Mountain View News Saturday, July 11, 2020
On behalf of the Arcadia Chamber
of Commerce staff , board and
Taste of Arcadia Committee,we
regretfully announce the cancellation
of Taste of Arcadia 2020,
which would have been held September
28th, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We thank the LA County Arboretum for all their support, and
also all our past community sponsors, and guests, along with
our food and business participants, all of whom have made
this event a wonderful experience throughout the years.
We understand the inconvenience this might cause, but we
hope to return next year.
Any questions can be directed to info@ArcadiaCaChamber.
Arcadia Chamber and Taste of Arcadia staff
The City of Monrovia received two Local Government Excellence
Awards from the International City/County Management
Association (ICMA). These awards recognize city
governments for their contribution to local government
leadership and outstanding local government programs.
The City of Monrovia won two awards this year including
the Community Partnership Award for the GoMonrovia
program and the Strategic Leadership & Governance Award
for the Monrovia Renewal project.
“Enhancing the quality of life through programs and projects
is one of our highest priorities in Monrovia and GoMonrovia
and Monrovia Renewal have done exactly that,”
said Monrovia Mayor Tom Adams. “Whether it’s taking a
discounted Lyft ride anywhere in the city or walking on a
newly paved sidewalk, we are thrilled that our community
is proud of and continues to support these award-winning
programs and projects.”
Seeking a more thoughtful, affordable and efficient way
of providing transit services to the community, the city
launched GoMonrovia, a multi-modal transportation program
that leverages the strengths of ride-share programs
offered by Lyft. In a completely revamped transportation
model, Lyft serves as the city’s primary public transit provider
for all non-ADA-related services, collaborates with the
city’s existing dial-a-ride operator to serve passengers with
ADA needs and helps transition dial-a-ride shuttles onto the
Lyft platform. The city chose to partner with Lyft due to the
company’s desire to play a role in the larger mobility ecosystem
in a way that does not replace but rather complements
public transit.
This program has truly changed individuals’ behavior on a
grand scale, with many reports of GoMonrovia changing
lives for the better.
“It has been a pleasure to work with the innovative team at
the City of Monrovia to develop the award winning GoMonrovia
partnership,” said Paul Davis, Transit Partnerships
Manager at Lyft. “By simultaneously filling a transportation
gap in first-last mile access to the local L Line station while
expanding access for all residents around town, the GoMonrovia
program has provided a new model for delivering suburban
community mobility programs.”
Monrovia Renewal is an innovative multi-year initiative to
prioritize repairs and restore the city’s aging infrastructure
that was plagued by a backlog of deferred maintenance.
Since implementation, the city has completed approximately
$41.7 million in improvements and repairs. Additionally,
the city has made over 8 million square feet of street improvements,
154,000 square feet of sidewalk replacements,
114,000 linear feet of new curbs and gutters, over 2.5 miles
of new water pipelines, nearly 5 miles of sewer improvements,
197 point repairs to sewer lines and 800 new water
service lines installed.
For the period of Sunday, June 28th, through Saturday, July 4th, the
Police Department responded to 917 calls for service, of which 95
required formal investigations. The following is a summary report
of some of the major incidents handled by the Department during
this period.
Sunday, June 28:
1. At 2:50 a.m., officers responded to Arcadia Park Pharmacy,
located at 301 West Huntington Drive, regarding an audible alarm
activation. Officers determined the suspect(s) smashed a window,
looked inside a miniature refrigerator, and fled with an unknown
amount of property. The investigation is pending a review of the
surveillance footage.
2. At 4:20 a.m., an officer responded to the area of 150 Las
Tunas Drive regarding a traffic collision involving a vehicle that
had crashed into a tree. Upon contacting the driver, the officer detected
a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the driver’s person.
In addition to performing poorly during the Standardized Field
Sobriety Tests, the driver had a blood alcohol content of .193%.
The officer also discovered the driver had never been issued a license.
The 25-year-old male from Temple City was arrested and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
Monday, June 29:
3. At 6:58 a.m., an officer responded to Royal Oaks Liquor
Store, located at 511 North First Avenue, regarding a commercial
burglary report. An investigation revealed the unknown suspect(s)
cut a lock to the security gate, smashed the front glass door, stole
more than $1,000.00 in cash and thirty cans of chewing tobacco.
The investigation is pending a review of the surveillance footage.
4. At 11:12 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the
1800 block of El Vista Circle regarding a residential burglary report.
When reporting party went to check on the home, she discovered
the front door was unlocked and the office had been
ransacked. The loss is unknown at this time. The investigation is
pending a review of surveillance footage.
Tuesday, June 30:
5. At 8:15 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the
1000 block of Balboa Drive regarding a vehicle burglary report.
The officer determined that sometime during the previous night,
unknown suspect(s) smashed two windows and fled with a tablet.
There is no suspect information at the time of this report.
6. At 12:16 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the
1100 block of South Second Avenue regarding a vandalism report.
The victim discovered his rear kitchen glass door had been shattered,
but not broken entirely, and the suspect(s) did not attempt
to enter the home. The investigation is pending a review of the surveillance
Wednesday, July 1:
7. At 9:44 a.m., an officer responded to Hampton Inn, located
at 311 East Huntington Drive, regarding a stolen vehicle report.
Surveillance footage revealed the victim left his car unlocked and
the suspect, who was also staying at the hotel, entered the vehicle
multiple times before successfully stealing the vehicle. Baldwin
Park Police Department later located the vehicle. The investigation
is ongoing.
8. At 10:15 a.m., officers responded to a residence in the 400
block of North Old Ranch Road regarding an audible alarm activation.
The officers determined the suspect(s) entered the home
by smashing a rear sliding glass door. Once inside, the suspects
ransacked multiple rooms, and fled with an unknown amount of
property. There is no suspect information at this time.
Citrus Community College
Governing Board Member Joanne
Montgomery Will Not Seek Re-
After proudly serving the Citrus
Community College District for 22
years, Governing Board Member
Joanne Montgomery announced
her retirement today. “This is
a bittersweet moment for me. I
have been honored and privileged
to serve the district for over two
decades, but now is the time for me
to move onto a new chapter in my life. I would like to thank
the students, faculty, staff, and constituents of the District for
allowing me the opportunity to serve.”
As a former elementary school teacher and educator, Montgomery
has received countless awards and honors over her many years
of service. “I love teaching, being an educator, and the college
district. The only thing that brings me more joy is my family and
I’m looking forward to spending more time with my children,
grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” added Montgomery.
“Moving forward, I want to make sure I am leaving the district
with stability and good governance, so I am endorsing former
Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz to replace me. Mary Ann’s
extensive policy experience especially with budgets and spending
will help the district weather the challenging economic times
ahead. She is a dedicated public servant and community leader
with the knowledge to lead the district forward.”
A person looking at the camera
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TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills
LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Health Officer has issued a Heat Alert
as high temperatures (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit) have been forecast for the San
Gabriel Valley:
Extreme heat is defined as a long period of high heat combined with humidity and temperatures
above 90 degrees. In extreme heat, evaporation is slowed and the human body must work extra hard
to maintain a normal temperature. Remember that:
Older adults, children, and sick or overweight individuals are at greatest risk from extreme heat; and
Humidity increases the feeling of heat.
Quick Tip: Organizations that Should Take Extra Precautions during Extreme Heat
Schools, day camps and non-school related sports organizations or athletes should take extra precaution
when there is extreme heat. Sports practice and other outdoor activities should be scheduled
early or very late in the day in order to limit the amount of time spent in the sun and heat.
Prepare for extreme heat by doing the following:
Check your local weather forecast regularly by visiting the National Weather Service. Also, make it
a habit to watch news reports so that you’re aware when there will be hot weather conditions.
Find places in your community where you can go get cool. View the interactive map above to find
the Cooling Center nearest to you.
Keep your home cool by covering windows with drapes/shades, add insulation to keep the heat out,
use attic fans to clear hot air, and install window air conditioners and insulate around them.
Power outages may occur when there is extreme heat. Click on this link to review safety tips for
power outages.
Avoid the sun – stay indoors from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. when the burning rays are strongest.
Drink plenty of fluids – drink 2 to 4 glasses of water every hour during times of extreme heat.
Replace salt and minerals – sweating removes salt and minerals from your body, so replenish these
nutrients with low sugar fruit juices or sports drinks during exercise or when working outside.
Avoid alcohol.
Pace yourself – reduce physical activity and avoid exercising outdoors during peak heat hours.
Wear appropriate clothing – wear a wide-brimmed hat and light-colored lightweight, loose-fitting
clothes when you are outdoors.
Stay cool indoors – set your air conditioner between 75° to 80°. If you don’t have air conditioning,
take a cool shower twice a day and visit a public air conditioned facility.
Monitor those at high risk – check on elderly neighbors and family and friends who do not have
air conditioning. Infants and children up to 4 years old, people who overexert during work or
exercise (e.g. construction workers) and people 65 years and older are at the highest risk of heatrelated
Use sun screen with a sun protection factor of at least 15 if you need to be in the sun.
Keep pets indoors – heat also affects your pets, keep them indoors or if they will be outside, make
sure they have plenty of water and a shaded area to help them keep cool.
IT’S RECIPE TIME, since I have covered most of all the area restaurants
and not certain who is who anymore, I’ve decided to spend the next few
weeks providing for you recipes that you can do at home, sound good? Let’s
proceed , In our area, the bars are closed once again. I guess it’s time to stand in
line at Vons and hope they haven’t run out of your favorite spirits.
A Shipwreck Mary is a well-fortified Vodka-based cocktail that means a lot of
different things to a lot of people—a more healthful cocktail (tomato juice and
an array of veggie garnishes), a good happy hour treat— no appetizers required
(comes with skewers of chilled shrimp and green olives), a good morning hairof-
the-dog hangover cure. It is a vodka-soaked nutritional breakfast, lunch, dinner
and hangover cure all in one. What else could you ask for?
Bloody Mary tomato-based cocktails have hundreds of variations, from heavy on
the hot sauce to a splash of Guinness on top to a
float of red wine. It’s best to start with the classic recipe and work toward the way
you like it (it’s the Burger King Cocktail—Have It Your Way!), even if it’s topped
with a shrimp skewer, a slice of bacon and, in some cases, a tiny cheeseburger.
Crazy garnishes aside, there’s a reason this iconic beverage is a classic.
Who was Bloody Mary? There is an old English folklore legend of a ghost, phantom,
or spirit conjured to reveal the future. She is said to appear in a mirror when
her name is chanted repeatedly. The Bloody Mary apparition may be benign or
malevolent, depending on historic variations of the legend and how much you’ve
had to drink. Others believe she was the tormented spirit of the violent Queen
Mary I of England, who earned the nickname "Bloody Mary" for burning hundreds
of witches and religious dissenters at the stake. While many question the
origin of this popular anytime cocktail, the Bloody Mary's staying power leaves
no question. Caution: If you see an apparition of
Bloody Mary in the mirror, you probably didn’t have enough to drink.
1 ounce celery salt (for the rim of the glass)
1 lemon wedge
1 lime wedge
2-1/2 ounces vodka (I use Beluga Vodka)
4 ounces tomato juice
3 dashes Tabasco sauce
1 teaspoon prepared horseradish
2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
1 pinch celery salt
1 pinch ground black pepper
1 pinch smoked paprika
Garnish: lime wedge
Garnish: 3 green olives
Garnish: parsley sprig
Garnish: celery stalk
Garnish: 3 large chilled shrimp
1. Pour some celery salt onto a small plate and rub the juicy side of the
lemon or lime wedge along the lip of a pint glass (bar mixing glass). Roll the
outer edge of the glass in celery salt until fully coated.
2. Fill the glass with ice and set aside.
3. Squeeze the lemon and lime wedges into a cocktail shaker and drop them
4. Add the remaining ingredients (except the garnishes) and ice and shake
5. Strain into the prepared glass.
6. Garnishes: Parsley sprig, 3 skewered green olives, a lime wedge, a celery
stalk and 3 large skewered shrimp.
ChefSecret: You don’t care for vodka, you say? Try making this recipe with gin—
it’s called a Red Snapper and is equally delicious. Heck, you can even make it with
a great American whisky.
Listen to my radio show on Go
Country 105 FM on Sunday
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com