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ALEGRIA AVE. IN SIERRA MADRE CLOSED FOR HALLOWEEN....Pg. 15 October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2020 VOLUME 14 NO. 43VOLUME 14 NO. 43 With so many red hot real estate markets across the country, DIY-minded sellers might get ahead of themselves and decide they can sell their own home. With low inventory levels and sky-high prices, it might be tempting to stick a sign in the ground and see what they can get (without paying that pesky agent commission, of course). broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman 626.975.4033jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418korth@dppre.com #00942500•Your safety is a priority a real estateprofessional will have the proper protocolsin place to protect your belongings andfamily's health and well-being. •A powerful online strategy is a must toattract a buyer recent studies from NARhave shown that, the first step 44% of allbuyers took when looking for a home wasto search online. Throughout the process, that number jumps to 93%. •As part of their training, agents are taughthow to negotiate every aspect of the realestate transaction and how to mediate theemotions felt by buyers looking to makewhat is probably the largest purchase oftheir lives. •Having a buyer who wants to purchaseyour house is the first step. Makingsure they can afford to buy it is justas important. As a FSBO, it's almostimpossible to be involved in the mortgageprocess of your buyer. •FSBOing has become more difficult froma legal standpoint. In an increasinglylitigious society, the agent acts as athird-party to help the seller avoid legaljeopardy. This is one of the major reasonswhy the percentage of people FSBOinghas dropped from 19% to 8% over the last20+ years. •A study by collateral analytics revealedthat FSBOs don’t actually save anythingby forgoing the help of an agent. Insome cases, the seller may even net lessmoney from the sale. The study found thedifference in price between a FSBO and anagent-listed home was an average of 6%. It’ll practically sell itself, right? Not so fast. Here are six reasons that FSBOs typically find selling much harder than they imagined. When the buyers don’t come running after putting the house up for sale, for-sale-by-owners (FSBOs) are left scratching their heads, perplexed about what’s happening. After all, they don’t know what they don’t know. Listing on your own leaves you to manage the entire transaction by yourself. Why do that when you can hire an agent and still net the same amount of money? Before you decide to take on the challenge of selling your house alone, reach out to one of us to discuss your options. AND THE WINNERS ARE..... The Creative Arts Group announces the winners for the 2020 Scarecrow Festival The Creative Arts Group 2020 Scarecrow Festival is pleased to announce the winners for Most Popular Business and Most Popular Residential entries. In the Business Category, (above) first place goes to Poppy Cake Baking Company’s entry “Craven;” second place goes to Little Mountain Salon’s entry “Beetlejuice,” and third place goes to Lunch Salon’s entry “Balloony Tooney.” In the Residential Category, (below) first place goes to “Baby Yoda” (801 Skyland Drive.), second place goes to “SMiles” (displayed at City Hall - 232 W Sierra Madre Blvd.), and third place goes to “Bella Donna” (displayed at SM Middle School - 160 N Canon Ave.). This year’s Festival, coordinated by Chair Jennifer Shamlian, was the biggest yet with 125 Scarecrows entered, 38 from businesses and 87 from residents. The entries were bolstered by the participation of the Art Program at Sierra Madre Middle School and the contributions of local church and community youth groups. “We have been so heartened by the number of participants we have had this year,” remarked Creative Arts Group Executive Director Kristin Naran. “This is not something that would work in every town! It is so wonderful to see how our community comes together. The Scarecrows on Instagram and Facebook have been terrific.” All winners were selected by the community through votes entered on Facebook and submitted paper ballots. Each will receive a commemorative award from Creative Arts Group. The Creative Arts Group Scarecrow Festival is made possible through the support of its sponsors: Arnold’s Frontier Hardware, Canyon Canine, Dilbeck Real Estate, GEM Plumbing, Kiwanis Club of Sierra Madre, Mountain Views News and Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce. COUNCIL TO HOLD HEARING ON DESIGN REVIEW STANDARDS The Sierra Madre City Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at 6:30 pm has agendized a public hearing on the revision of the city's Design Review Standards for use by the Planning Commission and the Planning Department. The guidelines define the process for the issuance of development permits in the city. Recommended changes were submitted to the Planning Commission for review more than a year ago, however, the commission's revisions were not adopted by the council. The changes submitted by the city were developed out of necessity because of recent changes in state law, SB330 - The Housing Crisis Act of 2019. The bill removes a significant amount of power from cities in determining what kind of housing is permitted. For many Sierra Madre residents, any action, whether by the council or State government which appears to put the city at risk of losing its' village character, is a problem. The state has removed local jurisdiction over 'new mixed-use development projects, multi-family developments, low-income housing, and single family housing with an ADU's. The local planning commission may still determine the fate of proposed new large single family housing. Mayor John Capoccia is keenly aware of the challenges that not only SB330 bring to the city, but also the looming mandate for 204 additional housing units under the RHNA requirements. (http://mtnviewsnews. com/v14/htm/n41/ index.htm ). Failure to comply with either the new state law or the RHNA requirements would have a negative impact on Sierra Madre. Capoccia is hoping that the council and planning commission can agree on acceptable revised Design Review Standards that will not only satisfy the state requirements but also preserve the character of Sierra Madre. His target for getting this accomplished is before the end of his term in December. The meeting will be held outdoors at the Bandshell. Masks and social distancing are required. It will also be live streamed via the city's website. S. Henderson/MVNews WELL RESPECTED ARCHITECT RESIGNS FROM PLANNING COMMMISSION Joe Catalano, AIA, longtime Sierra Madre resident and member of the Planning Commission turned in his resignation on Thursday at the request of Mayor Capoccia. Catalano, who has received numerous awards for his work on historic preservation projects, many in the Pasadena area, served on the commission since 2017. He is currently a lecturer in Urban and Regional Planning at Cal Poly Pomona and a member of numerous Sierra Madre community groups. SIERRA MADRE LITTLE LEAGUE AND SIERRA MADRE GIRLS SOFTBALL HOST BBQ LUNCH TO THANK SIERRA MADRE FIRE, POLICE AND CITY EMPLOYEES Last month’s Bobcat Fire was a close call for Sierra Madre and made the community even more grateful for the dedication of our Fire, Police and City employees. As a gesture of thanks and support, Sierra Madre Little League and Sierra Madre Girls Softball Association sponsored a gourmet BBQ lunch for over 60 city employees on Friday, October 23. Chef and Little League President Russ Meek grilled steak, chicken and vegetables, accompanied by salad and Spanish rice (rice donated by Casa del Rey). Board members and parents from both leagues helped organize and serve the lunch, including Paul Alva, Kristin Petersen Baldrica and Paula Jetton from SMGSA and Kelly Kriebs, Ed Garcia, Lisa Carlson and Franco Braden from SMLL. The baseball and softball leagues presented the Fire and Police Departments with mounted Thank You posters signed by community members and local businesses as a token of appreciation for their tireless work to protect our community during the Bobcat Fire. THINKING OF MAKING A U TURN? Probably not a good idea! Increased incidents of illegal turns on Sierra Madre Blvd. has led to increased PD enforcement! An observant resident noticed an unusual sight last week and reported it to the Mountain Views News. The callers, (we received an electronic message also), both reported seeing numerous SMPD vehicles that had stopped and were ticketing 3 different vehicles. Turns out that there has been a significant increase in the number of illegal U Turns on the Blvd. in recent weeks and in an effort to keep Sierra Madre streets safe, the trend is not being ignored. One of the callers was glad to see the PD in action as she stated she has almost been hit several times by people driving through town and ignoring the city's traffic laws, "especially the yellow flashing lights for crosswalks". A word of advice while driving through town....No U Turns! | |||||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |