Mountain Views News Saturday, January 16, 2021
Mountain View News Saturday, January 16, 2021
For the first time in my
FB life. I am considering
unfriending or unfollowing
some friends. Some
of whom I've known for
decades. But not who you
think and maybe not for
the reasons that may appear
Easily the most effective
agent for change in the
history of our country is the late Reverand Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. All day yesterday and throughout the
night, his words were stuck in a constant loop in my
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper
darkness to a night al-ready devoid of stars. Darkness
cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate
cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies
hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness
multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of
"A riot is the language of the unheard."
I am tired of all of the vitriol being spewed. There is
simply no way to fix our na-tion's problems by attacking
the same people that are attacking us. And for the
record, how is all the violence and anger working? A
year of civil unrest to pro-test the very real heavy-handed
and murderous assault on people of color by law
enforcement has got us where? Where are the results?
How many of us have participated in real substantial
changes to community policing? I'm not talking about
a meeting or two. I'm talking about actual actions taken
in a sincere effort to save me and my brothers from
being killed in the streets by law enforcement without
the guarantee of due process.
MAGA... how did your riot work for you yesterday?
did it solve anything. Under-stand that your actions
are the desperate acts of the frustration of your voices
not being heard. A legitimate and transparent investigation
to have the results of the election reviewed
in a manner that would appease you. What you got
in-stead was a dismissal of your concerns from your
elected officials (not talking about the courts because
as every person of color knows, the courts don't al-
ways provide the justice we are seeking). In your frustration,
some chose to storm and damage the capital.
Does this sound familiar? I suggest you look across the
aisle. the BLM movement is comprised of people myself
included that have generations of feeling the same
despair that caused your national display yesterday.
We cant see these parallels because we choose not to
see them. We want to be angry with each other, our
politicians are raising billions from all of this discord.
You don't believe me, go to the SEC website and look
at the numbers.
Every day I pray to God that we do this differently as
a nation. But I fear that prayer is doomed to fail. It's
doomed to fail because we have to choose love over
hate. truth over convenience, and integrity over victory.
These are the choices that God has empowered
each individual to choose for themselves. And moving
forward if you choose to continue the name-calling
and vitriol because you are upset and frustrated. I may
choose to move you from my conversation. Even if I
agree with your views and politics. Dr. King used to
implore people that could not remain non-violent not
to join his efforts because he knew that any hate-filled
expression would shift the focus from the merits of
justice and give those that don't want to change a convenient
excuse not to. I can't change the nation. but I'm
trying to heal the pain and lack of understanding from
my friends,
Please, don't force me to unfriend you. we are truly in
a "Descending spiral of de-struction" Your voice (all of
yours) is critical to solving our issues, together.
I appreciated the statement from Rep. Adam Schiff on
the events of January 6 in your last MVN, while the
columns at the bottom of the Opinion page informed
us that BLM violence was bad and this was bad, too.
Rich Manieri quotes Ari Fleischer; “What is the difference
between the left-wing fringe, BLM, that lit police
stations on fire, tried to light a federal courthouse on
fire, occupied two cities, looted and engaged in violence,
and what people did yes-terday at the Capitol?”
Numbers I’ve seen indicate BLM protests were 93%
peaceful, with destruction coming after most protestors
had left and yahoos arrived on the scene after-
wards. Guns and violence came with Proud Boys-
types who couldn’t miss out.
As for cities being “occupied”, those protests grew
largely from police treating cer-tain communities as
occupied territories; bad cops held unaccountable for
treating residents accordingly and as if their mostly-
Black lives didn’t matter.
Whether BLM, “far-left anarchists” or all-purpose
boogeyman antifa, none sought to kidnap governors
(13 were arrested last October for targeting Michigan
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer). None showed up with guns
in cosplay-camo to invade state capitols from Salem,
Oregon to Frankfort, Kentucky. None wore endorsements
of the Confederacy or the Holocaust. They
didn’t come with lynch-mob fervor along with zip-
ties, Tasers, mace and makeshift gallows threatening
elected lead-ers. There weren’t the homemade bombs,
bats and beatings of police (with one officer’s skull
smashed with a fire extinguisher).
Sorry – but insurrection against our government, invasion
and desecration of the Capitol, death threats
against lawmakers to halt constitutional duties and
smearing excrement on the walls of our temple of democracy
can’t be equated with looting the local Target.
Michael Reagan laments detraction from Trump’s “record
of accomplish-ment”. It’s a record that led to this
insurrection; from the demonizing and play-ground
bullying of those refusing to kiss the ring - whether
political opponents, protestors or journalists (with a
particular disdain for women of color – go figure); to
his refusal to comply with checks and balances and
congressional oversight un-der the Constitution.
In the meantime, he put another $1.5 trillion on our
nation’s credit card to shift more wealth to the oligarchs.
He abandoned allies and embraced despots
–our country becoming an international embarrassment.
He engaged in unprecedented graft and used
foreign policy for extortion. (Reagan refers to “character
flaws”.) And this was all before COVID.
The “legacy” Reagan frets about might be summed
up in two words, “Twice im-peached”; or maybe two
words and a number, “400,000 dead Americans”; or
then again maybe three words, “Kids in cages”.
Reagan warns of “the one-party socialist state, the
Biden-Schumer-Pelosi troika”, thus engaging in the
very “throw-it-out-there-and-the-rubes-might-believe-
it” practice that brought us here. (Decades ago,
his dad warned that with passage of Medicare, America
would no longer be “free”.)
Manieri notes that all sides feel they’re on “the right
side of history”. I’ll side with those who appreciate
that history (a good start is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
YouTube posting on growing up in the aftermath of
Nazi rule). One side seeks to protect our right to vote;
the other seeks to limit that right and then, if that
doesn’t work, to invalidate that vote altogether. One
side seeks “to form a more perfect union”. The other
seeks to weaken and destroy it. Those with a longer-
term appreciation will recall Dr. King’s citation, “the
arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards
Now that consequences are apparent, some warn a
second impeachment might prove “divisive”; that we
should simply condemn violence and move on. But,
as observed on the website MeidasTouch, “Nobody
asked al-Qaeda for advice on unity after 9/11”.
Howard W. Hays
Sierra Madre
Our neighbor Yvette Del Corazon is
a long time resident of Sierra Madre Canyon
and has operated a business in Sierra Madre
for 23 years. Her business card identifies her
as the owner of Hands With Heart a holistic
healing center specializing in the area of
MIND –BODY- SPIRIT which provides
services in twenty different areas including
Massage/Bodywork/Physical Therapy and
Transformational Coaching, Yvette is a fully
educated, accredited and licensed Massage
therapist. Additionally she has taken multiple
specialized classes offered at the Esalen
Institute in Big Sur. Yvette characterizes
herself as someone devoted to cultivating
deep changes in self and society.
She is a person who has had
extraordinary life experiences but
emphasizes that Sierra Madre is her home
and identifies the Sierra Madre Canyon
Community as keeping her alive and never
letting her down. She really loves her life
and has always followed a spiritual path
which remarkably has included four near
death experiences. During these near death
experiences she describes visiting heaven
which she experienced as a spiritual place
wherein she was completely encircled with
divine love from which she was saddened to
leave when the experience ended.
As you can see by the enclosed
picture she is an unusual person even by
Sierra Madre standards. In another one of
the pictures you can see Yvette surrounded
by members of the Sierra Madre community
who participated in a drumming which
was intended to and did successfully bring
Yvette back to health. Prior to her last death
threatening condition which allowed her to
return home just before Election Day Yvette
was walking seven miles in the morning.
Now, only a week after returning home after
a month in Intensive Care and recovering
from a condition that doctors told her was
terminal she is now walking a mile in the
Yvette describes herself has a person
with gifts, spiritual gifts that allow her to
have insights into the lives of people she
has never met or who predeceased her. She
was formerly the head of the Spiritual Values
and Community Outreach program as a part
of the Sierra Madre Civic Club. She is part
of a uniquely active family which includes
a former mayor of Los Angeles and a
brother who was speaker of the House of the
California State Assembly and is presently a
Regent of the University of California. When
asked to explain the distinguished positions
occupied by family members she explained
that her family had been long involved
with the work of Caesar Chavez and farm
workers. She also has had the opportunity to
meet famous almost mythic individuals who
were parts of the Civil Rights Movement.
She describes meeting Rosa Parks as one
of the most memorable moments of her life.
(If you are not familiar with the name Rosa
Parks you owe it to yourself to look her up.
She is called “the mother of the civil rights
struggle for racial equality based upon her
refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man
in Montgomery Alabama. Also a part of the
10 Freeway is dedicated to her.)
Returning to Yvette, notwithstanding her
familial political connections politics is not
the road she has travelled. As a part of her
continual spiritual quest she has spent months
in the jungles of Peru in the apprentice
Ayahuasca apprentice shaman program.
(You should look this up too as it is described
in National Geographic Magazine as a
journey to Hell and Back.) Yvette does not
describe the experience that way but still she
may well be considered as someone who has
visited both heaven and hell and has chosen
to remain living with us in Sierra Madre. In
any case, it would be inaccurate to picture
Yvette as some other worldly type person (oh
maybe a little bit). In reality she is just one of
the remarkable interesting neighbors that we
see walking the hills of the canyon every day
and should the opportunity arise she would
be a person well worth your time to get to
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com