Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 23, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, April 23, 2022 
Holden's Bills for Clarityin Public Safety andSecurity Pass Committee 

Assemblymember Chris 
Holden’s bill, AB 2515 
relating to proprietary 
security services reporting 
passed the AssemblyCommittee on Business and 
Professions Teusday.

 Current law requires a 
person licensed as a private 
patrol operator, as defined, 
to deliver to the director a 

written report describing the the Assembly Committee 
circumstances surrounding on Public Safety are AB 
the discharge of any firearm, 2632, which would ban the 
or physical altercation with use of solitary confinement 
a member of the public for certain populations 
while on duty, by a licensee including people who are 
or any officer, partner, or pregnant, have disabilities, or 
employee of a licensee while fall within certain age limits 
acting within the course and and AB 2085, which would 
scope of their employment address the over surveillance 
within seven business days and overrepresentation of 
after the qualifying incident, families of color in the child 
as specified. Existing law welfare system by reformingimposes a $2,500 fine for mandatory reportingfailing to deliver that report. requirements. 
There is nothing to date that “Many times we say where 
requires proprietary private California goes, the example 
security employers to adhere is set for the nation, but we 
to the same requirements. are behind in human rights. 

“We need to expedite Solitary confinement is a 
the safety communication vicious attack on the psyche, 
process,” said mandatory reportingAssemblymember Holden. that disrupts families is 
“AB 2515 ensures that the a disservice to families 
right people know what everywhere. These bills 
has happened as soon as promote accountability, 
possible.” safety, and I hope others will 

Other bills that moved from see that too,” said Holden. 

Pasadena Unified Every

Kid Healthy Resource Fair 

improve and strengthen our 
Saturday, May 7, 2022 health and wellness together. 

8:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. Community partners include 
In recognition of Every Kid the Pasadena Public Health 
Healthy Week, visit your Department, the Rose Bowl 
PUSD Health Programs Team Aquatic Center, Young & 
and community partners Healthy, and DayOne. To get 
at the PUSD Every Kid a COVID-19 vaccination,
Healthy Resource Fair. This register at: 
is an opportunity for PUSD Pasadena Unified School 
families and employees to District Education Center 351 
receive information about best S. Hudson Ave. - North Parking 
practices regarding overall Lot. 
good health and prevention and Parking is available in the 
get a COVID-19 vaccination. south parking lot off Oak Knoll 
Please join the PUSD as they Avenue. 

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has captured dramatic 
footage of Phobos, Mars’ potato-shaped moon, crossing the 
face of the Sun. These observations can help scientists better 
understand the moon’s orbit and how its gravity pulls on the 
Martian surface, ultimately shaping the Red Planet’s crust and 

 Captured with Perseverance’s next-generation Mastcam-Z 
camera on April 2, the 397th Martian day, or sol, of the 
mission, the eclipse lasted a little over 40 seconds – much 
shorter than a typical solar eclipse involving Earth’s Moon. 
(Phobos is about 157 times smaller than Earth’s Moon. Mars’ 
other moon, Deimos, is even smaller.)

The images are the latest in long history of NASA spacecraft 

San Marino UpcomingEvents & Programming 

Painting with Mom

Today at Lacy ParkSession 2: 1 PM 
Cost: $25 for residents, $29 for 

Create a Mother’s Day to 
remember at this outdoor 
painting party led by a 
professional art instructor! 
Each participant will go 
home with a 9” x 12” canvas 
masterpiece that is ready for 
hanging. Children ages 7 and 
up are welcome to attend with 
their moms – or their dads, 
grandmothers, aunts, or any 
other figure who embodies 
the meaning of what it means 
to be a mom in someone’s life. 
Supplies are limited, so register 
Brain Aerobics & Lip ReadingMonday, April 25 from 12:30 – 

2:30 PM;
Tuesday, April 26 from 9:30 
– 11:30 AM at the Barth 
Community Room 
This popular class led byFrancine Katz (MA, SLP, &

CCC) concentrates on lip 
reading and memory. She 
provides seniors a fun way tofight the common problems 
of diminished hearing and 
memory as people age. 
Registration is not required, but 
regular attendance at sessions is 

Coffee, Tea, & Chat

Friday, April 29 at 9:30 – 

11:30 AM at the Thornton 
Conference Room 
Connect with your neighbors 
to learn about the community 
and its traditions, as well as 
tools to navigate the challenges 
of our busy, modern lives. 
This program is presented 
in Mandarin by the United 
Charity Foundation for ages 
18+. Registration is not 
Matinee Movies at the LibraryThursday, May 5 from 1:00 

– 3:30 PM at the Barth 
Community Room 
Join Crowell Library Staff for 
a specially curated selection 
of classic and international 
films, paired with a program 
of scholarly essays and popular 
criticism. Registration is 

 For more information about 
a ny of these events visit: 

Mars Rover Captures Videoof a Solar Eclipse on Mars 

capturing solar eclipses on Mars. Back in 2004, the twin NASA 
rovers Spirit and Opportunity took the first time-lapse photos 
of Phobos during a solar eclipse. Curiosity continued the trend 
with videos shot by its Mastcam camera system.

 But Perseverance, which landed in February 2021, has 
provided the most zoomed-in video of a Phobos solar eclipse 
yet – and at the highest-frame rate ever. That’s thanks to 
Perseverance’s next-generation Mastcam-Z camera system, a 
zoomable upgrade from Curiosity’s Mastcam.

 “I knew it was going to be good, but I didn’t expect it to 
be this amazing,” said Rachel Howson of Malin Space Science 
Systems in San Diego, one of the Mastcam-Z team members 
who operates the camera.

 Howson noted that although Perseverance first sends lower-
resolution thumbnails that offer a glimpse of the images to 
come, she was stunned by the full-resolution versions: “It feels 
like a birthday or holiday when they arrive. You know what’s 
coming, but there is still an element of surprise when you get 
to see the final product.”

 Color also sets this version of a Phobos solar eclipse apart. 
Mastcam-Z has a solar filter that acts like sunglasses to reduce 
light intensity. “You can see details in the shape of Phobos’ 
shadow, like ridges and bumps on the moon’s landscape,” 
said Mark Lemmon, a planetary astronomer with the Space 
Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado, who has orchestrated 
most of the Phobos observations by Mars rovers. “You can 
also see sunspots. And it’s cool that you can see this eclipse 
exactly as the rover saw it from Mars.”

 As Phobos circles Mars, its gravity exerts small tidal forces on 
the Red Planet’s interior, slightly deforming rock in the planet’s 
crust and mantle. These forces also slowly change Phobos’ 
orbit. As a result, geophysicists can use those changes to better 
understand how pliable the interior of Mars is, revealing more 
about the materials within the crust and mantle.

 Scientists already know that Phobos is doomed: The moon 
is getting closer to the Martian surface and is destined to 
crash into the planet in tens of millions of years. But eclipse 
observations from the surface of Mars over the last two decades 
have also allowed scientists to refine their understanding of 
Phobos’ slow death spiral.

 A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is 
astrobiology, including the search for signs of ancient microbial 
life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past 
climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red Planet, 
and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and 
regolith (broken rock and dust).

Subsequent NASA missions, in cooperation with ESA 
(European Space Agency), would send spacecraft to Mars to 
collect these sealed samples from the surface and return them 
to Earth for in-depth analysis.

The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s 
Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis 
missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human 
exploration of the Red Planet.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which is managed 
for the agency by Caltech, built and manages operations 
of the Perseverance rover. Arizona State University leads 
the operations of the Mastcam-Z instrument, working in 
collaboration with Malin Space Science Systems in San Diego.

 For more about Perseverance: 


4:00 A.M. 
On April 17, 2022, at 10:28 p.m. Arcadia Police Officers responded to the 700 
block of Carriage House Lane, in response to an armed residential burglary 
that had just occurred. 

The residents, who were home at this time, told officers that two suspects, one 
armed with a handgun, entered their home, and tied the couple up to restrict 
their movement. 

With the victims limited in movement, the suspects gathered backpacks and 
bags belonging to the couple that contained numerous personal and miscellaneous 
items inside. 

In addition to stealing the bags, the suspects also stole a late-model Tesla, which 
was parked in the garage. 

During this event one of the victims sustained visible injuries to the cheek and 
lip, because of being struck by one 
of the suspects. 

The suspects are both described as being male Hispanics, 5’-06”, heavy-set, 
wearing dark clothing, masks, and gloves. 

The suspects left the location in the stolen Tesla, which was 
recovered a short time later in the 3800 block of East California Boulevard, in 
the city of Pasadena. 

This case is currently under investigation. Anyone with information on this 
incident is encouraged to contact the Arcadia Police Department at (626) 5745151, 
case number 22-1575. 

If you prefer to provide information anonymously, you may call "Crime Stoppers" 
by dialing (800) 222-TIPS(8477), use your smartphone by downloading the “P3 Tips” Mobile APP on 
Google play or the Apple App Store, or by using the website http://lacrimestoppers.

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