Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2020
All Fireworks
are Illegal
in Pasadena
The Pasadena Chalk
Festival Goes Virtual
City ordinance to be
strictly enforced
Fire danger and injuries
from fireworks still exist even
in the midst of a pandemic
crisis. The City of Pasadena
municipal code holds
property owners and tenants
responsible for permitting
the possession, sale, usage
or discharge of fireworks on
their property. The ordinance
allows for the prosecution of
fireworks-related offenses and
for the demand of payment for
all costs associated with the
safe disposal of confiscated
fireworks. The City maintains
a zero tolerance enforcement
policy for fireworks, and
Pasadena’s police and
firefighters are teaming
up for special fireworks
enforcement patrols before
and during the Fourth of July
holiday. Violators are subject
to arrest; having their vehicles
impounded; and serving up
to one year in jail and fines up
to $50,000.
National Fire Protection
Association statistics reveal
that a majority of fireworks-
related injuries are caused
by so-called “safe and sane”
fireworks, which are illegal in
Help keep all of us, our
children, our homes, and
our property safe from
illegal fireworks. If you see
something, say something!
Call Pasadena Police at
(626) 744-4241 to report
illegal fireworks and other
suspicious activities.
Due to the potential for
fire hazards and injuries,
Pasadena police and fire
personnel will patrol the city
looking for illegal firework
activity, and police officers
will seize fireworks in an
effort to protect the public.
Parking enforcement officers
will ensure that vehicles
illegally parked in Pasadena’s
hillside areas on July 4 are
The Pasadena Fire
Department will be applying
Phos-Chek to brush areas
around the Arroyo area. The
main ingredients of this fire
retardant are phosphates and
fertilizers to help prevent
plants from burning and to
re-vegetate burned wildland
For more information visit:
Organizers for the popular
Pasadena Chalk Festival
held each year over Father’s
Day weekend at the Paseo on
Colorado Blvd. announced
Thursday that they will hold
the festival “at home” by
having participants create
chalk murals at home and
showing them off on social
Organizers said there will
be no gathering at the Paseo.
They suggested artists make
a checklist including:
What will I draw?
Where will I draw?
T-shirt and badge
Pastel chalk
They also suggested
planning a zoom party,
sometime between Thrusday
June 18 and June 21 with
your chalk team to kick it
When finished, post your
mural on social media @
pasadenachalkfestival and
#pasadenachalkfestival. No
entry forms are needed.
The virtual event is open to
everyone they said.
Organizers will then
post all the murals with
names of artists at:
“Sadly we can’t have a silent
auction this year but save
your canvas for next year’s
festival,” they said.
The Pasadena Chalk
Festival began in 1993
after a summer intern at
the Light Bringer Project
attended a street painting
festival in Paris and brought
back her amazing pictures
and observations. The first
“Chalk on the Walk” took
place at Centennial Square
at Pasadena City Hall with
over 150 visual artists
participating in the first
Los Angeles-area event.
All proceeds went toward
community arts programs
and HIV/AIDS resources.
In 2010, The Pasadena
Chalk Festival was officially
named the largest street
painting festival by the
Guinness World Record,
welcoming more than 600
artists using over 25,000
sticks of chalk and drawing a
crowd of more than 100,000
visitors in one weekend. In
fact, previous festivals have
attracted artists and design
teams from many regions
of the country, across
Southern California, and
virtually every Los Angeles-
area community. Leading
art schools, museums and
cultural centers are also
represented at the festival.
The Pasadena Chalk Festival
is produced by The Paseo and
the Light Bringer Project, as
a financial benefit for the
nonprofit arts organization,
raising proceeds for vital
arts and learning programs
in the schools and cultural
opportunities for those of all
Officials said they hope to
have the Pasadena Chalk
Festival back at the Paseo in
For more information visit:
State Orders Nursing Home Evacuated
By Dean Lee
The California Attorney
General’s office ordered
Thursday all residents at Golden
Cross Health Care nursing home
in East Pasadena evacuated over
failing to provide basic care and
medical needs. The facility also
has a high number of positive
COVID-19 cases.
Ambulances lined Fair Oaks
Ave., in front of the nursing
home, late into the night
Thursday. All 63 residents were
transferred to other facilities in
Los Angeles County.
“This was a 12 hour process
yesterday because you need to
find facilities that have COVID
units or wards,” Pasadena
Public Officer Lisa Derderian
said. “We had to alert all the
According to Derderian, the
Department of Justice “de-
licensed’ the facility days before
for health violations, “they were
running unlicenced.”
She said the situation could
lead to criminal prosecution.
This is the first nursing home
in the county to have a license
suspended and evacuated
during the COVID-19
pandemic. Derderian said it
was unlikely the facility would
reopen anytime soon.
“The police department is
investigating, the city attorney
is involved with several of the
allegations and looking into
the owners of this place in
particular,” Derderian said.
She said city officials, including
the fire department had been
trying to resolve issues at the
nursing home for months.
“They took no corrective
actions on any of the numerous
Derderian said had they
waited any longer, some of the
residents would have needed
She said violations included,
neglect, abuse, not offering
treatments and other basic
medical services.
Golden Cross Health Care has
seen eight COVID-19 related
Mars Rover
Drivers Need
Your Help
Using an online tool to label
Martian terrain types, you can
train an artificial intelligence
algorithm that could improve
the way engineers guide the
Curiosity rover.
You may be able to help NASA’s
Curiosity rover drivers better
navigate Mars. Using the online
tool AI4Mars to label terrain
features in pictures downloaded
from the Red Planet, you can
train an artificial intelligence
algorithm to automatically read
the landscape.
Is that a big rock to the left?
Could it be sand? Or maybe
it’s nice, flat bedrock. AI4Mars,
which is hosted on the citizen
science website Zooniverse,
lets you draw boundaries
around terrain and choose one
of four labels. Those labels are
key to sharpening the Martian
terrain-classification algorithm
called SPOC (Soil Property and
Object Classification).
Developed at NASA’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, which
has managed all of the agency’s
Mars rover missions, SPOC
labels various terrain types,
creating a visual map that
helps mission team members
determine which paths to take.
SPOC is already in use, but
the system could use further
“Typically, hundreds of
thousands of examples are
needed to train a deep learning
algorithm,” said Hiro Ono,
an AI researcher at JPL.
“Algorithms for self-driving
cars, for example, are trained
with numerous images of
roads, signs, traffic lights,
pedestrians and other vehicles.
Other public datasets for
deep learning contain people,
animals and buildings — but
no Martian landscapes.”
Once fully up to speed, SPOC
will be able to automatically
distinguish between cohesive
soil, high rocks, flat bedrock
and dangerous sand dunes,
sending images to Earth that
will make it easier to plan
Curiosity’s next moves.
“In the future, we hope this
algorithm can become accurate
enough to do other useful
tasks, like predicting how likely
a rover’s wheels are to slip on
different surfaces,” Ono said.
For more on how to help visit:
The City of Pasadena and
the Pasadena Convention &
Visitors Bureau announced
Tuesday the launch of “Shop
Pasadena,” an online webpage
featuring Pasadena’s small and
independent retailers now
open for in-store shopping and
curbside pickup. City officals
said Shop Pasadena arrived
in time for people to shop for
Father’s Day, graduations, and
everyday retail.
The Shop Pasadena webpage
features a variety of shopping
categories from apparel and
entertainment to home and
outdoor recreation. Retailers
have opted in to be listed,
and businesses who meet
the minimum criteria are
encouraged to submit their
businesses for inclusion at:
directory-signup. Content
must meet certain criteria.
Shop Pasadena is one of
three resource directories that
the City and Convention &
Visitors Bureau established
to support the ongoing
operations and reopening of
its business community. The
other two resources include
“Dine Pasadena,” a directory of
Pasadena restaurants open for
takeout and curbside service as
well as “Connect Pasadena,” a
directory of curated educational
and engaging content from
Pasadena businesses and
cultural institutions. With
school out and summer
camps yet to reopen, Connect
Pasadena is a great source for
the community to stay active,
entertained and enlightened.
All three resources–Shop
Pasadena, Dine Pasadena, and
Connect Pasadena–can be
found online at: visitpasadena.
To be added to the directories,
businesses must meet certain
Pasadena’s small and
independent retailers that
are open for business, online
shopping or curbside pickup
are encouraged to submit
their business for inclusion
at: cityofpasadena.net/retail-
Pasadena restaurants open for
business, offering curbside
or takeout, are encouraged
to submit their business for
inclusion at: cityofpasadena.
Pasadena businesses with
free educational or engaging
content are encouraged to
submit their virtual content for
inclusion at: cityofpasadena.
Since the launch of the Shop
Pasadena, Dine Pasadena and
Connect Pasadena directories
in March, these directories
have garnered over 25,000
website views.
Stay connected to the city of
Pasadena at: cityofpasadena.
& Visitors
Pasadena Allows for More
Businesses to Now Reopen
The City of Pasadena has
issued a revised Health
Order that allows for
additional sectors of the
local economy to reopen
while the community slows
the spread of COVID-19.
Sectors included in the
latest health order and
deemed safe to reopen with
appropriate health protocols
in place include day camps;
hotels, lodging and short-
term rentals; museums and
galleries; fitness facilities,
including pools; music, film
and TV production; and
professional sports- without
If your business is
identified as one eligible to
reopen under the revised
Public Health Order, your
business must implement
industry-specific protocols
and complete a checklist to
resume operations. Guidance
is expected to be published
within the next 24 hours
on the city websitehttps:
Library Expands
Curbside Pickup
to More Sites
Pasadena library has
expanded curbside pickup
service this week to seven of
its branch libraries. Curbside
pickup service is now
available Monday through
Friday from 9:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. at Central Library
and Allendale, Hastings,
Lamanda Park, La Pintoresca,
Linda Vista, San Rafael
and Santa Catalina Branch
Library patrons are able
to pick up previously-
reserved materials at their
neighborhood branch.
Patrons are contacted
individually via email or
phone when their reserved
materials are ready for
pickup, and then provided
instructions as to when and
where to pick them up.
Reserve library materials
for curbside pickup online
at: pasadenapubliclibrary.net
using their Pasadena Public
Library card number.
Pasadena Public Library
buildings are closed to the
public until further notice.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com