12 Mountain View News Saturday, September 25, 2021
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
I have never considered
ven them crazy. But, of course, with some of
myself to be boring. I may
them, it's not a very long drive.
be boring to other people
but not to myself.
For many years, I have gone to church com
mittee meetings. But, unfortunately, the older
As you get older, you find out that there are
I get, the more bored I am with this kind of
many boring things in this world.
When I'm in person at some of these commit-
When younger, I can't ever remember being
tee meetings, I have to go to the bathroom if
bored except when my father was lecturing
I'm not falling asleep. I remember one com-
me on how I should behave. I'm not sure he
mittee meeting I went to the bathroom pro-
was very successful at that.
bably close to 10 times. After the meeting,
someone asked me how I was feeling. I didn't
I wasn't bored with anything, and I always
tell him because I didn't want to offend him.
found something to gain my attention.
Then something changed. During all of this
This was back in the day when there was no
health dilemma that we are facing in the loc-
Internet, cell phones, or anything along those
kdowns, one positive thing emerged.
lines. How some people today live without cell
phones is something I'll never understand.
That positive thing is that we don't gather to
gether in committee, instead, we do it virtual-
The other day I was downtown, stopped at a
ly. That was something I never thought about
red light, and many people were walking on
until recently.
the left side. I watched them and didn't know
if they were going to some Memorial service
A meeting virtually means that you're not in
or what. They were all bent over, heads down,
person, instead, you're on the computer with
working on their cell phone while walking.
the group. So, some of the committee mee-
You take away their cell phone, and they will
tings have been virtual.
not know what in the world to do.
At first, I was a little excited about this. After
When I was younger, we knew what to do. We
all, I don't have to travel a hundred miles to
did not need some claptrap to amuse us and
attend the committee meeting. Instead, I can
keep us from being bored.
go to my computer and join the committee
Being a husband for over 50 years, I don't
know what being bored is all about. If, for
I was pretty anxious to get this experience,
example, I don't have anything to do and the
so I set up my computer on my easy chair at
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage finds out,
home and got a nice hot cup of coffee. Then,
believe me, I have plenty to do.
when the time came for the meeting to begin,
I did several clicks on my computer, and voilà,
The other night, I watched the little kitties
I was at the committee meeting.
out on the back porch jumping and running
around and chasing each other. One was cha-
At first something was interesting about it,
sing its shadow, and I don't think it ever got it.
but then, that boring element began to deve-
But these kittens were having the time of their
lop right there in front of me.
life and when they ran out of energy, they all
snug-gled together for a nap.
Watching it for 30 minutes, my head began to
Maybe that's why older people take naps more
nod but not in agreement with anything they
were proposing. Then, finally, my head began
to nod, my eyes began to fade, and soon, I was
I'm not against technology at all. For examp
le, if I go to a restaurant by myself, I take my
cell phone with a Kindle app with around 300
Just then, the Gracious Mistress of the Par-
books, so I have something to read.
sonage came in and saw that I was sleeping,
but she also heard I was asleep because of the
Not many things bore me, but there are times
snoring I do when I sleep.
that I do get bored.
She tapped my shoulder and said, "You're not
What bores me more than anything else are
bored, are you?" I opened my eyes, looked
committee meetings. I know some people live
around a little bit, cleared my throat and looby
these committee meetings. Whether it's
king at her said, "Of course not. I was having
politics, education, or religion, meetings are
a time of prayer for the committee meeting."
their top priority.
I'm not sure when I heard her laugh so much
as I did at that moment.
I can't think of anything more boring than
committee meetings. I try my best to keep an
Later that day I remembered a verse of Scrip-
upper chin, but it's tough to do with so many
ture. "Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep;
chins on my face.
and an idle soul shall suffer hunger" (Proverbs
19:15). If I’m bored it’s my fault. I need to live
I certainly could not be a politician because
a proactive life in serving God in a way that
all they do is go to committee meetings after
pleases Him.
committee meetings. That may explain why
so many politicians are crazy. They went to
Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of
so many committee meetings that it has dri-
God Fellowship, Ocala, FL 34472.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …September Birthdays*
Clem Bartolai, Pat Hall, Donna Anderson, Teresa Chaure, Cathy Gunther, EstherMacias, Sheila Pierce, Nancy Sue Shollenberger, Patti O’Meara, Judie Cimino,
Mary Steinberg, Geri Wright, Parvin Dabiri, Denise Reistetter and NehamaWarner, Virginia Mullaney, Gwen Robertson.
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at
626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required.
All Classes and programs will maintain a distance of 6 ft between participants. All equipment
used will be sanitized after each use before it is stored. Each participant is responsible for providing
their own water, masks and additionally needed supplies for each class.
Please call the Community Services Department at 355-7394 with any questions or concerns.
ANASTASIA, Wednesday 9/8 Could an amnesiac refugee named Anna Anderson truly be the Grand
Duchess Anastasia, purported sole survivor of the execution of the Tsar Nicholas II and his family
during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1918, and therefore the rightful heir to the Czar’s fortune? Backed
by a group of White Russian exiles led by General Bounine, she faces her possible grandmother, the
imperious Dowegar Empress Maria Feodorovna, and the fortune hunting Prince Paul.
QUEEN BEES, Wednesday 9/22
Helen is an independent widow who moves into the Pine Grove Senior Community and discovers
it’s just like high school—full of cliques and flirtatious suitors. What she initially avoids leads her to
exactly what she's been missing: new friendships and a chance at love with newcomer Dan.
TEA AND TALK, SENIOR BOOK CLUB 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 9:00 am
Staff has launched a new book club series, Tea and Talk, which meets twice a month to discuss the
fun, suspense, intrigue, love and so much more that each selection will have in store!
FIBER FRIENDS Every Friday, 10-10:45 am
Bring a lei, your flower skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the Park is back and waiting for
you to join in on all the fun! Memorial Park Pavilion.
Friday, October 8th, 3:00-5:00 pm
Stop by for some bingo, tea and conversations with Sierra Madre Fire Chief Bartlett and crew. Reserve
your spot with Lawren.
Lawren is making a colorful and artistic piece to brighten up the Hart Park House! We will have
fun with tissue paper, coffee filters and food coloring. All supplies will be provided for you and we
will meet in the Hart Park House. Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy. To reserve
your spot or ask questions please call Lawren Heinz at (626) 355-7394 or
email at lheinz@cityofsierramadre.com.
Wednesday, 9/22 and Wednesday, 9/29 5:30-7:30 pm—Hart Park House
Have you wanted to join in on one of these fun and popular classes but didn't know where to go?
Well look no further...Paint and Sip has come to the Hart Park House! Select one of the two choices
available and enjoy this fun paint by number with a glass of red or chilled white wine. We will spread
the fun over two days to ensure we are not rushed and have more time with our art and like minded
friends. The cost is $10 per person, space is limited so make sure to reserve your spot with Lawren
POKER DAY -Tuesday, 9/7, 1:00-3:00 pm—Hart Park House
Interested in a game of Texas Hold’em or 5 Card Draw? Bring your best poker face and join us in a
friendly bout of card savvy competition. If this doesn't suit your card playing desires then help introduce
your fellow seniors to a new and exciting card game. Cards and poker chips will be provided.
BINGO -Tuesday, 9/14, 1:00 pm—Hart Park House
Hart Park House Senior Bingo is back by popular demand! Come on down to enjoy this time honored
game with some old and new friends. We are trying a new spin on your BINGO fun so please
bring your good luck charms and BINGO markers!
Micro is Metro’s new on-demand rideshare service, offering trips within several zones in LA County.
The new service is for short local trips and uses small vehicles (seating up to 10 passengers). Micro
is part of Metro’s family of services and has been designed hand-in-hand with Metro’s NextGen Bus
Plan. The service is meant to be a fast, safe and convenient option for quick trips around town, Monday-
Sunday, 5:30 am-9:30 pm. At this time, a promotional fare of $1 will run six months from the
date of service launch. The $1 will not include a transfer to Metro bus and rail. Customers can pay using
their TAP Card/account (stored value only) or with a credit card (no cash). Metro staff will return
to the Board at the end of the six-moth introductory period to consider potential fare adjustments.
Service hours of operation are:
Monday—Sunday between 5:30 am-9:30 pm.
Download the Metro Micro App: visit:
call 323-GO-METRO (323) 446-3876
Dear Savvy Senior:
My husband and I :re looking for the simplest
and least expensive way to dispose of our bodies
when we die. We hate the idea of wasting a lot
of money on high-priced funerals and would like
some advice on some simple and cheap send-offs.
Simple Seniors
Dear Simple:
With the average cost of a full-service funeral
running around $11,000 today, many people
are seeking simple ways to make their final
farewell more affordable. Depending on how
you want to go, here are several low-cost options
to consider.
Direct Cremation
If you and your husband are interested in cremation,
a direct cremation is the simplest and
least expensive way to go. It includes picking up
the body, completing and filing the necessary
paperwork, the cremation itself and returning
the cremated remains to the family. There’s no
embalming, formal viewing or casket. A simple
cardboard box called an “alternative container”
is used to hold the body.
Depending on where you live and the funeral
home you choose, the average cost for a direct
cremation runs between $1,000 and $3,000. If
you want additional services beyond what a
direct cremation offers, ask the funeral home
for an itemized price list that covers the other
services cost, so you know exactly what you’re
getting. All providers are required by law to
provide this.
To locate nearby funeral homes, look in your
local yellow pages, or Google “cremation” or
“funeral” followed by your city and state. You
can also get good information online at Parting.
com, which lets you compare prices from funeral
providers in your area based on what you
Immediate or Direct Burial
If you’re interested in being buried, an immediate/
direct burial is the most basic and low-
cost option. With an immediate burial, your
body would be buried in a simple container
shortly after death, skipping the embalming,
viewing and use of the funeral facilities.
If your family wants a memorial service, they
can have it at the graveside at your place of
worship or at home without the body.
These services usually cost between $1,800 and
$3,500, not counting cemetery charges, which
can run you an additional $1,000 to $3,000. All
funeral homes offer direct burial.
Green Burial
An eco-friendly green burial is another affordable
way to go that costs anywhere from
$1,000 to $4,000 depending on the provider.
With a green cemetery burial, the body is buried
in a biodegradable coffin or just wrapped
in a shroud, without embalming chemicals or
a burial vault.
The Green Burial Council (GreenBurialCouncil.
org, 888-966-3330) has a state listing
of cemetery operators who accommodate green
burials, as well as funeral professionals who
provide the services.
Anatomical Donation
If you’d like to eliminate your cremation/burial
costs all together, as well as help advance medical
research, you and your husband should
consider donating your bodies to science. This
option won’t cost you a cent, however, some
programs may charge a small fee to transport
your body to their facility.
After using your body for medical research
projects, anatomy lessons and surgical practice,
your remains will be cremated and your ashes
will be buried or scattered in a local cemetery or
returned to your family, usually within a year.
To locate accredited university medical school
body donation programs in your state, see the
University of Florida’s U.S. program directory
at Anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu/usprograms, or call
the whole-body donation referral service during
business hours at 800-727-0700.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior,
P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit
SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to
the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy
Senior” book.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com