Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 17, 2021
The Preserve Sierra Madre Committee has
been following two very destructive bills that
have been going through the California Legislature.
SB9 and SB10 promise to cause havoc
to all cities in California - big and small.
These two bills will literally obliterate all R-1
housing restrictions. This means no single family
zoning. All local zoning laws as we know them
will be thrown out the window. These developer-
friendly bills will allow large apartment complex
buildings in residential neighborhoods without
exception with no way for our Planning Department,
Planning Commission, General Plan or City
Council to stop their construction.
These bills will ruin neighborhoods and families.
They dismantle our environmental protections and
allow building in high fire zones. SB9 will allow a
single family home to be torn down and replaced
with 4 units. SB10 will allow developers to tear
down a single family home and replace it with a 10
unit apartment without local review or input. Our
neighborhoods and communities as we know and
love them will be changed forever. Imagine, if
these two bills get passed, your next-door neighbor
in a residential neighborhood selling their
home to a developer and then having a multifamily
unit built next door - with no way to stop the
The Steering Committee of Preserve Sierra Madre
has decided in the best interest of our beloved Sierra
Madre to join United Neighbors, a coalition of
neighborhood residential groups throughout California.
Their goal is to protect single-family neighborhoods
while supporting affordable and equitable
housing for all. They urge all homeowners
by Deanne Davis
No time to grieve for roseswhen the forests are burning.”
Zbigniew Herbert
Many thanks to Tim Maciasfor posting this great picture.
Yes, indeed, Prayers for safetravels and a safe return
home as our Sierra Madre
Firefighters aboard Water
Tender 41 have been assigned
to the Beckwourth complexfires burning 50 miles
northwest of Lake Tahoe. As
of July 13th, this fire had grownto 90,000 acres plus and 46%
containment. Praying for rain,
Farewell to Bob and Nell Solt,
keepers of the world-famous
Wistaria Vine, who are leaving Sierra Madre. What a responsibility to keep that vine alive andwell for 40 years. As I’m sure you, being residents of Sierra Madre know, this vine is the largest
flowering plant in the world and occupies a one acre stretch of land. Once a year, during ourWistaria Festival, visitors are able to walk under this sprawling beauty. Hopefully, the new ownersof the Solt home will enjoy being the custodians of this local treasure.
Here’s a bit more trivia about our vine: It is one of the Seven Horticultural Wonders of the
World! Here are the others:
• Sequoia National Park-Redwoods
• Amazon Jungle
• Wistaria House
• Xochimilco Floating Gardens in Mexico
• Garden of Taj Mahal
• Garden of Buckingham Palace
• Yokohama Rock Gardens, Japan
There now, next time you’re playing Trivial Pursuit, you’ll ace this question. Here are a couplemore you might already know:
Globe and Jerusalem are types of what? Answer: Artichoke.
Which is the highest waterfall in the world? Answer: Angel Falls, Venezuela.
Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in 1770 in which city? Answer: Berlin.
The thing about Trivial Pursuit is that once you start playing it, you have to keep going and it
takes forever for somebody to win, by which point you’re ready to put your head down on thetable and go to sleep. Monopoly is about the same. Scrabble, on the other hand, moves along alot quicker and, if you’re a good speller, you’ll have fun. Especially if you know a lot of words thatbegin with Q. Or Z“Loud is the summer’s busy song. The smallest breeze can find a tongue, while insects of eachtiny size grow teasing with their melodies, till noon burns with its blistering breath around, and
day lies still as death.” John Clare
I’d say that’s a pretty accurate description of July. All we can do is move slowly, remember that
only “Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun,” (Noel Coward); clip the burnedleaves off our plants; water sparingly early in the morning and keep praying for that El Nino thingto show up this winter
“The pleasure of jogging and running this time of year is rather like that of wearing a fur coat
in Texas in August: the true joy comes in being able to take the darn thing off.” Joseph Epstein
“July in sub-Saharan Los Angeles is one of the great and awful tests of one’s endurance, sanity
and stamina.” Henry RollinsIn our efforts to conserve water, which we have to confess, we’ve not been very good about lately,
we have resolved again to use less. I seem to have become a water-a-holic in the kitchen, usingfar more than necessary. Old habits die hard, don’t they? So, shorter showers, no water running,
These pictures were actually
taken in the city of Sierra Madre.
To the dismay of the businesses
who rely on this parking lot for
their customers, and residents
and visitors who have observed
this scene as they were out
walking or driving by, it was/
is quite upsetting. The photo
above, left, was submitted to the
Mountain Views News a week
ago Saturday.. It is a picture of the
trash bin located in the parking
lot of 370 W Sierra Madre Blvd.
Needless to say, such a sight is
uncharacteristic of Sierra Madre.
By the middle of the week, the
trash bin had been emptied but
the trash that did not fit in the
container was left. The second
photo (right) was taken by the
Mountain Views News after the
Athens pick up. Where is the
Some residents expressed
dissatisfaction with the business
owners who utilize the parking
lot, however, each of those
businesses have leases which
include trash collection and all
that we spoke to were current on
their rent.
Upon further investigation, it was
discovered that one of the reasons
for the unsanitary situation was
that the company contracted by
the city for waste management,
Athens Services, had discontinued
trash collection to the address due
to non-payment. “Stop service
orders are only issued after
chronic delinquency”, said Ed
Chen, Director of Governmental
Affairs. “Once we received the
payment, we immediately restored service collection”.
We reached out to the property owner, Tiara Commercial, LLC of Newport Beach, and spoke with the
managing member. While acknowledging the delinquency that had, as of last week been cured, they too
were concerned about the excess trash that was left. “They [Athens] charge for overages, so why didn’t they
pick up the trash and bill me for the overages like they always do”. That question, when posed to Athens,
went unanswered.
It should be noted that from all appearances, the excess trash is not the result of the businesses but rather
the result of unauthorized persons ‘dumping’ at the location. Sierra Madre Police do monitor the lot on a
regular basis in an attempt to prevent unauthorized persons from using the parking lot for illegal activities.
Dumping is illegal and not unique to that address. The issued was covered in the February 27, 2021 edition
(p1, v15.09 — Home Page — Mountain Views News, Combined edition (
However, the question remains, who is responsible for this? Is Athens acting responsibly when it selectively
picks up trash? Should the owner increase the number of dumpsters on the property?
The bottom line for the businesses who lease the property and the public that this situation has to be
addressed immediately. S. Henderson/MVNews
City of Sierra Madre
DATE: July 17, 2021SCH NUMBER: 2021040369
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: City of Sierra Madre Planning and CommunityPreservation Department232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard, Sierra Madre, CA 91024
SUBJECT: City of Sierra Madre 2021-2029 Housing Element Update
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the City of Sierra Madre, as the lead agency pursuantto the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), will hold a Scoping Meeting for the
Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Housing Element of the City
of Sierra Madre General Plan for the 2021-2029 planning period (Housing Element Update).
SCOPING MEETING: The Scoping Meeting will be held on July 28th, 2021 from 6:00 p.m.
to 7:30 p.m. at the City of Sierra Madre City Hall Council Chambers.
City of Sierra Madre City of Sierra MadreCity Council Meeting City Council ChambersWednesday, July 28, 2021 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. Sierra Madre, CA 91024
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Comments on the Draft PEIR should be submitted during the Scop-
ing Meeting. Written comments must be sent to Vincent Gonzalez, Director of Planning and
Community Preservation, 232 W. Sierra Madre Boulevard, Sierra Madre, CA 91024, or vgon- Written comments must be received by August 1st. 2021. For
additional information, please contact Mr. Gonzalez at 626-355-7135.
PROJECT SUMMARY: The City is updating the Housing Element of the General Plan for
the 2021-2029 planning period. The Housing Element is one of the seven required elements
of the General Plan per the California Government Code, beginning at Section 655583. Gen-
erally, State law mandates updates to the Housing Element every eight years. The Housing
Element serves as a policy guide to address the comprehensive housing needs of the City of
Sierra Madre. The primary focus of the Housing element is to ensure decent, safe, sanitary
and affordable housing for current and future residents of the City including those with special
needs. The City is required to ensure the availability of residential sites, at adequate densi-
ties and appropriate development standards, adopt land use plans and regulatory systems that
provide opportunities for, and do not unduly constrain housing production in the City to ac-
commodate its fair share of the regional housing need, also known as the Regional Housing
Needs Assessment (RHNA) allocation.
For more information on the project, please see:
the lawn will have to fend for itself and we’re still being pretty good about that flushing thing.
Seeing so many pictures on Facebook of bears lounging in Sierra Madre pools, walking across the
street, languishing in the shade. They really want to come inside where the air conditioning andthe refrigerator are.
“A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing andthe lawnmower is broken.” James Dent
May you have a perfect summer day every day this week and may your tomato plants give yougorgeous ripe beauties and may the tomato worms find someone else’s plant. Plant Dahlias. Theydon’t care if it’s hot.
My book page: Deanne Davis
Where you’ll find“A Treasure Map, A Drunken Owl & 47 Rattlers in A BagTrue Tales of Early California.”
Hot summer is the perfect time to read this exciting adventure.
For you Emma Gainsworth fans, all her escapades are there AND, there’s a new Emma story inthe works!
July 4, 2021 to July 10, 2021 During this period
the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to
234 calls for service.
ARREST A vehicle was stopped for vehicle code
violations on 7-4-21 at 12:45AM at E. Sierra
Madre Bl. and Monterey Lane. A records check of
the driver and passenger revealed
both were on probation, however, the passenger was
a wanted person from Pasadena PD and Covina PD.
The passenger was arrested and the driver was released
at the scene. Case to DA’s office
Officers responding to a call of a suspicious person
on 7-5-21 at 1:55AM at Arno Dr. and Santa Anita
Ave. that appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.
Following field sobriety tests, the male was
arrested and taken to Pasadena Jail for booking.
Case to DA’s office
On 7-8-21 at 12:31AM, officers conducted a traffic
stop on S. Baldwin Ave. The driver was arrested for
a D.U.I. following the consented field sobriety test
and taken to the Pasadena Jail for booking.
to join with them in writing, calling, and emailing
our state representatives to urge them to kill these
two bills. Our Assembly person is Chris Holden
and our state Senator is Anthony Portantino. Mr.
Holden abstained on the previous vote to send
these bills to the larger assembly. Mr. Portantino
voted yes. We need to urge them to vote NO when
the question comes up. Governor Gavin Newsom
also needs to know that the people of California
will stand up for their homes, families and communities
and will not be bullied by the developers
supporting these bills.
Chris Holden can be reached at the following link: His Sacramento office
number is 916 319-2041. His local number is 626
Anthony Portantino can be reached at the following
link: His Sacramento
office number is 916 651-4025. His local
number is 818 409-0400.
Pease contact them and ask them to oppose both
SB9 and SB10.
For more information, watch these short, but extremely
eye-opening videos.
On 7-9-21 at 1:22AM, a vehicle was stopped for
driving in the wrong direction on
Kersting Ct. at W. Sierra Madre Bl. The driver consented
to a field sobriety testthen taken to the Pasadena Jail for booking for
D.U.I. Cases to the DA’s office
Officers were dispatched for a report of a grand theft
of a catalytic converter occurred in the 00 block of
Suffolk Ave. sometime between 7-8-21 at 7:00PM
and 7-9-21, at 7:00AM. Case to Detectives
Officers responded to the 200 block of N. Michillinda
Ave. for a report of vandalism. Unknown
suspect(s) caused damage to private property. Case
to Detectives
LO-JACK Officers on patrol on 7-10-21 at 8:21PM,
received a hit via the Lo-Jack system and located the
vehicle driving east of the city. Officers stopped the
vehicle with an assist with Monrovia PD and arrested
the driver for auto theft and possession of drug
paraphernalia. The driver was taken to the Pasadena
Jail for booking. Case to DA’s offic
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
Email: Website: