Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 15, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 7


Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 15, 2020 

08/14/2020 3:30pm 

(Compared to 8/7/2020)

LOS ANGELE COUNTY* 08/14/20 08/07/20 

 Total Cases 204,710 193,423

 Deaths 4,873 4,627

* Not including Long Beach and Pasadena. For Pasadena, see below


STATS BY CITY Population Cases Deaths 

 (last week's stats in parenthesis)

Pasadena 14,1371 2178 (2060) 111 (111)

Uninc- East Pasadena 6,403 60 (57) 1 (1)

City of Arcadia 57,754 394 (364) 25 (21)

Uninc. - Arcadia 7.981 75 ( 74) 2 (2)

City of Bradbury 1,069 13 (13) 0 (0)

City of Duarte 22,016 414 (389) 24 (24)

Uninc.- Duarte 4,428 103 (93) 2 (2)

City of Monrovia 38,800 595 (565) 34 (34)

Uninc - Monrovia 3,881 66 (67) 0 (0)


City of Sierra Madre 10,989 63 (60) 3 (3)

City of So.Pasadena 26,053 233 (227) 25 (25)


Uninc.- Altadena 43,260 524 (500) 13 (13)

La County Testing as of 08/14/20: 2,010,790

Positivity Rate (No. of persons positive out of total persons tested) as 08/14/20: 10.5%

Nationally recommended Positivity Level: 8% 

For updated information go to:


COVID-19 UPDATE 8/14/2020


In an effort to assist renters with limited means affected by the COVID-19 crisis, the Los Angeles 
County Board of Supervisors has provided $100 million in CARES Act funds to create a COVID-19 
Rent Relief program, operated by the Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA). The 
program is set to launch on Monday, August 17, 2020, and will remain open for a two-week period, 
closing on August 31, 2020. The program’s goal is to assist between 8,000 to over 9,000 households.

The emergency rental assistance provided is intended to meet the needs of low-income renters who 
have struggled to pay their rent and/or who are behind on paying rent due to the economic impacts 
caused by the pandemic. Those who are most at need will be targeted with more assistance.

The program is available to all residents of the County who qualify, with the exception of residents 
living in the City of Los Angeles, as the City also received its own allocation of CARES Act funds. A 
W-9 and participation agreement are needed from the property owners to receive rental income on 
behalf of their qualified tenant; property owners must agree to the terms of the participation agreement. 
Citizenship documentation will not be requested from any party (renter or property owner).

A list of Frequently Asked Questions with more program detail is available at

Public Health anticipates a continued reporting of a backlog of cases as the State electronic 
laboratory system (ELR) reporting delay is addressed. Data sources that track other 
key indicators, including hospitalizations and deaths, are not affected by this reporting 


Ninety-two percent of the people who died from COVID-19 had underlying health conditions. 
Of those who died, information about race and ethnicity is available for 4,610 
people (99 percent of the cases reported by Public Health); 49% of deaths occurred among 
Latino/Latinx residents, 24% among White residents, 15% among Asian residents, 10% 
among African American/Black residents, less than 1% among Native Hawaiian/Pacific 
Islander residents and 1% among residents identifying with other races. Upon further 
investigation, 55 cases and four deaths reported earlier were not LA County residents.


“So many families are experiencing the pain and sadness of losing a loved one to COVID-
19. We extend our deepest sympathies to all of you," said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, 
MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “We remain guided by science and data that can 
be used appropriately to move us forward along the road to recovery in a measured way. 
The lower number of daily hospitalizations we are seeing is an indicator that we are making 
some progress. However, we need to see lower rates and our future success depends 
on commitments we each make every day about doing our part, working together and 
sustaining efforts that get us to the other side of this pandemic. Our collective goals of 
slowing the spread of this virus and reopening and keeping open vital community and 
economic sectors means we must put off the parties, gatherings, and trips to crowded 
places in order to get to low community transmission rates so we can re-open our schools 
and get more people back to work."


Businesses must make sure they are doing their part to slow the spread of COVID-19. 
Current Health Officer Orders require business owners to take immediate action to implement 
strategies that protect workers and customers. They must also report COVID-19 
outbreaks to Public Health in a timely fashion. Health Officer Orders require businesses 
with three or more known cases of COVID-19 within the workplace over the span of 14 
days, to report the outbreak to Public Health.


Residents must also make sure they are doing their part. Residents should not gather 
with anyone they don't live with. They should wear a face covering securely over their 
nose and mouth and keep six feet apart from others not in their household when out in 
public and wash hands frequently. All events and gatherings, unless specifically allowed 
by Health Officer Orders remain prohibited.


This State ELR issue has undercounted the County's positive cases and affects the number 
of COVID-19 cases reported each day and our contact tracing efforts. Given the current 
ELR delays, the department urges any person with a positive lab result to call 1-833-
540-0473 to connect with a public health specialist who can provide information about 
services and support. Residents who do not have COVID-19 should continue to call 211 
for resources or more information.


The Reopening Protocols, COVID-19 Surveillance Interactive Dashboard, Roadmap to 
Recovery, Recovery Dashboard, and additional things you can do to protect yourself, 
your family and your community are on the Public Health website, www.publichealth.

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills


 The Federal Government sets it at $7.25 but that amount can be superseded (big word) by 
individual states, including California. If you dig further, cities such as Santa Monica, Pasadena and 
San Francisco have their own. For example, San Francisco’s minimum wage is $16.07 - this isn’t some 
Newsom mandate; this was passed by the voters in San Francisco. 

Many restaurant owners I talk to have supported this wage as long as it is for non-tipped employees. 
This where it gets tricky - besides what they and we are going through now restaurants have a very 
slim margin so the question I have for you is: “Is that too much? Too little?” And, if you work in or 
have worked in a restaurant would you rather work for as much as you can get (performance based) or 
take a living wage say, $23 an hour but no tips? Places like Target and WalMart pay a minimum wage, 
and at $16 a hour I could see that attracting a pretty good 
young worker, although when I was growing up working at 
McDonald’s or Target was purely meant for side cash not 
supporting a family. While I’m not an economist what I’ve 
read tells me that as wages go up, menu raises also go up, 
so it makes sense that in a restaurant if the menu prices go 
up tips will also go up. However for over 70% of restaurant 
employees, their take home pay has not gone up. Tipping 
is down an average of 23% every time a restaurant enacts a 
price hike due to minimum wage, while only 5% said that 
tips have gone up, so there goes theory one. Consumers often feel that servers are making more money 
so why tip more. I still tip 20%. Remember TIPS ensure good service and when I’m out I want it all.

Some restaurants have added surcharges instead of adding to the menu prices - this restaurant goer is 
opposed to that, but open to discussion.

Tipping has been around forever and there has to be a solution of rising wages and tips - maybe a tip 
credit? I have known workers that work at the Red O or Paradise Cove or Carrows who make $45 an 
hour. That is a living wage.

Join me for more discussion on Go Country 105 FM Sunday Morning at 8AM

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