Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 17, 2021
Against CityDismissed
A federal judge on Monday
dismissed the Pasadena
Tournament of Roses
lawsuit against the city of
Pasadena, noting that the
city’s acknowledgment that
the Tournament owns the
Rose Bowl Game trademark
rendered much of the lawsuit
According to a statement
by the Tournament, the
court left undecided a
disagreement over contract
language governing the
right of the Tournament of
Roses to relocate the game
in an emergency, a provision
known as “force majeure.”
The court noted that with
no current plans to move the
game, there was no reason
to rule on the disagreement
Through the confirmation of
the Tournament’s trademark
rights and the preservation
of its force majeure rights,
“the suit’s main goals were
achieved,” Tournament of
Roses CEO David Eads said.
According to Tournament
officials they felt compelled
to file the suit after city
officials contended that the
emergency move of the 2021
Rose Bowl Game had violated
the Tournament’s contractual
obligations. In addition,
the city had been wrongly
insisting that it co-owns the
trademark to the Rose Bowl
In their our statement, the
city of Pasadena called the
lawsuit’s claims that the city
misused or misappropriated
the Tournament’s trademarks
related to the Rose Bowl
Game “frivolous.”
“This lawsuit should have
never been filed in the first
place,” said Gordo. “The
City of Pasadena has been
a tremendous partner to
the Tournament, and it is
appalling that the Tournament
took such a significant step
over nothing. We are pleased
that the judge wasted little
time in dismissing the claims
made entirely.”
The city will now seek to
recover the taxpayer dollars
the City was forced to
needlessly, albeit successfully,
spend on defending itself
in this litigation. The City
expects to request an award
that the Tournament of
Roses Association reimburse
the City’s taxpayers for the
hundreds of thousands of
dollars incurred in having to
defend against these frivolous
claims, the statement reads.
“Despite all of the legal
wrangling, it is my sincere
hope that now we can
collectively return our focus
to New Year’s Day, with an
iconic parade and a game
that puts Pasadena in the
world’s spotlight once again,”
said Gordo. “The Rose Bowl
Game is a part of the fabric of
Pasadena. As Judge Birotte Jr.
recognized in his judgment:
“The Court agrees with [the
City] that [the Tournament]
cannot reasonably dispute
that, separate and apart
from intellectual property
ownership, the heart and
soul of the Rose Bowl Game
belongs to the people of
GM to Move into New Pasadena Campus
General Motors announced
plans Thursday to establish anew $71 million campus in EastPasadena, for their AdvancedDesign Center operations, amove that they said wouldsubstantially increase the
center’s capacity and create
more jobs in the area.
“We are very enthusiastic aboutGeneral Motor’s decision to
locate their Advanced DesignCenter here,” Pasadena PublicInformation Officer Lisa
Derderain said. “Pasadena’s
Art Center College of Designcontinues to produce top tiertransportation designers. Withthe new location, GM will bein immediate proximity to
both Art Center, Caltech andother top technology-based and
design firms.”
The new campus, which sits oneight acres near Rosemead Blvd.
and Sierra Madre Villa Ave., willexpand GM’s capacity to supportemerging business opportunities
in areas of advanced technology,
software integration and futuremobility solutions GM officialssaid in a statement.
“Having a physical presence inSouthern California’s technologyepicenter is an integral part of
our global design operations andthis new innovation campus willnot only expand our operationstwofold, but offers access tothe rich cultural diversityand talent in the region,” saidMichael Simcoe, GM vice
president of Global Design.
“Our positioning will allow us
to attract dynamic candidates
in fields that will bolster GM’s
proven design capabilities andchallenge conventional thinkingof what our future portfolio ofconnected products and services
can encompass.”
GM Design facilities in thearea include the current North
Hollywood Studio, which
celebrated its 20th anniversaryin 2020. The North Hollywood
Pasadena Police CommunityReinvestment Grant Program
Applications must bereceived no later than
August 31 at 4:00 p.m.
The Pasadena Police
Department announced
Thursday they are again
committed to providing theavailability of asset forfeiturefunds for appropriationto community based nonprofit
organizations (501(c)
(3) or (4)) whose statedmissions are supportive of
and consistent with a law
enforcement effort, policy,
and/or initiative.
The purpose of the
Department of Justice
Equitable Sharing Programallows law enforcement
agencies to provide support
to neighborhood safety,
promote crime prevention,
and provide drug abuse
education and offer drugabuse prevention services.
This is accomplished byoffering funding to nonprofit
organizations whichhave developed specific
projects to address these
areas of concern. The
Pasadena Police DepartmentAsset Forfeiture CommunityReinvestment Grant programis a critical component of thepolice department’s supportfor the neighborhoods thatwe protect and serve. Themaximum funds allowed
is $25,000. This year, theyare committed to award 2
qualifying recipients in theamount of $12,500 each.
All applications that meetthe minimum eligibility
criteria will be reviewed
Chief John Perez
by the Funding Approval
Committee, which is
comprised of the Chief
of Police, administrative
staff, and communitymember(s). Upon reviewingthe applications, the
Chief of Police will make
the final determination
of awards in accordance
with the Department of
Justice Equitable SharingProgram guidelines and therecommendations of the
committee. Prior to awarding
the funds the departmentmust ensure the recipient is aqualified entity.
Applications must be
received by the PasadenaPolice Department no laterthan August 31 at 4:00
p.m. Applications receivedafter 4:00 p.m. will not beconsidered for funding.
For additional information,
eligibility requirements
and access to the
Community Reinvestment
Grant application at:
Design Center will continue tobe utilized for advanced designoperations as work on the new
facility is completed through thesecond half of 2022 they said.
Sees First
Delta Variant
The Pasadena Public Health
Department (PPHD) has
received the first confirmed
reports Wednesday of the
COVID-19 Delta variant
infection in six Pasadena
residents. The Delta variant
was identified in laboratory
specimens from these residents
through genomic sequence
testing. The households
infected in Pasadena included
a mix of vaccinated and
unvaccinated individuals.
Through contact tracing,
PPHD has linked all of the cases
to household exposures. This
SARS-CoV-2 virus variant was
first identified in India, spreads
more easily and quickly than
other variants, and likely
causes more severe disease
based on hospitalizations and
case fatality rates. In the state
of California, 1,085 cases of
the Delta variant have been
reported, and as of June 2021,
42.9% percent of all sequenced
variant of concern cases are
Delta. To protect the privacy
of the individuals, no further
information will be released.
“Now is the time for anyone
who is not yet vaccinated to
get fully vaccinated. Help
connect friends and family
who are not yet vaccinated to a
vaccine opportunity as soon as
possible. Current vaccines are
effective in protecting against
the Delta variant that spreads
much more easily than prior
variants and is more likely to
cause serious disease,” said Dr.
Ying-Ying Goh, health officer
and director of the Pasadena
Public Health Department.
COVID-19 vaccines are
proven to be highly effective
at preventing hospitalizations
and death from COVID-19,
and people who are fully
vaccinated are also much
less likely to be contagious or
transmit the virus to someone
else. The longer you wait to get
vaccinated, the greater the risk
of contracting COVID-19 and
infecting a friend, loved one,
or coworker.
COVID-19 vaccines are
available through the Pasadena
Public Health Department
at no cost. People age 12
years and over are eligible to
receive the vaccine. For more
information and to register for
an appointment, visit MyTurn. Get vaccinated at a
PPHD clinic and receive a
$20 gift card to a local retailer
while supplies last
The Boys & Girls Club
of Pasadena announced
Wednesday that three newmembers have been added
to its Board of Directors
this month: Christina
Altmayer, Corey Castillo,
and Lola Osborne. Each
brings unique work and
volunteer experience that
will complement the talentsof BGCP’s Board, and they allshare a passion for the Club’swork with kids and families
in the community.
“We’re delighted to welcomeChristina, Corey, and Lola
to our Board, and look
forward to working withthem to further the Club’s
post-Covid reawakening,”
says Lisa Cavelier, CEO ofBGCP. “Each brings a uniqueset of skills and talents to our
Christina Altmayer is
a senior executive with
deep experience and
success leading publicagencies dedicated to earlychildhood. Her work has
focused on policy and
system changes to better
serve the needs of children
in both the healthcare and
early education spaces.
She recently joined HealthManagement Associates afterleading high-impact effortsto implement and expandmaternal and pediatric earlyintervention services as
the Senior Vice President
of the Center for Children
and Family Impact for FirstLA. A long-time resident ofPasadena, Christina and herhusband Tom have raised
three kids who are now
Dr. Corey Castillo (Ed.D.)
is an Executive Leader
with proven results in
organizational optimization,
Boys & Girls Club WelcomesThree New Board Members
strategic development, andrevenue enhancement across
multiple industries. From
Health & Fitness to CorporatePhilanthropy, Professional
Services, Healthcare, LegalServices, and a variety ofother fields, Corey has taken
a multi-industry approachto aligning people, process,
and product to deliver
value-based, scalable, and
sustainable results. Corey
currently serves as the
Chief Operating Officer ofLagerlof, LLP, now the largestlaw firm in Pasadena.
Lola Osborne began her
career with the City of
Pasadena in 1986 in the
Planning Department.
During her 35-year careerwith the City, she has held thepositions of City Inspector,
Planner, Northwest Manager,
and Deputy Director. In
these various positions, Lolahas acted as the City liaisonwith a variety of community
groups, developers, and
local businesses. In her
current position in the ParksRecreation and CommunityServices Department,
she oversees communityservices programs at variouscommunity centers. An
added benefit to her current
position is a program for localhigh school students whereshe found her passion forworking with youth throughthe City’s “Youth AmbassadorProgram” – giving 32 highschool students and over
300 alumnae basic, hands-
on employment trainingthrough participation at Cityand local events.
Since 1937, the Boys &
Girls Club of Pasadena has
enriched the lives of youngpeople in our community,
enabling them to reach theirfull potential as productive,
caring, healthy, and
responsible citizens. Servingmore than 2,000 youth, ages 6
– 18 annually, BGCP focuses
on Academic Success,
Healthy Lifestyle, and GoodCharacter and Leadership.
The Club operates two
locations in Pasadena: Slavik
Branch on E. Del Mar Blvd.,
and Mackenzie-Scott Branch
on N. Fair Oaks Avenue. For
more information visit: https:
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