Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 4, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page A:6



Mountain View News Saturday, July 4, 2020 


By Joan Schmidt

Santa Anita Park IS the GREAT RACE PLACE: The Stonach Group, Aiden Butler and everyone connected to it, went above and 
beyond to bring racing back. We couldn’t attend in person, but watched on TV and jumped up and down as young Heriberto Figueroa 
won a STAKES RACE on Grinning Tigre! OMG! A 92-1 longshot! His mom, Wanda and family in Puerto Rico were BEYOND 

 How was racing able to come? Jockeys were quarantined in trailers in the parking lot. Various owners/trainers supplied a much 
appreciated weekly special meal. (Aaron Gryder shared photos, and Thank you also to Benoit Photography)

 The Final Jockey Standings: Flavien Pratt: 90; Abel Cedillo: 61; Umberto Rispoli: 50; Joel Rosario: 38; and Drayden Van Dyke: 33. 
Top Trainers: Peter Miller: 35; Bob Baffert: 33; Richard Baltas: 31; Mark Glatt:24; Doug O’Neill:18.

 lavien won the most races-90. How? Four wins on February 16, three wins on both March 8 and June 5, and SIX wins on June 20! 
(One short of Lafitt Pincay, Jr.’s record!) On February 1, aboard Thousand Words, Flavien gave Bob Baffert his 3000 career win. 
Flavien won the “Virgenes Stakes” aboard Venetian Harbor and the “San Marcos Stakes” on United. Lastly, Flavien rode Ward’n Jerry 
to runaway victory in the “San Luis Rey Stakes”.

 Among Abel’s many (61) wins: The “Zenzatta Stakes” on Paradise Woods, “Gamely Stakes” aboard Keeper Ofthe Stakes, and Fighting 
Mad in the “San Maria Stakes”.

 Unberto Rispoli (50 wins), a successful Italian jockey, raced around the world, lastly in China. He came to Santa Anita and promptly 
won his first Santa Anita stakes race on February 29 on Hariboux in the “Pasadena Stakes”.

 Joel Rosario had gone back East for a year. Among his 38 wins, was on Raging Bull in the “Shoemaker Mile”, his first day back!

 Drayden Van Dyke (33 wins) most memorable ride was a landmark victory for Improbable in the “Hollywood Gold Cup Stakes”. He 
rode Authentic to victory In The “San Felipe Stakes” and had an impressive victory on Charlatan.

 Lastly, Congrats to Jorge Velez, riding Warren’s Showtime in the “Melaire Stakes” and Ruben Fuentes for his win on Big Runnuer in 
the “Sire Lure Stakes”.

 Currently, the Jockeys are participating in a 7 race day meet at Los Alamitos. Del Mar opens next week. Wishing all a safe, successful 


On June 30, 2020, at approximately 2:00PM, Arcadia Police Detectives arrested 
Mr. Dylan Chan, of Arcadia, as part of their ongoing investigation into allegations 
of sexual assault and exploitation involving past and present Arcadia High School 
students. Mr. Chan’s arrest followed a search warrant Arcadia Police Detectives 
served at his house on Wednesday, June 24, 2020. Evidence obtained from that 
search warrant, along with other investigative measures and information, led to 
Mr. Chan’s arrest.


Chan, Dylan


L.A. County Booking #5963498

Charges: PC 311.11(a) - Possession or Control of Child Pornography, PC 
311.2(d) - Distribution or Possession of Child Pornography, PC 311.4(c) - Using 
Minor for Sex Acts, and PC 311.3(a) - Sexual exploitation of a Child.

Mr. Chan is currently being held and booked at the Arcadia City Jail.

As this is an ongoing investigation, anyone with information related to this case or 
other related cases at Arcadia High School is encouraged to contact the Arcadia 
Police Detective Bureau at (626) 574-5160. If you prefer to provide information 
anonymously, you may call “Crime Stoppers” by dialing (800) 222-TIPS (8477), 
use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP on Google play 
or the Apple App Store, or by using the website

The Arcadia Police Department supports sexual assault victims, and provides 
sexual assault survivors with information, assistance and options that we hope 
empowers a sexual assault victim throughout the investigative process. We remain 
committed to investigating sexual assault crimes, and apprehending perpetrators 
of those crimes whenever possible.

Robert T. Guthrie, Chief of Police


The City of Duarte, in collaboration with Labor Community Services 
Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, the Los 
Angeles County Federation of Labor, the Miguel Contreras Foundation, 
and UFCW Local 1428, is hosting a drive-thru food distribution 
on Wednesday, July 8 at Encanto Park. This drive-thru food 
pantry will begin at 9 a.m. and is expected to last until 12 p.m., or 
until supplies last.

"More Duarte families and seniors are experiencing food insecurity 
as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic," said Duarte Mayor Pro 
Tem Bryan Urias. "Councilmembers and city staff continue to seek 
opportunities that keep our residents safe, housed, in business, and 
with food on the table during these tough times. Through great 
partnerships with non-profits and regional unions, I'm proud that 
we are able to support our residents and neighbors."

Volunteers from the sponsoring organizations and city staff will be 
on hand to distribute pantry boxes provided by the Los Angeles 
Regional Food Bank. You do not have to pre-register for this event 
to receive food distribution services.

With hundreds of cars anticipated to be at the distribution, traffic 
should enter Encanto Parkway from Huntington Drive and queue 
along the east curb line of Encanto Parkway. Los Angeles County 
Sheriff's deputies, Duarte Public Safety staff, and volunteers will 
assist with traffic flow. Cars will be directed to enter Encanto Park 
at the northern park driveway and exit out the southern driveway.

The City of Pasadena Parks, 
Recreation and Community 
Services Department will offer 
summer day camp for Pasadena 
residents and Pasadena Unified 
School District students at 
seven parks throughout the 
city from Monday, July 6, 
through Friday, August 7.

 Camp will be offered Monday 
through Friday at Robinson 
Park, Victory Park, and Villa-
Parke centers from 8 a.m. 
until 5 p.m. for children ages 
5 to 12. Half-day camps will be 
offered at Central, McDonald, 
and Washington Parks from 
noon until 5 p.m., and at La 
Pintoresca Park from 8 a.m. 
until 1 p.m. for children ages 7 
to 12. The La Pintoresca Teen 
Education Center will offer 
teen-specific programming 
Monday through Friday from 
noon until 5 p.m. for children 
ages 12 to 17.

 COVID-19 protocols 
based on guidance from 
the Pasadena Public Health 
Department will be in place. 
These include screening for 
symptoms, limited group sizes, 
physical distancing, and the 
use of face coverings. To the 
extent possible, siblings will 
be assigned to the same group. 
Programming will include 
sports and fitness activities, arts 
and crafts, dance, enrichment 
activities, and more.

 Fees for camp 2020 have 
been reduced to $25 per week 
for camps taking place at 
recreation centers, and a one-
time $25 fee for outdoor camps 
at parks. Camps will enroll 
between 30 and 40 children 
per week, and scholarships are 
available. Registration is being 
done through a lottery system, 
which opens on Thursday, June 
18, and closes on Wednesday, 
June 23. Register on the Parks, 
Recreation and Community 
Services Department website 
to participate in the lottery, or 
call (626) 744-6500 Monday 
through Friday from 8 a.m. to 
5 p.m.

 “We’re thrilled to be able to 
offer summer day camp this 
summer,” says Brenda Harvey-
Williams, director of the Parks, 
Recreation and Community 
Services Department. “After 
distance learning and the 
cancellation of sports and 
recreation programming, we 
know our local kids are ready 
to get back to play.”

 For more information visit:

Summer Day 
Camp Returns

Arizona’s Bighorn Fire 
Burn Scar From Space

Limited Reopening of South 
Pas Government Facilities

 On Monday the City of South Pasadena will reopen 
facilities on a limited basis in accordance with public health 
guidelines. Visitors will be allowed by appointment only 
and face coverings and social distancing will be required.

 The City has implemented all possible steps to ensure a safe 
environment for both our employees and visitors.

We encourage the public to continue to conduct business as 
much as possible via phone or online.

 For a list of city departments and contact information visit:

South Pas Digital Exhibit 
Published: ‘City of Trees’


 In a new Local History digital 
exhibit, curated and published 
by the South Pasadena Public 
Library, site visitors can take an 
in-depth look at the history of 
our “City of Trees”. 

 The City of South Pasadena 
and its citizens have advocated 
on behalf of the need for a 
distinct urban tree canopy for 
over 130 years. The Library 
is working extensively to 
maintain a virtual presence 
in the lives of our patrons and 
residents as the Library building 
remains closed to the public. 
One element of our effort to 
maintain a virtual presence 
has been to create a series of 
online exhibits based around 
local history. The second of this 
online exhibit series, titled “City 
of Trees”, is available to anyone 
with an internet connection. 
The purpose of this exhibit is 
to provide site visitors with 
the history and development 
of the urban tree canopy in 
South Pasadena. Topics of this 
project include the San Gabriel 
Orange Grove Association, the 
first Beautification Campaign, 
and historic trees in South 

 This exhibit is the second 
of a series of digital exhibits 
that will be available online in 
the coming months. The first 
digital exhibit, titled “Summers 
in SoPas” is currently available 

 Questions regarding the “City 
of Trees” digital exhibit may 
be directed to Olivia Shea, 
Local History Librarian, at 


 On the night of June 5, a lightning strike started the 
Bighorn Fire in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of 
Tucson, Arizona. Extremely dry vegetation and windy 
conditions caused the fire to spread quickly. By June 30, 
the multi-agency incident information system, InciWeb, 
reported that it had ballooned to more than 114,000 acres 
and that it was about 45% contained.

 NASA’s Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and 
Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument aboard the 
Terra satellite imaged some of the burned area on June 29. 
In this image, vegetation is shown in red and burned areas 
appear dark gray. It covers an area 20 by 30 miles (33 by 48 

 Efforts to contain the fire continue with 21 hand crews, 
10 helicopters and dozens of fire engines deployed to the 
area. Smoke impacts to surrounding communities are being 
carefully monitored.

 With its 14 spectral bands from the visible to the thermal 
infrared wavelength region and its high spatial resolution of 
about 50 to 300 feet (15 to 91 meters), ASTER images Earth 
to map and monitor the changing surface of our planet. It is 
one of five Earth-observing instruments launched Dec. 18, 
1999, on Terra. The instrument was built by Japan’s Ministry 
of Economy, Trade and Industry. A joint U.S./Japan science 
team is responsible for validation and calibration of the 
instrument and data products.

 The broad spectral coverage and high spectral resolution 
of ASTER provides scientists in numerous disciplines with 
critical information for surface mapping and monitoring 
of dynamic conditions and temporal change. Example 
applications are monitoring glacial advances and retreats; 
monitoring potentially active volcanoes; identifying 
crop stress; determining cloud morphology and physical 
properties; wetlands evaluation; thermal pollution 
monitoring; coral reef degradation; surface temperature 
mapping of soils and geology; and measuring surface heat 

 The U.S. science team is located at NASA’s Jet Propulsion 
Laboratory in Southern California. The Terra mission is 
part of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington.

 Visit: to view the image in color.

South Pasadena Library 
Summer Reading Program

 The South Pasadena Public 
Library’s Summer Reading 
Program—Dig Deeper! 
Read, Investigate, Discover— 
through Saturday, August 1. 
All programs and activities will 
be presented online, and kids, 
teens and adults are encouraged 
to read and participate in other 
activities for fun and prizes. 
Progress will be tracked using 
the Beanstack app, which 
will be familiar to readers 
who participated in last year’s 
Summer Reading Program 
(SRP) or the recent Safer at 
Home Reading Challenges. 
Visit the Summer Reading 
Program landing page on the 
City’s website to get started: 
The Summer Reading Program 
is generously supported by the 
non-profit Friends of the South 
Pasadena Public Library.

 Research has shown that 
students who read at least 
20 minutes daily have a 
clear literacy advantage over 
children and teens that read 
less or don’t read at all. SRP 
stops the summer learning 
slide and strengthens children 
and teens’ literacy advantage. 
The 2020 Summer Reading 
Program will feature recorded 
storytimes with our librarians 
and engaging craft programs 
that can be done from home. 
Wonderful Wednesday 
performers have transitioned 
from in-person programming 
to creating streaming content, 
which will allow patrons to view 
performances from the safety of 
their homes. All pre-recorded 
programs will be available to 
view on the Library’s website:
SRPprograms. Summer 
Reading Program prizes will be 
available for pick-up at the end 
of the program, starting the last 
week in July.

 The South Pasadena Public 
Library building is currently 
closed to the public. Library 
staff can be reached at library@ and 626-

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: