Mountain Views NewsSaturday, June 22, 2024
Discover the perfect assisted living community with
Safe Path for Seniors. Our compassionate advisors
specialize in assisting individuals with unique needs.
Benefit from our extensive network and affordable
options. Plus, we offer personalized tours to help you
explore each community firsthand. Call (626) 999-
6913 or visit www.safepathforseniors.com for free
Joanne Thrane, Nellie Haynes, Dorothy McKay, Diane Hatfield, Georgette
Dunlay, Elizabeth Shula Donna Doss, Mary Carney, Carol Handley, Marilyn
McKernan, Pat Fujiwara, John Shier, Beth Smith-Kellock, Ann Disbrow,
Joan Ellison, Anne Montgomery, Trini Ornelas, Martha Spriggs, Pat Starkey,
Kathleen Coyne, Suzanne Decker, Jacque Persing, Jeanne Peterson, Roxana
Dominguez, Carolyn Lanyi, Claire McLean and Grace Sanders .
* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 626.355.2737.
YEAR of birth not required
From The Desk of Steve Sciurba, Safe Path For Senior
Falls among seniors can have serious consequences, affecting both physical health and overall well-being.
However, many falls are preventable with practical steps and awareness. Here are key strategies to reduce
fall risk:
1. Exercise Regularly: Engaging in activities that improve strength, balance, and flexibility can
signif-icantly lower the risk of falls. Consider exercises like Tai Chi or yoga that enhance stability and
2. Home Safety Modifications: Make your living space safer by removing clutter, securing rugs, and
installing grab bars in bathrooms and stairways. Adequate lighting and non-slip mats also help pre-vent
3. Medication Management: Review your medications with your healthcare provider to identify any
that may increase fall risk. Ensure prescriptions are up-to-date and taken as directed to minimize side
4. Regular Vision and Hearing Checks: Good vision and hearing are crucial for maintaining balance
and spatial awareness. Have regular check-ups and wear appropriate corrective devices.
5. Footwear: Wear sturdy, well-fitting shoes with non-slip soles both indoors and outdoors. Avoid
walking in socks or smooth-soled slippers.
6. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can lead to dizziness and increase the likelihood of falls. Drink plenty
of water throughout the day.
7. Use Assistive Devices: If needed, use canes, walkers, or other assistive devices to aid mobility and
stability. Ensure they are properly fitted and maintained.
Best Wishes,
Steve Sciurba
Senior Placement Specialist
(626) 999-6913
Dear Savvy Senior:
My wife and I had our estate plan – including a will,
power of attorney and advance directive – drawn up
about 10 years ago but have recently read that our plan
should include a digital will too. What can you tell us
about this?
Almost 80
Dear Almost:
If you or your wife spend much time online, adding a separate digital will document to your es-
tate plan that provides a list of your digital assets would be extremely helpful to your loved ones
when you die, not to mention it will help protect your privacy. Here’s what you should know.
Do You Have Digital Asset?
The term “digital assets” refers to personal information that is stored electronically on either a
computer or an online cloud server account that belongs to an individual. Anyone who uses email,
has a PIN code protected cell phone, makes online purchases, or pays bills online has digi-tal
Digital assets generally require a username, a password, or a PIN to access and can be difficult if
not impossible to retrieve if someone is incapacitated or passes away.
Creating a digital will (also known as a digital estate plan) will help your loved ones access your
electronic devices and online accounts more easily so they can manage your electronic affairs,
according to your wishes, after you’re gone. This in turn will also protect your digital assets from
hackers or fraud, which can happen to dormant accounts after you die.
How to Write a Digital Will
Your first step in creating a digital will is to make an inventory list of your digital assets, which
includes everything from hardware to email accounts. Here are a few categories to help kick-start
your list:
• Electronic devices (computer, smartphone, tablet, external hard drive).
• Digital files (for photos, videos or documents)
• Financial accounts (like bank and brokerage accounts, credit cards, cryptocurrency).
• Bill paying accounts (utilities, mortgage accounts)
• Social media accounts (like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn).
• Email accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.).
• Cloud-storage accounts (like Google Cloud, iCloud, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive)
• Movie or music streaming services (like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Apple Music)
• Online purchasing accounts (like Venmo or PayPal)
• Subscription services (magazines, newspapers, Amazon Prime, etc.).
• Reward programs (travel, stores, etc.).
• Membership organizations (AARP, AAA, etc.).
When making your list, you’ll need to include usernames, passwords, PINS, account numbers or
security questions for accessing each account. And provide instructions on how you want your
assets managed after your death. For example: Do you want certain accounts closed, archived or
transferred? Do you want specific files or photos to be deleted or shared with loved ones? Do you
want your social media profiles memorialized or deleted? Be clear and specific about your wishes.
You’ll also need to appoint a digital executor that you trust to execute your wishes after you die.
From a legal perspective, you should know that most states have enacted the Revised Uniform
Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act (RUFADAA), which legally recognizes digital estates. This
law gives your personal representative or executor legally protected access to your online accounts.
Once your digital will is written, store it with your other estate plan documents either in a fire-
proof safe or file cabinet at home, on your computer hard drive, with your estate planning attor-
ney or online at a reputable digital estate planning service like Everplans.com or Clocr.com. But
make sure your executor knows where it is and has access to it.
Also remember to keep your digital will updated regularly when you create any new digital ac-
counts or change passwords.
Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.
org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
My life has been bombarded
with questions from the
beginning of the day until I
fall asleep at night.
For the most part, I don’t prioritize
questions. Usually, when people ask me a
question, there is something behind that
question. If I don’t see what’s behind the
question, I could answer it in such a way as
to get myself in trouble—and believe me,
I’ve been in trouble many times before.
This is no truer than with The Gracious
Mistress of the Parsonage. She can taunt
me with a question out of nowhere. I get in
deep trouble when I realize what is behind
the question.
A good example is the other day when she
came into the living room and, with both
hands on her hips, said, “Did you see my
At first, I had no idea what she was talking
about. Usually, when she asks a question,
I have been in Lala land for so long that I
couldn’t bring my thoughts together.
I looked back at her and said, “Oh, my dear,
what key are you talking about?”
Looking into her purse, you will find she
has a key to everything. I refuse to ramble
through those keys because I might find a
key she has for me. Of course, if I had seen
that key, it might have solved a lot of my
problems, or it might not have.
Responding to me, she said, “You know, the
key to my car.”
“You mean to your Sissy Van?”
I could hear her grit her teeth as she stared
at me with one of “those stares”.
“I had my key yesterday and I cannot find it
today. Have you seen it?”
If I had seen her keys, this would’ve been a
great opportunity for me. I could use them
as a bargaining chip to get something for
myself. Oh, how I wished I knew where that
key was. Imagine what I could get for it.
“I’m sorry,” I said reluctantly, “I have not
seen your key anywhere.”
On occasion, I have driven her Sissy Van,
but it’s been well over a year since I did. I
tried to think of where those keys might be,
and I searched a few places, but as always, I
came up empty; what I wouldn’t give to be
able to find that key.
That’s the way life is for me. I have an
opportunity before me, but I just don’t have
the resources to seize it.
I hadn’t seen her key for so long that I
didn’t even know what it looked like. But
that didn’t keep me from looking around
because finding those keys would have been
a treasure.
One thing about The Gracious Mistress of
the Parsonage, when she starts something
she never stops until she finishes it. Most
of the time, it drives me crazy, which,
according to her, is a very short drive.
If I don’t find something I need at the time, I
just quit looking, knowing that when I least
expect it and when I’m not looking for it, I
will find it. That’s happened to me so many
times I can’t recall.
A friend used to say, “If you have something,
you usually don’t need it, and when you
need something, you usually don’t have it.”
That seems to be the rule in my life as far
back as I can remember.
With The Gracious Mistress of the
Parsonage, she must have it right then and
there when she needs something. “Now” is
her favorite word.
Trying to console her, I said, “If you just
make up your mind that you don’t need
your keys right now, because you do have
a spare key, you sooner or later will find it
when you least expect it. That’s just the way
life is.”
I can remember a dozen things I lost, and no
matter how hard I looked for them, I could
never find them. Then, I found them when I
gave up and started something else and just
assumed they were gone forever.
It was the next day, and I had forgotten
about her lost key. The Gracious Mistress of
the Parsonage came to me and said, “Well, I
found my key.” She said it as though she was
rubbing it in my face.
“Where did you find it?” I asked, curious to
find out where it had been all this time.
Looking at me a little nervously, she said,
“I found it in my purse.” She paused for
a moment and then continued, “There’s
a little pocket in front of one of my other
pockets in my purse. I always forget that it’s
there, and I never looked until today.”
I was happy for her and congratulated her
on finding her lost key. The key was not lost;
she had just forgotten where she had put it.
In my Bible reading today I read a very
important verse. “For the Son of man is
come to seek and to save that which was
lost” (Luke 19:10).
There was a time when I was lost spiritually
and didn’t know it. The whole reason for
Jesus to come into this world was for lost
people just like me. At the time I thought
I was fine, but then God interrupted my
life and showed me I was indeed lost. It is
through Jesus that I found my way back to
Dr. James L. Snyder lives in Ocala, FL with
the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
Telephone 1-352-216-3025, e-mail
jamessnyder51@gmail.com, website www.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com