Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 5, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page A:2

Mountain View News Saturday, November 5, 2022 2 SIERRA MADRE 'S HAPPY HALLOWEEN Mountain View News Saturday, November 5, 2022 2 SIERRA MADRE 'S HAPPY HALLOWEEN 
Things were back to normal this Halloween. Largest Crowd Ever. Thanks to the Residents on Alegria, The Residents whos decorated their 
homes, the Downtown Businesses, The Civic Club, Sierra Madre Community Services, Kiwanis and Christ Church and Mistress of Ceremonies 
Lisa Spigai Perez. Photos courtesy City of Sierra Madre. 


Infant - 2 years

1st: 203 Rocco Johnson 
2nd: 200 missing 
3rd: 321 Cambell Singer “Candy Fairy” 

3 - 4 years old

1st: 323 Wyatt LeCoz 
2nd: 128 Clive Nuszer 
3rd: 309 Vanessa and Oliver de Bourgeos 

5 - 7 years old

1st: 307 Esau Ruiz 
2nd: 146 Brayton Simons 
3rd: 107 Gigi Wilding 

8 - 10 years old

1st: 132 Eva Anderberg-Booth 
2nd: 26 Jacob Vaca 
3rd: 135 Natalee Klaassen 

11 - 13 years old

1st: 118 Melinda and Bela 
2nd: 308 Emily Wojdak 
3rd: 123 missing 

Family Category

1st: 139 Candice Yu 
2nd: 269 Almonte Family 
3rd: 109 Ryan Hunter 

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