Mountain View News Saturday, November 28, 2020
The Duarte Kiwanis Club is
always open to partnering
with others to help the
Duarte community. This
year, instead of “adopting”
one needy family, the
club has partnered with
the Duarte Community
Service Council. Dorothy
Smith has been a part of
this organization (DCSC)
for many years. DCSC
started serving the Duarte
community in 1947.
They provide short term
assistance to families in the
Duarte area. This year, due
to the pandemic, the need is
even greater. Dorothy was thrilled to receive a check from the
Duarte Kiwanis Club to help in DCSC’s Christmas Baskets for
Families program this year.
If you are interested in joining the Duarte Kiwanis or presenting
at a future meeting, please contact Tina Carey at tinac51@aol.
com. The club is currently meeting virtually through Zoom.
For the period of Sunday, November 15th, through Saturday,
November 21st, the Police Department responded to
810 calls for service, of which 70 required formal investigations.
The following is a summary report of some of the
major incidents handled by the Department during this
Sunday, November 15:
1. At 11:29 a.m., an officer responded to Extended Stay,
located at 401 East Santa Clara Street, regarding a grand
theft report. Sometime during the previous night, unknown
suspect(s) stole the victim’s bicycle trailer and two bicycles
that were secured to a fence. There is no suspect information
at this time.
2. At 1:04 p.m., an officer responded to Arcadia 210
Self-Storage, located at 324 North Second Avenue, regarding
an altercation between a male and a female. The officer
discovered an ar-gument escalated between an ex-boyfriend
and ex-girlfriend and resulted in the female throwing a
bowl of spaghetti at the victim. The 53-year-old female from
Arcadia was arrested for Battery and was transported to the
Arcadia City Jail for booking. A records check revealed she
also had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant.
Monday, November 16:
3. At 11:50 a.m., an officer took a telephonic report of a
fraud incident that occurred in the 200 block of West Magna
Vista Avenue. The victim discovered an unknown suspect
used her per-sonal information to fraudulently open an account
with CashCenter. The victim does not know the identity
of the person or how they obtained her information.
Tuesday, November 17:
4. At 12:43 p.m., an officer responded to No. 1 Auto
Service, located at 3 East Duarte Road, re-garding a stolen
vehicle report. An investigation revealed the victim left his
vehicle to be re-paired and when he returned, the business
was vacant, and his vehicle had been stolen. The investigation
is pending a review of surveillance footage.
5. At 1:18 p.m., an officer responded to Ralphs, located
at 211 East Foothill Boulevard, re-garding a commercial
burglary that had just occurred. The store manager witnessed
two suspects steal numerous containers of laundry
detergent before fleeing in a silver BMW SUV. Suspect 1
is described as a 25 to 30-year-old black female, approximately
5’4” tall, 150 pounds, with a medium build, long
curly hair, and was seen wearing a purple and white Nike
shirt, jeans, and a mask. Suspect 2 is described as a 25 to
30-year-old black male, same height, weight, and build, and
was seen wearing a black T-shirt, black hat, jeans, red tennis
shoes, and a mask. The investigation is ongoing.
6. At 1:19 p.m., an officer took a telephonic report of
a grand theft incident that occurred in the 1700 block of
Rodeo Road. The victim believes her house cleaner stole her
ring. The investigation is ongoing.
Wednesday, November 18:
7. At 11:41 a.m., an officer responded to U.S. Bank, located
at 1400 South Baldwin Avenue, regarding a fraud report.
The victim had recently opened a bank account. When
she didn’t receive her new card in the mail, she checked her
account and discovered two fraudulent purchases. The loss
amounted to $1,003.00. The victim does not know the identity
of the suspect(s).
8. At 1:49 p.m., an officer responded to the intersection
of Huntington Drive and First Avenue regarding a
battery report. An investigation revealed the suspect, a bus
passenger, punched the bus driver in the face and fled. The
37-year-old male from Arcadia was located, arrested, and
transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking. Arcadia
Fire responded and treated the victim.
Thursday, November 19:
9. At 6:35 a.m., an officer responded to the 2600 block
of Greenfield Avenue regarding a stolen vehicle report. The
victim stated his Chevrolet pickup truck was stolen sometime
during the previous night. The victim was in possession
of his keys when the vehicle was stolen. There are no
investigative leads as of the date of this report.
10. At 10:02 a.m., an officer responded to Hampton
Inn, located at 211 East Huntington Drive, re-garding a
theft from vehicle report. The victim discovered someone
entered her vehicle by unknown means and stole cash, a
gym bag, and her Apple Air Pods. There is no suspect infor-
mation at this time.
Friday, November 20:
11. At 2:54 p.m., officers responded to a residence in
the 400 block of Santa Rosa Road regarding a burglary in
progress. The victims heard the sounds of someone entering
their home. They scared the suspects and watched as
they fled to an awaiting white Lexus sedan. The suspects are
described as black males in their 20’s, both approximately
5’10” with thin builds. They were wearing hooded sweatshirts.
