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Mountain Views News Saturday, August 8, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS12 
Mountain Views News Saturday, August 8, 2015 BUSINESS NEWS & TRENDS12 

favored 529 Plan, which is an account created to 
pay for your grandchild’s educational expenses.
You can add money to this fund as you can affordit and there is typically a state tax credit for yourdonations. 

Create and fund a “Wealth Creation Trust” 
for the benefit of your grandchildren. A “WealthCreation Trust” provides you with substantialflexibility to control, invest, and protect the giftedmoney for the benefit of your grandchildren aswell as incentivizes them to grow the gift instead ofsquander it.

Set-up a custodial bank account for eachgrandchild to hold the funds -- this is basicallythe same as an outright gift and not advised asthis account will be at risk from their creditors, 
lawsuits, bankruptcies and future divorce.

Purchase a life insurance policy with a cash-
value component and with your grandchild named


as the beneficiary of the death benefit. If you usethis strategy, consider using an Irrevocable Life


Insurance Trust to own the life insurance so it 
remains outside of your estate and their estate for


successive generations.
If you are in your “golden years” and are lookingExplore the opportunities offered by websitesfor ways to spread your wealth, you should considersuch as Upromise anad Babymint. These websites

the various tools that will allow you to financiallyallow members to accumulate rebates on items 
protect and benefit your grandchildren. Carefullypurchased at participating stores and direct thoseplanning your gifts to your grandchildren is notfunds into your grandchild’s 529 account or

only a generous act, but can also be a financiallywherever else you choose. Over time, these fundswise move in your estate planning and in growingcan grow into a substantial amount.
your overall family wealth as well.The above list is just a few examples of ways you

So, where do you start with your gifting? Youcan provide for your grandchildren’s financialmust consider how much you are comfortablefuture while also obtaining a tax benefit. Call mywith giving. Currently, the Internal Revenue office today if you’re interested in exploring any of

Service permits you to gift up to $14,000 per year,these ideas further. 
per beneficiary, tax-free. This amount can beDedicated to your family’s wealth, health, anddoubled to $28,000 if you are married and bothhappiness, 
spouses make a gift. As you can see, you can gift asubstantial amount without paying gift taxes, butit is important to confirm that you can afford to doit without it having a negative financial impact on 

What are the ways to wisely “gift” part of yourA local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (Courtwealth to your grandchildren? Of course, youAppointed Special Advocate for Children), Marccould simply hand over a check to them, but thatGarlett is on a mission to help parents protect whatdoesn’t provide you with any estate planningthey love most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin 
benefits nor does it incentivize or encourage yourAve., Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an 

grandchildren to grow that wealth instead of justappointment to sit down and talk about ensuring aspend it. Here are several other options you should legacy of love and financial security for your familyconsider: by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.

Establish and deposit the money into a tax-com for more information. 

In teaching yogisbreaths. Let your buzz (and exhale) out a little aof all ages, I havetime, as if there were a bee buzzing around, comingbeen buzzing likeand going. Next, close the eyes and try six morea bee a lot this breaths. Full inhale though the nose; slow exhalesummer! Adults with the buzz, lips closed. To further experience

and kids both love the pranayama called Bee’swithdrawal of the senses, place your thumbs on thebreath, or it’s proper name Bhramari. This is anflap of your ears (to plug them) and index fingersexcellent pranayama with fantastic benefits suchon your eyelashes as you close your eyes. Repeat sixas emotional balance, stress relief, and alleviatingmore breaths. 
anxiety and anger. Additionally, it’s a perfect toolTake the time to notice the vibration of the 
for those who have a hard time meditating becausebuzzing sound. This vibration helps to cut throughit induces a meditative state and inward focus. the emotional looping of thoughts that sometimes

It’s best to try Bhramari in stages. First, thinkplagues us. Bhramari can be practiced at any pointof what a bee sounds like. They buzz while inin the day and is excellent prior to meditation as amovement, so if you hear a bee buzzing near yourway to turn inward. Your children or grandchildrenear, it may come and go. Also, there’s different pitchwill love it! It instantly heightens internal awarenesssounds to the buzz. Don’t worry about the pitch forand generally calms the practitioner. If you neednow, just first establish an open-lipped buzz oninstruction, come to class and ask the teacher if he 
your exhale as practice. Notice the sound of youror she may be willing to teach it that day. 
buzz and the vibration. To officially begin, inhalethrough your nose, then buzz on your exhale, lipsNamaste and see you in class,
closed this time. Repeat six times with slow, deep Keely Totten 


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If you haven’t thought about your “why” lately, 
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GMO. You’ve probablydisorders, leaky gut syndrome, autism, and cancer.
heard it on the news Twenty six countries outside of the USA haveor saw the letters already banned GMO’s at least partially. This alone 
on products in theshould make you question the validity of GMO’s. 
supermarket. You The most common GMO foods in this country arealso probably know conventional corn, soy, canola, sugar beets, Hawaiianthat in the US, it’s a papaya, zucchini, and yellow squash or any processedcontroversial products containing any one of these foods.
Let me explain whatYour best defense to avoid GMO’s here in the USA is 
a GMO is. Creating to eat only organic food. According to the USDA, theGenetically Modified use of GMO’s is prohibited in organic products. This

Dr. Tina is a traditional Organisms (GMO’s) means an organic farmer can’t plant GMO seeds, annaturopath and nutri-in food involves organic animal can’t eat GMO alfalfa or corn. 
tionist at Vibrant Livinginjecting the DNA Somewhere in the latter half of the last century aWellness Centerof one species into group of humans bought into the idea that man could

the DNA of another create a superior food over what nature gives us. You 
species in an effort to develop certain traits. Forneed to make a decision for yourself as to whetherexample, the DNA of fungus, mold, bacteria,they were right. Organic food may cost more but weviruses, fish, humans, and jellyfish have beenare talking about your health and the health of yourinjected into corn, potatoes, and strawberries in anfamily. For me the choice is simple, I will forgo othereffort to increase crop yields. Unfortunately, thisthings I want in order to consume nature made foods!
genetic manipulation creates unintended toxinsDid you know that if the number (PLU) on the stickerin our food. GMO’s have been linked to serious of fruit or vegetables is 5 digits and starts with an 8, it’shealth challenges such as a weakened immune a GMO? If you buy processed foods, you can look forsystem, autoimmune diseases, food allergies, products that have the “Non-GMO Project Verified”
gastrointestinal problems, childhood learning on their label. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: