Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 11, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 18



Mountain Views-News Saturday, May 11, 2024



Have you ever seen someone walking fast and 
thought maybe they’d be better off running? 
Or looked at a slow runner thinking why not 
just walk? Both walking and running are forms 
of aerobic exercise that provide numerous 
physiological and fitness benefits, but they 
differ in intensity and biomechanics, which can 
impact the body differently. If you have often 
wondered which one would be best for you, it 
all depends on what benefits you’re looking for. 
Here are some considerations.

Running slow generally requires a higher 
intensity level compared to walking fast. 
Running involves a flight phase where both 
feet are off the ground, which increases the 
intensity of the exercise. Walking fast, on the 
other hand, typically keeps at least one foot on 
the ground at all times, making it less intense.

Both walking and running contribute to better cardiovascular health by increasing your 
heart rate and enhancing blood circulation throughout your body. However, running slow 
tends to provide slightly greater cardiovascular benefits. This is because running at a slower 
pace requires more energy production compared to walking fast. As a result, your heart rate 
increases more significantly, and your body consumes more oxygen during running. This 
elevated demand for energy and oxygen leads to a more intense cardiovascular workout, 
ultimately contributing to improved heart health.

Strength and endurance gains differ too. Slow running, despite its seemingly relaxed tempo, 
triggers a cascade of muscular activation, particularly targeting the lower body. Muscles 
encompassing the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes are called into action to sustain 
the rhythmic motion of running. This heightened recruitment of muscles during running 
contrasts with the comparatively lesser engagement experienced during fast walking. As 
your muscles get used to the regular strain of running, they grow bigger and stronger, making 
them better at handling tough workouts and lasting longer. On the other hand, even though 
fast walking is good for your heart, it doesn’t make your muscles as strong or enduring as 
slow running does.

What about burning calories? Running slow typically burns more calories per minute 
compared to walking fast, mainly due to the higher intensity. However, both activities can 
contribute to weight management and calorie expenditure when done regularly.

If you’re concerned with your joints, running, even at a slow pace, subjects the body to 
greater impact forces compared to walking. This increased impact can put more stress on the 
joints, particularly the knees and ankles. Walking fast, with its lower impact, may be more 
suitable for anyone with joint issues or those looking for a lower-impact form of exercise. 
Both walking and running are weight-bearing exercises, which help improve bone density 
and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Both are great weightbearing activities which can reduce 
the risk of osteoporosis but running can offer slightly greater benefits.

Running slow can be a steppingstone to faster running speeds and higher-intensity workouts, 
making it a valuable tool for improving overall fitness and performance. Walking fast can 
also contribute to fitness improvements, especially for beginners or those transitioning from 
a sedentary lifestyle to a more active one.

Both walking fast and running slow offer mental health benefits such as stress reduction, 
improved mood, and increased cognitive function. Some people may find running to be 
more mentally stimulating or meditative due to its rhythmic nature and higher intensity, 
while others may prefer the more leisurely pace of walking for relaxation and stress relief. 
Walking can be a more social activity, as it allows for easier conversation and interaction with 
others compared to running, which may require more focus and concentration, especially 
at higher speeds. Walking groups or partners can provide motivation and accountability, 
enhancing the overall experience.

When concerned about safety, running may pose a greater risk of injury because of the higher 
impact involved. Running ailments include shin splints, runner’s knee, and stress fractures. 
Walking fast, with its lower impact, generally carries a lower risk of injury but can still lead to 
overuse problems if done excessively or with poor form.

For those with limited time, running allows you to cover more ground in less time compared 
to walking. It might be the smarter pick if you’re aiming for the quickest route to boost heart 
health and burn the most calories.

You can walk or run almost anywhere, so accessibility isn’t really a big difference. But when 
it comes to staying safe, having 
good-quality running shoes is 
key. They can be quite costly 
and it’s important to replace 
them regularly to make sure 
your feet land correctly to 
avoid injuries.

So what’s the best choice for 
overall fitness? Ultimately, the 
one that motivates you to do it 

Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 

professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes. Contact Michele at 
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness Visit 
her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.


Program Begins Monday, May 13 at the Y in Sierra Vista Park

SIERRA MADRE, CA, Thursday, May 9, 2024 — 24 youth, ages 3-9 will begin a 6-session program 
focused on helping them become more water safe, while also encouraging a passion for the lifelong 
benefits of swimming. Starting on Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 24, 2024, the participants 
and their families will not only be exposed to being safe in the water, but learn about the best ways 
for everyone to stay water safe, while also being shown life saving skills such as CPR. 

“Supported through the generosity of a Sierra Madre Firefighters’ Association grant, this program 
is a great way to be able to positively impact the lives of children and their families,” said Michael 
Kefalas, President of the Sierra Madre Firefighters’ Association. “Our Board is fully supportive of 
this program and working alongside the Fire Department and Y, two community agencies that have 
first-hand experience of working with youth. Incorporating water safety alongside learning CPR 
is a great opportunity to educate and train children. We look forward to working together now, as 
well as in the future.” 

Karen Bustillos, EMS Director for the Sierra Madre Fire Department shared her views on the 
partnership. “We are looking forward to this program, as well as Friday, May 24 when we are on 
site at the Y to demonstrate Sidewalk CPR, and interact with the participants and their families. 
We know how important 
water safety is and how 
it can impact individuals 
and families. Providing 
instruction, packets and 
handouts is important so that 
everyone can help keep others 
safe, especially as begin the 
busy Summer months when 
everyone is around water.”

“We share the goal of 
positively changing the lives 
of those in our community, 
especially our youth,” stated 
Kurt Knop, Executive 
Director of the Pasadena-
Sierra Madre YMCA. “We are 
excited about this partnership 
and program and fully believe 
that this is one more way that 
we can demonstrate our belief 
in the importance of the Y’s 
focus on Youth Development, 
Healthy Living and Social 
Responsibility. We hope that 
this Safety Around Water 
Swim Lesson program is the 
first of many.” 

For more information about 
this program or to learn about 
age group swim lessons, please 
go online at 
and search for swim lessons 
or you can call (626) 355-5261.

City of Sierra Madre


From: The City of Sierra Madre

Subject: Public Meeting: Notice of Violations of the Sports Field

 Access and Use Memorandum of Understanding


Notice is hereby given that on May 20, 2024, at 5:30 PM, or soon thereafter, the Sierra Madre Community Services 
Commission will conduct a public meeting to discuss violations to the Sports Field Access and Use Memorandum of 
Understanding (MOU) issued to Sierra Madre Pony League on March 26, 2024. 


Sierra Madre Community Services Commission meeting; Monday, May 20, 2024 (meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.) 

All interested persons may attend this meeting and the Commission will hear them with respect thereto. 


This meeting will be conducted at City Council Chambers, located at 232 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, California.


The purpose of a City Commission meeting is to conduct City business. Members of the public that behave in a manner 
that interrupts or obstructs the Commission’s ability to conduct City business may be asked to leave the meeting. Any and 
all demonstrations which disrupt, interrupt, or obstruct the Commission’s ability to conduct City business are prohibited. 
No signs, posters or other large objects shall be brought into the Council Chambers if doing so would disrupt, disturb or 
otherwise impede the orderly course of the meeting.


The Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity to make public comments at any public meeting. Comments 
addressed to the Commission shall occur during the appropriate time on the agenda and should not be construed as an 
opportunity for dialogue. Each speaker will be limited to three continuous minutes, which may not be delegated or 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: