Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 31, 2019
Thank you friends and supporters of the Mountain Views News! It was
August, 2007 when the first edition of this paper was published, originally
known as the Mountain Views Observer. I made a commitment then to provide
a newspaper that provided useful information for the communities it
serves. Our focus has been to keep you informed, celebrate your victories and
be supportive when challenges arise from time to time.
Over the years the Mountain Views News has been blessed with the support
of some very talented contributors. Due to changes in circumstances, some
have relocated and unfortunately others have passed away. Of those original
supporters, I owe the world to Pat Birdsall, George Enyedi, Paul Nieby, Jan
Reed, Gordon Caldwell and others who encouraged me and whose memories
still keep me going.
Keeping the presses rolling hasn't been easy, especially in times of 'tariffs'.
Yes, even a small town newspaper is impacted adversely when 40% Tariffs on newsprint that comes
from China is levied. That tariff began in 2018 and has not been lifted. Regardless, with the support of
our writers, advertisers, vendors and you and a lot of prayers, we are 'keeping the presses rolling'!
By the way, I also owe so much to my patient and supportive family! and Dean Lee who has been with
me since page 1! You're absolutely the best!
In this edition, there is a surprise for you on page 12. I won't say much about it now, but it does answer
a few questions like, "Whatever Happened To?"
So, again, THANK YOU for your continued support. Susan
Walter Cailleteau, DVM Free Exam!
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com