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Combined EditionBreaking News:Inside this Week: News & Notices: Sierra Madre: SM Community Calendar: Pasadena – Altadena: Local City News: Around The San Gabriel Valley:
Education & Youth: Support Your Local Businesses: The Good Life: Best Friends: Opinion … Left/Right/Center: Columnists: Recent Issues: |
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021 VOLUME 15 NO. 20VOLUME 15 NO. 20 YEARS 2007-2021 ln§ide The Mountain View§ ew§ Thi§ Week.SpecialAnnouncements..........Page 2 Around San Gabriel Valley...Page 7 Walking Sierra Madre.............Page3 Education and Youth............Page 8 Community Calendar..............Page4 The Good Life......................Page 10 Pasadena News This Week....Page 5 Best Friends.........................Page 11 Arcadia/Monrovia News..........Page 6 Opinion.................................Page 12 Altadena/South Pasadena......Page 6 LegalNotices........................Page 13 LLAACCoouunnttyyGGooeessOOrraannggee--CCOOVVIIDD1199UUPPDDAATTEESS........................PPaaggee7755+ broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP SPREAD THE WORD! YOU CAN SAVE BIG $$ ON PROPERTY TAXES When Proposition 19 went into full effect on April 1st, California homeowners aged 55+, severely disabled or victims of wildfire or natural disaster are now able to move... *Purchasing a more expensive replacement property will result in an adjusted property tax increase based on the original Prop 13 tax basis. For more information, visit prop19.car.org The information contained here is intended to provide general information and is not intended as a substitute for individual legal advice. Consult a qualified real estate or estate planning attorney with questions pertaining to a specific situation. Without incurring a property tax hike!* SOLD $187,000 OVER LIST PRICE AT $1,337,500 IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS 446 Theresa Lane Sierra Madre, 91024 446TheresaLane.com3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,700 sf Anywhere in California To any home, regardless of price* Up to three times $$ MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS TO HONOR 2021 GRADUATES The June 5th edition of this paper will be dedi- cated to the Class of 2021! In order to be includ- ed, please send your grads senior picture, their full name, age and school. These grads are mak- ing history, and the Mountain Views News wants to celebrate their accomplishment. Send to: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Subject: Class of 2021 The volunteers of the Sierra Madre 4th of July Com- mittee are pleased and ex- cited to announce that the 2021 Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshal will be Si- erra Madre’s watering hole The Buccaneer Lounge. “The Grand Marshal is a person or persons whose efforts over a long period of time has been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person or persons’ volume of work, dedication and overall enhancements to our community.” Gerri Fraser and her family have been dedicated role models of the volunteer and com- munity spirit that is trulySierra Madre. For over 60 years the "Buc" has been the spot to go to in Sierra Madre! Whether it was celebrating a soft- ball win, after wedding party, birthday, win- ning the local City Council election or heck just hangin out with local friends. Even once being named as a top 10 LA dive bar. but consistentlyin the San Gabriel Valley! Gerri Fraser and her family have owned and operated the bar for the last 30 years have been there and supported this community in every way possible. The “Buc” has sponsored Little League, Softball, Hallow- een Happenings, Huck Finn, the 4th of July, Fall Festivals and auctions at all the local schools, and the golf tournaments. They are interwoven into the fabric that is the community of Sierra Madre. Gerri and her family have always been there for Sierra Madre. And sadly, the Buc had to remain closed during the entire 18 months of the pandemic. Fortunately, they held strong and with the help of some resident angels, selling shirts, go fund me campaigns, some grants and ultimately the Bar Stool fund are still here and reopened today. So, for a year of hanging tough, being strong and still giving back, Sierra Madre says thank you to Gerri and the entire family by honoring them as the 2021 #SMStrong Grand Marshal of the 4th of July Parade (beingheld on Monday, July 5th!). Additionally, the Committee is proud and honored to announce that Fire Chief Brent Bartlett has been selected as a “Hometown Hero”. This year the SMFD celebrates 100 years since its origin, and thanks to hard work and dedication of this local town hero Chief Bartlett has transitioned Sierra Madre from a once all volunteer department to a professional department and brought the community into the Automatic Aid system, a project the City had been trying to do for close to 40 years. Chief is a local San Gabriel Valley boy and a grad- uate of Bishop Amat High School, served in the US Marines Corp with two overseas tours and moved to Sierra Madre with his awe- some wife and kids in 1995. It was then, the Chief joined the all-vol- unteer Fire Department, participated in SM Little League, SM Girls Softball and our local schools while raising his family he became part of this amazing community. After his kids went off to college, Chief began his own journey to becoming a professional firefighter, eventually coming back home to Sierra Madre Fire Station 41 as a paid Fire Captain. Upon which he participated in and oversaw our long necessary transition into a professional level department. Our surrounding neighbors have great respect for Chief Bartlett and through his dedication and hard work the City has been accepted into the Automatic Aid Verdugo response systems and has a fantas- tic team of Medics and Firefighters serving our community. And in that crazy 2020 pandemic year, on top of everything else, Chief Bartlett assisted in keeping the community safe from the Bobcat Fire and also participated a number of times with the SMThrives team. Chief Bartlett is a great example of #SMStrong and we are pleased to extend this honor to him as Sierra Madre 2021 Home- town Hero! For more information on all of the 4th of July Festivities, please visit https://www.sierramadrefourthofjuly.com/ THE BUCCANEER CHOSEN AS GRAND MARSHAL & FIRE CHIEF BARTLETT CHOSEN AS HOMETOWN HERO FOR 2021 JULY 4TH PARADE Above, Gerri Fraser and 'The Buc' family; Below, SMFD Chief Brent Bartlett Photo courtesy SM4thJulyCommittee SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2021 VOLUME 15 NO. 20VOLUME 15 NO. 20 YEARS 2007-2021 ln§ide The Mountain View§ ew§ Thi§ Week.SpecialAnnouncements..........Page 2 Around San Gabriel Valley...Page 7 Walking Sierra Madre.............Page3 Education and Youth............Page 8 Community Calendar..............Page4 The Good Life......................Page 10 Pasadena News This Week....Page 5 Best Friends.........................Page 11 Arcadia/Monrovia News..........Page 6 Opinion.................................Page 12 Altadena/South Pasadena......Page 6 LegalNotices........................Page 13 LLAACCoouunnttyyGGooeessOOrraannggee--CCOOVVIIDD1199UUPPDDAATTEESS........................PPaaggee7755+ broker lic. #01514230 | source: CoreLogic, Freddie Mac, Bankrate Jan Greteman 626.975.4033 jan@jangreteman.com jangreteman.com #01943630 Judy Webb-Martin 626.688.2273 jwmartin@dppre.com #00541631 Katie Orth 626.688.0418 korth@dppre.com #00942500 We are active and doing business safely and successfully. Call us today if you are looking to buy or sell! Your Story. Your Home. Your Team. Together Stronger. We're still here for you! We can show you homes and meet with you over video. THE WEBB-MARTIN GROUP SPREAD THE WORD! YOU CAN SAVE BIG $$ ON PROPERTY TAXES When Proposition 19 went into full effect on April 1st, California homeowners aged 55+, severely disabled or victims of wildfire or natural disaster are now able to move... *Purchasing a more expensive replacement property will result in an adjusted property tax increase based on the original Prop 13 tax basis. For more information, visit prop19.car.org The information contained here is intended to provide general information and is not intended as a substitute for individual legal advice. Consult a qualified real estate or estate planning attorney with questions pertaining to a specific situation. Without incurring a property tax hike!* SOLD $187,000 OVER LIST PRICE AT $1,337,500 IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS 446 Theresa Lane Sierra Madre, 91024 446TheresaLane.com3 Beds | 2 Baths | 1,700 sf Anywhere in California To any home, regardless of price* Up to three times $$ MOUNTAIN VIEWS NEWS TO HONOR 2021 GRADUATES The June 5th edition of this paper will be dedi- cated to the Class of 2021! In order to be includ- ed, please send your grads senior picture, their full name, age and school. These grads are mak- ing history, and the Mountain Views News wants to celebrate their accomplishment. Send to: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Subject: Class of 2021 The volunteers of the Sierra Madre 4th of July Com- mittee are pleased and ex- cited to announce that the 2021 Fourth of July Parade Grand Marshal will be Si- erra Madre’s watering hole The Buccaneer Lounge. “The Grand Marshal is a person or persons whose efforts over a long period of time has been beneficial to the community of Sierra Madre. The title of Grand Marshal is intended to honor a person or persons’ volume of work, dedication and overall enhancements to our community.” Gerri Fraser and her family have been dedicated role models of the volunteer and com- munity spirit that is trulySierra Madre. For over 60 years the "Buc" has been the spot to go to in Sierra Madre! Whether it was celebrating a soft- ball win, after wedding party, birthday, win- ning the local City Council election or heck just hangin out with local friends. Even once being named as a top 10 LA dive bar. but consistentlyin the San Gabriel Valley! Gerri Fraser and her family have owned and operated the bar for the last 30 years have been there and supported this community in every way possible. The “Buc” has sponsored Little League, Softball, Hallow- een Happenings, Huck Finn, the 4th of July, Fall Festivals and auctions at all the local schools, and the golf tournaments. They are interwoven into the fabric that is the community of Sierra Madre. Gerri and her family have always been there for Sierra Madre. And sadly, the Buc had to remain closed during the entire 18 months of the pandemic. Fortunately, they held strong and with the help of some resident angels, selling shirts, go fund me campaigns, some grants and ultimately the Bar Stool fund are still here and reopened today. So, for a year of hanging tough, being strong and still giving back, Sierra Madre says thank you to Gerri and the entire family by honoring them as the 2021 #SMStrong Grand Marshal of the 4th of July Parade (beingheld on Monday, July 5th!). Additionally, the Committee is proud and honored to announce that Fire Chief Brent Bartlett has been selected as a “Hometown Hero”. This year the SMFD celebrates 100 years since its origin, and thanks to hard work and dedication of this local town hero Chief Bartlett has transitioned Sierra Madre from a once all volunteer department to a professional department and brought the community into the Automatic Aid system, a project the City had been trying to do for close to 40 years. Chief is a local San Gabriel Valley boy and a grad- uate of Bishop Amat High School, served in the US Marines Corp with two overseas tours and moved to Sierra Madre with his awe- some wife and kids in 1995. It was then, the Chief joined the all-vol- unteer Fire Department, participated in SM Little League, SM Girls Softball and our local schools while raising his family he became part of this amazing community. After his kids went off to college, Chief began his own journey to becoming a professional firefighter, eventually coming back home to Sierra Madre Fire Station 41 as a paid Fire Captain. Upon which he participated in and oversaw our long necessary transition into a professional level department. Our surrounding neighbors have great respect for Chief Bartlett and through his dedication and hard work the City has been accepted into the Automatic Aid Verdugo response systems and has a fantas- tic team of Medics and Firefighters serving our community. And in that crazy 2020 pandemic year, on top of everything else, Chief Bartlett assisted in keeping the community safe from the Bobcat Fire and also participated a number of times with the SMThrives team. Chief Bartlett is a great example of #SMStrong and we are pleased to extend this honor to him as Sierra Madre 2021 Home- town Hero! For more information on all of the 4th of July Festivities, please visit https://www.sierramadrefourthofjuly.com/ THE BUCCANEER CHOSEN AS GRAND MARSHAL & FIRE CHIEF BARTLETT CHOSEN AS HOMETOWN HERO FOR 2021 JULY 4TH PARADE Above, Gerri Fraser and 'The Buc' family; Below, SMFD Chief Brent Bartlett Photo courtesy SM4thJulyCommittee | |||||||||||||||||
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 www.mtnviewsnews.com |