Mountain View News Saturday, January 29, 2022
Holden: AB 102 Access to Valentine’s Day Celebration Caltech Names Laurie
Education Has No Sunset And Swing Band Concert Leshin New Director of JPL
Assemblymember Chris and expand dual enrollment February 12 at Senior CenterHolden’s bill, AB 102 passed opportunities through these The distinguished
the Assembly Floor Monday partnerships. geochemist and space
with bi-partisan, unanimous According to an October
scientist brings more
support and is now heading 2018 Career Ladders study,
than 20 years of
to the Senate. AB 102 would students who participate
eliminate the 2027 sunset in dual enrollment at a leadership experiencedate for College and Career community college during in academic and
Access Pathways (CCAP) high school are more likely
government service to
partnerships and increase to graduate and enter
access to dual enrollment college and more likely JPL.
opportunities for students in to complete a certificate, Laurie Leshin (pictured),
juvenile court schools. degree, or transfer. A key president of Worcester
“When I first introduced finding was that students Polytechnic Institute (WPI),
this bill, I was motivated by most underrepresented in has been appointed director of
the growing opportunity community colleges often Whether anyone’s idea of classes, onsite events and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory “I am both thrilled and
humbled to be appointed the
gap faced by children from benefit the most. Valentine’s Day is romance other activities, members (JPL) and vice president of
director of JPL. In many ways,
disadvantaged backgrounds,” As the quality of court school and roses or friendship and and nonmembers of the Caltech. Leshin will formally
this feels like a homecoming.
said Assemblymember education varies widely, many fudge, the large patio at the Pasadena Senior Center assume her position on May 16, Some of the most impactful
Holden. “Education should students express that they Pasadena Senior Center, 85 are encouraged to visit succeeding Michael Watkins, experiences of my career have
who retired in August, and Lt.
not have restrictions and I feel disengaged from school, Holly St., will be the place the website regularly for a taken place on the Caltech
Gen. Larry D. James USAF
believe that if the youth of or that they are constantly to be for adults 50 and older monthly magazine, COVID campus and at JPL – lessons
(Ret.), who currently serves as
today had the opportunity repeating material that Sunday, Feb. 12, at 2 p.m. for updates specifically for older learned and goals achieved that
JPL interim director.
to take college level courses, they have already covered. a very special celebration adults and more. She joins JPL from WPI, one have shaped me as a leader and a
they would gain the Increasing educational with a swing band concert. The center, at 85 E. Holly of the nation’s oldest private space scientist. The opportunity
confidence and knowledge to opportunities, like dual The patio will be adorned St., is an independent, STEM universities, where she to return to working closely
with so many colleagues across
excel in higher education and enrollment, for students in with festive Valentine’s Day donor-supported nonprofit has served as president since
Caltech – at the Lab and on
become positive members of juvenile hall could provide decorations, snacks will organization that has served 2014. She is the first woman
campus – and at NASA is a
our society today and in the a turning point that leads to be provided and the Great older adults for more than 60 president in the university’s
dream come true,” Leshin
future.” academic success and future American Swing Band will years. During the pandemic, 150-year history and will be says. “We have enormous
JPL’s first female director.
Dual and concurrent employment. perform music that is sure doors are open Mondays opportunities ahead to leverage
“Laurie Leshin stood out in
enrollment provides high “Dual enrollment provides to bring back memories and through Fridays from 8:30 JPL’s global leadership in
an exhaustive international
school students access to goal setting intention to our compel some participants a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for social search because of her profound robotic space exploration to
college-level coursework. In youth to get started in their to kick up their heels on the services and other critical commitment to people, answer awe-inspiring scientific
some cases, students earn careers without the heavy dance floor or simply tap services for older adults her strategic approach to questions and improve life here
both high school and college burden of college debt,” said their toes to the rhythms. in need as well as limited scientific and technological on Earth. I look forward to my
work with Caltech and NASA
credit for the same course Holden. “Providing aspiring The cost is free for members occupancy for the library, opportunities, her deep
to ensure that JPL continues
depending on approval from students across the state the of the Pasadena Senior fitness center, computer lab appreciation of NASA’s to drive innovation across thelocal school and community opportunity to excel ensures Center and only $5 for and certain. Masks and social leadership in space exploration
global space ecosystem. Finally,
and Earth science, her mastery
college governing boards. a hope for future generations nonmembers. To register or distancing are required. I am especially honored to be
of complex organizations,
Assemblymember Holden and by extending the for more information, visit Rooms are sanitized after the first woman to hold the
and her ability to inspire
first established the College program to court schools, we www.pasadenaseniorcenter. each use. the next generation of title of director of JPL. I know
and Career Access Pathways ensure the exact population org and click on Activities & In accordance with Los scientists and engineers,” says from personal experience that
program in 2015 (AB of students this program was Events, then Special Events Angeles County Public Caltech president Thomas F. diverse teams make greater
288) and has since passed meant to help, has access to or call 626-795-4331. Health Department Rosenbaum, the Sonja and impact, and I will work every
guidelines, proof of COVID day to ensure that JPL is a place
numerous bills to increase it.” In the event of rain, the William Davidow Presidential
where all belong and thrive.
celebration will take place vaccination will be required Chair and professor of physics.
We will dare mighty things,
South Pasadena Clean Power indoors at the center. COVID for everyone who uses the “We are so pleased to be able to
protocols will be observed. center welcome Laurie back to campus
fitness or attends In 2005, she became director
Alliance Update for Businesses In addition to online onsite activities indoors. and to JPL.”
of science and exploration
“NASA’s Jet Propulsion
The South Pasadena City commercial and residential Laboratory has a storied at NASA’s Goddard Space
Flight Center, and in 2008, she
Council is considering customers. South Pasadena history of defying what was
Pasadena Playhouse
was promoted to Goddard’s
changing the default Clean is committed to becoming once thought impossible in the
deputy director for science
Power Alliance energy more sustainable and ‘green’, field of space exploration. In and technology, where she and
Presents Teenage Dick
produce for commercial and this is a convenient way this new era of groundbreaking colleagues were responsible
customers, from the current for businesses to join this Pasadena Playhouse, the talks with creatives, followed discoveries and constant for the strategy, planning,State Theater of California, immediately by the show innovation, it is clear that
Clean rate (50% renewable effort. and implementation of more
presentsTeenage Dick, a with live chat with the artists Dr. Laurie Leshin has a track
energy) to the Green rate More information is available hilarious take from the pre-show event. The record of scholarship and than 50 Earth and space flight
(100% renewable energy). at Richard by “Opening Night Watch Party” leadership needed to serve as projects. In 2010, Leshin
on III Mike
If this is approved, the new rate-options . Customers can Lew and directed by Tony on February 3 at 7:30pm will director of JPL and cement assumed the role of deputy
rates will become effective in compare the rate differential Award nominee Moritz von include playwright Mike Lew, the center’s status as a global associate administrator of
the Exploration Systems
October, 2022. As before, all for the different energy Stuelpnagel, streaming online director Moritz von Stuelpnagel leader in the 21st century,”
Mission Directorate at NASA
customers have the choice to products for their own at and lead, Gregg Mozgala and says NASA Administrator Bill
Headquarters, where her work
change their rate selection, business, learn how to opt in The production, produced will be hosted by Sandra Tsing Nelson. “Under Dr. Leshin,
involved the oversight of the
they will be transitioned to or out of an energy product, in association with Woolly Loh. The “Cast Watch Party” the technology invented at future human spaceflight
the default rate unless they and get other information Mammoth Theatre Company on February 10 at 7:30pm will JPL will continue to allow program, including efforts to
and Huntington Theatre include the entire of the cast of humans to explore the places
contact Clean Power Alliance and details. CPA indicates establish commercial crew
Company, was professionally the production. in our universe that we
to opt into another tier. that the average increase in capabilities and elements
filmed in HD with multiple “Mike Lew’s brilliantly cannot yet reach and spark
A bit of background: The cost for small commercial of what is now the Artemis
cameras in front of a live hilarious high-school spin the imaginations of future
default for residential businesses to change from the mathematicians, engineers, program. In that role, Leshin
audience during the in-person on Shakespeare’s classic play also worked to catalyzecustomers is the Green Clean to the Green product run in Boston. Teenage Dick is at once everything you’d and pioneers in classrooms
worldwide space exploration
rate; and more than 95% is about $5 per month. We will be made available as a imagine and nothing you’d across America. I want thank
by engaging with international
of residential customers also welcome input from our digital stream exclusively from expect,” said Danny Feldman, Mike Watkins and Gen. Larry
space organizations and
are at that default rate. businesses at our 2/16/22 Thursday, February 3 to Sunday, Producing Artistic Director. James for their contributions corporations, and throughMost cities that are CPA Council Meeting that could February 27, 2022. “We are proud to have joined that the JPL team will build on developing new technologies
member agencies have the be accessed through the The Playhouse will also host Woolly Mammoth Theatre for decades to come.”
and robotic missions to create
two special live “Watch Parties” Huntington Leshin is an internationally
Green rate for both their City’s website. Company and new possibilities for humans
which include pre-show Theatre Company to create this recognized scientist whose
to travel to destinations
extraordinary and powerful career has spanned academia
deeper in the solar system.
production and are fortunate to and senior positions at NASA,
Leshin left NASA in 2011 to
have professionally recorded the and included two White House
join Rensselaer Polytechnic
show a few weeks ago during appointments. She has been
Institute as dean of the School
the in-person run in Boston. “ lauded for her barrier-breaking
of Science.
Tickets for Teenage Dick are $25 leadership in the space industry
Interim director Lt. Gen.
for streaming video on demand, and in academia as well as for
James will resume his position
and $55 each for both “Watch her accomplishments as a
as deputy director when Leshin
Parties” and are available at distinguished geochemist and
formally assumes her position. Once space scientist.
purchased, patrons will have
access to view the production Symphony’s Ode to Romancefor 48 hours. Video of the show
will only be made available for Arrives for Valentine’s Daypurchase throughout the entirerun of Teenage Dick. throughout the piece. Korean
Teenage Dick is produced The Pasadena Symphony virtuoso Chee-Yun then takes
in association with Woolly continues its 2021/22 season center stage for Tchaikovsky’s
Mammoth Theatre Company with updated Covid-19 emotionally stirring Violin
and Huntington Theatre vaccination requirements, Concerto. Russian passion
Company and had its world including boosters for all flows into the second half
premiere at the New York Public eligible patrons, staff and with the soaring love theme of
Theater in 2018. Shakespeare’s musicians. On the heels of a Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet
classic tale of power lust strong turnout for January’s Fantasy Overture, and the fiery
reimagines the most famous annual Baroque concert, the program concludes with the
disabled character of all time orchestra sets the tone for a exotic rhythms of Rimskyas
a 16-year-old outsider in the romantic Valentine’s weekend Korsakov’s Capriccio espagnol,
deepest winter of his discontent: with Tchaikovsky Violin taking the audience on an aural
his junior year at Roseland Concerto on Saturday, February journey to Spain.
High. Bullied for his cerebral 12 at Ambassador Auditorium The Pasadena Symphony
palsy, Richard plots his revenge with both matinee and evening has updated its Covid-19
— as well as his glorious path to performances at 2:00pm and vaccination requirements for
senior class presidency. 8:00pm. Russian-American performances at Ambassador
The cast of Teenage Dick conductor and Music Director Auditorium. All patrons who
includes Shannon DeVido of Chicago Opera Theater, are eligible must have received
(Hulu’s “Difficult People,” Lidiya Yankovskaya takes to a COVID-19 booster dose
Netflix’s “Insatiable”), Louis the podium for the Symphony’s in addition to being fullyReyes McWilliams (The Public ode to romance, which pairs vaccinated in order to attend
Theater’s Coriolanus, The Flea/ Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and this performance. Children 5
Notch Theatre Company’s Juliet Fantasy Overture with years and older who are fullyAnna Karenina: a riff), Gregg one of the most-loved violin vaccinated, and adults who
Mozgala (Cost of Living, Lucille concertos of all time. There’s no have been fully vaccinated but
Lortel Award, Teenage Dick, better way to spend Valentine’s are not yet eligible for a booster,
Drama League Distinguished than with the most famous love will be allowed to attend. Masks
Performance Award Nominee), letters ever penned to music. are required to be worn inside
Portland Thomas (Classical The show opens with Elegia the venue at all times, with N95,
Theatre of Harlem’s Fit for Andina, a sweet dedication and KN95 and Kn94 masks stronglya Queen, Bedlam with The self-reflection from Gabriela recommended.
McCarter Theatre’s Hamlet & Lena Frank, included in the All concerts are held at
St. Joan), Emily Townley (The Washington Post’s list of the Ambassador Auditorium,
Totalitarians, Helen Hayes 35 most significant women 131 South St. John Ave,
Award) and Zurin Villanueva composers in history. With a Pasadena, CA. Subscription
(Broadway: The Lion King, multicultural background of packages start at as low as $99.
Mean Girls, Shuffle Along, and Peruvian, Chinese, Lithuanian Single tickets start at $35 and
The Book of Mormon.) and Jewish descent, Frank may be purchased online at
Tickets now on sale at explores her roots with pulsing Peruvian rhythms glittering or by calling (626) 793-7172.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285
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