Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 13, 2020
Los Angeles, CA – In response
to the murder of
George Floyd, Breonna Taylor,
and other Black Americans
by police officers, and
the widespread uprising of
protesters demanding an
end to police brutality, Rep.
Adam Schiff (D-Burbank)
released a video over the week-end offering his reflections on
racism in America.
This is a most painful and difficult time in the life of our nation.
For months, in cities and towns across America, a virus – COVID-
19 – has literally robbed us of our breath. When infected,
we may be brought low, made feverish and struggle to fill our
lungs with air. Without the help of a ventilator, and sometimes
even with its assistance, we are robbed of our ability to breathe.
And although this virus can strike anyone and has infected the
young and old alike, the pow-erful and the powerless, it is proving
most devastating to communities of color and those in disadvantaged
communities, and particularly black Americans.
This makes sense. A shocking, grim sense. Because while the virus
itself does not discriminate, our system certainly does.
Doctors speak of co-morbidities, and for black Americans, COVID-
19 has been made excep-tionally lethal by the presence of
another virus that long proceeded it. Only this second path-ogen
does not inhabit the patient, but sometimes his or her doctor or
nurse, his neighbor or her employer, the local emergency department
— or the local police department.
I speak, of course, of the virus of racism.
Racism is the original sin of our nation. Our ancestors brought
it with them to the new world, where settlers stripped the native
inhabitants of their land and a new government wiped out whole
Racism fueled our drive to send ships to the West African coast
and other destinations, turn-ing precious human lives into cargo
and making slaves of fellow human beings.
Throughout the course of our history, we have fought the virus
of racism through a bloody civil war, a civil rights movement,
generations of peaceful protest and progressive legislation. We
have made progress, but only haltingly and at great cost.
For racism is always with us. Sometimes out in the open, sometimes
not. But always present, changing and mutating, occasionally
seeming to lay dormant only to recur with a frightful
And in Minneapolis on May 25, when a police officer put his
knee on the neck of George Floyd and kept it there for 8 minutes
and 46 seconds, racism was at the heart of that murderous
For almost six years, and before I entered politics, I served as a
federal prosecutor in Los An-geles. As I entered the courtroom
each day, I was proud to introduce myself as appearing on behalf
of the United States. And although I helped to prosecute crooked
cops and other cor-rupt officials, I believed most of law enforcement
to be good, well-intentioned, and coura-geous people. I
still do. It is heartening to see many law enforcement officers
marching today, arm in arm with protestors, or taking a knee
to express their solidarity with those calling for an end to racial
As President Obama recently said, these police officers are an
important part of the conversa-tion, and it is heartening, to
quote the former President, that “so many young people have
been galvanized and activated and motivated and mobilized.”
That should make us all hopeful. We are witnessing a truly historic
moment in which a diverse array of people from all walks of
life are standing up, speaking out, and peacefully protesting for a
desperately needed change in this country.
And yet, we have so far to travel. As a prosecutor, I was not naïve
enough to believe that there wasn’t racism in our criminal
justice system. But I believed that we were making real progress
combatting discrimination. It is difficult for me to have that confidence
now. Not today. There is so much work to be done.
The crushing and suffocating reality of police brutality against
black Americans is, tragically, everywhere. On country roads
and city streets, in the dead of night and in broad daylight. Cit-
ies across America have become synonymous with unspeakable
violence against people of col-or and all genders, but predominately
black men and boys. Cities like Ferguson, Decatur, Chi-
cago, Memphis, Baltimore, Oakland, Miami, Dallas, Durham,
Cincinnati, Tulsa, Los Angeles. And now Minneapolis.
It should not have been a revelation to me. I should not have
needed to see it with my own two eyes, these terrible images
from cell phones and body cams over more than a decade, of
men like Ahmaud Arbery, shot while jogging, women like Rekia
Boyd gunned down in a park or like Breonna Taylor in her own
home, or men like Eric Garner and George Floyd, strug-gling to
breathe until choked to death by bigotry in a uniform. And so,
so many more.
The virus of racism persists in part because we can never fully
understand what it is like to stand in someone else’s shoes. I can
never fully understand what it means to be stopped while walking
down the street, or while driving, just because of the color
of my skin. I can never fully understand what it means to have a
talk with my child about how to survive a police encounter. We
see each other but dimly, even with both eyes open.
And yet, we must try. We must not turn away. We must acknowledge
our own implicit biases. We must join together, not stand
apart or stay silent. And use our voices to lift up, rather than
For more than two decades I have been a legislator. I believe in
the power of corrective action through collective action, in the
ability of the law to address injustice, and the courts to ef-fectuate
it. I believe in the power of oversight in Congress, in our state
legislatures, through police commissions and through public inquiry
and protest.
Many Americans, including those who cannot breathe and live
in fear of the police, do not see these levers of power as protecting
them, or even representing them. And rightfully so. The
same offices that can be used for good, can and have been used
to oppress. That must change.
We can and must do better for those suffocating on our city
streets whether under the knee of a racist cop or from a system
of justice that has perpetuated inequality and injustice.
And we must do so with a sense of urgency. Because Black Lives
Matter. It shouldn’t be diffi-cult for white Americans to say so,
such a fundamental truth. Black Lives Matter. Period.
What can Congress do to help, and not hurt? To lift up, and to
combat systemic bias and rac-ism?
Soon, we will be introducing a broad legislative package in the
House to begin to address a discriminatory system that continues
to victimize black Americans, with bills conceptualized and
drafted by the Congressional Black Caucus.
But changes in the law are not enough. Changes in procedure
and training alone will not do. Changes in how we address each
other will not suffice.
We must dig deeper if we are to understand and combat this
plague. Last week, we witnessed a miracle of human achievement
as America once again launched its astronauts into space
with a massive and controlled explosion. At times it seems we
can conquer the heavens, and yet there is still so much on the
ground that we are incapable of achieving or even under-standing.
For these answers, we cannot look to the unfathomable distances
between the stars, but to the uncomfortable truths within
and the sometimes unbridgeable distances be-tween each of us
here on earth.
I believe in America. I believe in its ideals and its future. Even at
times like this. If black Ameri-cans who have had to endure so
much, have never given up hope, if they believe that America can
be a more perfect union and are willing to fight for that future, as
they have shown time and time again as they take to the streets,
then who am I to lose faith? And for those who have lost hope,
how can we, together, restore it?
My job now is to lift up, and do what I can to help heal. In times
like these, we often turn to those who have led our nation in the
past, to those who have spoken to our better angels and to our
highest ideals.
At the time of another unfathomable act of hatred and death,
the bombing death of four lit-tle children in the Sixteenth Street
Baptist Church, Martin Luther King, Jr. imagined what those
four angels might have to say to a divided and grieving nation:
“They say to each of us,” he said “black and white alike, that we
must substitute courage for caution. They say to us that we must
be concerned not merely about who murdered them, but about
the system, the way of life, the philosophy which produced the
murderers. Their death says to us that we must work passionately
and unrelentingly for the realization of the American dream.”
Amen. And let us do so, with the fierce urgency of now.
As of Friday, June 12, 2020, To date, Public Health has identified
70,476 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of LA County, and
a total of 2,832 deaths. Ninety-three percent of people who died had
underlying health conditions. Of those who died, information about
race and ethnicity is available for 2,629 people (99 percent of the cases
reported by Public Health) 41% of deaths occurred among Latino/
Latinx residents, 29% among White residents, 17% among Asian
residents, 11% among African American residents, 1% among Native
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and residents identifying with other races.
Upon further investigation, 32 cases and one death reported earlier
were not LA County residents. As of Friday, 7,250 people who tested
positive for COVID-19 (11% of positive cases) have been hospitalized
at some point during their illness. There are 1,389 people who are currently
hospitalized, 29% of these people are in the ICU and 20% are on
ventilators. Testing capacity continues to increase in LA County, with
testing results available for over 761,000 individuals and 8% of people
testing positive.
Public Health continues to track disproportionality in health outcomes
by race, ethnicity and income level data of people who have
been tested, hospitalized and died from COVID-19. This data is analyzed
as rates per 100,000 people to make comparisons with other
groups across the County and to understand which groups are disproportionately
affected. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders have a
death rate of 52 per 100,000, African Americans have a death of 33 per
100,000, Latinos/Latinxs have a death of 32 per 100,000, Asians have
a death rate of 23 per 100,000, and Whites have a death rate of 17 per
100,000. People who live in areas with high rates of poverty have almost
four times the rate of deaths for COVID-19 with 51 per 100,000
people, compared with communities with very low poverty levels who
had a death rate of 15 per 100,000. Public Health and the Health Integration
Alliance continues collaboration with community, healthcare,
and philanthropic partners to increase access and use of COVID-19
testing, connection to care and services, awareness and support of
contact tracing activities, and direct linkages to in-language, culturally
responsive supportive resources, like food, housing, and other
benefits to communities experiencing these inequitable outcomes.
A modified Health Officer Order and directives for the reopening of
additional businesses was issued yesterday with an effective date of today,
June 12. The Health Officer Order allows for the following sectors
to reopen once they implement the required protocols for infection
control and distancing:
Gyms and fitness facilities
Pro-league arenas without live audiences
Day camps
Museums, galleries, zoos and aquariums
Campgrounds, RV parks and outdoor recreation
Music, film and television production
Hotels for leisure travel
As with all businesses that are permitted to reopen, the Health Officer
Order contains protocols for reopening to ensure it is done as safely
as possible for employees, customers and residents. Employees and
visitors to these businesses will need to wear a cloth face covering
when around other people and practice physical distancing of at least
6 feet at all times.
If anyone has been in a crowded setting, where people are congregating
who are not using face coverings or distancing, or if you had close
contact (within 6 feet for greater than 15 minutes) with non-household
members who were not wearing face coverings please consider
the following:
Remain in your residence, away from others, in quarantine for 14
If you live with persons who are elderly or have high risk conditions,
you should also maintain a six-foot distance and wear a face covering
when you are with them at home, avoid preparing food for others,
sharing utensils, bedding and towels, and increase cleaning and disinfecting
of common surfaces.
Consider getting tested for COVID-19 if you have been exposed to
someone that is positive or likely positive. Testing negative for COVID-
19 right after being exposed does not mean you can't become
infected later during the incubation period.
If anyone was possibly exposed to someone with COVID-19, and the
test result is negative, they should remain at home for 14 days to prevent
spreading illness to others.
For more information on how to get tested, visit: covid19.lacounty.
gov/testing. The Health Officer Order, Reopening Protocols, COVID-
19 Surveillance Interactive Dashboard, Roadmap to Recovery,
Recovery Dashboard, and additional things you can do to protect
yourself, your family and your community are on the Public Health
website, www.publichealth.lacounty.gov.
The best protection against COVID-19 continues to be to wash your
hands frequently, avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with
unwashed hands, self-isolate if you are sick, practice physical distancing
and wear a clean face covering when in contact with others from
outside your household. People who have underlying health conditions
remain at much greater risk for serious illness from COVID-19,
so it will continue to be very important for the County's vulnerable
residents to stay at home as much as possible, to have groceries and
medicine delivered, and to call their providers immediately if they
have even mild symptoms.
6/12/2020 3:30pm
Total Cases 70,476
Deaths 2,832
STATS BY CITY Population Cases Deaths
Pasadena 14,1371 1023 84
Uninc- East Pasadena 6,403 4 0
City of Arcadia 57,754 105 6
Uninc. - Arcadia 7.981 12 1
City of Bradbury 1,069 4 0
City of Duarte 22,016 144 17
Uninc.- Duarte 4,428 18 1
City of Monrovia 38,800 .. 185 25
Uninc - Monrovia 3,881 23 0
City of Sierra Madre 10,989 15 2
City of So.Pasadena 26,053 138 -20
Uninc.- Altadena 43,260 178 6
For updated information go to: http://dashboard.publichealth.
TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
So ? What happened to the rush to go to a restaurant, it’s been
officially two weeks now that restaurants have been open. I for
one haven’t seen a rush to go out have you witnessed the same
thing? I have been out at least five times and haven’t seen one
restaurant with eve near half capacity
Recently, I was the benefactor of an exceptional question from a
reader named Tony. It appears that Rodeo Drive and their wine
list may have immigrated to a location near us. I dream of a day
when a poor wine critic may soothe his many worries with an
exception glass of wine and not be required to carry a bag of
gold dust as payment. Like the majority of us, Tony strikes me
as a regular consumer of wine; a person who is not cheap but
searches for value when he is dining out. To be more explicit, it
appears that Tony has some difficulty in partaking of the wine
experience when he perceives that he has been taken advantage
of, or possibly robbed by a very kind and wholly inoffensive
waiter... one who surgically extracts substantial sums of money
through the use of a corkscrew.
The hero of our tragic story, Tony, recently went to a Pasadena
restaurant and ordered a glass of house cabernet. He liked the
initial selection and ordered a second glass. The bill arrived and
Tony was shocked to discover that each glass of wine was $14.
His night went from a great evening to one of disappointment
and incredulity. Tony asked me to investigate the practice
of mark-ups at restaurants. He also did some research and
discovered the same bottle for $15 at Vons. The waiter told
Tony it was $52 to purchase the whole bottle and they pour five
glasses per bottle.
I reached out to my many sources in the industry and this is
what I found out. Fast Eddie, bartender at the Langham, said,
“$14 is common for a good glass of wine and the math works
out to $52 for
the full bottle
at that price.”
Many chain
restaurants use
a Libby wine
glass that costs
them a couple
of bucks, while upscale restaurants will use a higher quality
glass; this also affects the cost of a glass of wine. My next call
was to Bobby who owns Avanti Bar and Bistro restaurant on
Sierra Madre. He tells me that his wine purveyors suggest this:
Triple the cost of the bottle. Thus if you see a bottle for $30 at
your favorite restaurant the rule of the thumb is that they paid
$10 for it. My suggestion to Tony and my readers is it to never
let the server blindly pick the wine.
How about corkage fees? Most restaurants charge $4-$15 for
this service because, yes, they still have to open your bottle and
clean the glasses. It is unacceptable to bring in a bottle of wine
that is already listed on the restaurant’s menu. If it is an owner-
occupied restaurant, often it is a good gesture to let the owner
sample the wine that you have brought in. Erudite wine guy
Robert Ramirez offers this insightful advice, “Always have the
wine list when ordering, and I do not recommend asking the
servers for a wine recommendation unless you do not have any
issues with the price.” I hope this helps. I learned something
as well.
Become a fan of Peter Dills on Facebook, and read about events
and restaurants not covered here. Email me your suggestions
to the chefknows@yahoo.com. Listen to his wine tips on Dining
with Dills Sunday Morning at 8 AM on Go Country 105
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com