Mountain View News Saturday, April 27, 2024
AAvvaaiillaabbllee aatt::
Arnold’s Hardware
Our library
Collective Co-op (next to Monsieur
Pax Pharmacy
E. Waldo Ward
Savor the Flavor
Lizzie’s Trail Inn Museum
AA rreeaallllyy ffuunn rreeaadd
Art, music, food, and for all ages!
The 59th Annual Sierra Madre Art Fair,
sponsored by the Friends of the Sierra Madre
Library, will be held in Memorial Park, 222
West Sierra Madre Blvd., on Saturday, May 4,
from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and on Sunday, May
5, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is free!
The Featured Artist this year is Robin M. Cohen
and her featured sculpture is entitled, ‘Tree of
Fire’ and will be featured prominently in all
promotional materials for the Art Fair.
Sixty (60) artists, including 25 newly juried, will
display and sell their works of art. Mediums
include oil paintings, jewelry, watercolors,
glass, wood, metal, wearable art, photography,
pottery, ceramics, mixed media, sculpture and
Live Music will be featured throughout the
weekend in the band shell. In the Band Shell
on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Steve
Trovato and Tim Kobza; and from 2:00 to 4:00
p.m. – Evan Marshall and Jean Sudbury. On
Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Mayde
in Ireland; and from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. – Evan
Marshall, Jean Sudbury and some special
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library will
have a booth selling special treats. Friends of
the Library Members and Partners please stop
by for a free coffee and a pastry.
For the children, instructors from the Creative
Arts Group have planned a special craft activity
making Butterflies; the Sierra MadreLibrary
will host a Washi Tape Bookmark making
craft on Saturday from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m.; and
be sure to visit our very creative Face Painter
Diane Sands.
Again, this year we will feature a Silent Auction.
To date, 32 artists have donated lovely, one-of-
a-kind pieces for the auction, which means
you’ll have an opportunity to bid on some really
beautiful artwork and also support the Library.
New this year is our Emerging Artists area and
Art Center College of Design graduate student
tables located in the Southwest section of the
All Proceeds from the Art Fair benefit the Sierra
Madre Public Library. For more information
visit our website www.sierramadreartfair.org or
call 626-355-7186. We are also on Facebook and
Instagram. Please Like/Follow us!
Sierra Madre Civic Club
brings to you the
Sierra Madre Events Calendar
Sierra Madre Civic Club
April 6 – Annual Luncheon. 11am
at Methodist Church.
April 11 – Membership Meeting.
7:30pm at Hart Park House.
April 12 - Educational Awards
Applications due. See our website
for more details.
Friends of the Library
April 5 & 6 – Best Used Book Sale
at 350 W Sierra Madre Blvd. 4/5:
3pm to 7pm. 4/6: 10a-2p.
Chamber of Commerce
April 11 – Spring Mixer at The
Kensington. 5p-7p
Rose Float Assoc
April 13 - Legendary Bingo.
6:30pm at Recreation Center. $20
Donation at the door. Pizza, wine,
beer & soda will be available.
Community Foundation
April 13 – Whiskey & Wine Event.
6:30pm to 9:30pm at Mia Italia
(457 N Lima St). Tickets are $125-
$175 and available at
Creative Arts Group
April 14 – Art of the Garden Tour.
10:30am to 4pm. Tickets available
at creativeartsgroup.org
City of Sierra Madre
April 13 – Community Bike Ride
and Wellness Fair. 10a-1p. Free
Registration. Call 626-355-5278 for
more info.
April 18 – Bunny Bingo. 12:30p-
2:30p at Hart Park House Senior
Center. Cost is $7 which includes
Bingo, light lunch & prizes.
April 20 – Compost Giveaway.
8a to 12p at Sierra Vista Park.
Every activity in which Civic Club participates or
creates relects our shared commitment to
promote our community.
P. O. Box 413
Sierra Madre, CA 91025
To add your organization events, please send an
email to smadreevents24@gmail.com