The incident was not captured on CCTV.
12. At 3:23 p.m., an officer responded to the 1800 block
of Stonehouse Road regarding a traffic collision. Upon contacting
the driver, the officer detected a strong odor of alcohol.
Through a series of tests, the officer determined the
27-year-old female from South Pasadena was driv-ing under
the influence when she stuck a parked vehicle. Arcadia
Paramedics responded and transported the suspect to Arcadia
Methodist Hospital for treatment. After being cleared
from the hospital, she was transported to the Arcadia City
Jail for booking.
Saturday, November 21:
13. At 7:34 a.m., an officer responded to the 2000 block
of Holly Avenue regarding a theft from vehicle report.
Sometime between 1:15 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on November
21st, unknown sus-pect(s) entered the victim’s unlocked
trunk and fled with an oscilloscope and a storage bag. There
are no investigative leads as of the date of this report.
14. At 5:25 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in
the 200 block of South Third Avenue regarding a burglary
report. The victim determined someone entered his open
garage, opened his unlocked vehicle, and stole his wallet
and garage door opener. The victim saw a suspicious dark-
colored sedan exiting the parking area at the time of the
crime but is unsure if the vehicle is related to the burglary.
There is no additional suspect information at this time.
Help support our beloved parks and
recreation programs in Monrovia
Monrovia, CA, November 25, 2020---- We are pleased to announce
the formation of the Monrovia Parks, Wilderness and Recreation
Foundation (MPWR). Because of the great need and recent events,
the Monrovia Parks, Wilderness, and Recreation Foundation
(formerly Monrovia Wilderness Preserve Foundation, Inc.), a
501(c3) independent foundation established in 2000, is revising and
expanding its mission. The new mission is to support recreation and
community programs, parks, facilities and open spaces in Monrovia.
“Following the recent Bobcat Fire, we now know more than ever
how spending time outdoors and in nature can be empowering
(MPWRing),” said Edward Belden, MPWR Director. “We are
all mourning the loss of some of our beloved natural spaces and
access to Canyon Park and the hillsides above Monrovia. We have
an opportunity, as we have in the past, to rise from the ashes and
support all of the important parks and open spaces in Monrovia
by ensuring we have the resources, facilities and programs for the
community to be MPWRed to thrive and come back stronger. Our
new focus and energy will help us bring our natural resources back.”
We are asking the public for their support. You can help by
expressing your interest to join the Foundation or donate to support
our Mission. Your donations will go to support Canyon Park, the
Hillside Wilderness Preserve, park improvements outlined in the
adopted Monrovia Parks Master Plan, recreation programs and
facilities or other community programs. To learn more or to give a
tax-deductible donation, visit monroviapwr.org.
South Pas Library Granted
Funds for New E-audiobooks
South Pasadena Upcoming
Dec. Virtual Public Meetings
City Starts Lower Arroyo
Seco Habitat Restoration
The City of South Pasadena has transitioned to virtual
Council and Commission meetings in response to the
COVID-19 crisis.
Agendas and reports for these meetings will be posted
to the Commission’s webpage, in addition to a link to the
live webstream prior to the beginning of the meeting. All
meetings will continue to be broadcast live on Spectrum/
TWC Channel 19 and AT&T Channel 99 for cable customers
who reside in the City.
For more information on upcoming meetings at:
City Council Meeting Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Senior Commission 12/09/20 at 8:30 a.m.
Public Works Commission 12/09/20 at 6:30 p.m.
Library Board of Trustees 12/10/20 at 7:00 p.m.
Public Safety Commission 12/14/20 at 8:30 a.m.
Parks and Recreation Commission 12/14/20 at 6:30 p.m.
Mobility & Transportation Infrastructure Commission
12/15/20 at 6:30 p.m.
City Council Meeting 12/16/20 at 7:30 p.m.
Finance Commission 12/17/20 at 6:30 p.m.
Natural Resources & Environmental Commission 12/22/20
at 7:00 p.m.
Public Art Commission 12/23/20 at 6:30 p.m.
The virtual meetings will adhere to the updated Brown Act
provisions for public meetings set forth by the legislature in
response to the COVID-19 crisis. During these meetings, the
Commissioners and City staff will participate remotely. City
facilities will not be open to the public in order to stop the
spread of the virus.
Public Comments are accepted via email. Information on how
to submit a public comment is detailed on each Commission
page at: southpasadenaca.gov.
Public Comments for the meeting must be received 24 hours
prior to the meeting, to allow staff time to compile and post
comments prior to the meeting. Comments will be distributed
to the City Council/Commission for consideration and will
be posted on the City’s website for public review.
The Pasadena City Council approve Monday a $484,998 contract
with G Team Landscape Construction, Inc. that would move
forward Project Plans and Specifications for the Lower Arroyo
Seco Habitat Restoration, including the removal of non-native trees
and plants and dead trees.
According to city staff, The scope of work for the Lower Arroyo
Seco Habitat Restoration contract consists of the following:
•Removal of non-native trees/plants and dead trees;
•Manual removal of herbaceous non-native plants (weeds);
•Importation and placement of numerous natural boulders/rocks
to create natural
barriers for habitat protection and to provide habitat values for
• Placement of coarse woody debris (i.e., prepared logs and branches
removed trees) to provide natural seating, natural barriers along
trails, and
assemblages within the planting areas to provide beneficial wildlife
•De-compaction of soils (especially staging areas associated with
the Bridge
Rehabilitation project) to prepare for native plant establishment;
•Installation of environmentally suitable erosion control measures
(as needed);
• Installation of a new irrigation system to assist in the establishment
of new native
trees and plants;
•Installation of native planting materials including southern
California black walnut
trees, coast live oak trees, western sycamore trees, and approximately
understory shrubs and herbaceous plants;
•Installation of natural mulch around the newly planted areas;
•90-day post-installation maintenance period for the irrigation
system and planting
materials; and
•One-year contractor guarantee on newly planted sycamore trees.
According to the city staff report, “the Lower Arroyo Seco Habitat
Restoration project was created and funded as part of the City’s
Capital Improvement Program (CIP) utilizing Los Angeles County
Proposition A grant funds and residential impact fees. The project’s
intention is to restore the native plant communities and associated
wildlife habitat in the Arroyo Seco from the vicinity surrounding
John K. Van de Kamp Bridge extending north to the Pasadena
Casting Pond (all within Lower Arroyo Park), making up a total
project area of less than five acres.”
City staff said they reached out to the Arroyo Seco Foundation,
West Pasadena Neighborhood Association, La Casita Foundation,
Pasadena Casting Club and Pasadena Heritage Foundation.
“I strongly support the Arroyo Seco Foundation’s… Habitat
Restoration Program with its plan to remove the Canary Island Pine
trees and Australian Eucalyptus trees from its nature Preserve.” Said
Keiko Takioto Miller on behalf of the Arroyo Seco Foundation. “I
do so to preserve not only the said area as a critical source of our
livelihood, but also the fundamental element of integrity of the
Arroyo Seco Foundation that operates in synchronicity with the law
of nature, the source of science and wisdom.”
In response to the pandemic, the Southern California
Library Cooperative, in partnership with the California
State Library, presented a funding opportunity to purchase
digital resources—such as e-books, e-audiobooks, and
databases—which have been in high demand since access
to physical library collections has been limited. The South
Pasadena Public Library was granted $3,000 in April and
another $2,000 this fall.
Circulation of e-books and-e-audiobooks has dramatically
increased due to the pandemic, from 1,961 check-outs in
January 2020 to a peak 3,971 in May. With this latest round
of funding the library purchased e-audiobooks, which are
great for commuters and families on long car rides, but
they are also vital for student comprehension of assigned
reading, language learners, and people with disabilities and
visual impairments.
The collection adds new titles of high interest such as Caste:
The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson as well
as classics like Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings. The collection includes fiction and non-fiction titles
for children, teens, and adults. Customers can find this
collection on OverDrive or the OverDrive Libby app. Need
help? Contact the Library at library@southpasadenaca.gov
or by phone at 626-403-7350
Traffic Safety Grant used
for Bicyclist Safety Program
The city of Pasadena’s efforts to enhance safety for bicyclists citywide
just got a financial boost with a $150,000 grant from the California
Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) to the city’s Department of Transportation
for its pedestrian and bicycle safety program. Officials said it would be
use the funding for a year-long bicyclist safety outreach program aimed
at reducing severe injuries and fatalities to pedestrians and bicyclists
resulting from crashes. Specifically, this program will provide safety equipment and education materials to bicyclists and upgrade the
city’s traffic camera database to capture and collect pedestrian and bicycle counts for more effective interpretation.
Collision data collected in Pasadena for 2010 through 2019 showed that although the number of collisions involving bicyclists make up
approximately 5 percent of collisions citywide, bicyclists account for 15 percent of all severe injuries and fatalities resulting from traffic
collisions. Combined with pedestrian collisions, 40 percent of all severe injuries and fatalities resulting from collisions in Pasadena
during this ten-year period happen to pedestrians and bicyclists while only being involved in 9% of all collisions.
Education and outreach efforts funded by the OTS grant will promote safe behaviors by motorists and bicyclists, including avoiding
distractions and highlighting awareness and visibility of other road users. Bicyclist safety equipment such as bike lights, helmets, and
safety pamphlets will be distributed to cyclists in commercial areas and schools, with a focus on students new to cycling or Pasadena
around local colleges and K-12 schools. This outreach component will occur once in-person activities are considered safe.
The traffic database upgrade allows the city to better understand pedestrian and bicyclist travel patterns and in turn better optimize the
transportation network. Current traffic cameras in Pasadena are only able to capture motor vehicle data.
For more information visit: cityofpasadena.net.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com