Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 15, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 9

Mountain View News Saturday, October 15, 2022 
Mountain View News Saturday, October 15, 2022 
San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming 

Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest (All ages)

Through Sunday, October 23

 Our spookiest literary pumpkin creations are back! Kids, teens, 
and adults are invited to submit a decorated pumpkin inspired by 
a book character to win a gift card to Vroman’s. Winners will be 
announced on Monday, October 31. Please visit CityofSanMarino.
org/Pumpkin for more details and official rules.
Brain Aerobics & Lip ReadingMonday, October 17 and Tuesday, October 18 from 9:30 – 11:30 
AM, Barth Community Room

 This popular class led by Francine Katz (MA, SLP, & CCC) 
concentrates on lip reading and memory. She provides seniors 
a fun way to fight the common problems of diminished hearing 
and memory as people age. Registration is not required, but plan 
to attend regularly.
Health and Wellness Talk: Dementia 
Wednesday, October 19 at 1 PM, Barth Community Room

 Bhavesh Trikamji, MD specializes in neurology, neuromuscular 
medicine, and electromyography at the UCR Health Multispecialty 
Center. He is also a Health Sciences Clinical Assistant Professor 
of neuroscience at the University of California, Riverside School 
of Medicine. Join us to learn about dementia and how to best 
manage it. Registration is not required.
Halloween Trunk or Treat & Movie NightFriday, October 28 from 6 – 10 PM, Lacy ParkCost: Pre-sale: R: $5 / NR: $10Gate Price: R / NR: $15Join your friends, neighbors, and family for a spooktacular time!

 There will be trunk or treating, food trucks, music, games, crafts, 
costume contests, and more! Then, when the ghouls go to sleep, 
a special screening of Hotel Transylvania will be shown on the 
lawn. Pre-order your wristbands between October 3 - 27 online. 
Pre-sale wristbands must be picked up at the Stoneman Building 
(1560 Pasqualito Drive) by October 28 at 11 AM. Wristbands will 
also be sold at Lacy Park on the day of the event. Wristband sales 
are non-refundable. 
Shop ‘till You Drop Holiday Shopping Shuttle to Fashion 
Tuesday, November 8 from 10 AM – 3 PMCost: R: $8 / NR: $10

 Time to get all your holiday shopping out of the way! Active 
adults ages 55 and up are invited to join us for a daytime shopping 
trip. Transportation and a promotional card with exclusive offers 
are provided. Reserve your spot by October 25!
Fire Department

 San Marino Fire Department personnel conducted an 
annual Target Hazard inspection of Valentine Elementary and 
Huntington Middle Schools on October 7. While conducting the 
inspection, the firefighters observed the flawless execution of a 
fire drill by the staff and students of Valentine Elementary.

San Marino firefighters participated in fire ground survival 
training at the Alhambra training tower. The fire ground survival 
training program was funded by the International Association 
of Firefighters to ensure that training for Mayday prevention 
and Mayday operations are consistent between all firefighters, 
company officers, and chief officers. The program instructs 
firefighters on how to perform potentially life-saving actions if 
they become lost, disoriented, injured, low on air, or trapped.
Project Work on Sierra Madre Boulevard

 All American Asphalt, the City’s contractor for the City’s 
Annual Street Rehabilitation Project, has continued the concrete 
and curb and gutter removal portion of their project on various 
City streets. For the next 1-2 weeks, the project work will occur 
on Sierra Madre Boulevard north of Huntington Drive in both 
the north and south bound directions. This will also include 
temporary lane closures in both directions, with traffic being 
reduced to one lane at various points. Residents should be aware 
of these traffic control measures and potential delays on Sierra 
Madre Boulevard. Working hours are 7 AM to 5 PM Monday 
through Friday.
Sandbag Self-fill Location

 With the rainy season approaching, the Parks and Public Works 
Department is providing a sandbag self-fill location in the 
Stoneman parking lot that is available to residents. Sand and bags 
are available at the location, and residents are welcome to fill up 
to six bags to help protect their home from potential flooding. A 
limited supply of additional bags is also available in the Public 
Works yard at City Hall, and can be picked up by appointment, 
if necessary. For any questions, please contact the Parks and 
Public Works Department at 626-300-0765 or publicworks@
MeetingsPublic Safety Commission MeetingMonday, October 17 at 6 PM; Teleconference and Barth Room at 
Crowell Public LibraryDesign Review CommitteeWednesday, October 19 at 6 PM; Teleconference and Barth Room 
at Crowell Public LibraryFor more information visit: 

Prototype aerial robotic balloon Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech 

JPL’s Venus Aerial Robotic False Reporting Of Active

Balloon Aces Test Flights Shooter Incident – San 
Marino High School

 On Thrusday, at approximately 11:43 a.m., an unknown male 
subject called San Marino Police dispatch and reported several 
students at San Marino High School were shot in Room #101. 
The reporting party described the shooter as a male Hispanic 
wearing dark colored clothing and carrying an AR-15 style 
rifle. The dispatcher asked for additional information but the 
reporting party ended the call. All available patrol and detective 
bureau personnel responded to the call for service. The dispatcher 
attempted to callback the reporting party multiple times but there 
was no answer and it went to a voicemail. The dispatcher quickly 
contacted high school staff, who advised that no shooting had 
occurred, no gunshots were heard, and confirmed that the school 
does not have a Room #101. The officers quickly determined that 
no shooting had occurred and that this incident was a hoax. This 
type of call is commonly referred to as a “swatting” incident. A 

A scaled-down version of these flights and are looking swatting incident is an anonymous caller reporting a high-risk 

the aerobot that could one forward to using it to improve incident to cause a specific response from law enforcement. 
our simulation models before Our personnel are well trained and familiar with these types 

day take to the Venusian 

exploring our sister planet.” of incidents, and quickly responded to the high school in a safe 

skies successfully 

 The only balloon-borne and expedient manner. The first officers were on scene within two completed two Nevada exploration of Venus’ minutes. The officers immediately met with high school staff and 
test flights, marking a atmosphere to date was a part began searching the school within two minutes of arriving. After 
milestone for the project. of the twin Soviet Vega 1 and a well-organized and systematic search of the school grounds, 
2 missions that arrived at the San Marino Police Officers and school staff were confident that 
planet in 1985. The two balloons the incident was falsely reported or a hoax. In an abundance 

 The intense pressure, heat, 

(which were about 11.5 feet, or of caution, and to ensure there were no additional threats, San 

and corrosive gases of Venus’ 

3.6 meters, in diameter when Marino Police Officers contacted staff from schools in the district 
surface are enough to disable 

filled with helium) lasted a and walked each campus. Staff members from the private schools 

even the most robust spacecraft 

little over 46 hours before in the area were also contacted. When this type of call is received 

in a matter of hours. But a 

their instruments’ batteries by law enforcement, it is not uncommon for other local agencies 

few dozen miles overhead, 

ran out. Their short time in the to have similar hoax calls. The San Marino Police Department 

the thick atmosphere is far 

Venusian atmosphere provided shared our incident with other agencies in Los Angeles County. 

more hospitable to robotic 

a tantalizing hint of the science A similar incident was reported to another local agency, which 


that could be achieved by a was also determined to be falsely reported. San Marino Police and 

 One concept envisions 

larger, longer-duration balloon the San Marino School District have developed a close working 

pairing a balloon with a Venus 

platform floating within the relationship. As a result, the students and community were 

orbiter, the two working in 

planet’s atmosphere. well informed and this incident ended quickly and safely. This 

tandem to study Earth’s sister 

‘Roving’ the Skies information was shared with our regional intelligence center. 

planet. While the orbiter 

The ultimate goal of the aerobot This is an ongoing investigation and if anyone has additional 

would remain far above the 

would be to travel on the information, they should contact Detective Hernandez at (626) 

atmosphere, taking science 

Venusian winds, floating from 300-0728. Information may also be provided as an anonymous 

measurements and serving as a 

east to west, circumnavigating tip via or (800) 222-8477. 

