Talking About The Things That Really Bother Us
Mountain View News Saturday, August 15, 2020
EDITORS NOTE: If you are living in America here and now, these are extradinarily difficult times. It is as though every single thing that could possibly challenge us and our beliefs,
regardless of who you are, is demanding attention. Right now. Regardless of your race, gender, political beliefs, religion, or national origin, everyone is talking about everything that
is or has turned their lives upside down. Our faith in our Democracy is faltering. We are being divided because of our religious and political beliefs; we are in denial about the lack of
respect we show for each other and how little concern we have over the plight of those who are different than we are. Add to that, we are all struggling with COVID-19 which has made
us deal with a previously incomprehensible situation over which we have no control! Yes, there is much that we want to talk about.
Every single day, The Mountain Views News hears from readers who have something to say. Whether it is our nation's state of political affairs, schools opening during a pandemic and
what is the right or wrong things to do; the demand for social justice, the economy.....you name it and we hear from you. Why not share your conversations with others?
To that end, I have decided to run a special 'Letter To The Editor' section called "Conversations" where people can share their thoughts and/or experiences. We have a lot to learn from
each other and we may find that we are really more alike than different. So, get on your computer, and send us what's on your mind. WARNING: Don't be mean spirited. No personal
attacks. It's ok to be angry, but tell us why. Disagreement is fine and welcome, but this is a segment dedicated to having civilized 'conversations' about what concerns you as it relates to
this country's current state of affairs. Share your experiences and feelings. We'd like to know. Maybe you can help us all out.
All submissions must be in electronic text format. No pdf's please. Submissions can remain anonymous if requested. Email your 'conversation' to: editor@mtnviewsnews.com.
Susan Henderson, Publisher/Editor
Part 3 0f 3 by Stuart Tolchin
So how did Mississippi impact my life?
Perhaps I gained a perspective from realizing
the importance of unity and religious
support. Maybe I was put in touch with
my white privilege and realized the stress
of threatening racial violence—maybe- yes,
a little. I did appreciate the importance of
communication between family members
and the importance of listening and
understanding. I did help to bring at least
one of the Mississippi kids to UCLA to
participate in the Upward Bound Program
and he did very well. He ended up going up
to Palo Alto and became a member of the
School Board.
What did I gain from the visit?
Prior to going I was well aware of the violence
involving Civil Rights workers. I knew and
yet was absolutely eager to go. It was my
chance to actually get off the sidelines and
get into the game. I was obsessively certain
that I was soon to be drafted and sent to
some far-away place to be killed fighting a
senseless war in Viet Nam. I decided that
if I was going to be killed it might as well
be as a part of a struggle I believed in. My
expectations about Grenada Mississippi was
that under the remnant of Jim Crow Laws life
for Black People in Grenada would be easily
observable as intolerable. And I could help.
When I finally arrived I realized that my
expectations were totally wrong. The place
was beautiful. I heard moving speeches
about the importance of non-violence. I was
surrounded by Black High School Students
who taught me their secret handshakes.
There was a unity, a solidarity of purpose,
experienced and inspirational leaders, and
I was working with Martin Luther King’s
I learned about the importance of
maintaining an economic boycott of White
stores and was asked to participate in
the scheduled Mass Marches. I spoke to
parents concerned about the welfare of their
children and honestly shared their concern
but emphasized that change was coming and
that their children were a part of that change
which had attracted the whole world’s notice.
I was now a member of a team and was proud
of it. I think the first thing I realized upon
getting home and dealing with Law School
was how much fun it was to do something
important. I began volunteering for the
Lawyer’s Guild and figured a way to avoid
being drafted and helped hundreds of others.
After passing the bar, I had become friends
with an older distinguished Black lawyer.
One day we were late getting back to court. I
said “We gotta run” and began to jog. He said
“Black Man don’t run on city streets.” And
it hit me. This was the late 1970’s and still,
no matter his achievements, a Black person
lived within limitations and restrictions not
appreciated by a naïve White guy.
I became aware of what I had missed learning
in Mississippi. Although it had seemed
beautiful to me there was always a limitation
of opportunity. One could only rise so high.
To young people, particularly, this lack of
opportunity was intolerable. I am very aware
that these hopes have remained largely
unfulfilled. Still I want to believe that change
is coming if we can ever survive all of our
other problems. The presence of a woman of
color and her Jewish husband will be a great
victory for My Team. Yes, I was very blind in
Mississippi and did not recognize what was
right in front of my face. I was blind but now
can see and if I can see it there is great reason
to believe that our new Federal Leaders will
do what is necessary to end this intolerable
inequality and create a system of which all of
us, all of us can be proud. Hooray for Mamala
Kamala and Doug.
Dear readers,
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But time's running out.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com