Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 27, 2024
Local Efforts to Address the Lack of Affordable Housing and Homelessness
by LaQuetta M. Shamblee
On Saturday, April 20th, 2024 a group of approximately 30 community members convened at The Hills
Church in Arcadia, CA for a two-hour “Sharing Session” to learn about what is being done in the city to
address the issue of homelessness and the lack of affordable housing. The event was hosted by CHOA
(Creative Housing Options in Arcadia), a faith-based, volunteer group working on housing with a two-
fold goal: 1) Increase affordable housing in Arcadia, and 2) Reduce homelessness in Arcadia in a loving
manner. Staff from Monrovia’s Foothill Unity Center came to share information about the first known
Safe Parking program in San Gabriel Valley, which they established in partnership with Trinity Lutheran
Church in Pasadena more than two years ago.
Safe Parking programs provide parking sites where people experiencing homelessness can legally park
and stay in their cars overnight. Some safe parking programs provide support services and hire private
security guards. Variations of this program are spreading across the country, providing designated
locations for people living in their vehicles to stay overnight. Each location has guidelines, including a
strict limit on the number of vehicles allowed to park. The Foothill Unity–Trinity Lutheran Safe Parking
program requires participants to enroll with Foothill Unity Center for case management services. The
goal is to help them find permanent housing and access to other resources to re-establish stability.
CHOA is working hard to find churches in Arcadia with an interest in becoming a Safe Parking
site. Information and details about the success of the Foothill Unity-Trinity Lutheran Safe Parking
collaboration will be covered in next week’s MVN issue.
The city known as
“Community of
Homes” was well-
represented by an
mix of its residents.
Long time Arcadia
residents and CHOA members Mike Veerman, Sharon Chun Wetterau and Wendy McGrail
provided an overview of their involvement in CHOA and other community projects related
to helping homeless individuals.
After Mike Veerman started the meeting, the two young men who had greeted guests at the
sign-in table stepped into roles as presenters. Both are proud Arcadia High School Apaches;
Raymond Cu, an Arcadia High alumni spoke briefly before turning the mic over to Kai, a 17-year old
student who presented an overview of the homeless issue. He was masterful in his delivery of details.
It was refreshing to hear from a young person who has already established a track record of “hands-
on” civic engagement in service to his community.
A number of concerned residents from neighboring cities attended, well aware that the housing
shortage in the region has an adverse impact on everyone in the region. Clearly everyone at this
gathering had enough interest to invest time to see how they can be involved in some way. In
a society where so many people are quick to point out problems that someone else needs to fix,
it was encouraging to see
people come together to
learn about and discuss
Arcadia Council Member
Eileen L. Wang was in
attendance, and during
the latter part of the event
Mayor April Verlato
spoke about her efforts
to increase the stock of
affordable housing in
Arcadia. She shared
details and examples
that highlight the impact
of seemingly routine
decisions made in city
halls across America
about zoning and real
estate development
Primarily fueled by a lack
of affordable housing,
the issue of homelessness
continues to grow.
Unchecked, and unaddressed it will continue to get worse. CHOA, The Hill Church, Foothill
Unity Center, Trinity Lutheran and others actively working to identify and implement solutions,
direly need and welcome support from the community that extends beyond a social media “like” or
e-reply of accolades.
To learn more about CHOA and how to get involved or support their efforts, visit https://choaarcadia.org/.
Melody McNulty FUCI Social Services Manager
17 year old Kai - Arcadia HS Student
Wendy McGrail - CHOA member and Joe - Safe Parking
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com