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VOLUME 14 NO. 45VOLUME 14 NO. 45

With so many red hot real estate markets 
across the country, DIY-minded sellers 
might get ahead of themselves and 
decide they can sell their own home. 
With low inventory levels and sky-high 
prices, it might be tempting to stick a 
sign in the ground and see what they can 
get (without paying that pesky agent 
commission, of course). 
broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, BankrateTHEWEBB-MARTIN GROUPJan Greteman #01943630Judy Webb-Martin #00541631 
Katie Orth #00942500•Your safety is a priority a real estateprofessional will have the proper protocolsin place to protect your belongings andfamily's health and well-being.
•A powerful online strategy is a must toattract a buyer recent studies from NARhave shown that, the first step 44% of allbuyers took when looking for a home wasto search online. Throughout the process,
that number jumps to 93%.
•As part of their training, agents are taughthow to negotiate every aspect of the realestate transaction and how to mediate theemotions felt by buyers looking to makewhat is probably the largest purchase oftheir lives.
•Having a buyer who wants to purchaseyour house is the first step. Makingsure they can afford to buy it is justas important. As a FSBO, it's almostimpossible to be involved in the mortgageprocess of your buyer.
•FSBOing has become more difficult froma legal standpoint. In an increasinglylitigious society, the agent acts as athird-party to help the seller avoid legaljeopardy. This is one of the major reasonswhy the percentage of people FSBOinghas dropped from 19% to 8% over the last20+ years.
•A study by collateral analytics revealedthat FSBOs don’t actually save anythingby forgoing the help of an agent. Insome cases, the seller may even net lessmoney from the sale. The study found thedifference in price between a FSBO and anagent-listed home was an average of 6%.
It’ll practically sell itself, right? 
Not so fast. 
Here are six reasons that 
FSBOs typically find selling much 
harder than they imagined.
When the buyers don’t come running 
after putting the house up for sale, 
for-sale-by-owners (FSBOs) are left 
scratching their heads, perplexed about 
what’s happening. After all, they don’t 
know what they don’t know. 
Listing on your own leaves you to manage the 
entire transaction by yourself. Why do that 
when you can hire an agent and still net the 
same amount of money? Before you decide 
to take on the challenge of selling your house 
alone, reach out to one of us to discuss your 

NATIONAL NEWS: No one will dispute that 2020 has been a year like 
no other. However, on Saturday, November 7, 2020, for at least 74 million 
Americans, it was a very happy day. On that day, Joe Biden, 48 years after 
he was first elected to the United States Senate, he became President-elect 
and Kamala Harris became the first Woman and the First Woman of Color 
to become Vice President-elect exactly 100 years after women were given 
the right to vote..

SIERRA MADRE NEWS: The city has elected three new council members who will 
be sworn in on December 8, 2020. Congratulations to (from top left to bottom), 
Councilwoman-elect Kelly Kriebs; Councilman-elect Edward T. Garcia and 
Councilman-elect Robert Parkhurst. Congratulations also to current City Treasurer 
Michael Amerio who ran unopposed. 

 Also to be congratulated are all the candidates who had the courage to come 
forward and run for office.

 The semi-official tally is as follows (*Projected to be seated on the City Council once the results 
are certified):

For Member of the City Council – 4 Years 

 Number of Votes Candidate Name

 2,584/26.66% *Kelly Kriebs 

 2,413/24.89% *Robert Parkhurst

 2,107/21.74% Andy Bencosme

 1,616/16.67% Josefina Riley 

 974/10.05% Kurt Richter 

Number of Votes Candidate Name

 3,184/58.42% *Edward T. Garcia

 1,534/2815% Tracey Verhoeven

 732/13.43% David Loera

*Projected to be seated on the City Council once the results are certified

For City Treasurer – 4 Years 

 4,442/100% Michael Amerio

Measure AC

 Shall the office of the City Clerk be appointive? YES 3,574/65.89%

 NO ,850/34.11 

Official results will be provided at the December 8, 2020 City Council meeting 
and all successful candidates will be sworn into office. For more information 
please call Laura Aguilar, Assistant City Clerk, Elections Official, at (626) 355-

Useful Reference Links

Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548