communication relay, an aerial 

the planet for at least 100 

robotic balloon, or aerobot, 

days. The aerobot would serve 

about 40 feet (12 meters) in as a platform for a range of Halloween Spooky-Themed

diameter would travel into it. science investigations, from 

 To test this concept, a team monitoring the atmosphere Events at the Senior Center 

of scientists and engineers for acoustic waves generated 

from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Ghoulish fun awaits at Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. she and some 

by venusquakes to analyzing 

Laboratory in Southern the Pasadena Senior Center, other Poe fans will lead a free 

the chemical composition of 

California and the Near Space members and nonmembers Zoom presentation about the 

the clouds. The accompanying 

Corporation in Tillamook, 50 and older, who attend any enigmatic author whose words 

orbiter would receive data from 

Oregon, recently carried out or all of three events with and mental images continue to 

the aerobot and relay it to Earth 

two successful flights of a spooky themes in advance of haunt us more than 170 years 

while providing a global view 

prototype balloon that’s about a Halloween. after his death. 

of the planet. 

third of that size. There was a long period of To register or for more 

 Much like a Mars rover is 

 The shimmering silver balloon time when horror movies had information about either or 

commanded to drive to an 

ascended more than 4,000 feet rock or nothing to do with blood, both of these two events, visit: 

interesting other 

(1 kilometer) over Nevada’s guts and characters getting and 

feature, the aerobot can be 

Black Rock Desert to a region butchered onscreen. Galen click on Activities & Events, 

directed to raise and lower 

of Earth’s atmosphere that Wilkes will present a free then Special Events or call 626

its altitude – something the 

approximates the temperature multimedia presentation about 795-4331.

Vega balloons couldn’t do – 

and density the aerobot would the history of horror movies The free film “Hocus Pocus 

to conduct science between 

experience about 180,000 feet Thursday, Oct. 20, at 2 p.m. 2” (2022, PG) starring Bette 

about 171,000 and 203,000 feet 

(55 kilometers) above Venus. onsite at the center. The event Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker 

(52 and 62 kilometers) within 

Coordinated by Near Space, will feature clips from some of and Kathy Najimy will be 

Venus’ atmosphere. 

these tests represent a milestone the best classic, historic horror shown Friday, Oct. 28, at 1 p.m. 

 The prototype balloon was 

in proving the concept’s films going as far back as 1896 onsite at the center. Three high 

fabricated using Near Space’s 

suitability for accessing a until the 1950s, many of which school girls light a mysterious 

techniques for performance 

region of Venus’ atmosphere continue to influence and candle that brings the diabolical 

aerospace inflatables. Designed 

too low for orbiters to reach, inspire present-day filmmakers. Sanderson sisters back to life 

as a “balloon within a balloon,” 

but where a balloon mission Wilkes is an expert in silent in modern-day Salem more 

it has a rigid inner reservoir 

could operate for weeks or even films and film history. than 300 years after they were 

filled with helium under high 

months. While American writer Edgar hanged for witchcraft. Then 

pressure and an encapsulating 

 “We’re extremely happy Allan Poe wrote prolifically in a the girls must figure out how to 

outer helium balloon that 

with the performance of the wide range of genres, he is best stop the child-hungry witches 

can expand and contract. 

prototype. It was launched, known for his many suspenseful from wreaking havoc on the 

To increase altitude, helium 

demonstrated controlled-tales of gothic horror, including world. This is a sequel to the 

vents from the inner reservoir 

altitude maneuvers, and was “The Fall of the House of original 1993 film that also 

into the outer balloon, which 

recovered in good condition Usher” and “The Tell-Tale starred Midler, Parker and 

expands to give the aerobot 

after both flights,” said Heart.” Annie Laskey, director Najimy. 

additional buoyancy. When 

robotics technologist Jacob of events at the Pasadena To register or for more 

it’s time to reduce altitude, 

Izraelevitz, who leads the Senior Center, is a long-time information, visit: 

helium is pumped back into 

balloon development as the Poe enthusiast. On Thursday, 

the reservoir, causing the outer 

JPL principal investigator of 

balloon to shrink and decrease 

the flight tests. “We’ve recorded the aerobot’s buoyancy. Get to Know South Pasadena a mountain of data from 

 “The success of these 

test flights is a huge deal Bees with a Local Naturalist 
for us: We’ve successfully 

demonstrated the technology is a volunteer docent at Eaton 

we’ll need for investigating South Pasadena Beautiful Canyon Natural Area and a past 
and the Friends of the South docent naturalist at California 

the clouds of Venus,” said Paul 

Byrne, an associate professor Pasadena Public Library Botanic Garden, Claremont. 
at Washington University in invite the community to come South Pasadena Beautiful is a 
St. Louis and aerobot science socialize with us and learn 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated 
collaborator. “These tests form about nature’s best socializers: to planting a sustainable future 
the foundation for how we bees! The free event, presented in our community through 
can achieve long-term robotic in partnership with the South such projects as the low-water 
exploration high above Venus’ Pasadena Public Library, landscape project at the South 
hellish surface.” will take place Wednesday, Pasadena Post Office. This 
No Picnic in the Clouds October 19, at 6:30 p.m. (doors event is SPB’s annual meeting. 

 While this region of Venus’ open at 6:00 p.m.) at the For more information about 

atmosphere is more forgiving Library Community Room, South Pasadena Beautiful, visit: 

than its lower reaches, long-1115 El Centro Street. The 

duration flights in the rocky program features fascinating The Friends of the South 

planet’s clouds, which contain presentations by local Pasadena Public Library, 

sulfuric acid and other corrosive beekeeper Michael Pusateri Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit 

chemicals, would be no picnic. and native bee expert Hartmut corporation established in 

So the multilayered material Wisch. 1950. Its mission is to raise 

developed for the aerobot’s Pusateri is a longtime South money and public awareness in 

outer balloon includes an acid-Pasadena resident, television the community to support the 

proof coating, a metallization engineer, and person with many services and programs of the 

layer to reduce solar heating, hobbies. He took up beekeeping Library. For more information 

and a structural inner layer that in 2018 and has been keeping about The Friends of the South 

keeps it strong enough to carry bees in his backyard, learning Pasadena Public Library, visit: 

the science instruments below. a lot of lessons and getting a 

New techniques have also been few stings and a little honey The South Pasadena Public 

developed to ensure a long-along the way. Pusateri will Library is located at 1100 Oxley 

duration acid-proof seal with be speaking about the basics Street in South Pasadena. 

minimal helium leakage from of bees, their lifecycle, and his Visit the Library website at: 

the seams. experience as a local beekeeper.

 “The materials being used Wisch is a retired naturalist-for information about services 

for Venus survivability are guide. After leading European and programs. The Library is 

challenging to fabricate with, visitors through natural areas open Monday, Friday, Saturday 

and the robustness of handling of the U.S. and Canadian West 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m., Tuesday, 

we’ve demonstrated in the for 35 years, he discovered a Wednesday, Thursday 10:00 

Nevada launch and recovery love for macro photography. a.m.–8:00 p.m. and Sunday 

gives us confidence for balloon’s His principal interests are 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. 

reliability on Venus,” said co-insects, mostly our native Upon request made no later 

investigator Tim Lachenmeier, bees. He has taken several than four (4) business days 

chief executive officer of Near bee-identification classes before the event, the City 

Space. with the late Robbin Thorp, will provide a reasonable 

 While the recent Nevada tests is a member of the Lorquin accommodation for a qualified 
were a milestone for a future Entomological Society, Pacific person with a disability to 
concept designed with Venus Coast Entomological Society, have equal access to the event. 
in mind, the researchers say and a contributing editor at Please call (626) 403-7312 or 
the technology could also be (hosted by Iowa fill out the City’s request form 
used by high-altitude science State University Entomology). available here and email the 
balloons that need to control He has contributed photos to form to Human Resources at 
their altitude in Earth’s skies. numerous books and journals, 

has given talks on native bees, 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
Email: Website: