Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 23, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 8

Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 23, 2022 

Beautiful Bella 


Can you please help? 
Bella, age 9, is a beautiful 
tortoiseshell, also 
very sweet. She looks 
very content to just sit 


[Nyerges is the author of such books as “Self-Sufficient Home,” “Extreme 

and chill. She is shy, 

Simplicity,” “How to Survive An-ywhere,” and “Guide to Wild Foods.” He 

reactive to change, and 

has been teaching self-reliance skills since 1974. He can be reached at Box 

needs space and time 

41834, Eagle Rock, CA 90041, or] 

to acclimate to an environment. 
Ideally, she 

At one time, life stretched out like eternity, like the last scene from “The Good, The Bad, The 

should be the only animal. Bella will make a great 

Ugly,” where you knew there were winners and losers and fools, and you hoped desperately 

compan-ion for an adult who has a quiet lifestyle. 
that you’d be a winner. Well, at least a good guy. That’s the perspective of a child, seeing the 

A typical tortie, she will be very loyal to that per-
world through simplistic eyes, black and white, good and bad, right and wrong. That’s good, 

son. Bella would benefit from fun and happy play 
really, but as Mark Twain once noted, there is enough good in the worst of us, and enough 

sessions. She is spayed, vaccinated with current vet 
records. Please consider an adoption or foster. Submit application at If 

bad in the best of us, that we should quit pretend-ing and start working together. At least 

you can’t adopt or foster, please share with someone who might. Thank you. 

Twain said something like that, and what he meant was that only in movies and childhood 
dreams do we ever get to see absolute clarity which doesn’t exist in the real world. 

Pet of the Week

In childhood, I assumed that the older adults were more developed, and advanced, and 
therefore more objective and mature. I assumed that the educated adults of the world would 

 Eight-year-old Possum is a sweet cat who enjoys 

objectively seek paths that were good for the planet, and therefore good for each of us in our 

being pet and brushed. She especially loves getting 

own towns and neighborhoods. I be-lieved in the Jimmy Stewart world of “It’s a Wonderful 

scratches behind her ears. Possum is a beautiful 

Life,” even though I never found it. 

kitty who has been slowly coming out of her shell,
and we can’t wait to see her blossom even more in a 

I lived on a farm for awhile right after high school, and I felt that perhaps there, in the rough 

loving forever home! 

existence where your work resulted in a very tangible result that supported your existence, 

The adoption fee for cats is $100. All cat adoptions 

anyone could make a difference to creating an ethical and ecological world. 

include spay or neuter, microchip, and age-
appropriate vaccines. 

Could the urbanization of the world be part of the culprit in our fall from grace? After all, 

 New adopters will receive a complimentary health-

the urban dream – the dangling carrot that it holds out –is one of simplicity, ease, and mo

and-wellness exam from VCA Animal Hospitals, as 

dernity. Somehow, as we came together in cities, and as we invented ever more clever ways 

well as a goody bag filled with information about 

to avoid real work, we’ve made a bigger and bigger mess of the world. You know, pollution, 

how to care for your pet. 

undrinkable water, fish that are not edible, toxic metals in the soil, exhausts from cars and 

 View photos of adoptable pets and schedule an 

factories that collectively are actually affecting our weather. And it’s all on such a big scale 

adoption appointment at 

that it makes you want to wring your hands and say that there’s nothing little ol’ me can do! 

Adoptions are by appointment only, and new 


adoption appointments are available every Sunday 

But it’s still no excuse. You can always do those things that are in your power to do. 

and Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. 
Pets may not be available for adoption and cannot 

I recently talked to Michael Martinez, a man who started an organization called LA Com-

be held for potential adopters by phone calls or 

post. He’s an evangelist of compost, teaching city people that they can affect their own 


environment and future by the simple act of not throwing their kitchen scraps into the city 
dump, but instead making compost in their backyards to grow your own good food. 

And I recall meeting Andy Lipkus years ago, a young man who was so distressed about the 
environmen-tal damage done to our nearby forests from cars and industry. What did he do? 
He planted trees, since trees pull in toxins and breathe out oxygen. He started Tree People, 
and now he’s influenced many other communities to plant trees all the time, and to nurture 

Earth Day is not a one day thing. Earth is our home. We need to have the focus of earth day 
every day. 

Yes, there are problems that an individual cannot solve, so you begin with those choices you 
can make, such as the purchasing choices you make. Some products you should never buy, 
even though they are readily available in a free society. You can make a difference by what 
you do not purchase, as well as what you purchase. 

You can be informed about what’s happening in your community, and vote with an informed 

One winter night during high school, my friend Nathaniel and I bicycled into a little side 
canyon of the Angeles National Forest, and we made a safe little fire in our campground 
and talked about the meaning of life and how we thought that civilization might fail. It had 
never occurred to us that we are barely civi-lized now, and we only believe we are “civilized” 

John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) was notable on several accounts. He was a successful and 
because of our material wealth and technological toys. We bemoaned the fact that society 

wealthy actor, and member 
is on the fast road to uncivil barbarousness, and wondered what could be done, and what 

of a celebrated show busishould 
be done. 

ness family (son of Junius 
Brutus Booth and brother 
We always toyed with the idea of becoming hermits and hiding out in a cave somewhere, but 

to Edwin and Junius Jr.). 
both of us were way too social to live out our lives in a cave. By whatever choices we made, 

One critic called him “the 
we felt that everyone should be a good example, and no one should assume that there is no 

handsomest man in Amer-
hope for the future. Our civility, our culture, our sense of civilization, after all, is an internal 

ica.” Walt Whitman called 
concept that we first keep alive inside our thinking, and expressed by our everyday actions. 

him a genius. But this 
Booth would ultimately become 
known as the assassin 
of President Abraham 

The Chef Knows By Peter Dills 
In An Evening with 
John Wilkes Booth, you’ll 
get to meet the man and 


learn what he thought and 
what motivated him: his 

My dearly departed pappy Elmer Dills 

rivalry with his more-cele

would tell me, don‘t argue sex, politics and 

brated brother Edwin (who 

or religion, I must add tipping to the list. I 

was a Unionist); John’s love 

have used this topic many times on my ra

for the South, and his hated of Lincoln. You’ll hear of the initial failed plot to kidnap Lincoln, 

dio show, Dining with Dills on Radio to get 

and of the subsequent plans to not only kill Lincoln but also other political and military 

the phones buzzing. Last week a caller asked 

figures as well. You’ll see what happened when Booth begins his flight from retribution after 

about tipping at Jersey Mikes. 

his bloody deed and observe the final outcome for Booth when his pursuers find him. 

Stephen Spiegel portrays Booth. His previous stage credits include The Cause My 
fies automatic gratuities as service charges that are taxable as regular wages and subject to 

There is a law on the books, actually an old law that is now being enforced. The IRS classi-

Soul (a prequel to Othello), The Journals of Osborne P. Anderson, Blood in the Cat’s Neck, 
payroll tax withholding. That might sound like a bunch of tax law mumbo jumbo, but what 

Down in Front, and God help us. Recent film credits include Obsessed, Mountain Man, Out 
it means is that restaurants have to treat those tips like regular wages. 

of the Blue. You may have seen him in one of his 20 national commercials. He trained at 
American Conservatory Theatre. He is a member of the Fierce Backbone Theatre Company. 
Typically, the IRS left it up to the waiter or tipped employees to declare that money. But with 

Lloyd J. Schwartz is director and co-writer. A man of all media, he wrote for the TV 

this change the waiter won't see those "tips" until payday—instead of the end of the shift. 

series Love, American Style; Alice; The Munsters Today; The A Team, The Love Boat, Bay-

And restaurants will have to withhold federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes 

watch and more. As an ABC network executive, he supervised production on Happy Days, 

on that money, too. 

Laverne and Shirley, What’s Happening and Three’s Company. With his father, TV legend 
Sherwood Schwartz, he co-created Harper Valley P.T.A. Lloyd also produced numerous 

What it means for the diner is that those automatic 18% gratuity charges on tables of 6 or 

iterations of the Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island franchises (created by Sherwood) for 

more may well be a thing of the past. The addition has been added onto large parties to en-

feature films, television and stage. With his wife Barbara, Lloyd created the long-running 

sure that servers are paid for catering to a large group. 

Storybook Theatre at Theatre West. He has also had 34 produced plays. 

That doesn't mean you should use this an excuse to start stiffing people. Remember, the 

Clinton Case is the co-writer. Case thoroughly researched the life and career of 

minimum wage laws here in the States for tipped workers is still at a shocking $7.25 an hour. 

Booth, gaining access to area of Ford’s Theatre in Washington not open to the public, as well 

(California thankfully pays all of it's workers, tipped or untapped, a minimum of $15/hour.) 

as literally following Booth’s footsteps in the boardinghouses and swamps where he trod. 

The new rule actually went into effect in 2012, however the IRS postponed enforcement 

Case was an actor and stand-up comedian. He died in February, 2018. 

until later to give restaurateurs enough time to adjust and properly comply. 
This show played in 2017 at the Hollywood Fringe Festival and won the Producers’ 

While it might seem great to have some freedom as a customer, the service industry isn't so 

Award. The play also received a nomination for best solo show. 

excited about the idea. 
“Stephen Spiegel is a sexy, smart actor, engaging and commanding.”---Tony Frankel, 

Tips… To insure proper service. Here is my rundown and no it hasn’t changed in twenty 

Stage & Cinema 

years of reviewing restaurants. 
“Stephen Spiegel’s performance of Booth…Captures both the charm and the mad-

Anyone in any country that provides a service should be rewarded. 

ness of the man with magnificent aplomb to easily carry away a gold medal.”---Ernest Kearney, 
The Tvolution 

10% buffet plus $2 directly to busboy that brought you water and had to clean up after thekids through Jell-O on the ground. 

An Evening with John Wilkes Booth is as close as you’ll come to getting “up close and 

$1 for each drink at the bar 

personal” to this significant historical figure. 

$2 for a to go order, as long as they got it right 
12% fair service, means they brought you the food and came back with your check 

An Evening with John Wilkes Booth. A show. Written by Lloyd J. Schwartz and Clin

15% Good service brought you your food and drinks and refilled drinks and asked how 

ton Case. Directed by Lloyd J. Schwartz. Produced for Sierra Madre Playhouse by Gary 

 was it 

Lamb. Starring Stephen Spiegel. At Sierra Madre Playhouse, 87 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra 

18% Very Good service all of the above plus asked you if your meal was prepared to your 

Madre, CA 91024. Saturday, April 23, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, April 24 at 2:30 p.m. Admis


sion: $40. Seniors (65+) $35. Youth (21 and under) $25. Reservations: (626) 355-4318 or go 
20-25% All of the above, brought items in proper order, waited for you to ask for check, 

asked if there is a validation needed and please ask for me next time. 
Suitable for general audiences. Covid-19 safety protocols will be observed. As of this writing, 

One more note… I subtract 5% when the server blames the kitchen for a mistake, got it !! 

it means that audience members must be masked and will be asked to show proof of vaccination 
(vax card or digital record). 

This a fun conversation please follow me on Facebook !! 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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