing at
that point.
“I know what’s wrong,” she giggled.
“Nothing’s wrong,” I tried to convince
“You mean to tell me,” she said between
giggles, “that you have not noticed the
prices on this menu?”
Finally, putting the menu down I confessed
I had noticed the prices and could
not believe how ex-pensive everything
was. I did not know what to do, we were
out to enjoy the evening together and I
was in a predicament.
“You know,” she said quietly, “there’s a
pizza shop around the corner. Maybe we
could go there tonight.”
If anybody can read my mind, it is my
wife. We paid for the coffee and tea, went
to the pizza shop around the corner, and
really, I mean really, enjoyed ourselves.
Driving home that night I thought of
what the apostle Paul said. “Wherefore
comfort yourselves together, and edify
one another, even as also ye do” (1 Thessalonians
The best part of a night out is not how
much the meal costs, but who you are
sharing it with.
Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of
God Fellowship, and lives with the Gracious
Mis-tress of the Parsonage in Ocala, FL. Call
him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail jamessnyder2@
att.net. The church web site is www.
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With your
military service
complete, you’re
eager to return
home and get on
with life in the
private sector.
Surely, in
a booming
economy, you’ll
have your pick
of jobs? Your training is extensive,
after all - the U.S. military’s technology
training and educational advancement
is among the world’s very best. Maybe
you were a squad leader in the infantry,
routinely making more important
decisions - life-and-death decisions -
than a large global corporation’s CEO
Nobody questions your passion
to succeed. Your record of
accomplishments is long. Few
can match your work ethic. But
transitioning to private employment
proves to be far more difficult than you
Your military promotions were based
on your merits - your smarts and ability
to make split-second decisions under
incredible duress. Never once did you
have to prepare a resume, interview,
schmooze at networking events or tell
potential new bosses why you should
be their choice for a job.
In the military, you were a member
of a team, living for your brothers
and sisters and they for you, with
continuous personal and professional
support. But upon retirement, only
disabled vets receive ongoing support
from the Department of Veterans
Affairs and other government agencies.
You’re on your own - and you need “soft
skills” to prepare for job interviews and
translate your considerable military
credentials into a winning resume.
The numbers bear out your challenge:
In some regions, the unemployment
rate among veterans is considerably
higher than among non-veterans - up
to 2.5 percent higher in Pittsburgh’s
Allegheny County, for example.
Jack Wagner, a Marine Corps veteran,
Purple Heart recipient and longtime
local and state public servant, saw the
need to address your challenge.
“Every veteran and spouse of a veteran
is guaranteed a burial spot, but not a
job,” he says. “We teach veterans how
to take off in terms of training them in
the military, but we don’t teach them
well how to land when they come back
to civilian life.”
In 2016, he led an effort with other
concerned veterans to establish
Pittsburgh Hires Veterans (PHV), a
private, nonprofit organization that
provides free one-on-one counseling
and support to veterans and their
spouses, including the National Guard
and Reserves.
PHV’s approach is based on each
individual’s unique needs and
challenges. PHV’s team of four guided
a highly credentialed personnel officer
from months of unemployment into a
human resources position with a global
PHV helped one long-unemployed
young man attain the skills and
mindset he needed to land a solid,
livable-wage job - helping him address
issues resulting from his traumatic
brain injury.
PHV helped another young man
move from an indoor job he disliked,
occupational therapist, to an outdoor
job he loves, assistant grounds
superintendent at a large, historic
PHV currently serves 200 veterans -
double the number a year ago - and
each of us can help PHV find them
gainful work.
If you’re an employer, share your job
opportunities. PHV is your gateway to
veteran talent.
If you’re an individual, financial
donations are welcome. PHV gets by
solely on private funds. But you can
also tell veterans looking for work that
PHV is eager to help (be sure to “like”
PHV on Facebook).
If you’re with a government agency
or nonprofit helping transitioning
veterans in other states, collaborate
with PHV to support veterans moving
between regions or to simply share
Memorial Day is upon us - the one
day a year when we honor the men
and women who made the ultimate
sacrifice serving our country.
What better way to serve veterans
transitioning to private life than by
doing our small part to help them find
meaningful employment?
Visit PHV at www.
[Nyerges is the author
of numerous books such
as “Extreme Simplicity,”
“How to Survive Any-
where,” and “Self-Sufficient
Home.” He regularly
Blogs at www.SchoolofSelf-
If you’re not a TV
watcher, you might
not find any value in what I have to say
to-day. But perhaps you will.
I know that Game of Thrones has a lot
of followers and people have been deeply
moved by the twists and turns of the
plot. This, despite the fact that I have
never seen a single episode and actually
have no idea what it’s all about!
But I do enjoy the various talent and
singing competitions on TV. I’ve enjoyed
observ-ing amateur contestants
working their way through the levels of
elimination until sup-posedly only the
best remain. So this is not a world-shaking
issue, and this doesn’t rise to the level
of bringing civilization to the edge. It’s
all about entertainment and show-casing
the up-and-coming singers who we presume
will be starting a dynamic career.
I watched the remarkable talent on the
recent series of American Idol and developed
my favorites, singer-musicians who
I knew were the best of the crop, who I
presumed would win. If you watched
this show, you should realize that although
there is just one “winner,” each
of the highly-talented final contestants is
going to have a great career because the
show gave them unparalleled publicity.
As the most recent season came to a
close, I rooted for Pomona’s Alejandro
Aranda, whose occupation was listed
as “dishwasher.” As I expected, he rose
to the top and was one of the final two.
His music was unique, compelling, and
he performed mostly his own original
songs. And then, there was the final vote.
He lost to an Elvis looka-like, who garnered
more votes from the adoring public.
The Elvis lookalike was certain-ly
good – good-looking, slick, commanding
the stage, and I’m sure he would do
well in Las Vegas.
But I still could not figure how he could
win over the highly original, uniquely
creative Alejandro, my top choice.
Then I realized, duh, this is a TV show,
and the “winner” is not determined by
any sort of objective criteria by which
one judges the totality of musical greatness.
The winner is simply determined
by whoever manages to get the most
votes. And I didn’t vote. After all, it’s a
TV show – why would I bother to vote?
And I noted that people could vote up to
10 times! So that meant that whatever
contestant could muster up the popup
fan club to get out and vote, and vote often,
would win. Popularity doesn’t nec-
essarily mean the best musician, sadly.
Nevertheless, I cannot see how Alejandro
will not have a remarkable career
now that his talent is plain to see. The
show will ulti-mately have produced several
While pondering this state of affairs, I
recalled Andy Rooney on an old episode
of “60 Minutes” when he talked about
how we decide who won the Presidential
debates, and thus, how we decide who
will be president. Rooney divulged all
the superficial ele-ments that determine
who “won” the debate, such as, good
looks, color of hair, lack of hair, color
of tie, height or shortness, sweat on the
forehead, voice quality, and many other
highly irrelevant factors for deciding
something as momentous as who will be
the leader of our country.
And then, well, after considering that
our political elections have because
more elabo-rate versions of American
Idol or the Voice, I became a bit forlorn
to realize that this is – sort of, more or
less – the mess we’ve gotten ourselves
into by “electing” the combina-tion class
clown-class bully to be our President. It
seemed like a good idea at the time, but
now we pay the price for an unqualified,
nepotistic, sybaritic individual in the office
of President who would likely flunk
a course in American Government 101.
But now I’m developing indigestion
thinking about this – presidential commentary
will have to wait for another
My point is to congratulate Pomona’s
Alejandro Aranda, Mr. Segundo, on a
job well done, and wishing him the best
on his new career!
AMERICAN IDOL Number Two is still a “Winner”
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com