TIGHT (continued from page 1)
one got on the floor and pulled. The other one
encouraged all of us. Between the two guys Abby
was pulled out from under the tub. Abby was so
thrilled to be set free she bounced on and off my
bed springing and leaping like a “Tigger”. She had
been under that tub for about an hour and 30
minutes by now.
I was more than
embarrassed, but
I could not get
her out! I cannot
crawl on my
knees any longer,
let alone do the
push and pull at
the same time. It
was the proverbial
squeeze with a
push and pull of
getting a cork out
of a bottle, except the cork was Abby So cookies
have been promised and the guys hugged and
loved Abby. Never a dull moment with this dog
ever. Write that in your memory book!
Sunday afternoon, July 5th, 2020
Follow up occurred yesterday as Abby and I went
the fire department to hand over the home-made
cookies I had made for the three firemen who
had rescued her on the Fourth. One of the men
recognized Abby and was so happy to see her. She
was also happy to see him, as after a few jumps and
a wagging tail they had a reunion. The other two
guys had not been a part of the rescue team, but
they both had heard of the rescue of the dog who
got stuck under the bathtub on legs Remember
it did take two firemen working together to get
her unstuck. Then the fire chief came out to see
the successful rescue as well. He shook Abby’s
paw, and was very sweet to her. I asked how often
animal rescues occurred, and he told me once in
a while, but he had never had a dog stuck under
a bathtub before. Cats in a tree, dogs that had
fallen. into outside crawl spaces, but a dog caught
under a bathtub…not so much. What can I say
except clearly, she wanted to meet some new guys
in town. Cute and kind Firefighters. Sorry Abby,
there are better ways to get this done.
Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 11, 2020
by Deanne Davis
Russell W. Replogle, Jr. died peacefully on July 8, 2020 at Royal Oaks, a senior living community in
Bradbury, California.
Born on December 14, 1935 in San Gabriel, California to Russell W. Replogle, Sr. and Mary E. Replogle,
Russell was preceded in death by his parents and his sister, Roxanne Replogle Rousey. Russell
spent his childhood in San Marino, California, and as an adult, he never strayed far from the area.
Following his military service, Russell enjoyed a long and successful career as a general contractor,
builder and home improvement designer.
He was also a dedicated volunteer in helping to stage many art, musical and theatrical events in the
Pasadena, Sierra Madre and Ojai, California communities, including numerous Pasadena Playhouse,
Pasadena Pops and Ojai Music Festival productions.
After moving to Royal Oaks in 2010, his circle of friends widened, and he used his expertise to help the
community with building improvement projects and the production of the Harvest and Arts Festival.
Russell was known for his quiet and thoughtful demeanor, infectious laugh and kind and compassionate
spirit. His life was well-lived and one that touched many people. There will be a celebration of
Russell’s life at a later date.
Donations may be made in Russell’s memory to the Pasadena Playhouse located at 39 S. El Molino
Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101 ( my.pasadenaplayhouse.org/donate/ contribute1 ) or the Pasadena Symphony
and Pops located at 2 North Lake Avenue, Suite 1018, Pasadena, CA 91101 ( pasadenasymphony-
pops.org/give/individualgiving/ ).
“I love a parade;
The tramping of feet,
I love every beat
I hear of a drum.
I love a parade;
When I hear a band
I just wanna stand
And cheer as they come!
That rat-a-tat-tat!
The flair of a horn!
That rat-a-tat-tat!
A bright uniform!
The sight of a drill
Will give me a thrill!
I thrill at the skill
Of anything military!
I love a parade;
A handful of vets,
A line of cadets,
Or any brigade,
For I love a parade!”
This really old, ‘oldie but goodie,’ “I Love A Parade,” was written by Harold Arlen and Ted
Koehler for a Cotton Club show, “Rhythmania,” in 1931 but as I was enjoying, for about the
seventh time, the excellent video of Sierra Madre’s Fourth of July Parade, as filmed by Chuck
Seitz, my son-in-law, that’s what came to mind.
If you were there,
or even got to
participate, you
had a great time.
There were flags
galore, our Police
cruiser kicked
off the parade
with the officers
inside honking
and waving with
all lights possible
flashing. Lucky
Baldwin’s had a
decorated truck,
there were several
convertibles with
tops down and
people waving
flags. There
were Jeeps, it
was somebody’s
birthday. The
Unknown Band
made a musical appearance. The RT Rogers Brewing Company was there and the classic cars.
Oh my! So many classic cars and little pickup trucks. So great to see these perfectly restored old
beauties driving down Sierra Madre Blvd., draped with flags and folks inside waving.
When we speak of indomitable spirit, that’s us, friends and neighbors! We might not have been
able to line the street with our chairs and greet our friends as they walked by, but a parade did,
indeed happen.
Flags waving, people waving! What a glorious sight. There were a number of golf carts, fully
decorated with bunting and flags, one of them containing our own Carol Canterbury in her
July 4th dress and face mask, looking happy. The Gooden School had a van. This whole event
was only a few minutes long, but whoever organized it needs to take a well-deserved bow!
There was a green Alfa Romeo, which wasn’t the same year as the red one my husband, John,
watching the parade from heaven, bought from George Maurer’s daughter in 1974, but it made
me smile to see it. He had the best time running around in that little red car. We drove to the
National Association of Broadcasters in it one year. This convention was held in April in Las
Vegas and most years Las Vegas is pleasant bordering on hot in April but this particular year
it was cold…cold…cold! Neither of us had brought much more than what it usually took to
walk the convention, go out to dinner and hang out by the pool. That particular year, the wind
blew down off those snow-covered peaks in the distance and we about froze to death. Driving
home in the adorable Alfa, which had no heat; let me just say that was the longest trip of our
lives but, mercifully, John had an old Army blanket in the trunk which he used to get under
the car when it had problems and we draped that greasy thing over ourselves and finally got
home. Good times!
Now that’s a side trip into the past for you, all brought on by a green Alfa Romeo in the amazing,
unexpected Sierra Madre Fourth of July Parade. Our fire engine, with waving firemen and our
Paramedic van ended the parade, except I think a lot of those classic cars and golf carts went
around the block and drove through town again, to the delight of those watching from our al
fresco dining patios, like Rich Johnson and Chuck, who filmed it all from in front of Corfu. If
you weren’t there, I hope this gives you a mental picture. It was, to quote Hawkeye Pierce from
“Mash,” the finest kind. (Photo courtesy of Chuck Seitz)
Take care of yourself this week, dear friends and neighbors.
Wear that mask joyfully and be kind. Just be kind.
My book page: Amazon.com: Deanne Davis
Where you’ll find “Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”
And “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”
Both of these books are stuffed with hope and a good recipe or two.
There’s a new Emma Gainsworth Kindle novelette on the way but you can
Enjoy “Emma’s Etouffee Café” right now! It’s on Amazon.com, too.
You can follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@playwrightdd
I have no words to express how grateful and appreciative the helping hand families and I are to each and
every one of you. Every week they are constantly thanking you for all you've done.This all started with one
$50 donation to buy groceries for one family. We are now providing groceries for 6 families weekly and an
additional 2 bi-weekly. All of that is because of you.
Sierra Madre is my home and happy place and I am just elated to know what great neighbors and citizens
we have in our town! I wish I could meet every single one of you, shake your hand and tell you what an
amazing soul and human being I think you are. Since that is not possible I'll just say this. When tragedy
strikes you see peoples true colors. You can band together, buckle down and get through the storm together,
or you can go it alone.
Our town chose to unite and help those in need. Sierra Madre Thrives really stepped up by coordinating
with local restaurants to try to ensure their financial stability while also providing much needed food to
those in need. I encourage everyone to give yourself a hand.
This town, my town, OUR town is strong and resilient and your continued monetary and food donations
are changing lives. Thank you my wonderful neighbors and angels! Because of you, when I look back on
this trying time, I wont see only pain frustration, I'll see a bright light shining directly from you. You deserve
the world, but all I can give you is gratitude. Be strong, be safe, be Sierra Madre.
Respectfully, Meghan Malooly
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com