Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 31, 2019
WALKING SIERRA MADRE - The Social Side by Deanne Davis
“If all the cars in the United States were placed end to end, it would
probably be Labor Day weekend.”
Doug Larson
“Labor Day is a great opportunity to reflect on what you failed to
accomplish this summer.”
“I love Labor Day; what other day do you get to celebrate work
without actually doing any!”
Labor Day in the United States is an annual holiday to celebrate
the achievements of workers. It has its origins in the labor union
movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which
advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and
eight hours for rest. Unless, of course, you happen to be a mother
and this particular holiday becomes laughable as meals, laundry
and the children’s eternal battle cry: “I’m bored! There’s nothing to
do here! What is there to eat!” rings out endlessly.
For many people, including John, my college football loving
husband, now residing in heaven, it was the start...finally...of the
college football season. I made sure we had plenty of Doritos and
the TV screen was dusted as Labor Day Saturday was an important
day. It still is, friends and neighbors. Today, Auburn vs. Oregon,
Georgia at Vanderbilt, Clemson vs. Georgia Tech, Northwestern at
Stanford and USC at Fresno State are just a few of the matches to
be seen this weekend. I don’t watch football anymore, but I sure
enjoyed all the games John and I watched together. When we were
first married, I had never taken a second look at football but as time
went by, I realized I had two choices – have you ever noticed, there
are always two choices – I could either continue spending all those
hours by myself or I could learn to enjoy football. I chose football
and was always glad I had made that choice as we had many lively
conversations about who was playing, what their quarterback was
doing wrong, what bonehead play had just been run for the seventh
time in a row, and much woo-hooing over touchdowns. USC was
always his first and favorite most beloved team, as he was a USC
graduate, but we liked a lot of other teams, too. Ladies out there, if
your sweetie is a football fan, go sit with him. You’ll be glad you did.
Trust me!
Labor Day weekend is also a great time to barbeque and a char-
broiled burger at halftime is pretty close to perfect. We always had
potato salad but my grandmother made a macaroni salad I’ve been
thinking about lately. Here’s her recipe:
Louise’s Macaroni Salad
16 oz. elbow macaroni
2 big dill pickles or 4-5 smaller ones
2 small cans pimentos
2 onions
4 hard boiled eggs
Mayonnaise – the full fat type, not one of the light ones
Celery Salt
Salt Paprika
Boil macaroni till al dente, drain and set aside to cool. Chop pickles,
onions, pimento and eggs.
Add seasonings, mayo and mix. Chill overnight to give the flavors
time to blend with each other.. This is really delicious. Give it a try.
My grandmother, Louise Pitzer Sessions, was born in Virginia,
lived part of her childhood in Texas before eventually ending up in
California with three children, one of whom was my mother. Louise
considered herself a southern lady and, as such, never revealed her
age. None of us really knew how old she was, but her macaroni salad
was terrific. Happy Labor Day!
Stay cool, dear friends and neighbors and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Looking forward to fall, pumpkins and cooler weather. Starbucks
has Pumpkin Lattes starting August 27th!
“Sunrises & Sunflowers Speak Hope”
is a great gift for yourself or someone you love!
Look for it on my book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Star of Wonder the CD is now on TuneCore! Take a look!
Blog: www.authordeanne.com
Follow me on Twitter, too! https://twitter.com/@playwrightdd
“A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”
is also available on my Amazon book page.
KATIE Tse....This and That
I’m sorry to say I’ve finally succumbed to
the pressure of recycling an old article in the
interest of time, etc. But at least I kept my
resolution of not recycling old stuff for eight
whole months, that’s pretty good! This one is
one of my favorites, not because it’s Pulitzer
material or anything, I just like my picture of
Vincent Price with rabbit ears.
You recall the 2007 film “I am Legend”
with Will Smith. What you might not have
known (unless you already read this article)
is that it was based on a Richard Matheson novel of the same
name, and there was an earlier film adaptation of it titled “The
Last Man on Earth.”
Starring Vincent Price in all his campy glory, this 1964 gem
combines zombies, romance, and the special effects of low budget
film making into one irresistibly cheesy package. Shot in Italy,
mostly with Italian-speaking actors, the voices don’t quite sync
with the lips. But that just makes it all the more deliciously corny.
“The Last Man on Earth” is considered to be the precursor to the
1971 “The Omega Man,” the latter shot with a significantly larger
budget. Those guys could afford Charlton Heston.
The premise is familiar to zombie fans. An airborne pathogen
is spreading across continents, leaving infection and death in its
wake. After the disease has run its course, victims turn into the
walking dead. But these particular night walkers don’t conform
to our modern zombie stereotype.
Although they have the classic zombie dead pan expression
and stiff gait, they also possess vampire-like qualities. They are
repelled by garlic and their reflection in mirrors. Like Bram
Stoker’s “Dracula,” they are most effectively killed by impaling
a wooden stake through the heart. Also, these zombies can speak
simple phrases (e.g., “Come out, Morgan! We know you’re in
there!”). They’re too articulate to be true zombies, but too crude
to be vampires. Everyone knows that vampires are sexy and
well-spoken, typically with a British accent.
The story begins with Robert Morgan (Price) exiting his
mirrored and garlic-laden home to drive around collecting the
latest crop of bodies. As with most zombie flicks, there’s a period
of gestation between death and “turning.” Morgan’s task is made
more humorous by the fact that the dummy bodies weighed
approximately 15 pounds. He effortlessly tosses them into his
50’s station wagon, not bothering to even close the tailgate.
‘Cause heck, they’re not gettin’ out!
After he’s got a full load of them, he heads to “The Pit,” a
perpetually smoking zombie landfill. He dons a gas mask (left
over from “Plan 9 from Outer Space”), douses the wrapped, staked
bodies with gas, and chucks them in. On the way home, Morgan
replenishes his mirrors and monitors his garlic garden. At night
the zombies gather outside his house to weakly throw stones and
beat against his boarded up doors and windows. Morgan plays a
record, attempting to drown
out their voices, and tries to
One day, he spots a
disheveled, but otherwise
normal-looking woman
walking though a field.
She’s frightened of him, but
he convinces her to come
home with him. Once
subdued, the woman, Ruth,
asks how Morgan survived.
He explains that years
ago he was bitten by a bat
infected with the vampire
virus. The bat’s system
strained the toxin before
it entered his body, thus
giving him immunity. (This
is one of those moments
when you must willingly
suspend your disbelief with
a trusting “If you say so.”)
Over coffee, Morgan
begins to suspect that his lovely guest is infected. A potent whiff
of garlic proves his theory correct. Ruth flees the room and
starts to inject herself, but is interrupted by Morgan. She tells
him that she, and her people, are infected, but keep the virus at
bay through regular injections of treated blood plus vaccine (I
didn’t understand that, but then science was never my strong suit.
Apparently it wasn’t the screenwriter’s strength either.).
Ruth warns Morgan that her people have plotted to kill him.
Overcome by exhaustion, she falls asleep on his couch. While
she’s knocked out, Morgan hooks up a transfusion of his own
blood into hers. In his kitchen laboratory he discovers that
the transfusion has cured her! Unfortunately, the “Infected
Resistance” captures Morgan after a long chase, and harpoons
him to the altar in a church. “You’re freaks!” he shouts, “I’m a
man --the last man!” Ruth cradles him in her arms as he dies.
(I’m sorry I gave away the ending --oops. But you knew it was
going to be something like that.)
Yet we’re left with a sense of hope as Ruth leaves the church
hugging her freshly injected arm. They killed the last man, but
Ruth’s blood holds the promise of a cure. The morals of the
story are: 1. Eat lots of garlic (seriously, it’s anti-carcinogenic),
2. Don’t pick up strange women, 3. Don’t go home with strange
men, and 4. Give blood, but with discretion.
Katie is another long time contributor that we owe a big
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com