THE WORLD AROUND US Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 18, 2015 15 THE WORLD AROUND US Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 18, 2015 15
The call everyone was waiting for is in. NASA’sNew Horizons spacecraft phoned home justbefore 9 p.m. EDT Tuesday, July 14, to tell themission team and the world it had accomplishedthe historic first-ever flyby of Pluto.
“I know today we’ve inspired a whole newgeneration of explorers with this great success,
and we look forward to the discoveries yet tocome,” NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
said. “This is a historic win for science and for
exploration. We’ve truly, once again raised thebar of human potential.”
The preprogrammed “phone call”—a
15-minute series of status messages beamedback to mission operations at the Johns
Hopkins University Applied PhysicsLaboratory in Maryland through NASA’s DeepSpace Network—ended a very suspenseful21-hour waiting period. New Horizons hadbeen instructed to spend the day gatheringthe maximum amount of data, and not
communicating with Earth until it was beyondthe Pluto system.
Pluto is the first Kuiper Belt object visitedby a mission from Earth. New Horizons willcontinue on its adventure deeper into theKuiper Belt, where thousands of objects holdfrozen clues as to how the solar system formed.
New Horizons is collecting so much data itwill take 16 months to send it all back to Earth.
PLUTO’S ICY MOUNTAINS. New close-up images of a region near Pluto’s equator reveal a giant surprise:
a range of youthful mountains rising as high as 11,000 feet above the surface of the icy body.
The mountains likely formed no more than 100 million years ago—mere youngsters relative to the4.56-billion-year age of the solar system—and may still be in the process of building, says Jeff Moore ofNew Horizons’ Geology, Geophysics and Imaging Team (GGI). That suggests the close-up region, whichcovers less than one percent of Pluto’s surface, may still be geologically active today.
Moore and his colleagues base the youthful age estimate on the lack of craters in this scene. Like therest of Pluto, this region would presumably have been pummeled by space debris for billions of years andwould have once been heavily cratered—unless recent activity had given the region a facelift, erasing thosepockmarks.
“This is one of the youngest surfaces we’ve ever seen in the solar system,” says Moore.
Unlike the icy moons of giant planets, Pluto cannot be heated by gravitational interactions with a muchlarger planetary body. Some other process must be generating the mountainous landscape.
The mountains are probably composed of Pluto’s water-ice “bedrock.”
Although methane and nitrogen ice covers much of the surface of Pluto, these materials are not strong
enough to build the mountains. Instead, a stiffer material, most likely water-ice, created the peaks. “AtPluto’s temperatures, water-ice behaves more like rock,” said deputy GGI lead Bill McKinnon of WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis.
The close-up image was taken about 1.5 hours before New Horizons closest approach to Pluto, when thecraft was 478,000 miles from the surface of the planet. The image easily resolves structures smaller than amile across.
NASA TV schedules, satellite coordinates, and links to streaming video:
The public can follow the path of the spacecraft in coming days in real time with a visualization of theactual trajectory data, using NASA’s online Eyes on Pluto (
More information on the New Horizons mission:
You can contact Bob Eklund at:
How to use the nuts and leaves of this “living fossil”
By Christopher Nyergesginkgo nuts, and those who do not….)
[Nyerges is the author of theI have never eaten these nuts raw because of the foul
new book “Nuts and Berries odor. There have been some reports that the nuts canof California,” “Foragingmake you ill if you eat them raw (no doubt!), and theyCalifornia,” “Guide to Wild must be boiled or roasted for about 25 minutes. You’ll
Foods,” “How to Survive know they are done when you can easily break the thinAnywhere,” and other with a nutcracker. They taste is akin to a bean.
He leads wild food and natural history walks on a regularTo extend the shelf life, they can be simply dried,
basis. Contact him at, or though freezing might be even better.
Box 41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041] Caution: there have been reports of sickness by some
people who have eaten about a dozen nuts at one time.
My latest book, “Nuts and Berries of California,”These were nuts that were cooked. So my suggestionis mostly about the wild nuts and
is to try a few and monitor the results.
berries that Native Americans used
Your body will tell you whether or notfor subsistence all throughout this
you should eat more.
large state of ours. But because thereare so many introduced plants in
our urban areas, I included a short
When you see pills of Ginkgo bilobasection in the book describing those
in the health food stores, they areornamentals which are also useful
made from the leaf. The leaf extract
for food or medicine. That section
has been subject to many clinical tests,
is called HIPs, for “horticulturally
and it apparently increases circulationintroduced plants.” I only included
for the limbs and for the brain. This is
those plants in that section which
apparently why it does seem to be helpfulhave also survived well on their own,
for improving memory and assistingeven in the wild.
with retaining memories. SuggestionsThe Ginkgo tree is one of those
that ginkgo can reverse dementia don’tHIP plants.
seem to hold up to clinical tests. Nor doBotanists believed that the Ginkgo
the claims that ginkgo can cure cancerbiloba tree was extinct, but then it
seem to be valid, so far.
was found in a Chinese Buddhist An extract from the leaf has also
monastery in the 1700s, where specimens were beingbeen found to improve the immune system, and tocultivated. protect the heart by clearing plaque from the arteries.
Once it was rediscovered, ginkgo has been cultivatedIn fact, the extracts are used for many ailments such asand spread all over the world as an ornamental andheadaches, asthma, kidney disorders, and more.
street tree. It is popular because of its unique appearance,I have found that when I am experiencing a “slow day,”
and its relative resistance to insects and disease. To ginkgo pills, or homemade tea from the leaves, seem toBuddhists, the tree is regarded as sacred.offer a subtle yet noticeable “pick-me-up” without the
In Japan, and other parts of Asia, the processed nutseventual slowdown that follows drinking coffee.
are added to rice and stir fry dishes. The nuts are highThere has been some debate about the safety ofin protein and low in fat. The medicinal propertiesgathering your own ginkgo leaves for making your ownof the nuts, which you get by eating them, are said totea. From what I have concluded, it seems safe enoughinclude the release of stress and hypertension (the resultto brew an occasional cup of tea from the leaves. Also,
of dilating blood vessels and increasing oxygen into theapparently the best time to collect the leaves for tea isblood stream). The nuts are also reportedly good forwhen the leaves have turned yellow and are fallingpain and soreness, as well as aid to digestion.from the tree. This also apparently bypasses any toxic
Yes, I harvest the ripe ginkgo nuts, and yes, I have toproperties (e.g. ginkgolic acid) that may be in the leaf.
hold my nose! The fleshy tissue around the seed reallyBut most negative reactions from using ginkgo arestinks! Some people have learned to not-mind thenot from the leaf, but from eating the nuts raw.
strong odor, generally reminiscent of fresh feces. Yes,
you can get used to just about anything, and in time, youForager Notes:
can learn to not be bothered by the “aroma” of the flesharound the ginkgo nuts.Don’t bring the raw nuts with the husks into your
My suggestion is that you just get over it, and it mighthouse without warning the family. I remember oncehelp if you chew on some aromatic gum, like licoricewhen I brought some home when I was living withgum, while parents. They were all in a brown paper bag in
Once collected, you can let the nuts and their softthe kitchen, since I intended to clean them right afterouter shell dry, which makes it significantly easier todinner. My mother insisted that everyone check theclean. Or you can just clean them right away, as I tendbottom of their shoes since she was certain someone
to do. I always wash them outside. You can put all thestepped in dog poop. Finally, I remembered the bag andfresh ginkgo nuts in a pan of warm water, and rolltook it outside, and it seemed like years before I heardthem around between your hands to clean off all thethe end of that one.
outer coverings, which you should then toss into yourGinkgo is a smooth-barked tree, often growingcompost pile.upright in a very vertical fashion when young, and then
The cleaned nuts are then best dried, such as in theproducing a much larger angular crown as it matures.
oven at pilot-light temperature. I have dried them withEach leaf is fan-shaped, and has the appearance of a fern.
their shells, and without their shells. I don’t know if oneThe leaves turn yellow in the fall. The fruits, formed onlyway is right or wrong, and I believe it is just a matter ofon the female trees, are covered in a light brown fleshypreference. However, the ginkgo nuts in the shell seemcoating that is very odoriferous. The nut has a thin shellto keep a lot longer than the shelled and dried ones. Ifthat is easily cracked.
you plan to eat them right away, then it probably doesn’tThe tree is widely cultivated tree, planted as a street tree,
matter how you prepare parks, gardens, and yards.
Once roasted, you can just eat the ginkgo nuts as-is.
(Yes, there are two types of people: Those who like
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
Of all the seasons in the I knew exactly why St. Augustine was our
year, summer has to be my destination for our vacation this summer. The
favorite. I am reminded of an uncle of mine whole area is infested with “thrift shops.” I do
who, when asked what his favorite piece of pie not like to speak out of school, but someone
was, always said, “The one I’m eating at the in our house is addicted to thrift shops. I am
time.” not mentioning who, just that it is not me!
Maybe I have something of my uncle in me, The time came for us to go on our vacation and
I do not know. I just know that I love summer. the beautiful thing about it was, I did not even
It started back when I was a young boy and have to drive. My wife wanted to take her van
realized during summer I did not have to go to because she had plans to visit every thrift shop in
school. the county and bring her treasures back home.
Another aspect of summer is that it is usually I sat back in the van and enjoyed the ride.
the time when people take vacations. Although We had a wonderful vacation and
I am not big on vacations, I am not against them by that, I mean my wife visited every
at all, particularly when it comes to my vacation.thrift shop in the county at least once.
It was right after Christmas when Overall, it was a wonderful time of rest and
the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage relaxation. At least on my part. I would get up
approached me and said, “What are we in the morning and she had already gone to
going to do for vacation this summer?”some thrift shop, which meant that I was on my
I have been married long enough to own, which can be a dangerous scenario.
know that that was simply a rhetorical My idea of a good vacation is getting in plenty
question. It was her way of introducing of R&R (readin’ and ‘riting).
the subject she had already decided upon.Our motel was not far from what is
Over the years, I have learned how to be a known as the Fountain of Youth. Every
husband. It is too bad they do not teach that time I am in St. Augustine, I have a desire
in high school, but you have to learn it on your to go to the Fountain of Youth. Every time
own. Most men never really learn how to be a I dismissed the thought. What if it really
husband. If I were not so lazy, I would write worked? And what if my wife came with me?
a book on How to Be a Successful Husband. I really do not want my wife to regain
However, I am too busy doing nothing.her youth because I can barely keep up
In response to my wife I said, “I don’t with her now. Can you imagine the energy
know. What do you have in mind?” Because, she would have for visiting thrift shops?
I knew she had something in mind and No, the Fountain of Youth is not
probably had it all planned out. I do not in my plans, but may be the Swamp
mind that, because it is less that I have to of Old Age. That is more my style.
do. The only thing I have to do about the Driving home from our vacation late Friday
vacation is to come up with the “Cha Ching!”afternoon, someone in the van was very excited
“I was thinking...” this is always the beginning about the “treasures” she had discovered at St.
of problems in my direction. Whenever my Augustine. I was very excited that she was very
wife gets to thinking, I know I am in trouble.excited because that makes for a happy house.
“I was thinking, maybe it would be King Solomon, quite a connoisseur of women
nice for us to go to St. Augustine for a and wives, gave this advice, “Who can find
week this year. What do you think?” a virtuous woman? for her price is far above
Well, I do not think she really wants to rubies. The heart of her husband doth safely
know what I actually think. Nevertheless, I trust in her, so that he shall have no need
went along with her “thinking,” and told her of spoil. She will do him good and not evil
what a great idea it was and I am all in. As far all the days of her life” (Proverbs 31:10-12).
as I am concerned, a vacation is a vacation Summer is a good time for vacation,
no matter where you go. I would rather go especially if that vacation creates a happy house.
someplace where there is no stress and plenty
of harmony, particularly in the motel room.Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
That was in the beginning of January. For of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
the next six months, I heard little tidbits here 34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver
and there about our, “wonderful vacation in Springs Shores. Call him at 1-866-552-2543 or
St. Augustine.” I secretly smiled, knowing e-mail or website www.
that all of the details were planned and
prepared and I would not have to do anything.
As far as I am concerned, vacation is the
whole idea of “vacating.” The thing I want to
vacate is doing things.