Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 20, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 8


Mountain View News Saturday, January 20, 2024 


Action recognizes firefighters’ heightened line-of-duty deaths due to 
chemical exposures, emphasizes prevention and support

Supervisor Barger joins the Firefighter Cancer Support Network for their annual gala in 2018. 

Last week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a 
motion introduced by Supervisor Kathryn Barger and co-authored by Supervisor Janice 
Hahn proclaiming January as Firefighter Cancer Awareness Month in L.A. County. 

The motion was catalyzed by research that shows firefighters are more likely to be 
diagnosed with certain types of cancer than the general public. 

“Ensuring the health and well-being of our County’s firefighters is critical to keeping 
them and our communities safe,” said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “The heart of this 
motion is about reduc-ing cancer among firefighters by delivering targeted education 
and extending support to those navigating a cancer diagnosis. I’m hopeful firefighting 
agencies across our County will join this month-long campaign to focus on prevention 
and mitigation. We all need to do our part to in-crease awareness and support for our 
brave first responders." 

“While firefighters are at work saving lives, they’re exposed to hazardous materials 
that put their own long-term health on the line,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “We 
can’t forget about the wellbeing of our brave men and women who respond to fires and 
natural disasters. They and their families deserve all of our support.”

Bryan Frieders, President of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and the City of 
Pasadena’s retired Fire Chief, shared his perspective. “Firefighter cancer is the leading 
cause of line of duty deaths in the fire service,” Frieders said. “This motion will help 
promote the necessary tools and guidance to develop life saving protocols for cancer 
prevention and support to firefighters who are diagnosed with cancer. 

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network extends their deepest gratitude and 
appreciation to Supervisor Barger, Supervisor Hahn, and the entire County of Los 
Angeles Board of Supervisors for their action.”


In this part of the world the Smith Brothers are King, at least in the San Gabriel Valley. If you don’t know 
them, they own and operate some very classy restaurants, and have been doing so for quite some time. 
Parkway Grill, Smitty’s and Arroyo Chop House are on their current roster, and a few years back Parkway 
Grill was dubbed “the Spago of the East” in the Zagat guide.

They must be doing something right and I think I have the answer – no, not like “what’s the secret of 
life” from the movie with Jack Palance playing Curly in City Slickers. It’s the service! Now, as the name 
suggests, the menu at Arroyo Chop House is all about the steak. According to the menu, it’s the only 
restaurant in the two Valleys that offers 100% Prime beef for all steaks on menu- big words with Arnie 
Mortons, Taylors and The Royce an earshot away. 

The menu features a Tomahawk so big that even after the beef is off the bone it’s still 30 ounces. In 
addition, you’ll find traditional entrees such as filet mignon, rib eye and other steaks. Is it expensive? Yes. 
Is it worth it? Every time. My visit was on a Sunday night and it was a birthday celebration (yes, for me the 
“Chopper” is a special occasion type of joint, not too big and as of this writing you can still eat outdoors). 
Anyway, since I’d just had a steak at a friend’s BBQ Friday night, I was pleased when our server mentioned 
the Chilean Sea Bass, so that’s what I eagerly ordered. I felt the sea bass needed another minute on the fire, 
and I always hesitate ordering seafood on a weekend for the reason of storage, but rest assured you’ll have 
no problems at this busy restaurant.

What else? We started off with bread and the BBQ shrimp salad - all good!! Asparagus and broccolini 
filled the appetizer dance card portion of the evening.

The best part of the meal? It really was the service. Our server Christopher was absolute greatness. I 
believe its my second go-round with him - I never heard the word NO. Can we split a salad? Yes. No 
cheese? Absolutely! Sauce on the side? YES. The night was perfect! The champagne flutes were never 
empty, he gave us a heads up ordering dessert, and he gave us the specials of the night completely from 
memory. Flawless !!

What to get? Many good choices you’ll be happy but make sure your server is Christopher!!

Arroyo Chop House open for Dinner at 5 PM 

Full Bar

Valet Parking

Reservations are a must

Expect $100+ per person



Pasadena, CA—Assemblymember Chris Holden is seeking nominations for his annual 41st 
Assembly District’s Woman of the Year and Women of Distinction celebration. 

“For over 30 years, in recognition of Women's History Month, the Legislature has hon-ored the 
achievements of women throughout California during the annual Woman of the Year celebration,” 
said Assemblymember Chris Holden. “It is your chance to acknowledge the superwoman in your 
life and in our community.”

Nominees must live, volunteer, or work in the 41st Assembly District, which stretches from La 
Cañada Flintridge and Pasadena in the West to Upland in the East and includes the communities 
of Altadena, Bradbury, Claremont, La Verne, Monrovia, Rancho Cucamonga, San Dimas, Sierra 
Madre, and Wrightwood.

The deadline to submit nominations is Thursday, February 15 at 5:00 pm and can be submitted 


 On Saturday, January 27 at 7 p.m. through Sunday, January 22 at 8 p.m., the Jewish 
Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys, in partnership with the City of 
Pasadena, will be holding its annual Every Person Has a Name, a 25-hour Holocaust vigil 
to commemorate UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day, on the steps of Pasadena 
City Hall. 

“With the rise of antisemitic and hate incidents we have seen as of late, an event like this is 
crucial to serving both as a reminder of what can happen when hate goes unchecked and 
also to remember the people who were murdered because of the same hatred… the hatred 
for the other,’” explains Jason Moss, Jewish Federation’s Executive Director. “By bringing 
the community together, we remember that each person killed was someone who lived and 
whose life was cut short. They are not just part of the six million lives lost but had their own 
story and their own individual experience. While our readers and those who listen may 
not know the people they are reading the names for, they are remembered by saying their 
names aloud. With every passing day, survivors are dying, and with them go their stories. 
My concern is that the memories will be dying as well.” 

This year’s event will begin with a commemoration ceremony featuring local elected officials 
and other dignitaries. Then, it will continue with a 24-hour vigil of name reading. And there 
will also be an exhibition entitled The Righteous Among the Nations, made available to 
be shown by Yad Vashem, Israel’s National Holocaust Museum. The exhibition shares the 
stories of over 30 people who willingly sacrificed their own freedom, and sometimes their 
own lives, to save Jews during the Holocaust. 

By participating in events like this, we help ensure that the importance of the Holocaust 
is not forgotten, no matter how many years pass, as memories are passed on to the next 
generation. We hope that community members will take this opportunity to help safeguard 
the memory of the Holocaust, promote tolerance, and protect the society in which we live.

The event is open to the public. We are currently looking for volunteers to read names, 
in-person or virtually, during 30-minute blocks. People can sign up by visiting the Jewish 
Federation’s website ( or calling 626.445.0810.

Those who do not feel like reading can attend the commemoration ceremony, sit and listen 
as the names are read, and help spread the word about the event. Being present and showing 
support is part of the power of the event. 

For more information about this event, please get in touch with the Jewish Federation at 
626.445.0810 or by sending an email to 

The Jewish Federation of the Greater San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys’ mission is to build community 
by strengthening and enhancing Jewish life. The Jewish Federation does this by providing programs and 
services that support the needs of the Jewish community in our region and acts as the Jewish voice on 
issues that affect the greater Jewish community. 


In those far off days, in the late 1880’s before the automobile began whirling us hither and 
yon, the village of Sierra Madre nestled in the sun at the foot of the “Mother Mountains.” It 
might have been called the “The village of Sagebrush and Sunshine” for there was sagebrush 
everywhere and sunshine flooded everything. 

Far to the south there stretched the San Gabriel Valley. Sometimes on a clear day one could see, 
thru the gaps in the hills , the ocean glittering in the sunshine, and often the sail of a ship. 

The Indians of the “Aleupkigna” or “Ahupkina” clan of the Gabrielenos roamed and lived in these 
foothills and, time was, when their artifacts were found in the Vista Circle and Marlborough 
Terrace areas of Sierra Madre. Variously translated this clan name means “a place of many 
waters” or “where the wind enters your heart and you inhale wind to cool off.” But progress and 
growth change many outward appearances and it becomes difficult to remember what was the 
view from Sierra Madre.

Many things will be forgotten of the substance that made Sierra Madre the unique place it is 


This building was erected by N.C.Carter in 1886, between Baldwin and Auburn as the first 
hotel in Sierra Madre, from which “One could see the ships come into San Pedro.” It remains 
today at 93 West Mira

Monte. Of special interest is the kitchen area which is formed from the first schoolhouse of the 
Sierra Madre area, which Mr. Carter moved to Ocean View from its site at the N.W. corner of 
Hermosa and Live Oak Avenues when the second school was built in 1885.

P.S. For those looking to meet people The Pasadena Ballroom Dance Association is a great 
place, as it is known to have had 1200 marriages come from couples meeting there, so I’ve been 
told. 12% WorldwideReal Estate Cooked to Perfection!
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: