TRASH (continued from page 1)
which was incurring the costs of shipping the waste
to different facilities.
The Extraordinary Component refers to Senate Bill
1383, the new California State Law, which “aims
to keep food and other compostable materials
known as organic waste out of landfills to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to
climate change.” This is an unfunded state mandate
requiring all cities to comply. Several “costly”
programs had to be implemented by Athens to meet
these new requirements, and they are the following:
• Source-separated organics collection and
transport to organics facility
• Conduct Annual site visits to all
commercial accounts
• Perform route audits or lid flipping
• Perform quarterly waste characterizations
• Send out education and outreach materials
• Procure 18,000 gallons of renewable natural
gas, or 500 tons of compost, or 850
tons of mulch
• Edible food waste recovery program
• New reporting requirements
According to Warner, these costs have started to
“trickle down” to Sierra Madre residents, with about
a 9% rate adjustment in 2023 and the remaining 9%
hitting customers on January 1, 2024.
Organics Services
What are organics? Organic waste includes grass
clippings, leaves (green waste), and all your food
waste. Organics are sent to a facility and turned
into compost. With this change comes the risk
of bears invading green waste bins. Athens has
provided new bear-resistant organics barrels to all
single-family homes and multi-family complexes
with four or fewer units as part of the Athens
Advantage at no cost to the residents or the city.
According to Councilmember Edward Garcia,
some misinformation floating around social media
connected to high rate increases in these new
bear-resistant containers, but that’s not the case.
However, some residents were mistakenly charged
and refunded by Athens.
Commercial accounts and apartments with five
or more units must also source separate their
organics. Organic barrels have also been provided,
and services have been performed according to the
report. There is no barrel charge for these locations.
Residents and business owners can ask Athens
about using these organic barrels. After an inquiry
from Councilmember Garcia about landlords
being responsible for what renters put in their bins,
Warner clarified that the apartment bins would
go to an MRF facility where they sort the waste
Warner also said that Athens won’t automatically
fine commercial businesses for getting it wrong a
few times and stated that Athens will work with
them to help them get used to the process and
improve over time.
The Canyon Residential Area
The Canyon Residential Areas have always been
challenging service areas for Athens to get to. There
are narrow and curvy roads, limited parking,
low trees, and wires to be concerned with. As a
result, Athens received an exemption from Cal
Recycle to provide service with 1-pass (one truck)
instead of 3-pass (three separate trucks), as long
as the collected materials go to an MFR plant for
processing. This will result in less truck traffic and
a carbon footprint in that area.
Athens will provide extra blue and green barrels to
the Canyon or pick up unused barrels at no extra
Special Services
Athens does provide additional special services to
be aware of. These services include:
• Household Hazardous Waste and E-Waste
Drop-Off Event once a year. This year, it will take
place on Saturday, March 16th, from 8 a.m. to noon
in the rear lot at City Hall.
• Compost Giveaway Event – 2 per year
• Bulky item pick-up. Four free per year for
each single-family residential unit, two free per year
for each unit at a multi-family complex with six or
fewer units, and bulky item charges for commercial
and multi-family over six units
• Sharps Collection Program. Athens
provides a “sharps and needles” mail-in disposal
kit for a fee. Senate Bill 212 offers free in-person or
mail-in disposal kits.
• Medical Waste Disposal. Athens Website
( provides information on
preparation and disposal. SB212 provides free in-
person or mail-in disposal kits.
• There are also guides for various types of
waste on the website, such as
Warner stated that he was willing to work on some
of the concerns addressed by the City Council,
including better communication, more accessible
website navigation to topics such as recycling
and medicine and pill disposal, and paying more
attention to low-income resident concerns.
Mayor Kelly Kriebs thanked Warner for his time
and noted they are on the same team. “We really
are partners in this, and I do appreciate all that you
do and all the transparency you are providing,”
Kriebs said.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
by Deanne Davis
“Lent is the perfect time to pull up weeds and plant
good seeds.”
Lent = Love…for God so loved the world that He
Lent…Lemons! If you’ve been fortunate to have
lemons at your disposal, don’t make lemonade, make
lemon bars!
Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday and, just like
that, we’re in Lent with Easter arriving on March
31st. Talk about time flying, we’ve barely gotten all
the Christmas decorations put away!
Lent is a 40-day period when a lot of people think
of self-denial, i.e., giving up something; like coffee.
Giving up coffee is a very bad idea as here’s what
happens: headache, fatigue, low energy, irritability,
anxiety, poor concentration, depressed mood and
tremors which can last anywhere from two to nine
days. Enough time to make everybody in your life wish you’d given up almost anything else,
including being anywhere near them.
“Lent is about becoming, doing and changing whatever it is that is blocking the fullness of life in
us right now.” Sister Joan Chittister
Instead of thinking about Lent as a time to suffer, to give up our favorite things, maybe we
could concentrate on doing something positive in our world. Instead of giving up something,
think about adding something. No, not candy, unless it’s those Cadbury caramel filled
chocolate eggs.
Think about adding new practices to our day like saying something nice to everyone you
encounter; like “that color blue looks really great on you.” We can consider adding more
“thank yous” into our day. They fit practically anywhere.
Back to giving up stuff, we could go through our closets and take out all the stuff we haven’t
worn for a year. The Goodwill and Salvation Army folks will welcome you with open arms
and give you a tax receipt when you give them those shoes that never did fit very well, the ugly
sweater your Aunt Clementine gave you for Christmas five years ago that’s a size too small and
covered with elves. Yes, this represents a lot of work, but if you do just one drawer or shelf a day
you’ll be amazed to see how much progress you’ll make and you’ll feel so proud of yourself.
How about all the books you’ve read and really won’t read again. The library is always glad to
get those for their next big sale.
And the food banks, places like Our Saviour Center in El Monte or Union Rescue Mission
come to mind. They always need help. As Jesus said, “The poor are with us always…”
Maybe instead of fasting from cookie dough ice cream or a caramel macchiato latte, we could
concentrate on the fact that God loves us and will never stop loving us. That no matter what
do, we can’t make Him love us more or less. I think He would go ahead and have the ice cream
with us…just saying.
This Lenten season maybe we could:
Give up complaining… focus on Gratitude
Give up pessimism… become an Optimist
Give up worry… trust Divine Providence
Give up bitterness… turn to Forgiveness
Give up hatred… return Good for evil
Give up negativism… be Positive
Give up anger… be more Patient
Give up pettiness… again, be more Patient
Give up gloom… enjoy the Beauty all around
Give up jealousy… pray for Trust
Give up gossiping… think before you Speak
Give up giving up… Hang in There!
Bottom line for me this Lent: I’m still going to have coffee. I’m still going to have a little ice
cream once in a while. I’m going to look forward to Easter with joy and anticipation! And I’m
going to take some of those lemons and make LEMON BARS. You can too. They’re great with
coffee. The picture, of course, is my lemon tree!
1/3 cup butter
¼ cup sugar
1 cup flour
Using your electric mixer, beat the butter on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add
the sugar, beat till combined, add the flour and beat till mixture is crumbly. Press mixture
into the bottom of a lightly greased 8-inch square baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-18
minutes until just golden. While that’s baking, make your filling:
2 eggs,
¾ cup sugar
2 TB flour
2 TB finely shredded lemon zest (more is good. Lots more is better)
3 TB lemon juice
1/4 tsp baking powder
Whip eggs in same bowl you used for the crust, add other ingredients. Beat 2 minutes. Pour
over baked layer. Bake 20 minutes or until lightly browned around the edges and center is
set. Dust with powdered sugar after it has cooled.
Maybe this Lenten Season I could be more patient, forgiving, and just plain kind.
In a world where you can be anything you want to be…Be KIND!
My book page: Deanne Davis
Lent is starting, which means Easter is on its way.
“The Crown” a story about what could have happened to
The Crown of Thorns that pierced Jesus’ brow,
is now an actual book, in addition to a Kindle book.
“The Crown” will enrich your Easter experience.
AthensServices.comRESIDENTIAL FOOD SCRAP COLLECTIONWHAT’S CHANGING? You will be able to use your green organics
container for the collection of landscaping waste, food scraps, and
100% fiber-based, food-soiled paper.
DID YOU SAY FOOD SCRAPS? Yes, Athens will accept all types of food
scraps. Our American Organics compost facility converts organics
waste into nutrient-rich soil amendment. The resulting compost is used
by commercial farmers, city projects, garden shops, landscapers, and
HOW DO I PARTICIPATE? To collect your kitchen food scraps, you can
choose to use a portable, reusable pail-like container with a tight fitting
lid. It could be plastic, metal, or ceramic. Pail options can be purchased
or consider reusing a coffee canister, large yogurt or margarine tub, or
juice pitcher. Storage ideas can include the kitchen counter, under the
sink, in the freezer, or wherever you feel is best.
WHY ORGANICS RECYCLING? Landfills are the third largest source
of methane in California. Organics waste emits 20% of the state’s
methane. By diverting organics from the landfill, you are part of the
solution in helping to protect the environment and future generations.
ARE BAGS ACCEPTED? Liners are optional. Plastic and bioplastic
“compostable” bags are accepted in the organics container, but must
be CLEAR or translucent-green, and bag contents must be visible.
Acceptable organics will be processed, but the bags will not be
recycled or composted.
to support the community with this new program and will
provide resources and training to help you get started. If
you have any questions about the new organics collection
program, please contact the Athens Customer Care Center
at (888) 336-6100 or visit
Athens Services is partnering with your city to implement food scrap collection for single-family home residents and multifamily complexes. Per
Senate Bill 1383, single-family home residents and multifamily complexes across California will be required to place into their green waste container
ALL of their landscaping waste, food scraps, and food-soiled paper (100% fiber-based).
resourcesAthens Tip: Store meat and dairy scraps in a container in your freezer and place in the green organics
container on collection day.
Fill your pail with food
scraps and acceptable items.
(Liners are optional. Consider
newspaper or a paper bag.
Plastic bags must be clear.)
1. FILLEmpty pail contents into your
green organics container.
2. EMPTYRinse out pail with soap and
water. Fill again. Sprinkle
lightly with baking soda to
absorb odors.
3. RINSE & REPEAT• All plastics• Cacti, succulents, &
yucca• Compostable plastics
• Coffee cups & pods• Fats, oils, & grease• Food stickers (please
• Gloves• Hard shells (clams,
mussels, oysters)
• Medication• Palm fronds• Paper napkins &
towels with cleaning
chemicals• Parchment & wax
paper• Pet waste• Rocks & soil• Rubber bands & twist
ties• Tea bags• Textiles• Tissues & wet wipesGREEN WASTE• Flower & hedge trimmings• Grass clippings• Leaves & branches• Lumber, scrap wood, &
plywood (not painted or
• WeedsFOOD SCRAPS• Bread, rice, & pasta• Cheese & dairy• Coffee grounds & filters• Fruits & vegetables• Flowers & herbs• Meat, bones, & poultry• Seafood & soft shells• Pet food (non-medicated)
• Food-stained paper• Paper egg cartons• Paper napkins & kitchen
towels• Pizza boxes• Plates
• To-go boxes (no coating)
• Wooden & fiber-based
utensilsACCEPTABLE ORGANICS WASTEDO NOT INCLUDE*Must be 100% fiber-based. NO materials with bio-plastic, wax, or petroleum-based plastic coating, liner, or
• Compostable plastics (bioplastics)*
• Coffee cups & pods• Fats, oils, & grease• Hard shells (clams, mussels,
• Medication• Paper napkins & towels with
cleaning chemicals• Parchment & wax paper• Rubber bands, twist ties, & food
stickers• Tea bags• Tissues & wet wipes* Paper strawsonly/popotes
de papelAthensServices.com1. FILL 2. EMPTY3. RINSE & REPEATLEARN MORE /
APRENDE MÁS*Plastic and bioplastic “compostable”
bags are accepted in the organics
container, but must be CLEAR or
translucent-green, and bag contents
must be visible. Acceptable organics will
be processed, but the bags will not be
recycled or composted.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: